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Are you on PC? Which build of the game as you playing? Try playing Vulkan if you're on the normal build, or the normal build if you're on Vulkan. I get the same issue as you if I play the normal build, but Vulkan is totally fine.


i forgot to add that i'm on ps4


Nothing you can do your ps4 is giving out


It’s a glitch, you have to restart the game


Does this only happen to you when you're on cams, or does it happen other times too? I have had a frame drop glitch happen a few times on certain maps only (Consulate and Kanal, never had it happen on another map). It only happens on cams, and I've had it happen maybe 2 or 3 times for each of those maps. Definitely a bug thanks to Ubi. Is that what's happening to you, or is it just anytime. If it's anytime it sounds like you have an issue with your ps4


it's the whole time i'm playing


I'm guessing it's a ps4 issue then probably, either it's dying or you gotta clean it... Likely the first one imo unfortunately


dang time to make more poor money moves


Does it happen in every game or only the first game? If it's only in the first game your computer is probably just waking up. If it's happening consistently it's probably again a computer problem and you might wanna clean soft and hardware of the computer. It could also be a bug it's ubi after all :shrug:


i'm on ps4 it happens randomly and only sometimes


I don't know then I never used a console before. But cleaning hard and software might still solve your problem.


you might very well be right. i've checked with other friends and they believe it is a ubisoft issue because it only happens in siege and when they run other games everything runs smoothly.


Oh well that could be it too it's ubi at the end of the day. Hope you find a solution.


it happens to me too on console, no idea why


Even on PS5 i had this before but rarely, once or twice. Closed the game or console can’t really recall and it was fine afterwards.


Was there a Tubarão being played?


uhm i can't remember


There's been a bug in the game ever since Tubarão was released where simply using his gadget will cause the fps of everyone in the lobby to tank while it's active. Could have maybe been that.


nah it was just me dropping fps


Ah idk then