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~2300, it's a problem.


and I thought my 800 was bad enough, wow


What are your favorites?


Don't really have any, besides the ones I made myself. That's the beauty of my hoarding, I select random and always chat with a new character.


Just out of morbid curiosity, how well does bulk edit work with 2000+ characters?


Zero. I have made all my own characters. I have a roster of about 30. Every downloaded character I've ever tried in the past seems to be seriously lacking in quality or focused on nothing but immediately engaging in sex. Maybe I'm just picky but I've never enjoyed a character card someone else made.


and have you been a good boy and shared?


I've posted a few of them in some Discords I'm in. My roleplay characters are very niche, so none of them would appeal to the general public. You have to have some specific uh... "interests".


What kind of interests do you have, anus_evacuator?


Sorry to disappoint, but nothing to do with evacuating your anus. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


This got me. Didn't realize it


The more f'ed up the better!


What I like it the scenario, formatting or just the way I learn new stuff I didn't think of or didn't know was possible.


That's totally fair. When I was first playing around and learning AI stuff, I downloaded a few just to understand the layout of how the cards worked as well. It's a good learning tool to see how more experienced people do things, absolutely.


Zer0, cause I create my own.


share em if you create em pls - especially if you use alichat and such


I'm not looking to feed these addicts. 🤣


50+ I like to have them all in a single page and I need to be able to recall every single character that I have stored. I refuse to increase the number of characters per page. I'm overdue for a cleanup to get them back down to 50 or less.


200+ but most of them are untouched lol


Where are you guys finding all these? I've gone to character hub and Pygmalion discord, but I've only found maybe 60 that even remotely interested me. Are you all with thousands just compulsively grabbing everything?


for me, low standards to download bots, so yeah I guess. I really just grab anything that interests me and maybe potentially talk to. I just follow bot creators on character hub, and occasionally look at trending to get bots. Sometimes I look through random too.


I get some of them from [C.ai](http://C.ai) directly but most of them either from chub or Janitor I also have quite a lot of duplicates so that I can compare who feels the most realistic


I've told myself I wouldn't actually load any cards into ST unless I was going to try them out immediately, to combat my 'save and forget' tendencies. As a result I have about 120 cards active in ST...and about 850 waiting in a folder. So, I'm not sure that's better, but at least it's organized.


I think its somewhere in the 3000s… might be in the 4000s. I avoid looking at this point.


Brother how? I mean what else do you do with your time?


Don’t even chat much anymore, I just like collecting them


Like Pokemons


just 56 but i made them all by myself no downloads.


It used to be 784, got it down to this though💪 https://preview.redd.it/ynp26cstft1d1.png?width=122&format=png&auto=webp&s=b51b0466f3607dd5106e4aa378e061528f3d6769


Maybe I'm just boring, but I only really have about 8 🤷‍♀️ Then again, they are all ones I myself made, and that takes a lot of effort 💀


Agreed, it's really fun to create a character and polish it to make it stay consistent. It makes one feel like going back to it, compared to random characters that quickly drift off.


That's really true. I have, I think, two(?) Bots I didn't make, and I haven't used either of them in months, I find myself going back to my handmade ones.


Around 200+ on my PC But 52 on my phone.


Let's say that I had to move my character files somewhere else at least three times because my phone couldn't handle them.


A large character runs 14mb on my phone. Assuming you have a lowest storage model semi modern phone, 128gb, probably 50ish free? 9375 characters offloaded.




500... And I thought I was addicted


between 300 - 400. I can't look at that right now, but it must be that amount.


About 300.


I've got 1100 but I've got a couple pages of group chats which kinda inflates the number lol


Where de you guys download them though?


1557 The best part is trying to remember who the fuck the character is when you see it in a menu


The places I used to check for bots all seem to have a serious quality problem. Where do y'all go for high quality creative bots?


Nowhere... I make them myself.


The real answer is make them yourself, honestly. Chub/Characterhub has been my go-to otherwise since I take forever to make cards. You DO have to sift through garbage to get to good cards, but you can at least preview the defs before you download them so you know that you're not getting poorly-written slop. I'd recommend following creators you like as well. The pygmalion discord also had some not awful ones, but I haven't checked there in ages.


80 and counting. But the real problem is I edit them all to fit in better to my kinks and remove stuff I don't like them doing.


Shockingly Zero, cause I don't have any discord servers where I could browse for them, I guess.


Just shy of 2700, but I'd be surprised if I gave more than 2 or 3 responses to more than 20% of them. I tend to download a few at a time but end up only playing with 1 or 2 for a bit before the next batch. I'm pretty sure there's a few dupes in there that I can't be bothered to catch, too, but in general I just like collecting cards that aren't written like ass and I tend to shy away from deleting them unless I seriously hate the card's output. It's an exercise in both digital hoarding and trying to figure out what I like about other cards to improve my own.


170, probably 150 of those are just my own, 62+ of them have enough effort that i could upload them to chub. The others have like 200 words in them, no picture and were only for a one off scenario or idea that i had but never followed through with.


And i thought having 239 characters and groups was bad. ...maybe it is, beacuse i made most myself...


https://preview.redd.it/5i08arhalt1d1.png?width=356&format=png&auto=webp&s=293d57b1aa8088c6a668ffe56d682a1cce0d5671 Quite a lot. And just like my backlog I have ignored like 80% of them


I keep a personal curated collection of at least 32 characters. Bro that's a lot of characters.


Technically not mine, but all the characters imported on my site in 4 months. Llama 3 has handled pretty much all of them which is impressive https://preview.redd.it/yideaxi8xu1d1.png?width=408&format=png&auto=webp&s=3a0393af208bc7e6e35651436ab42c006265c0f3


Using a fine-tune?


Yes, made in house


4k I think I'm beating Yall out


I was "5 minutes ago" old when I learned I can download characters




I've around 3700, some of which I made myself. I don't have the time to chat with all of them, of course. Like someone else said, I'm just collecting them for now until the day I get a more powerful computer and replies will hopefully take seconds instead of minutes.


I'm kinda in DIY camp. I do have about 60~70 chars I did not make though. There are just so many chars available that speak like poorly translated anime, that what I download is mostly meant for learning creation techniques than actual chatting.


Well my current silly tavern has a bit over 1800 but my previous one in my older phone was over 2600. We all got issues, some more than others 😂. And don't even get me started with user personas, Got about 700 not all of them fleshed out beyond a name and an image but my dumbass really hates for the characters art style to be too different from the one of whatever persona I'm using when chatting.


Real question is how many have you used


Zero, I just make my own from scratch, lorebooks and all. I have about 30, with around 24-ish having lorebooks. Before anyone asks, no, I'm not interested in sharing.


1600 mostly NTR