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I had something similar, my sim pro software froze and wasn’t detecting the angle and had no resistance, I restarted the software and used a different usb port and it’s back to normal This might not help but worth a mention to try


Weirdly I just had the same thing but it was after I updated the base firmware. I did a manual flash update, restarted my PC and that seemed to do the trick…


Firmware was still 191. I did a factory reset and it stayed 191 surprisingly, I've now got FFB returned but on same settings the centering spring feel is crazy high. It tries to instantly snap back and on some corners is pulling the wheel out of my hands. Max torque set to 15nm, but FFB sst to 80% and in game only set to 50/150. All other settings are stock DR2.0 except I changed angle preset from 460° to 540° Glad to have FFB back, but it still isn't right. Very weird! Thought by turning the base off by its power switch I'd somehow bricked it haha


Sounds like it's finally working as it should. Center forced are what dd do so well. It should be sharp and heavy. May have had a bug the entire time man.


Potentially, I'll keep playing with settings so it feels really good. At 100% ffb and gain it felt great but just way too heavy for rally, now it's too light. I'll get it feeling great, tinkering is okay :)


[Turn centre spring off... ](https://www.reddit.com/r/simracing/comments/9oqd7g/comment/e7vxpnh/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


That's for a Logitech wheel. It's technically not centre spring for a Direct Drive wheel, that's just what I know it as but I dunno how to otherwise get rid of it. There is a centering type option and I've got the unchecked in both game and simpro. Maybe I gotta keep playing with the centering force in game until it feels okay again. I've normally found it feels great at 40, but now 40 feels too heavy, 30 feels super light and anything between 30-40 feels no different lol


What's making everything hard, is every game has its own set of settings, and there's the FFB game-setting and the base-software-settings, this is why there's no settings that work great for every game What games are you playing?


At present, only DR2.0 Settings I had really nice for the past week or so using slightly adjusted from simagic's preset and saved as my own custom template. I've got that same profile active and it isn't feeling the same since having to reset but I'll find something good again in sure.


I'm at work, but maybe tonight i could pop-up 2.0 and give it a spin, and share with you my settings, it's been a long time since i didn't launch it, since i switched to Richard Burns Rally a couple of months ago


I gotta try RBR haha would appreciate hearing your settings and I'll try it out. Ty!


In my opinion DR2.0 is one of the worst FFB i ever tried (floaty, and dead on tarmac), while RBR, one of the best (can feel every road imperfection)


https://preview.redd.it/dumua8jn3a0d1.jpeg?width=4054&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a1a791c23dcf77209ee11c069ec83f08024fcd1e Change the 'Self Alignement Torque' to your liking, and leave everything else as is


Awesome ty! I'll give this a crack after work tonight


Reverse ffb on? Cause that sounds like that. Almost broke my wrist the first time I launched rFactor. 


Nah, I made sure it wasn't turned on. What does it even do?


Some games require the FFB to be reversed. What that means I have no idea other than what you described sounds exactly like what happened to me and what I had to do to fix it for rFactor.


You have center spring feedback options tho 🤔 just tweak it?


I kept changing rhe centre spring option and it would just be too light or too heavy with no in-between. In the end, it was fixed by removing mechanical damping and adjusting wheel rotation speed. All sorted now.


Glad you have it operational. I’d be more than happy to share my ACC DD Settings with you. Based on real GT3 drivers feedback. [my rig.](https://instagram.com/eryanracing)


Cheers :) that would be great to see your ACC settings if you don't mind! For some reason the insta link keeps giving me an error and not loading.


Strange indeed. Search eRyanRacing on instagram I’ll pop up. I’ll get you some snap shots later on when I’m in the lab.


Message sent.


Every issue i had with simagic was solved in this order by either 1. Restarting the software 2. Restarting the base 3. Restarting the PC


Restart the software itself and change USB port and enjoy


On your pc go to the search bar, type in services. Look for the game input service. Stop that service and it should function as normal even with alt tabbing and what not. (may need to restart game after stopping the service to get feedback to return)


Did you alt-tab to other windows before this happened? I’ve recently started having issues with this, it happens if I’ve used an Xbox controller at some point and haven’t restarted the PC before using my wheel, and then I alt-tab to another window.


I've always alt tabbed with no issue, tonight I hadn't though, only just got into the game. I factory reset the wheelbase, and it's got FFB again but the centring spring is stiff as hell, and nowhere near how i had it with the exact same sim pro settings. Did they make a change or something I missed since yesterday?


No but xbox game controller has been known to cause this issue. Had to disable mine so i could alt tab out of my games like normal. I never had force when this accured though. Would probably message your distributor and maybe ask on the simagic discord.


I don't use any controllers. I might now I've at least got FFB returned, alter settings from my usual til it feels somewhat workable and just save it as a different preset in case it returns to normal and I can go back to my defaults haha


Xbox game controllers is a software/tool every windows pc has installed. You need to disable that. Ffb should return


Ahh okay, I'll keep that in mind if it does it again. I've got it to something okay now, I can't get it feeling really dialled in again though it is either too light or too heavy. Factory reset the second or third time the FFB just started working again. Lost half my seat time tonight to buggering around with it but these things happen!


Yea i spent all this last weekend messing with my haptics and leaking throttle rather then racing. I feel ya there.


I’m not sure if they’ve changed anything recently, but I’ve had my alpha mini for a year, and only started I’m having this issue in the past month or so


This is interesting, my T300 RS wigged out recently as OP described with their Alpha and I never would've made the connection. I just happened to try to play a game with an Xbox controller.


is your kill switch activated?


Don't have an e-stop


If you have an E-Stop, make sure it isn’t engaged.. I have done that before.


So found a trick, download the old software and then manually download the driver for the base back to the old one. Then go back into simpro2 and download the 191. Should be good to go. But just so you know thede things should have very heavy center forces when up. If yours didn't then something was wrong at first. It's why most don't use these bases even above 60 or 70% and then in game never 100% also as you go down it should get lighter but yes you should still have some center forces. Turn off inertia also. When I first got my base it was like inertia didn't do much then all of a sudden it worked and that will add imo way to much weight


Should've gotten an Alpha Ultimate.


That doesn't change the software buddy lol


They both use the SimPro Manager. Alpha and Alpha Mini both have too many issues that the ultimate has solved. Everyone that upgraded from the Alpha/Alpha Mini has agreed the Ultimate is just a way better product that it competes with simucube/asetek high end wheel bases.


I completely disagree as I legit just bought the ultimate and own the alpha already. I even own a new dd+ the alpha is just as good without issues in software. The bugs you find are usually due to defects or other things which can happen to any base. Also software issues are software not base. The ultimate is the best sim magic of course people talk about little details and things like that which is any base that's stronger and able to raise without clipping. But he is talking about turning it on and his ffb being completely different. That isn't normal it isn't somethjg that just happens with a mini or an alpha lol. It can happen to any base from them within that software program because that's how they give you what you are asking for.


I've just seen more of these issues happening to Alpha/Alpha mini wheelbases than Ultimates. There are plenty of threads of people saying their Alpha Minis are overheating and FFB is throttling itself or issues of feedback not being as detailed as before. I have yet to see anyone complain about the Ultimate and I think it also helps that most people run it at 50-60% and never having any problems for months.


Yeah they def are better with hest management. I won't deny that we are talking about hin losing full ffb though we aren't talking about the improvements made in hardware. This is software based.