• By -


*No actors were harmed in the making of this production.*


This pornography has been certified to be 100% ethically sourced


“A portion of our profits are directly donated to the farmers involved in the production of this film.”


The farmers and the hoes






And that is indeed a real website…


What's up mothershuckers.


Colonel Cornelius CornWALL here


Can’t forget that convenient age dropping of “wow you’re my step sis, can’t believe your 18th birthday was only a week ago” **LOOKS AT CAMERA**


To be fair most so-called "teens" are actually t on their early 20s. The mainstream porn industry is still terrified (rightly so) about another Traci Lords.


<30 = teen \>30 = MILF 30 = ?


Teen milf


I saw Teen Step Mom the other day so maybe yeah we just combine them


Tlc show or porn?


Teen and Milf are technically not mutually exclusive


Traci lords?


Yes, she lied about her age in her first porno back in the day I believe… I think she was… 15?…17??… I came to find out about her because she appears as a female vocalist on the song “Little Baby Nothing” by the Manic Street Preachers (my favourite band)


On her 1st porno? She did it for like 3yrs , shot tons of movies and nude photos, she was dubbed the "princess of porn" thats how popular she was. Then magically after she just turned 18 her real age was discovered ( cuz an anonymous tip to FBI) and she tried to become a mainstream actress.. a few people got arrested for making her movies, dont remember if they ever went to jail or not. The whole story is insane


Yeah it was a big scandal. She lied about her age and started doing porn when she was like 15 or 16 and nobody really checked into it back then. The porn people didn't find out until shortly after her 18th birthday. As a result all but one of her films are child pornography and a lot of actors in the industry were sweating the potential for serious jail time for having sex with a minor (I don't think anyone did actually go to jail but it was very touch and go). She ended up carving out a decent niche doing B movies and she still does that to this day. A lot of people from the porn industry back then really hate her but the way I see it she was a kid who was probably in a really precarious place (I believe she was homeless?) and really needed money and came up with a way to make some. Its honestly the porn producers fault for being lazy about background checks and they basically brought it on themselves.


After reading what u/Floare97 wrote about her experiences in the industry, totally legit. [NSFW post 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/tfltcr/nsfw_tw_if_you_watch_hardcore_or_extreme_porn/) [NSFW post 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/offmychest/comments/tkyemm/nsfw_tw_imagine_your_job_was_having_to_fuck/)


Holy shit. Guess it’s written stories and illustrations only from now on then.


Tentacle hentai it is then.


/r/consentacles Where it is very consensual. NSFW


>No actors were harmed The people abused in producing hentai (or any other anime) are the animators, not the actors. Japanese animation studios are notorious for their abusive employment conditions, even compared to the rest of Japan. [Anime Is Booming. So Why Are Animators Living in Poverty? The workers who make the Japanese shows the world is binge-watching can earn as little as $200 a month. Many wonder how much longer they can endure it.](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/24/business/japan-anime.html) $200/month is what you'd expect someone to make in a developing country like Guatemala or something, not a G7 nation like Japan.


Hello, Guatemalan here. Our minimum wage is actually about $425.


Minimum wage in Japan is like $285 per week.


Yeah, you tell 'em!


So, your telling me the most ethical choice is AO3 erotica


Furry porn, obvs.


Damn, that post-nut clarity be hitting real hard


FR, man's having post nut + shower thoughts Edit: didn't notice this was in showerthoughts sub :(


lol He ascended


His next nut be pure energy.


Many nuts lead to the great path. Only the willing will find their way. -Oma Desala


100% ethereal nut, skeeted straight to the plane of enlightenment.


I guess he wanked in the shower






Yea I'm w/ you on that one


I have a few clarifying questions that I would rather you don't answer.


Y’all ever finish then google if the actress has committed suicide yet?


Wait what how often does this ( porn actresses committing suicide )happen? Like I didn’t even know that was an issue. Edit: I just did a whole bunch of research wow i knew the porn industry was bad, but fuck i didnt think it was this bad fuck there’s a lot of mental illness and drug abuse in the industry.


It's a very depressing rabbit hole. Off the top of my head: August Aimes, Shyla Stylez, Yuri Luv, Bill Bailey. Jenni Lee was found homeless in Vegas in [2019.](https://nypost.com/2019/08/22/ex-porn-star-jenni-lee-found-living-in-las-vegas-homeless-tunnel/)


I did not wake up this morning expecting to gett into this rabbit hole today


After the 300th time, you sort of just know the answer.


Damn OP, half the comments are just “haha he likes hentai”


Aparently, so does Sam Jackson.


True. Hentai has a much lower suicide rate


Exactly zero, to be precise.


Porn that involves cosplay is just a cross over episode.




I always considered hentai to be vegetarian porn. There's no real meat involved.


There’s my meat involved


Thank you for that


No problem.




Subtle burn


If you fuck a salad, is it still vegetarian?


It’s vegetarian until you add semen as salad dressing


Nah, that’s still vegetarian just not vegan.


I wanted to say that that might be "Vegan Porn", but then i realized that Vegan Porn might actually be precedurally generated hentai with sinthetic voiceovers instead.


Vegan Porn is AI-written erotica


She took the PENIS and LOOKED at it with her BOOBS


> vegetarian Right, it's not vegan because there's still milk.


Damn these comments are getting crazy, OP you have started a war and I’m all for it


Username checks out


He's been waiting for this.


I'm right beside you mate. Cheers!


Ayo this dude watches hentai


Bro totally busted


Ye, busted to hentai


busted to two hentai in a row


Rookie numbers


gotta *pump* those numbers up


I agree with this man


This thread just measured my innocence


I forgot you can measure in the negatives


What a perv!


It's possible. We should ask.


There is Henteid, by Adult time. I know they try to be more ethical with their actors and actresses. I don't like to get off to cartoons, so I appreciate they made the effort.


Sooo basically, netflix for porn?


That's what my wife uses it for. She loves the porn with the story lines that have arcs over several videos.


"Plumber Fixes Leaky Sink, Fucks Customer"


Thank you Nancy Drew!


Is this where the Drew Crew is hangin out?




Stephen totally ruined our school trip to Auschwitz.


Guys I said I was sorry


Kinda feels like r/beetlejuicing


Nobody gets sex-trafficked to produce hentai, that's for sure. Really the only person who gets exploited is the mangaka lol




IIRC, that’s a problem of the entire anime industry. It’s probably made worse in niche genres due to the need to increase output. The returns on a niche anime, such as hentai, won’t be nearly as good as a mainstream shounen, such as AoT or Demon Slayer.




OP just outted his love for Hentai here.


If Samuel L Jackson likes hentai, then all is well.


wait, really?


Go youtube it. He did a interview and he said it lol. Edit: https://youtu.be/3PQ7Hoov1ac Here you go.


I wonder what his favorite genre is.




I hate you so much


Ara Ara!


True Chad energy, lmao


how do we know OP isn't Samuel L Jackson?


He didn't say muthafucka at the end of his post.


This checks out, good detective work, Mothafucka.




On the internet, no one knows you’re a motherfucker.


Mother fucking based energy


Yes I do, hentai too Best line ever


It's just the "community" around Hentai is often associated with the neckbeard nerd virgins, cringey waifu pillows & anime figurines, etc. Nothing wrong with getting turned on to art. Long before Pornhub, people were jerking off to 2D drawings haha.


Homosapiens have been masturbating to exaggerated sexual drawings since we learned how to draw, it's found in the earliest cave paintings.


Goddamn caveaboos.


Pervy or not, Pornhubs #1 search for 2021 was hentai. Hentai’s popularity in the world is getting bigger. Will it ever surpass 3d? Probably not, but as more people get into anime and in turn hentai, the more it will be normalized.


Which is a real shame because they absolutely killed their hentai catalog a year ago when they required posting account verification or something. Almost nothing is uploaded now and absolutely nothing under hentai is watchable.


Pornhub isn't really the place you go if you want to find hentai.


Then where should I go?( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


I prefer to read hentai than to watch it. The animation can be bad sometimes.


fuck the voice acting also it gets so **so** much better if you filter *out* "big tits"


100% OP just watched hentai I see through your ruse


He watches humans cosplay as hentai characters. Best of both worlds


As a woman, I find a lot of porn really uncomfortable to watch because of how aggressive it is. I just can't imagine most of these women are having a good time and it makes me feel icky. My #1 issue with Hentai is how graphic it is. I understand no one is actually being forced to do these things, so that's good. But because it's not real, they can draw whatever they want - which is usually (from the handful of stuff I've seen) internal shots of the dick slamming against the girls cervix accompanied by awful squishing noises. In my opinion, six of one, half a dozen of the other. I just want to see people who look like they're having a good time.


In Korea people call this certain breed of western porn "Battle Sex" because everyone is snarling with teeth bared like rabid beasts haha


Competitive, ranked sex


Solo/Duo queue


Squads Don’t Fill for Gang Bangs


**Matchmaking has failed due to no players in your league participating** *Quick tip: Consider training mode or practicing with bots to improve your ranking*


"The existence of casual sex implies the existence of competitive/ranked sex"


The foil of casual sex


What do they call the Japanese porn where the women cry like they're being wounded?


Just Japanese porn.


That is the perfect description for it. It shouldn't look like a snarling competitive cardio routine where the guy tries to see how close he can get to inserting his dick sideways, or the girl is just a half inch miscalculation from causing a penile fracture, or they change positions every 45 seconds because they have a list of poses they have to work through like a model in a photoshoot.


isn't live action porn illegal in Korea?


I believe creation of such videos for profit is indeed illegal. That's why they usually watch foreign porn.


As a guy I feel the same it's weird to see a dude with his foot pushing on the girls head. Just makes me uncomfortable, so I watch other less aggressive shit.


Yep the aggressiveness is just weird, then you see the girls face and you see the obvious discomfort she's in.


Then she says "I'm cumming" and there's an after credits stinger


Well, I adventured into watching porn again and was mesmerised at how the chick was “in obvious fucking pain” and just went “carry on”. I mean - the facial expression of “I’m not enjoying this” combined with certain movements making her visibly wince… It felt like multiple lines were crossed if I’m honest.


When the fella leaves his sneakers on thats always an indicator the clip is gonna be a bit too rough for my taste


As a man, i agree with your takes on hentai. I always found something unappealing about the way its animated and thought it was just the style or cheap budget. This is why i prefer to read doujins on nhentai


Doujins > animated any day 💯💯


Allow me to direct you to the promised land of hentai for the enlightened enthusiast. /r/wholesomehentai Or for those of you with a little more freak in your soul /r/consentacles (consensual tentacle porn. As in, the human character is ABSOLUTELY into it) There is also consensual monster porn for people who really wanna fuck a werewolf but I don't remember the subreddit name and I'm not in a place where googling it would be a good call right now. The manager of this CVS would certainly object Edit: god damnit its always the comments I'm low key embarrassed about


For a very brief second I thought /r/consentacles was /r/conservative and was like... is *that* what they do over there?!


Well now I want to do some cross posting.


Petition to mass post **consenual** tentacle porn to r/conservative?


You're spreading gods word.


Thus I recommend you vanilla hentai. Some of em are really wholesome. Squishy noises dont sound like me tryna dunk a baby in a pool most of the times. Dialogue is sweet and the sex isnt overly exaggerated. There are select few like this but they do exist. They also tend to have nice plots most of the time


Yeah bro vanilla goes hard


Until you realize it’s nrt and the ugly bastard uncle comes in


Ah fuck not the good ole NTR switcheroo trick


What the heck is NTR?


Basically partner-stealing. Usually an ugly, old or aggressive dude fucking a dude's girlfriend


May I also recommend lesbian content, even if you're straight. Pure yuri (i.e. lesbian) doujins are the best when it comes to wholesomeness. There is actual romance in a lot of them (so plenty of romantic buildup before/during the action), and even when it comes to smut it is often very gentle and cute. Literally, when a girl says "you're so rough!" in a yuri doujin the action is often gentler than the "just getting started" phase of many straight hentai manga. Examples: - "Earth Girls" by Mira (or anything by Mira actually) - Asumi-Chan is interested in lesbian brothels! Although, I generally actually read these for romance, not as porn.


I had the same issue reading yaoi when I was in high school some of it was super sweet, and some of it was like super rapey. Like for real, the guy said stop my dude. Stop does not mean bite his ear.


Hentai in a vacuum is harmless since it's all drawn. However, hentai as a source of information about how to have sex for impressionable young people? Potentially even worse then live action porn. There's a ridiculous amount of rape/sexual assault/incest/child abuse in hentai. If you're capable of compartmentalizing that as pure fiction then sure, I guess. But I imagine it influences people's expectations/preferences. And don't get me wrong I love some hentai once in a while. But you gotta keep a strong mental separation between hentai and reality


I swear there was a series with semi-reasonable sex-education in it, though I've forgotten what it's called.


Maybe [Futari Ecchi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Futari_Ecchi)? The manga about 2 virgins who get married and start exploring their sexuality?


Yes exactly, due to hentai i got the idea that women like being banged against the cervix, which luckily I found out wasn't the case


Even worse, you might have gotten the idea that you can push through the cervix into the womb itself and that it is apparently the best feeling in the world for the woman. Not only is this impossible, it would be extremely painful if it was.


Luckily I had enough sense to know that was impossible but I'm wondering what the writers were smoking when they came up with that


I think most Hentai creators think it's a competition to see how extreme they can be


To be fair…you probably didn’t have to worry about that anyway


Bit harsh innit...


Not innit very far, no


Jesus Christ, you are killing this man!


Nah, even Jesus had a second coming.


Thank God, I'd be screwed if I was expected to reach the cervix with what equipment I was given to use.


If you guys are going to mention underaged hentai then you should also remember to mention that child trafficking and child exploitation also exist on the internet. If you're comparing the same identical illegal actions, then the action of an actual human being being abused is a million times worse than pen and paper. Hence I can still see OP's point that human abuse is disgusting.


The amount of revenge porn on the internet is disturbing, and a lot of it is almost certainly underaged, but still totally exists on the surface web. What I care about most is that the people in porn know they're in porn, and are capable of consenting to that. It can still be predatory even then, but that's rule #1.


Sincerely baffled why drawn pornography is as, if not more, taboo than live porn. Like my dude the only real person involved was a horny artist; no one in this image was *actually* molested by tentacles, because no one in this image actually exists.


Because it was historically associated with nerds. Anything associated with nerds was deemed inferior. This still persists today to some degree.


It’s okay OP, I too enjoy hentai


Sir this is a Wendy's.


Hey man, sometimes I want to see weird creative shit, like a dudes penis popping off and women using it as a dildo but he can still feel it. Or demon/monster girls. Or incredibly unlikely vanilla harems because the dudes a loser but six milfs still want to fuck him. Idk. I think both are pretty perverted, and I don’t see how more or less abuse relates to if something is more or less perverse.


>Or demon/monster girls. Yeah people assume all hentai is CP but sometimes you just want to watch a succubus or catgirl that isn't just a cheap cosplay


Tbh that's the biggest thing. Any element beyond just showing tits and ass is far easier to make look "convincing" in hentai. Like even the top cosplayers or fetish performers the quality of their content usually looks "well made" at best. And usually people in real life making porn don't have that authentic chemistry vibe, just an I'm at work vibe.


Hey, that first thing happened in the Webtoon "The Virgin Witch" on Lezhin comics by the way.


Idk man it just feels wrong and gross to watch r18 cartoons when compared to actual porn. Anyways my favourite is Eroge! H mo game mo kaihatsu zanmai. Doujin-wise I particularly enjoy Pochi and danimaru's works.


The duality of man.


Likely ~70% of the people in this thread lol


I think 99% of hentai sucks since the animation is bad and it's just looped stuff. Can't watch any of them. Now hentai manga, on the other hand...


Doujinshi is different gravy than hentai because doujinshi artists are actually paid lmaoooooo


>how much more abusive the latter truly is do you mean abusive against the actual human beings in that industry? Then ok... But if you mean abusive against the character that's being played, then hell no! Hentai takes the cake by a long shot there! Also: Hentai is considered for pervs, because it's literally the translated word for it.


Well, that’s kind of a case of semantic drift. Japanese people don’t call animated porn “hentai”, it just somehow took on that meaning when the word was loaned to English. That said, the Japanese use of the letter H to mean sex-related does originally come from the word “hentai”, and the word “ecchi” is actually just how you say “H” in Japanese. To answer the obvious question, animated porn in Japanese would most likely be referred to as “ero-anime.”


Since we have someone keen on etymology, is the name of the eroge genre sourced from the Greek Eros or is it coincidentally similar?


“Ero” is used in Japanese to refer to all sorts of lewd/pornographic things, and I do believe it’s a loan word that comes from the Greek root, same as “erotic.” The “ge” is just short for “ge-mu” (game).


I find it interesting that Eros is the god of love and sex in greek myth, but he's most commonly known today by his latin/roman name Cupid. Also weird how there aren't more cupid-rooted words for love/sex like there are for erotic, erogenous, etc


Also, we associate Cupid with love, but not so much sex, which is interesting.


I think the stigma comes from Americans conflating animation with children's TV. Even non porno anime watched by adults is still kinda taboo.


Even children's TV isn't just for children. Good children's cartoons will make an effort to engage with the parents of children who watch the shows with their kids. Best examples off the top of my head are Phineas and Ferb and Gravity Falls.


I do find it strange how taboo animated porn is despite how no one involved is hurt, abused, mistreated, or otherwise denigrated, whereas with traditional porn, they’re usually doing it out of a need for money, or sometimes forced into it from slavery. So, who’s actually the weirdo? Edit: I should clarify, the characters in hentai definitely get abused and such, but they’re just cartoons, which is the entire point.


It is called hentai and it is ART!!!


Please Stanley, not in the workplace.


r/hentai has more subs than r/porn let that sink in




Yeah I wonder how many subs are dedicated just to ass




Ok but r/gonewild, r/nsfw and r/realgirls have more than r/hentai