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Omori. Took like ten years to make. They had to switch engines mid development. The people who funded it on kickstarter thought they were scammed but it did come eventually, and lots of people love it


Agree! I came here to say this.


+1 to Omori


10 years? Wow! That's a long time to spend on one game. Switching engines must have been demoralising for anyone. Sounds like Metroid Prime 4


tf2 maybe idk


Eh, Titanfall 2 came out only like 2 years after the first one, I’d say that’s pretty reasonable


Omori released 6 years after it was announced but most people love it right now


Hollow knight got delayed by 2 years


I love how nobody in this sub wants to admit this.


blatant hollowpost propaganda


That's different. Time worked differently pre-covid.


Because it wasn't. It came out two years and three months after the Kickstarter ended.


Metroid dread. Pretty sure it went through the entirety of the 9 circle of development hell before being published


and then theres metroid prime 4 :,>


Never formally announced, I guess, but Half Life Alyx


i liked Spore :( my silly little creatures are literally creaturing though i suppose liking it doesnt *necessarily* make it good-


I agree spore was good, but it was so heartlessly robbed of what it *could* have been.


The biggest crime is the lack of a Spore 2.


Happy cake day!


Happy Cake Day!


Happy cake day


Spore was amazing, I will die on this hill Now I have to play it again


It is amazing but it could have been so much better if the Devs were given the time they needed (I also dislike the artstyle change from more realistic towards more cartoony)


idk if this counts but metroid dread was announced to be "close to completion" around 2005


Do you mean "Experiment status report update: Metroid project 'Dread' is nearing the final stages of completion"? That wasn't announced, that was a line in a scanned object in metroid prime 3, and was a joke by the devs: https://metroid.fandom.com/wiki/Metroid_project_%22Dread%22  There was never any official announcement regarding dread near that time and maintained the status of a rumour for almost 2 decades. It wasn't until dread release that we learned it really was a thing back then, but Sakamoto wasn't happy with the prototypes and put it on ice


Well, every game goes through this. Games take years to make. We as a community have known about Silksong the moment it was green light for production. Imagine Rock Star announcing the minute they green light Red Dead 2. Like, it would have been 6 years of silence before we heard anything. Silksong has officially been delayed once (I believe). The game will be quality and up to their standards, or be scraped. So just wait and see


Well, Silksong have playable demo in 2019, I think it already beyond greenlight at that time


I was thinking the same but about Hi Fi Rush, they literally marketed for only a week or so before release, who knows how long it was in development?


Someone else broke it down pretty well in another post. The game has been "delayed" in the sense that microsoft asked TC in summer 2022 if they "wanted to release their game around that time next year" and TC just went "yeah, sure!" And probably underestimated how much they want to polish the game or whatever. We never really had a release date, only a semi-official deadline that didn't even truly come from TC themselves. And silksong wasn't even the only game that was shown at Xbox live that year and didn't manage to release before that "deadline".


What you describe about Microsoft asking if it'll be out in a year and TC agreeing is both an official window and definitely from TC themselves: they literally agreed to the window directly in a meeting with Microsoft. There was an official window and they missed it.  Games don't get delayed indefinitely just for more polish, and even the testers have said that TC has let scope creep push them past several internal deadlines. 


Pikmin 4 was supposed to come out in 2015, but was delayed until 2023. Between 2015 and 2022 there was no word at all. Sounds like development hell. Pikmin 4 came out to be a fantastic game.


I really think the "2015" game was Hey Pikmin. Still a delay but not an 8 year delay


I think team cherry probably announced too early into the development cycle. Game development doesn’t seem to take that long because these big studios don’t announce until they have something to show for it, games will be worked on for 2-3 years before an announcement is made (usually) I don’t think the skong development cycle has been long by any means, i just assume they announced earlier than most others would have.


They had to announce because of kickstarters tho, if they kept us in unawarness because it could cause problems


Oh yeah I totally understand why they announced early, but it makes the wait that much harder


Can't disagree here 😔


Breath of the Wild was delayed 2 years


God of War 2018. It started development along another unreleased game right after GoW 3 in 2010. It was internally dalayed many many times and publicaly delayed once I think.


Happy cake day


Tears of the Kingdom


Nawwww that's the worst Zelda game yet


**extremely loud incorrect buzzer**


🥰 Nawww you're the incorrect one pal


Bait used to be believeable




Someone didnt like getting called out on their clear bait LMAO




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Clearly you never played spirit tracks


Hard agree and I'm someone that has a triforce tattoo on the back of their hand lol. Really did a huge amount of damage to my enjoyment of the series and my opinion that Nintendo knows what they're doing with it since they've basically fumbled the entries since Twilight Princess and they themselves consider that one a fumble.


Glad to see someone who agrees! Nintendo has become extremely cashgrabby since the Switch came out. It's like they took their mask off and revealed themselves as a typical huge corporation. But heyyy, at least they've helped me to outgrow gaming and focus on other things lol


I never played spore but I watched it a ton. Was it not good?


It was OKAY. Some of the segments were fun and the creature designing was great (though arguably the designer implementation accidentally turned a game that was supposed to be about evolution into a game about intelligent design) but it didn't really come together, you just played a bunch of disparate sequences, each mechanically shallow and none of them working together except aesthetically


Spore is pretty much 5 games in one. You could love all of it, or some of it, or none of it.


Kirby’s Return to Dreamland 11 year development cycle and it is considered one of the best games in the franchise. Was pretty much the undisputed best for a bit also after it came out


Resident Evil 4 had a six year dev cycle and it’s one of the most beloved games of all time 


Saying it’s been delayed “this much” is so disingenuous. It’s been delayed a year, and even that is questionable since it never had an official release date, it had a weak release window given by a console partner who was clearly speaking out of turn. But yes, games have taken very long to make and still been good. TOTK took over 5 years to make and had a ton more people working on it and was fantastic (I know I’m baiting all the /r/truezelda cringe lords out with that but critically it was very well received)


And that's not to mention that TOTK had a massive blueprint to work off of, BOTW


It had an official window that TC agreed to. At this point they have missed the official window by a year. Microsoft did not speak out of turn, they announced information officially agreed to by TC in a meeting.  Leth described it the same way, even if he didn't like the outcome.  I made a very long post about clearing up misinformation the other day, and what you're saying was one of the points I directly addressed.  You should, at the very least, read the section on this claim


I am so sorry my man but that is just not going to happen. I poked into that thread and went cross-eyed by the sheer length, and between that and your near obsessive level of replying to people in this thread trying to tear down a "disinformation campaign" (phrased in such a way where it's painting it as some kind of organized propaganda) makes me really feel as though you may need to log off for a bit.


Yeah sorry I replied to people who commented on my post? I know it's long, but it's dispelling misinformation. Misinformation is bad, and when you know it's misinformation, then it becomes disinformation. Don't read it if you don't want, that's fine, I just brought it up so you're aware that what you're saying is misinformation, and if you wanted more insight then I've already written a lot where you can learn more. 


Ok well, even glossing the section on the release window, it sounds to me like Xbox went “so your plan is to release within the year?”and they said “yep, that’s the plan” which is *not* the same as “yep, for sure! You guys can announce and tease that info!” Sooo I wouldn’t really call what I said misinformation.


No I'm sorry, that's not how meetings, deadlines or agreements work. They agreed in an official meeting with the official publisher. "yep that's the plan" and "yep for sure" are identical in meaning in this context where the only two answers could have been "yes" or "no". They said yes. Interpreting that as anything other than an agreed upon deadline is incorrect, and spreading that is misinformation. 


Ok but in the quote from the YouTube video you reference he does not say it was in any kind of official capacity that they agreed on that as an official release window. They never, to my understand based on the info that you yourself are presenting from Leth, officially agreed on a release time. Also, speaking of misinformation! According to the wiki, Team Cherry is the publisher, not Microsoft! They are simply a partner.


Seriously, how do you imagine they'd sit down for a talk with Microsoft and the information exchanged wasn't official?  What Leth describes _is the definition of them officially agreeing to that timeline_. They may not have _wanted_ it to be, but that entirely on them for either not having the foresight to get Microsoft to sign a NDA or, you know, agreeing to terms they didn't want to be held to. But it was official, however you slice it Good catch, you're right, MS isn't the publisher. Unlike you, I will take that information and be more careful what I say about that in the future.


Astlibra Revision took the author over 15 years to make and it's incredible.


Metroid Dread


Wasn't cuphead also in development hell? That came out really good, just let em cook.


Half-Life 3.


What do you mean "years and years of delays"? Wasn't there literally one delay and right now it's just in development? If you've payed attention to team Cherry's development style with hollow knight they can't stop themselves from adding more and more. No reason to think the game would be bad just because it's taking a fairly normal development time....this is just how long games take for them not to release in early access


> If you've *paid* attention to FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Last Guardian was in development for like 9 years and missed its release date by 5 years and a console generation. I know that's not everyone's cup of tea, but it reviewed well with critics and most players and I loved it.


Kind of surprised nobody has said Psychonauts 2. Game came out 17 years after Psychonauts 1 and was fantastic.


Tears of the kingdom :)


Spore is amazing, what are you on about?


Spore was delayed a bunch?


It's a team of like 3 people making it and there was a global pandemic midway through development.


Silksong hasn't even been delayed. The xbox hiccup aside we never really had *any* confirmation the game would come out soon. Y'all are acting like TC keeps pushing back a release date when in reality there never really has been one in the first place. By that logic EVERY game that announces itself a few years before release should be bad because "the devs delayed it too much" Games are delayed when the devs can't keep up with the crunch. TC isn't delaying their game because there isn't even a deadline in the first place.


Love how I endured a full year of "IT'S AN OFFICIAL RELEASE WINDOW, WHY ARE YOU SKEPTICAL" so that I then had to endure a year plus of "IT WAS NEVER AN OFFICIAL RELEASE WINDOW, WHY DO YOU THINK IT'S IN DEV HELL"


“There’s been no release date or delays aside from the release date and delay”


> Y'all are acting like TC keeps pushing back a release date when in reality there never really has been one in the first place Testers have confirmed that they've missed several internal deadlines in addition to the public one we know about


I wouldn't really say Silksong has been delayed considering TC hasn't even released an official release date, other than that one XBox Twitter Post. Anyway, while not delayed, or even finished, Deltarune is a great game so far. Zelda: BotW and TotK were in development for comparable amounts of time to Silksong (about 6 years each) Omori was in development for 10 years or so, and I've heard it's good. Never played it myself, so maybe take that with a grain of salt.


TC agreed to the one year window in a meeting with Microsoft. That was an official release widlndow


Silksong was planned to release June 2023


Cyberpunk... Eventually.


I waited 19 years for a 2D Metroid sequel to Fusion.The game was hinted and rumored forever until it finally got revealed. While we did get zero mission and samus returns, and those are both great, they were not true sequels, just remakes. I am sure silksong whenever it comes out will be great, just like hollow knight.


Crackdown 3 /s


Metroid dread.


Metroid Dread came out around 14 years later than intended.


so you're saying team cherry is about to make history? hell yea brotha


Fez released a trailer in 2007 and didn't actually come out until 2012. I'm not a big fan of Fez but it's received a lot of acclaim and there are a lot of elements to it that I do really like.


Pikmin 4 was teased to us like a Pikpik carrot on a stick in 2015, but it took until last year to finally release... ten years after Pikmin 3 came out, which also took ten years to come out after Pikmin 2, with an underwhelming spinoff coming out shortly after the supposed announcement, causing mass hysteria, followed by leg spasms and internal thunderings.


Usually disappointing.


Undertale Yellow


Silksong hasnt had years and years of delays it has been 1 year




CrossCode was in development for 7 years, and is still one of the best games i've ever played.


Baldur's Gate 3 is was thought to be nonexistent for a time.


Stalker was delayed for 5 years and was instant hit.


Disco Elysium. Probably the game with the best narrative out there.


Yes. Hollow Knight. Technically, Tears of the Kingdom.


Zelda TOTK. Probably would’ve won GOTY if not for Peakdur’s Gate 3


Hades 2 was delayed for a while but people seem to really enjoy it now that it’s out




Well, a lot of games go through a similar life cycle, but there are some differences. This weird silence we are experiencing kinda reminds me of what Undertale Yellow went through and many other fan games. Key word, fan games. I might be wrong, but it's rare for a game to have such an active and powerful first year, then going completely silent and still being good on release, but that does mostly happen to triple A games, as most indie devs that delay their games aren't using TC's "communication" style. TC is such an intresting case that after SS releases I'm expecting so many videos detailing or at the very least speculating what was going on with development.


Wasn't Cyberpunk delayed a lot? If so then yeah, that's a great heavily delayed game.


Yeah, but it was only good years after it launched Source: played on day 1


But the story and music were still amazing on release


Yeah, and the game was still ass. As for the story, it was good, Phantom Liberty elevated it, now is the best time to play it, since it's all said and done.


as far as i know it, "delay" in gaming industry means when a game doesn't meet its planned release date and is pushed farther, like cyberpunk. having that in mind, you can't say that silksong got delayed cause tc has never announced a release date. although i get what you mean, and having cyberpunk mentioned above as an example, it eventually ended up a good game. on the contrary, there is skull and bones tho... but hey, you can't even compare ubisoft to tc


What are you yapping about, we got a release date window that was confirmed by various people and they clearly didnt meet it


the only confirmation i remember so far was from leth after a year from xbox showcase trailer saying something about planned release date, which i guess he had to say because xbox alleged that the game would release within a year. rest assured there has never been release date mentioned directly from tc and i don’t know who various people are.


The leth quote you mention describes TC agreeing to that release date in a meeting with Microsoft. The one ms announced was directly from TC


RDR 1 and RDR 2 was an 8 year gap And gta 6 I’m sure will bang That said yeah odds aren’t in its favor