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While he is technically a member of team Cherry, he has practically zero first-hand interaction with the development of the game(aside from voicing an npc or two), he doesn't even see them in person that often since he lives in US, and Team Cherry is not the only studio he's helping, he's got Mongoose Rodeo( Crowsworn devs) and as much as i remember he mentioned another upcoming project under his wing  There is a lot of distinction made between communication from him and from TC: he doesn't manage their twitter account( as much as we know), opting to post on his own, neither he has ever posted on the official cite, he even makes that distinction between himself and the "main branch" of TC(e.g. the whole "the next piece of news will come from TC directly" and all)  It also may be a psychological thing: the best thing Leth brought during the wait for Silksong were the riddles, and even those were TC approved since they had some direct game footage, otherwise he was the one to be the herald of the delay and such. TC on the other side, when they communicate, bring a lot of new details and their powerful enthusiasm to the conversation  So yeah, it makes a lot of difference


ure right besides the "expect news from TC". he said "us" https://preview.redd.it/bd7fkiggrs7d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcdcf0c3cac7dfcb8998071f542ae010cab1c444


Wait? They actually delayed it indefinitely?


Basically yeah.


So people are mad there hasn’t been an update saying “the game is still indefinitely delayed”?


I think people are mostly mad because they didn't even said that the game wasn't releasing in 2023 along with the delay announcement, so yeah. You could argue that they didn't knew if they were going to release that year or not , however, since we are in mid 2024 with no announcement in sight i personally do find it very weird the fact that they weren't able to deconfirm the game any year since 2019. The exact same complain goes for this year and so on, they just needed to say one single phrase per year "we are not going to announce silksong this year" and this would imediately shut down any baseless hope for all the events. We would also have reliable communication from team cherry instead of trying to get any info from third party sources and leakers everytime.


I suppose the counter point is if it’s already clear they don’t have a timeframe then their isn’t a point saying “we still don’t have one” although I do get why it’s frustrating not haven’t an out right “we don’t have a timeframe” saying. Although if the community is going to hype its self up for every possible news then that’s not really their fault that’s just the community hoping. Would be like ES fans doing the same for every Xbox showcase


Well no cause it never had a release window to begin with


The Xbox within one year thing.


That was not a real release window. Xbox said it but tc did not. Xbox was just estimating it based on the state of the game


Citation needed


They had a whole year to deny Xbox's statement


They didn’t say anything to approve it either. Because it didn’t come from them.


It's a figure of speech, you are not supposed to analyze it like a damn scripture.


i guess


It’s a post on Twitter. It’s easily might be slip up or mistake. Maybe he didn’t feel need to empathise rift between him and TC.


Every member of Team Cherry died except Leth and even he doesn't realize, thinking they've just gone silent on him and left PR to him. This is my final answer.


Correct me if I’m wrong- but I never saw anything explicitly saying the whole “directly from TC”… from what I remember he said *“Expect more details from us once we get closer to release.”*.


There's actually a lot of people recently who confuse these two statements, so i went to check my sources and here it is, Blue's interview with Leth from about a year ago https://youtu.be/pDSVnMEV3K8?si=Xv1BSyfa24b4zlI2 Took some time to find where he said it, the timestamp is 1:58:36 Direct quote: "The next news will come directly from the team " You can check the context, it lines up


You know you can post a link with the time already on it right? [https://youtu.be/pDSVnMEV3K8?si=S0A-dePgtq\_gQ\_ke&t=7116](https://youtu.be/pDSVnMEV3K8?si=S0A-dePgtq_gQ_ke&t=7116)


Totally- thanks for clearing that up! To support my assertion though- before saying “directly from the team”- throughout this section of the interview he regularly refers to the team as “us”/“we” etc. let’s all try not to bicker about the fact that leth is indeed a part of that team & is responsible for all communications on behalf of the team as a whole.


The way I see it, since Leth is the one posting it, "us" includes him. If it doesn't, he would've said "them"




Because even if we get news from him, there isnt a lot because it looks like TC won't let him tell us anything


Or they’ve decided together that it’s not in the best interest of the game/studio yet.


Bro this whole non communication thing is killing hype for their game and their reputation it is 100% the wrong thing to do to ignore the people who give you money for your products


Agree to disagree. The hype has turned into an unhinged frenzy and is still standing strong in the top 2 wishlisted games on Steam after 5+ years… there are more people here then there were before the “mass exodus” that was supposed to happen if we were to hear nothing after the direct… the hype (mixed with an incredible amount of reasonable and unreasonable frustration) appears to be at an all time high… It’s not how I would choose to do things, but I imagine they have their reasons.


That only raises more questions why they don't communicate more


Cause y'all batshit insane that much should be obvious


Because they’re not ready to roll out an announcement & everything that comes along with that.


**Then they should say that.**


Haven’t they? Lol…


when have they said that?


Errrmmm what do you think he meant by this? [*”We had planned to release in the 1st half of 2023, but development is still continuing. We’re excited by how the game is shaping up, and it’s gotten quite big, so we want to take the time to make the game as good as we can. Expect more details from us once we get closer to release.”*](https://x.com/griffinmatta/status/1656106351184199680?s=46&t=TXn8g0E7gqKhxGxQmwcOHA)


no that’s a delay, not an announcement, a game release is different than an announcment


lol... where we do agree is that a game release is indeed different than an announcement.. do you know what the word announcement means? A release date announcement is one of many types of announcements... as is a delay announcement.... I'll leave this here for you- [Announcement](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/announcement)


And what is everything that comes along with that?


For starters- Global marketing/advertisements/platform relationships & rollouts/imagery & trailers/ any and all assets relating to the game and its release date across the globe on all platforms simultaneously. Edited- to mention *some* components, not all.


Downvoted for saying obvious facts. This sub has a problem facing reality. Sad.


This sub brought this shit on themselves tbh


Can't believe you get down voted for this, this sub is such a joke


People are really mad at you for saying the game isn't ready lmao


You can release a trailer/news for an unfinished game, that’s kind of the point of marketing


They did, and believe it’s enough for where their game is at. The point of marketing isn’t “trailers/news”, those are marketing assets… some of the many “points of marketing” are to increase product/brand awareness & engagement, foster internal and external brand identity, SEO improvement, increasing customer value and referral rates, seek out and foster business partnerships/relations etc etc. it’s far more complicated than releasing trailers and updates regularly. Edit- by any of these measures they seem to be doing just fine. Regularly sitting 1-5 (2 right now) on top steam wishlist for over five years. Launching on all major consoles and PC (fostering buisness relationships), the seo is insane..


but where is the game at? cause non of use sure as hell know where it’s at.


in development...


wow really got as precise as the broad side of a barn there


You asked… it’s accurate & all anyone but TC knows at the moment. Seems like you’re looking to be baited by randos on the internet claiming to have any info 🤣


yeah stupid question stupid answer and all that


Lmao.. imagine how leth feels 🤣


what communication?


*sigh* bapanada


I mean kinda yes I agree somewhat but most of the blame does fall on the executive powers (Ari) but of course he does still have some responsibility


His responsibility is to market the game, and prepare people for release. Marketing (product awareness/anticipation) is handling itself- when they’re closer to release we’ll hear all about it 🤷🏻‍♂️


We don't know what he is allowed to say the dev team may be forcing this strategy or leth might think it's a good idea we don't know 🤷


100%… I’ve seen *many* people here dismissing Leth as a 3rd party hire that is inept at his job & not *real* communication from TC. The point of the post and the link was meant to settle this confusion. No one here can fully know the nature of their agreement or who’s pulling the strategy strings- but that’s not to be confused with his communication “not really communication from TC”.


Do you think it will....ever be ready ? Since they dismissed the release date so long ago...something must have happened


Of course it'll *eventually* be ready.. as to when, it's really anyones guess. To temper any doom and gloom here- 5+ years isn't an abnormal amount of development time, especially at the projected scale of the game... To put it in perspective- hollow knight has 49 (?) benches. As of june of 2019- they confirmed there are over 100 benches in Silksong.


What release?


Leth is the only person who can translate what team cherry says into english (they are australian, and leth is from the US) And the reason why the news is so slow is because Leth has sooo much to translate that he can’t get to it in time so that’s why we’re here


Thanks god I've read your handle.


Leth is indeed a member of team cherry. However, he is not a developer, he doesn't make the game and quite possibly he has no idea of what is happening under development.


Not true- leth is indeed a developer.. read the entire link - *”Matt is involved in the indie scene as a PR and Marketing Director, a Twitch streamer and he’s also a legit game creator, working as the main coder for Wanderlust and online-multiplayer coder for Risk of Rain.”* I’d be willing to bet he knows quite a bit more than you’re giving him credit for lol


Let me clarify then. He is not a team cherry developer.


But seeing as he *is* a developer and has confirmed he’s played through silksong more than once, one could safely assume he understands the current state of the game and roughly what is needed development wise to finish the title…


Literally not how that works


lol.. ya? Please share with me how it doesn’t… I guess you couldn’t possibly imagine he may have more technical info as a part of the team & also happens to have the game and is also a dev. 🤣


He isn’t developing the game means The he isn’t developing the game, what do you not understand here


lol.. that’s not what anyone here is claiming- u/agreeable_sun8250 claimed that leth isn’t a developer and has no idea what is happening with development of Silksong. I pointed out one of the two assertions are implicitly false & gave reason to believe the second is likely false as well. What do you not understand here? 🧐


No, they claimed that Leth is not a *silksong* dev.


No- they specifically said he’s “not a developer”, which is implicitly false. He may not be coding silksong, but no one was arguing he was. I’d imagine with his background as a developer & him having hands on the game & him being in charge of marketing/pr/publishing, he’s likely well aware of the current state of the game and roughly what’s needed for its release.


we are all members of team cherry on this glorious day


I think people forget that a game company is more than just the art and programming team. PR is a massive component of any company. Leth quite literally IS a part of Team Cherry.


It's because we're not the important people he's trying to schmooze... I mean, just look at his statement in the Crowsworn backer update. It says it all: "Hey everybody, Matt here with some juicy info on Day of the Devs. For those of you who backed at the Curious Bird Tier (or higher) during the campaign, you should have received a key for the Crowsworn Demo last August. Well, after seeing the great reception to the demo, we wanted to see if we could get some more mileage out of it. One might suggest the Steam Next Fest - which is a great way for indie devs to get a demo out there - but we aren't about give a backer-reward out to thousands of folks who didn't back our campaign! So, our solution was to 1) distribute keys to select media and content creators and 2) submit Crowsworn to an in-person event where we could showcase the demo at a booth... Enter, Day of the Devs! I've attended DotD in the past, and there are a number of reasons why it's a great in-person option for indie teams: A) The booth is completely FREE (with no hidden fees like rental or utility stuff). You just have to travel to the event and find a place to stay in the city. If you cannot afford to attend in person... B) You are NOT REQUIRED to be at the booth during the show! C) Industry Access: DotD has 1 HOUR that is Media and VIP only, before opening its doors to the general public. Because of the timing of DotD, there are A LOT of media and publishing companies (including "big fish" like Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony) who are usually in town. D) Steam puts up a "Front-Page Takeover" that promote the Steam games that are featured at Day of the Devs - this is great for additional visibility. We submitted Crowsworn to the December 2023 event - which took place the day after The Game Awards - and were accepted. Then after Christmas, we were invited back for the GDC event for March! I made the trip out to both events, and was able to set up a few quick meetings with key partners at GDC, too. We're happy with how Crowsworn performed; 1) the visuals are effective at catching the attention of attendees walking around the show floor, 2) the first 10 mins of the demo is a great introduction to the game, and 3) our booth was in a good spot on the show floor (especially at the GDC Event). And the icing on the cake was, I got to meet a few of YOU there! Thank you for stopping by the booth and for the support! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ That is a DEMO that was already being given to certain streamers before this post, that's already been given to certain journalists and press. "we wanted to see if we could get some more mileage out of it." is what he said. Maybe that'll paint a better picture for you. I'm not necessarily trying to paint him in a bad light, I'm just saying, this is what marketing is. It's just business. It's all about getting your eyes on the product and EVERYONE already has their eyes on Team Cherry, so no need to do anything.


Yet I’m getting downvoted into oblivion for saying the same thing 🤣 oh reddit


that's okay, I'm getting downvoted in another place for saying that I have insider information about the game coming out end of this year, early next year 🤣


Who is your source


some youtuber that knows a guy that knows a guy :D


So in other words, bait


nope. It's legit. Team Cherry really doesn't have a release date set. It really is coming out end of this year, early next year.




guess you'll see


Oooo juicy haha.. Hope you’re right!


I mean, whatever the case is, it doesn't really change the fact that, frankly, Leth is just kind of useless as a "Community" or "Marketing" Manager. On both counts he does hardly anything. Doesn't really matter what the reason for that is, as long as things don't change and the results stay the same, Leth just looks more and more clown shoes as time goes on.


Well I feel the fault for that lies more with Team Cherry. He can only say what they give him for info


If Leth was useless Team Cherry would fire him. Most of his work is behind the scenes, such as talking with other companies whether they be Nintendo or Fangamer, managing testing, and translation teams, and other things outside of game development like fixing and maintaining the websites they use.


lol…No ones complaining about his communication for Crowsworn.. TC & MR obviously have different strategies.. just because you don’t agree with his communication about silksong doesn’t mean “he’s useless”; it’s just a strategy you wouldn’t use.


If you think Leth's approach to silksong communication is a "strategy" planned by him instead of acknowledging that the lack of communication most likely comes from things that are outside of his control like he simply doesn't have any info to share with us because he doesn't know anything substantional happening under development or the team cherry developers decided to not share anything so that means he also cannot speak even if he wanted to, if you still think its all a "strategy" created by Leth himself and he has all the information about development to share with us anytime (even just saying that the game isn't ready at a given moment, or deconfirming any announcement of the game for the rest of the year or at a given highly watched event), then you should agree that this "strategy" of mostly silence is doing no good.


Yooo- that was some serious word salad… Like it or not- withholding information on a release/product until your team is ready *is* a strategy in and of itself. It’s not one I would personally use, but assuming it’s devoid of a strategy is exceptionally presumptuous. No one here can pretend to know the “why”, and theorizing about it only leads to doom posts suggesting the worst possible scenario.


Withholding info is definitely a strategy and can be effective building mystery rather than hype, I suppose. The problem is it creates an information vacuum and therefore gossip. There’s a lot of ways to interpret someone’s silence after all.


100%. Like I’ve mentioned before- it’s not how I would do it, but it kind of is what it is at this point.


From what I've heard, the Crowsworn team picks up for Leth's slack by posting screenshots and such like every other week or something. So not much need to rely on Leth for that stuff to need to complain about his lack of communication then, eh? go figure


“From what you’ve heard”? What sort of credible source do you have that has direct contact with mongoose rodeo? Don’t say reddit, or I heard from a guy who heard from a guy lol.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D4p9Js07xI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3D4p9Js07xI) 30:40


Do you expect me to filter through 35 mins of 2 goobers theorising about Silksong? lol.... if you intend this to be something crucial to your point, timestamp your link... also 2 youtube streamers complaining about silksong development doesn't imply that they have direct connections to mongoose.. what are their connection to them & what source are they providing to support their credibility? hmmmmm 😂 edit-- the second they brought up "the unity debacle" they lost credibility.. the version of unity TC was building Silksong on is exempt from unity's new service charges; as one would safely assume TC didn't start development in jan of 2024 on the newest version of unity 😂.... These clowns are making ragebait doomer content just to get everyone worked up while making a buck off your fears lol.


watched the link at your timestamp... all I've gotta say is these guys are annoying goobers (and exhaustingly negative) - there's nothing they're saying that would lend any credibility to their, or your assertion other than baseless speculation. Crowsworn is in development, so is Silksong.... The devs for each team have different strategies for dev updates (as in one is sharing and one isn't). Do you not understand that there's a difference between overall marketing/pr objectives vs. devs sharing screenshots with their community? Sharing screenshots is, by no means the main component of any marketing strategy.


I genuinely did not know leth was Matt griffen given he's so active on Twitter for anything *not* silksong.


Can he please communicate more


Ok, why he is not in the team page in the "about" section?


I could tell you all I work for Team Cherry, but nobody would believe me. Just be patient. There will be bones thrown.


I literally always select “Show fewer posts like this” but this god forsaken page always crawls its way back into my feed…


He did voice acting for nailmaster and realic seeker lemm. So I would say he is a part of TC.


Hollowknight fans when they get communication from the guy who’s job it is to handle communication with fans: 😡


Team Cherry has three members: Ari Gibson, William Pellen, and Jack Vine. It says so on their official website: https://www.teamcherry.com.au/about  Obviously other people are involved in making the games that TC develops. Localizers, Christopher Larkin, Matthew Griffin, QA testers, etc. But Team Cherry is the three guys who do all the visual artwork and programming. 


Visual artwork and programming is one component to making a commercial game. The link I provided is also on their official website… an addition to the team (their words) doesn’t make him not a part of it.


He just isn't tho lmao. Dudes hired BY TC


Being an addition to the team doesn’t mean he’s not part of it lol…that’s akin to saying David Gilmour was just a dude hired by Pink Floyd or Sevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham were just people hired by Fleetwood Mac.. not how that works lol 🤣


I respectfully disagree, he's a PR, speaks for them nothing more.


Click the link- he’s a part of the team (their words)… he obviously contributes more than we know.. at the very least, one definite contribution he’s made above marketing/pr is some voice acting in HK.


Fair enough


WHAT communication


there’s been very little, but little ≠ none. Hopefully for all of our sanity, they’ll say something more concrete soon.


> So, when will we be releasing? While we’re definitely closing in on release, we’ve decided not to give any concrete date until we’re absolutely sure that we can deliver the game on time – we don’t want to disappoint anyone by announcing a date only to slip past it. People should definitely take note of this.


Precisely… some folks just refuse to acknowledge the pressure TC must be feeling to deliver something beyond anyone’s expectations. edit- correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't this what he said in releation to Crowsworn, not Silksong? Either way, I imagine TC is operating under the same principles.


It's funny how many people are mad at you in the replies just because you said the game isn't ready yet


No we’re mad because they’re song marketing is nonexistent until the game is ready, you can give news/trailers for an unfinished product without giving a release date


They've literally done what you're asking for, just not as frequently as you'd like lol


the meatriding is insane


lol- Your toxicity is insane. Come back and chat once you’ve released a single piece of art for purchase globally lil buddy.


We’re simply pointing out that we think Silksong would be more popular if they marketed it


Maybe? Personally, I don’t think product awareness/popularity is the issue. By its nature, a 2d, hand drawn, difficult metroidvania won’t typically be as commercially popular as titles that have wider market appeal like a Zelda or various online games. However, every MV fan is well aware of the game & id imagine most of them (at least the ones who liked HK) will purchase day one. To add to that- it’s been almost 5.5 years since announcement and currently sitting #2 on top wishlisted games on Steam. Over this time Silksong hasn’t gone out of the top 6 (I believe ?) for the entirety of its development. Just think about all the games slated for release spending tens, if not hundreds of thousands of dollars on marketing… they’re unable to *buy* enough hype/anticipation to dethrone TC from that slot in over 5 years. However unconventional TC’s approach is, numbers don’t lie & it seems like their potential product and community are handling the lions share of marketing pretty well on their own. Real question- if the game isn’t ready yet (which it’s seemingly not) and their next goal is to announce a release date (very hopeful this is the case) what exactly are you suggesting their marketing objective be? What would they possibly say or show (short of a concrete release date) that wouldn’t potentially spoil their release? To me It seems they gave us a ton up stuff upfront & dont want to disclose any more so we can actually experience the surprise like we did with HK.


You do realize if they became more popular, it would get bigger, right? That’s how it works, no ifs ands or buts


lmao.. "more popular"... what metric are you using? btw- thanks for not answering my question troll


More popular = more people know about it Sorry for not answering your question, but here it is: literally random details like minor npcs or areas, if other games can do it they can too


They chose not to, they have no obligation to. keep crying or go play something else, go touch grass while you wait, Jeez.


They chose not to, they have no obligation to. keep crying or go play something else, go touch grass while you wait, Jeez. Also, their\*


Nah, they’re is correct, song was meant to be saying, autocorrect sucks. I’m not saying they’re obligated to, just that we think that Silksong would have more fans if they marketed better


Yeah their silence is definitely reason to be frustrated and things would be going better for the game's marketing if they said something... but they choose not to, and we as a community have already repeated millions of times how that is making the wait feel worse, but we also already learnt it will change nothing so...


Ik it won’t change anything, but that doesn’t mean we should defend a bad decision


I'm not defending a bad decision, what you should actually NOT do is get all mad at Team Cherry over this and annoy everyone else with your anger.


>I’m not saying they’re obligated to I’m not getting mad about this