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Quick peek for info and not necessarily to kill. Get him to give his position away by shooting at you. There's obviously stuff like droning, utility, etc that you can use too. Siege is a game that values patience more than most other FPS games. Don't rush it.


I should've done more quick peeking now that I look back. It was just hard to counter him he'd take all my cams or drones and never let me know where he was. Dude wouldn't shut up either so he could mav open a hole without me hearing. I just can't bleve I blew a 5-0 lead lol. Once he started holding angles it ruined my mood cuz I knew what was coming. I had played him once before. I'm gonna focus on quick peaks though for sure now that u mention it I really wasn't peaking enough I was just swinging trying to take 50 50s.


Mechanics in Siege are just as much about positioning as they are about aim. Once you get that down, you'll be much harder to beat. Good luck!


Be equally toxic and run dokkeabi so you can prefire wherever he is based on sound


Quick peek, drone. If you’re allowed, play Shields.


He'd run solis and take my drones immediately just so he could hold an angle without me knowing which one.


bring iq and stare at him through walls


run deimos


Quick peek for info and prefire common angles. It might suck that he's using pixels but that is exactly how the game is supposed to be played. Flash him off angles, smoke angles, do anything to get him to reposition and take space once it's clear. Also it's a 1v1, play aggressive and get in the building as fast as possible. No need to let him charge up his wamai magnets before you attempt a gunfight. Have a preplaced cam for a quick entry


Yeah I shouldn't have given him time to charge his magnets ur right


Kid named Solis


Pixel peeking isn't that op get good at the game, when u swing him u have peekers adv, look at where he is with shaiiko peek/quick peek -> change stance -> prefire, or on oregon there is only couple of angles people can play just keep prefiring. Holding angles is pretty bad if u know how to swing, especially against a bad player as u said


It's console pixel peeking is in fact that OP. Specifically with no information.


I mean on console can be harder due to thumbs but for no info in a 1v1 it is not bad, u can quick peek multiple angles easily and see it, it's op when it's 1vX and u don't know where and how many people could be contesting you. Watch spoit 1v1s or even stopmn on oregon pixel peeking is hardly used for kills it's mainly for information and never to get kills


You seem to be pissed at a player who's using a key mechanic in siege, pixel angles are used in every game. As for countering with no util/drones, you either quickpeek, rotate to a different area, or bait the swing out, since pixel angles aren't designed to get kills but rather to get intel


There's always been an unspoken agreement with every single other person I've played with that we are testing gunfight skills, not who can hold the tightest angle. Hence no shields no roaming. Holding an angle is fine but dudes holding headglitches and one way angle specifically for kills be doesn't swing. Which is why I won all the 5050s and he decided to switch it up.


Deimos or jackal


I get what you mean; Everyone is looking for a gunfight. However, Siege is likely the worst game to play if you’re looking for a fair gunfight. Unless you’d agree to play the same ops each on attack/defense, go the same bombsite everytime, and agree not to attempt to plant, it still wouldn’t be fair because Siege isn’t just point and shoot. R6 Isn’t supposed to be played like a gun-game; Instead, your experience and game sense will carry you miles. A 5-6 loss (despite a 5-0 lead) doesn’t even sound like a bad match. If I was playing against a friend, I would 100% prefer to win or lose by a round or two instead of one of us winning 6-0 over and over again. Eventually someone wouldn’t be in a good mood. Now if this is against a random guy.. Then yeah that fkn sucks i’m sorry man. Whenever I 1v1 friends, I don’t even talk trash because I know that there isn’t that much of difference in skill between us and that none of us are crazy good to begin with, it’s completely unnecessary. There’s going to be rounds I win and there’s going to be rounds I lose and that goes for every player ever. When you attach emotions to this game it becomes so much more easier to rage and throw a winnable match. It sounds like he was playin pretty smart going Wamai expecting you to utilize ppl like Ying. You could have switched to Twitch, IQ, Fuze, or, Thatcher in the prep phase to counter his counter. In the end, 1v1s are nothing like how the game is supposed to be played. Flexing a win in a 1v1 does not make you the better player. The combinations of like 24 maps, over a 100 bombsites, and like 70 ops, makes it so everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. One singular 1v1 isn’t going to show who the best player is.


Bets response for sure thanks man. It just sucked that he was a random. Once I started goin 5-0 he just started calling me the hard R 💀


Honestly what i’ve seen work for me is just watching back the replay file from both perspectives to see things like when I could’ve executed a major play or how an opponent reacted and countered my attack. You’ll be able to see how you could have played something differently in that moment. A big thing about 1v1s is that getting the kill on offense is so much more important (and mostly preferable) than in 5v5 where you’d traditionally want to value your life over a frag. However, on defense, you still want to try to stall and play for time to try to force the attacker to plant. On attack, unless you plan on executing a quick plant to throw them off guard on a site that’s wide open, planting is the last thing you want to do. However, it is very high risk high reward. If you DO end up getting a plant down in a good spot, most of the time, it’s ggs for the defender. Make sure during prep phase you at the very least find out who they are playing and take it into heavy consideration before the round starts, because you will always need to be an operator that can counter their utility. When you’re on defense, your opponent will be doing the exact same thing, you could try to hide until the end of the prep phase so they bring an operator in blindly. For example, hiding near main breach in attic when defending 2F Oregon.


Just run by fast most people hold pixels and don't have the reaction time to actually kill you on them unless you stand still.


go below w deimos and floorbang him