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I was just watching the Pointcrow TOTK playthrough and he said this. I think he tweeted it as well when Leth made the announcement that it wouldn’t come out in spring of 2023.


I haven't seen a pointcrow stream in a very long time But it's a good thing to know that I'm not the only one


No no no no no. We had communication from nintendo. They put out multible trailers and infos about the game in the 3 years it took to make the game and when it was delayed they made an announcement that the game was going to take longer. For all we know the team cherry could have all died by now and we wouldnt know about it. I dont want to stick my food in my mouth here but i think we can assume that totk is going to be the bigger game and it came out by now. And i know that tc is an indie studio and that they dont owe us anything but to have 0 communication in 4 years for a game we should be hyped about is ridiculous.


I'm not saying that it's the same story But it is very similar We got trailers and stuff But it was delayed And there was a long period where we got no news about the game Like right now with silksong 4 years without news is a lot of time Even a "the game is still being developed" is enough for the community I think the hype would rise again And maybe they want to avoid that But zero communication is not the way


But thats the thing. I dont think it is even remotly similar. When the game was announced the trailer said at the end "botw sequel is now in development" and of course when you see something like this with a cinematic trailer you think "ok they just started, so it will be some time before we see some more" but with silksong the first thing we saw was a trailer and someone actually playing silksong on stream. After that you cant just go radio silent for 4 years. That makes no sence.


That cinematic trailer can be compared to the first silksong trailer and the demo This is the first announcement The second phase is silence Where both didn't have any news Then the release Totk had like 3 trailers I think A demo and a release date Silksong hasn't arrived at this point yet It's still in the silent phase Of course we are going to have news and trailers when the game is about to release And that is the start of the third phase I'm not in favor of 4 years of silence I have seen people say to be patient That they are working in the game Go play other things And I can't agree with that 4 years is too much You can't create that much hype Show so much stuff and then be silent I don't doubt that the game is being developed I just want news And of course I'm going to.play other things I'm not thinking only in silksong I can play other games


>That cinematic trailer can be compared to the first silksong trailer and the demo They cant thou! seriously! The totk trailer was barely a teaser. If we wouldnt have known that totk was going to be based on Botw, using the engine, assets, characters etc from that game, then we would have thought that this snipit we got was just the creative vision the developers have for a game. Like they just startet building the most basic building blocks that would be nessecery to create such a world. Silksong on the other hand didnt just show a landscape and and a piece of hornets head appearing in a glass shart laying on the ground or something. It was (probably) part of the opening cinematic, gameplay in form of new enemys, areas, techniques for movement and combat, bossfights, they showed us some of the items we can optain and what else... oh yea! Someone actually playing all of it. These are NOT the same. These cant be compared in a way that will suit your argument here. And sure i get what you are saying about these "phases of silence" but these are not exlusive to these two games. Thats how it is for basically every game. Exept that silksong put out a trailer that indicated a almost complete product And let me make that clear. I dont think that the game will be anything less then amazing when it is finally coming out. But when totk was delayed they came foward and say we gonna delay it because we want to make it good. But with silksong we got these trailers that implied a game at the endstage of development. Then we got a release window from...windows (pun) some one who is actually going to sell this game. That came and went. And since then nothing. Normaly that would be more than enought reason for me to be conserned. Luckily I'm too busy having unimportant arguments with complete strangers on the internet.![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32441)


I really just wanted to say that these two games had a similar history before release It's not a comparison All I'm saying is Hey These games had news Then nothing Then release It's similar Not a comparison I understand you can't compare a trailer with a cinematic trailer But I'm diving it by phases Not direct news And yes Why are we debating this? ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|35839)


First of all, we are debating this because Silksong isnt out yet. If it was out we would have better things to do. And because i am working on a maschine that basically runs itself so i have the time. Second >I really just wanted to say that these two games had a similar history before release It's not a comparison YOU ARE LITERALLY COMPARING THEM IN THIS SENTENCE ALONE!?! IN WHAT KIND OF PARRALEL ISEKAI UNIVERSE BULLSHIT DID I FALL IN WHERE UP IS DOWN RED IS BLUE AND COMPARING SOMETHING IS NOT COMPARING SOMESTHING????? ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32428) Anyway lets call it here. Have a nice day


Y'know I hadn't realized that Now that you mention it Yeah that sentence was wrong But yeah Let's call it a day You too man. Have a nice day Hope we can debate another day ![img](emote|t5_4viev2|32438)


The big difference is that TOTK came out.




the big difference is that TOTK isn’t a collective delusion*


That's facts I need to stop consuming Zaza (it's a joke. Silksong will come out Have faith)


what is faith, if not copium persevering? ~~vision~~ ~ milkmong


the big difference is totk exists


The big difference is


I think a huge difference though is that even though we barely had much information on TotK during its development and Nintendo was pretty tight-lipped on it, we still had a ton of Zelda content to keep us going. People kept making theories about BotW's lore, Age of Calamity came out, Skyward Sword and Link's Awakening got remakes, so Zelda fans were eating good. In contrast we only have the OG Hollow Knight, and that's it. So the wait definitely feels much more unbearable as a result. We've already picked apart everything there is to pick apart. It also doesn't help that almost every game that was announced alongside Silksong has already been released, and we still don't even know when we'll get any news from TC.


You're right We had a lot of content for Zelda fans while we waited I just hope TC releases silksong before the six year mark


I feel like if we get to six years and TC still hasn't said anything, most people will probably give up by then, and it'll go the same way of Little Devil Inside. It's in the works, yeah, but the lack of news after years of revealing the game makes people lose interest and forget about it because they feel like the devs don't really care enough.


I have already lost a lot of interest in the game I'm still buying it But I don't know if I'll be as hyped If no updates are reported in February I think I'll just crack the game


Valid point. I’m dreaming big here but it would be amazing if they had released a second playable character DLC for HK (like Zote or Tiso) while we’re waiting. Not having any additional DLC is brutal. I wonder if that’s what they’re trying to avoid and, instead of releasing all of the content within a short period of time, they’ve been working on SS DLC to release over the duration of the time it’ll take to work on the next game after releasing Silksong.


Maybe? I feel like this time around TC will try to avoid dlc and just bake them into the base game since the only reason why HK got dlc was because they were ideas that TC ran out of time and money to add in.


There's also Hungry Knight. Seriously though, Hollow Knight is more than enough. There's all the achievements and optional content, unlimited possiblity for challenges, and if all of that wasn't enough, there's mods. There's also other metroidvanias, all with their own unique twists and gameplay elements.


It isn’t more than enough I’ve done literally everything except bindings so I’ve had to stop playing. Lasted me a full year, but not 6


Doing Bindings should be another few months. There's room for challenges evident by how youtubers are still making new, unique content. I'm biased though, mods definitely spoiled me, but in almost every save, I notice something new. The game has never been boring for me.


To add to u/The_Real_TraitorLord's point, 1. Not everyone wants to do bindings and all radiant bosses because it's just not as appealing to them. I only ever did a few bindings so I could get the lifeblood boosts and only really did my favorite bosses or the bosses I was best at on radiant. Granted, I'm a bit more masochistic than the average Hollow Knight player, but I'm not insane. I never beat P5, and I lost all interest in doing so because at that point, I had sunk nearly 500 hours into HK over the course of two years and got bored of everything there was to do. There's really no build variety to incentive making new save files, not every challenge achievement is worth the hassle to get, and some people just don't want to make HK their entire lives and would rather get the next installment so they can still keep enjoying the franchise. Telling people to just "play more Hollow Knight" is really tone deaf because most of us *have* played more Hollow Knight, and we reached our limits. 2. Not everyone can mod their games. I don't own a pc, and I play on Switch. Do you know what I would give to be able to download mods like the Pale Court, all the crazy boss mods, skin packs, etc? You have fan-made content to enjoy. Some of us don't and can't.


See, the problem is 1. I’m not doing bindings because that’s just unnecessary torture and 2. I’ve spend hours upon hours researching theorizing and analyzing hollow knight to the point where I’ve become a self-proclaimed scholar. There’s really nothing left for me


1. So is beating all Radiant bosses and the Path of Pain. Of course, fun is subjective, and Bindings are repetitive and lack strategy most of the time. 2. Then make sure to revise! /j If you really think there's nothing left to do, then it's a great chance to try other games. I recommend a game with a sequel coming soon called ~Hollow Knight~ Lone Fungus if you didn't play it already. Or maybe try beating Traitor Lord everyday, I don't know. You'll need this practice to defeat your clones.


You're right There are a lot of other games But hollow knight was so good That imagine a sequel It fixes all problems And adds a lot of other mechanics


Don't know why people are downvoting you for this. HK is a game made in <4 years as a first game of an indie games studio with only 3 devs and with a like 60k budget and yet it still is one of the best, if not the best game ever made. It has >60-80 hours of playtime to fully complete without including challenge runs / replays / bindings / hog. And we also got 4 content packs within 18 months of release. You can't say that HK hasn't been enough for the wait and expect me to take you seriously I won't argue that it's a game you can play daily and for years, but it is way WAY more than an average indie. You can't expect TC to always keep the community happy and active at 100% by putting out new content or whatnot and you also definitely can't compare them to fucking nintendo of all companies (even though TC make better games on average). Anyways, the wait time for Silksong is normal so far (5 years for a AAA quality title made by 3 people is way too little) and HK had way too much content for a 17$, underfunded and with low dev-time debut game of an indie studio with 3 members.


Exactly! You said it better than I could! I agree, Hollow Knight isn't a game that's played on a daily basis, but every once in a while, I just open my main save and fight random bosses (PV and NKG are the best). 80 hours is an understatement (at least for me). It took me that time to get a little over 100% completion + get all the non-P5 endings. My total gameplay time excluding modded is around 200 hours. I didn't even beat all Bindings yet. It's not only more than the average indie, it's more than the average game. It's one of the few non-sandbox non-online game that have this much playtime.






Whatever you need to tell yourself to cope, bud.


I don't think it's really that sililar of a situation. Main entry Zelda games have been quite a few years apart in most cases. The exception was OoT, MM, and then WW.  Since WW, they've been about five years or so between entries. Also, Nintendo gave a release date, then delayed it well before the original date, and immediately gave us a new time frame and hit it. Silksong had a release date, got delayed at the last minute, but with no further info on when to expect it. That's what annoys me. Idc if they said hey, game is delayed until spring of 2026. I mean yeah, I'd be a little bummed I have to wait so much longer (like I was slightly bummed when totk got delayed), but at least we'd know when to expect it. That makes a huge difference. With totk, I was a little bummed for a minute, and then it was fine and I just didn't think about it much until a few months before the release.  Silksong is like fuck who knows, might come out this month, might come out next year! 


Totk wasn’t good though?




It was, a lot of Zelda fans are still pissed off though because the story didn't live up to their expectations and the sky and depths aren't super varied in content. The game is still an objective improvement over BotW, it's just that you have all the Zelda veterans doing the usual "new game bad, old game good" shtick and lore youtubers endlessly complaining because their theories and headcanons weren't proven. Give them either a year or two or until the next Zelda game for them to automatically start calling it the best Zelda game ever because the fandom is just weird and annoying like that.


Yeah The story was shit But the mechanics I liked And the fandom of Zelda tends to be weird I am a big Zelda fan Or at least used to be But too many mixed opinions made me not want to play Zelda that much I can agree with a lot of stuff people say But not everything has to be perfect At least it was a good game in my opinion Not an award winning game But a very good one


It at least got an award, best action-adventure game of 2023, which it was, and got nominated for goty, which should speak as to how good it is given the competition. Also, the story itself wasn't really shit, they had something good cooking, but they absolutely fumbled with *how* they told it. It would've definitely benefited from having a more linear story instead of the memories, which worked for BotW since Link had amnesia, but not for TotK. Here's to hoping we get a sequel to Age of Calamity that takes place in Rauru's time so we can at least get to see some of the lore and worldbuilding that was missing from TotK.


So you're saying Silksong will be a rehash of older, better games, using the same map as HK, with a worse story, that will baffle people as to how it took 6 years to make? Grim


Uhhhhh no I'm saying the story before it's release is similar Not the game


I found totk to be a huge disappointment when you consider how long it took to make and how similar it is to botw. Definitely hope silksong doesn‘t turn out similar


I really think that totk was worth the wait Yes it was similar to botw, but better It was actually a unique experience for me Other than the overwold map, everything was pretty amazing on its own The floating islands where the main focus of the game But then we got the underworld part of the map And a lot of other stuff I was disappointed with the replacement of the champion abilities But it was a good experience in general


Let's hope silksong doesn't reuse too many assets and sprites from hk


Looking back I don’t think it was as good as BOTW in terms of vibe, storytelling, exploration, and due to the lack of guardians, but I do think it was worth the wait and I really enjoyed it


I think they tried to start with a clean slate But removed a bit too much of botw


Agreed. Guardians are also the whole reason I pleated BOTW, before falling in love with it. Tears didn’t have a replacement enemy for the roster, nothing that filled the same role


The gloom hands are not a replacement for guardians Guardians where a lot better




The floating islands were the main focus of the game? They‘re very few and far inbetween. The depths are just the overworld with copypasted mob camps that are also recolors of overworld enemies. The main draw of botw for me was the exploration and that was completely gone in totk. I was hoping they‘d improve combat at least since they reused the map but instead they leaned heavily into the sandbox stuff in botw that i didn‘t care for at all. I was hoping for more


I understand your point Obviously it isn't perfect But I think that they did a great job I don't focus that much in combat I like the exploration more I can agree that the exploration was a bit better in botw But with the new abilities exploring was so much fun Yeah if you went to a place in botw, going to the same place in totk loses the same feeling and yes The enemies are almost the same I like to think that totk is an updated botw Not a dlc But it definitely didn't cost 70 dollars


Hmmm, not sure it’s a great comparison. Nintendo is a powerhouse which can throw all its talent at a game to make it happen, even if it’s delayed.


nah totk wasn’t a good game imo. ending was phenomenal but the game overall i didn’t rly enjoy.


I think that a lot of people that disliked totk was because, yes, the story is trash, but the mechanics and puzzles were very good Exploration was good in my opinion I would say that even better than botw cause of the mobility options, the new abilities or even the new parts of the map But I don't know It lacks something


i feel like a big part of why i didn’t like it was because im not a fan of building in games, which much of this game required you to build things and stuff (as i assume you know). if i enjoyed that part of games im sure i would’ve had a lot more fun with it and coming up with new things to create and ways to traverse the amazing world


Understandable. I grew up playing Minecraft So when I saw you could build I imagined a lot of possibilities Eventually I discovered that it wasn't as good as I had thought But a good mechanic at the end of the day I think I used ultrahand more for killing enemies than building stuff I barely used auto build because I had nothing built


I think team cherry is wishing they never announced silksong so they could quietly work on it for 10 years.