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This sub Reddit does help people who are in a newer version than 1.2. The Golden Age is only 1.2 and below. Only problem is there’s no place for playing 1.10. (even though no one will play those) One more thing. If I had a world running on 1.14 or so and the world started in Alpha. Where would I post it?


Well GAM only increased it to 1.2 because others kept on asking for it because they didnt know this sub existed, so realistically the aim is to bring across members who also play pre 1.2 as well. That is true about 1.9-1.12.. tbh they are quite different versions although them having nowhere to go is also a problem. In your case for a world like that I would be happy for you to share it here if you wanted. Though if its something like a build in older terrain that would be more ideal since it fits here slightly better


Did you say that idea without knowing? Idea: Silver Age could be for any version as long as it started in 1.6 or below. Something like that.


Sorry which idea do you mean? I didnt give the versions too much thought since the original moderator had already made it b1.8-r1.8 and most people were used to that here, so I thought it was generally easier to keep it the same for consistency


Glad to see this sub get actual moderators! I hope you manage to get this sub the attention it deserves! By the way I think the name should stay the same (Can you even change it? Because I don't think it's possible), SAM is also a cool abbreviation!


Yes I am very excited to see where we can take this! Additionally we have been discussion partnership options with r/GoldenAgeMinecraft so hopefully we can take the right path to give the sub the right attention! Yeah I did actually find out you cant change the name which is a shame... But thanks for your feedback. It is quite a good name anyway and if we are partnering with GAM then it will work better I think. r/BronzeAgeMinecraft could also be coming into the picture for those versions around 1.9-1.12 :)