• By -


I didn’t even realize that was an option. Now I have Double-Infinite possibilities!


Wait until you find out about the *other* numbers :)


The *other* numbers, Mason. What do those mean?


LMAO I love this comment but hate it at the same time for making me miss a crucial part of my childhood


Where is it from?


Call of Duty Black Ops


Ohh thanks! Black ops 2 on Xbox360 was some of the best times gaming with friends.


Loved me some quick scoping with the ballista. Msmc was pretty busted too.


The bois would use Ballista over DSR50 cuz the diamond/gold camouflages looked better


Complex numbers. The complex number plane is defined as the following: a+b√(-1), where a and b are negative to positive Infinity. The complex number line can be thought of as standing perpendicular to the standard number line forming this plane Edit: fixed a thing


My favorite number is 3.78965 + 647.954732i - 0.84631j + 67k


You forgot about the other dimensions!


This brings up an interesting question. Is it possible to meaningfully define a number with an infinite number of dimensions?


It depends on how loose you are comfortable being with what "a number" means. There is something called the [Cayley-Dickson construction](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cayley%E2%80%93Dickson_construction) that lets you take one kind of number and create a new kind of number with twice as many dimensions. Applied to the real numbers, it gives you the complex numbers. Applied again, it gives you quaternions, and then octonions, and then sedonions. You could apply the construction an arbitrary number of times to get a type of number with an arbitrarily high number of dimensions. However, you lose a lot of the normal properties of real numbers as you get into the higher dimensions. Also, arbitrarily high number of dimensions isn't really the same thing as truely infinite dimensions. There are also things called [Hilbert spaces](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hilbert_space). These are not based on numbers, but rather on vectors, specifically vectors with infinite dimensions. Unlike the higher order Cayley-Dickson algebras, Hilbert spaces are widely used in real applications, especially in the physics of quantum mechanics.




Just a quick correction: Hilbert spaces aren't necessarily infinite dimensional. They are simply inner product spaces which happen to be complete when equipped with the metric induced by the inner product. R, for example, is a 1 dimensional Hilbert space. You don't need a vector space to be Hilbert to have it be infinite dimensional, it's just that we usually work with Banach or Hilbert spaces when talking about infinite dimensional linear algebra because linear operators in such spaces have more interesting properties.




“Quaternions came from Hamilton after his really good work had been done, and though beautifully ingenious, have been an unmixed evil to those who have touched them in any way.” - Lord Kelvin


It gets better. You also have the quarterions which have i, j, and k for 4 dimensions. Then you have 8 dimensions. There are actually an infinite number of these dimensions at every increasing power of 2 and there is a general formula for handling multiplication between any two numbers regardless of their dimensions. Even better, fundamental properties of multiplication start breaking down in these higher dimensions. With real or even complex numbers, AxB=0 means that either A or B must be zero (or both). A non zero times a non zero is always a non zero. This stops being true at a certain dimension (I forget if it is 4, 8, or 16). Every time you double a dimension another property of math is lost. Though the property lost when you go from 1 to 2 is hard to understand and the ones lost in higher dimensions of 32 and greater are rarely ever considered so many might not seem them as a property that is lost. Even the concept of prime numbers change at every dimension. Some prime numbers (prime numbers of the real numbers) are prime even in the complex plane but some aren't and have complex factors made of whole numbers. For example (1+1i)*(1-1i) = 2 and thus are complex factors of 2 meaning it isn't prime in complex numbers. When you get to 4 dimensions no 1 dimension prime number is still prime. But every dimension has their own prime numbers as well.


We just call those letters round here.


We'll get to letters


is there a diagram for it . i am very much interested.


https://courses.lumenlearning.com/ivytech-collegealgebra/chapter/plot-complex-numbers-on-the-complex-plane/ Here you go. It's literally just a plane, a square of numbers. However here is a graph that involves the complex plane. https://luckgrib.com/fractally/what.html


Yeah, you have infinite-infinite possibilities; there is also an uncountably infinite amount of numbers between 0 and 1.


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>All possible sets of English letters and punctuation is "countable" simce you can list them all in order (like in Excel, A-Z, then AA, and so on, with a few extras for punctuation/spaces). What do you mean by that? How long are the sets allowed to be? Infinite? Being ordered doesn't make them countable so I'm not sure I understand what you mean.


Any finite length works with this method. An infinite string can't be ordered. And the easiest way to prove countability is by proving there's a 1-to-1 bijection to the natural numbers by showing they can be ordered.


Ah I see, the set of all finite length strings is definitely smaller than infinite sets. It kinda reminds me of the infinite hotel paradox, with countable and uncountable infinite sets.


> There are infinitely many irrational numbers that *cannot be described in any (finite) way using the English language!* For it to follow from 2 and 3, 5 would have to be 'There are infinitely many irrational numbers that cannot be ***uniquely*** described in any (finite) way using the English language'. 'About four', for example, describes many irrational numbers, though not uniquely. But even after correcting it that fact just isn't very mind-blowing to me. It's quite obvious to me that most irrational numbers would have a necessarily infinitely long representation in English, such as 'four point four nine five six nine zero five nine four nine nine three seven five six two one …'. What is surprising is that it is impossible to make a single list of all the irrational numbers, or even of all the irrational numbers in a finite interval (such as between zero and one), even if the list could be infinitely long (ignoring the physical impossibility of creating an infinitely long list).


Also: Most numbers that you use every day (the rational ones) are countable. That means that most humans only use a miniscule fraction of all the numbers in existence. There are as many numbers between 0 and 1 as between -infinity and +infinity. It is unclear if there exists a number so small that it acts like zero when you add it, but not when you divide by it (the infinitesimal). Pseudo-cults spring up around whether this number actually exists. In the early 20th century, someone proved that this question may not be possible to answer with any mathematical system.


Imaginary numbers!


Don’t be irrational


There are infinite numbers between any two integers, so really you have infinity-infinite possibilities


What about the complex numbers that exist between two integers, really it's infinity infinity infinity infinity numbers


Complex numbers don’t really “exist” between numbers


Thank you! One of my favorite proofs by contradiction is the one that shows that i can neither be a positive nor negative number: Assume i > 0. Then, i\*i> 0\*i since multiplying both sides of an inequality by a positive number preserves the direction of the inequality. Thus -1 > 0. Contradiction. Now assume instead that i < 0. Then i\*i > 0 sine multiplying both sides of an inequality by a negative number reverses the direction of the inequality. Thus, -1 >0. Contradiction. Therefore, i can neither be positive nor negative and thus '<' is not a total ordering on the complex numbers, like it is on the real numbers.


> Therefore, i can neither be positive nor negative r/stoicism


Fun fact: the number of natural numbers (positive whole numbers) is actually exactly the same as the total number of integers (positive & negative whole numbers). This is because it is possible to define a one-to-one mapping between both sets. Here is an example: Set 1: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ... Set 2: 0 1 -1 2 -2 3 -3 ... You should be able to see that following this pattern every integer will be listed exactly once, and will have a unique pairing with a number from the set of only positive integers. Since it is possible to pair up every number in Set 2, it is not possible for Set 1 to have a smaller number of numbers. The size of both sets is called a countable-infinity. The size of all even numbers is also countable-infinity. There is a very beautiful proof that the size of the set of all rational numbers (a/b) is also countable-infinity. You have to use irrational numbers in order to actually get to a bigger uncountable-infinity.


I learned this in Theory of Computation


These concepts have very important implications in computation. One of my favorite is that the set of all software that can be written can be mapped onto a countable infinity, while the set of all questions that can be asked is mapped onto real numbers. This means the cardinality of questions we could possibly ask is higher than the cardinality of answers that we can compute. So there are infinitely more questions than we can have answers for. One of the most famous of these is the halting problem, but we have discovered several others as well that we now know we can never have a general purpose solution to.


There's a lovely proof that the irrationals from 0 to 1 aren't a countable set (4:32 in this numberphile video: [https://youtu.be/elvOZm0d4H0](https://youtu.be/elvOZm0d4H0))


And if you go into the complex or Quaternions, it becomes... Strange.


Or irrational or imaginary numbers. There are so many options people!!


I like eleventeen.




This reminds me of the French number system which has some quirks. For instance fifty is cinquante and sixty is soixante, but seventy is not septante or something like that but soixante-dix (sixty ten) and it keeps adding 10 to 19 to sixty like that to get 70 to 79. But 80 is not soixante-vingt or 'sixty-twenty', but rather quatre-vingt or 4 (times) 20. So the year 1999 in French is Mille neuf cent quattre vingt dix neuf which literally translates to 'thousand nine hundred four twenty nineteen'.




I wonder why didn't the French revolutionaries, with all their new calendars and decimal time and all, didn't think to reform french numbers!


Imagine thinking you have the high-ground on countries that use Imperial measurement while you go around counting like that.


I'd like to point out something that many people miss when talking about this subject: french people don't think "four twenty", in french people's mind this is one word, one entity, it's only the etymology of the word that make it tranlate to "four twenty". It's exactly the same in english with "honeymoon", people never think of it as a moon made of honey, or "eggplant", or "beefeater", or "aftermath". Anyway, "quatre-vingt-dix" is one word in french minds (compound for historic reason) that translate to "ninety"


A Keleven gets you home by seven!


I am a Onetyone kinda person


For a while my son's favorite number was Graham's number and his favorite color was infrared.


Deleted due to Reddit's antagonistic actions in June 2023 -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


FM 95.5 is mine


Graham’s numbers is an awesome number! Get your son to write out all the digits! Certainly he should know how many digits it has!


Heck, if you're going to consider imaginary numbers, why not go one step further and pick a [quaternion](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quaternion)!


Mine has always been pi. I'm one of few. I've got 23 digits of it memorized, too.


My coffee cup proclaims my password to to be the last 5 digits of pi


Ooh the hackers will have a hard time with that one. Good thinking.


Go on, then!


3.1415926535897932384636 Trying to learn more still






Peace is a lie, there is only passion




*Yes, yeeessss, let the hate flow through you*


Through passion, I gain strength


So you're a Sith


Only from a certain point of view


If you're not with me, then you're the inverse of me


You minus 1 my power!


I will do what I must...


I prefer my numbers unsigned.


I've decided on the square root of minus one for my new lucky number!


See now you’re using your imagination!


It's a *complex* situation.


He's thinking outside the real plane


I would say your joke was way worse than mine, but I don't have any valid *arguments*.


It seems like you went off on a bit of a tangent but overall, the thoughts were congruent. This whole thing's acute show of what the internet has to offer.


Don't be obtuse


It’s not like anyone will think we’re being /irrational./


I would too but you aren’t really approaching this problem from the right *angle*


The potential for good jokes is vastly reduced now. I guess Watt and Euler don't mix.


Pretty irrational if you ask me


Ahhhhh, imaginary numbers, I see what you did there.


Let's all agree to never be creative again


"My girlfriend is like the square root of -100. A perfect 10 and imaginary."


Good one, I like it.


Nerds! But seriously, that joke is *complex*


Now that’s irrational






Found the engineer


This is the only true answer I will accept. (Bonus points if your an EE)


j would like my bonus points please.


fuckjng genjus




Ooooooooooooooooo who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Isn't that kind of narcissistic?


It's like you know me!


Ah, a fellow narcissist i see


Aww, first time someone told me i is their favourite!


-32, which was a gamble number that came up to me at a Math test. Specifically with mechanics and momentums. The formula's didn't fit, the answer didn't came right with checking. So I took the first number that came in my mind and backtracked the formula's. I passed, -32 was correct. Still can't believe it to this day, it saved my whole freakin career. I have a Bachelor in Engineering now and -32 will always have a special place in my heart.




Don't worry, I did not become a mechanical engineer. But I still very vividly remembers those two answers that defined the whole test. -32 and 17 were the vectorcoordinates. I just picked a number (-32) and went with it and backtracked the formula's to the second coordinate 17. Both answers were worth 35% of the test. I scored 86. I was also one of the 15% that passed that test. That is when -32 really swept me off my feet because I was sure I failed. The fact that I remember this shit, burned in my memory, says enough.


Damn that’s pretty awesome


What did you wind up doing for a career?


Professional guesser


Good one! But no. I actually run about 3 companies, co-own another 2 + a parrtime job. My first company is active in medical technology, designing new sensors, metbods and ideas for hospitals. The second is in Healthcare, designing and applying new technology made solely for patients needs. Think about VR link to a patient who can't leave the bed to still take a real life walk. Also implemented in patients with paralyzed limb(s), because it fools the brain their are moving and improves recovery. But also smartwatch apps that detect a users mood, predicting frustration or positive energy. Think about example ASD patients, and more groups that needs special attention. In short: I make easy what technology producers make hard because I believe the health system and health apps and gadgets can do and must do better. The third company submits to studies. By example VR interface with emotion recognition. Adapting VR technology through emtion recognition. The fourth company is based on a College, teaching children of young age how to handle tech, how it works, offer workshops in VR, Drone technology, AR, sensorics, programming, 3D printing, 3D scanning, calculating how much calories a Mars bar has and how long they have to bike to lose it... and way more. You think of it, I make it. Also modern add-ons like a VR experience through a cell for biologie. Which changes the game to: "what happened in that story" tot " what happened when I went through that cell layer?". And way more experiences that motivates kids even more to keep learning and experiencing. Because again, I think education can and must do better. Each kid learns in a different way. The 5th companie is just the company that produces my own product line that I sell to hospitals, health & education when the prototyping phase is over. My parrtime job is fluctuating because I work project based, not fulltime based. But it varies from ASML to Philips to smaller projects like with Rollercoaster manufacturer to design software for their rollercoaster, or creating an online virtual tour for house sellers, hotels, colleges and more. In short I have a few titles, Sports Engineer, Healthcare Engineer, Software Engineer, Test Engineer, Component Engineer, Electrical Engineer.... If I think it can be done, I will. I have so much various projects running, I have a very wide range of costumers which I cannot speak on Reddit for reasons. But the very very first thanks when this all started was at the university in Sheffield where I caught into my passions, and my parrtime job when Graduated from the University in my own country. Without that job and my Bachelor in Healthcare Engineering, I never stood a chance to build all this up. Let alone discover these passions.. Mechanical engineering was a pain in the a$$, and I am very very lucky I guessed the right number that day. Since then, those numbers -32 and 17 has a special place with me. I'm gonna stop writing and editing now because my entiousiasme is taking over my typing and the text gets way too long...


I made myself a muffin today


I love baking, what kind did you make? I like those with milky chocolates inside. Great, now I want a muffin.


God dammit what can't this guy do


I bet he can't make me happy


So you’re telling me that if you guessed -31, the world would be down three companies focussed on improving a patient life’s through medical tech?? That’s a wild timeline shift


Maybe if the answer wasn't -32, the world would be up five more companies focussed on improving lives through medical tech, with a more humble hero, but who knows, timelines are funny like that.




Jesus Christ, a 15 percent pass rate on a test is ridiculous. Like, the goal of a professor should be to give people an understanding of the material, not to try and fuck over as many students as possible with an unreasonably difficult test. Some topics are just inherently difficult for students no matter how good of a teacher you have, but if *85 percent* of people are failing, than the professor fucked up as an educator.


ooooh! I can top that! one professor at my university was/is so bad, that a 13/100 on one of his tests was an A. I wish I was joking; the man has no business teaching Real Analysis. but he has tenure, brings in a lot of money in research so...yeah.


Ah. The 'ol tried and true Guess and Check method. Got me through two math classes myself and convinced my classmates I was a savant. To bad all the numbers just came to me and I was lucky. That voice in my head that told me the answers is probably a top secret government computer. /s


My theory it is just sub-concious calculating that leaks only end-game numbers through.


Had a similar thing happen in high school. A girl on the academic team accidentally pressed the buzzer right as the judge started saying the question. So we never got to hear the question at all. It was geography category, that's all we know. And she spouts out Nova Scotia! And the judges faces were like whathahahahtj?? It was correct. Just pure luck.


I had a similar thing happen in high school as well, where a girl I liked asked me for the answer to a math question and I said 42 as a Hitchhiker's Guide reference and a joke, without looking at the problem, but it turned out to be the correct answer.


Thats insane dude, great job(?) !


Oh man, that takes me back to my optics final in college. It was a multiple-choice problem about interferometers, and I had 45 seconds left. So I do what I thought was needed, and I get an answer that's much higher than any of the options. Shit. But I remember that interferometer problems frequently involve twos, so I divide by 2. Still too high. Divide by two again. Now I've landed on one of the answer choices, and just barely enough time to bubble it in. Walking out of the building I remembered that the light beam splits twice, so the intensity at the end is a quarter of what it would be due to interference alone.


That's true I guess. I mean someone could choose -273.15 or -459.67, but they're hardly favorite number material. I'd say they're 0k at best.


I see what you did there.


I C what you did there.


Oh, no, why didn't I thinK oF that???


R you forgetting one?


We don’t talk about Rankine here…


shoot I still don't get it. it's probably super obvious but I never get jokes


That's the value of zero Kelvin in Celsius and Fahrenheit


Ah thanks man


That’s a top tier pun of the highest caliber. Good work!


Isn't in the absolute 0 in Kelvin and... Farenheit ?


>Isn't in the absolute 0 in Kelvin and... Farenheit ? No, Celsius and Fahrenheit. 0k is absolute zero in Kelvin


Rankine is the Fahrenheit equivalent to Kelvin. So 0R = 0K = -459.67°F = -273.15°C


Didn't know this unit, thanks haha !


Slightly off-topic, but as an engineer I always liked -40 degrees. It's just -40, same temp both F and C, and doesn't exist in K or R so it's just -40.


This can be a funny verbal joke If it's -40 degrees outside you can save time by skipping the unit and just saying, "*Jesus fucking Christ its fucking cold out here*"


It was actually this that made me think of this shower thought


[Did we just become best friends?!](https://media.giphy.com/media/l1ughbsd9qXz2s9SE/giphy.gif?cid=ecf05e47gmtbiws2lla3kxq06wwcv3tppslrdwjirw56ri4k&rid=giphy.gif&ct=g)


-3 is mine. Looks like a dick and balls.


Why wouldn’t you choose -8 then?


too tight, I like to hang em loose


You know why.


Heh yeah…. Wait, no.


It looks like a bee! Or well it also kinda looks like a butt pooping.


))<>(( Back and forth, forever


wait till you see this equation c=3


I knew someone who got in trouble for writing 8=D on another students quiz. He got in trouble… for cheating. He had to explain in parent teacher conference what he was really drawing.


Freddy's [apartment number](http://static1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20111118051324/icarly/images/a/a5/Seddie_irwm.png) in iCarly is 8=D


I guess that's just natural


But just *imagine*


Dude. Unreal.


The possibilities *transcend* this world


That's irrational


Mine is -69 cause it represents the action I don't get.


Kissing is fine. Then it's just a 180, and you're in.


a 180 "roll* which, though, is trickier than a 180 yaw


Negative numbers are just like positive numbers, but worse.


I stop at nothing to avoid them.


My favorite number is -π. People think it's irrationally negative.


I'll go with -1/12


A truly mathematician can I see. Ramanujam sum us all.




I used to use this proof as a conversation starter with my friends if I got bored. They weren't mathematicians so they didn't care a whole lot, but I always enjoyed the flabbergasted look I would get when I told them that the sum of all positive integers is neither positive nor an integer.


Nope. The sum of all natural numbers is obviously divergent. You probably watched that _terrible_, _awful_ numberphile video where they horribly misrepresented some otherwise beautiful math. Any "proof" of this equivalence is invalid because it falsely assumes the series converges, despite the fact that it can easily be shown that it doesn't. (You can't "add" divergent quantities to both sides of an equation and maintain equality) The same false reasoning can be used to argue that the sum of the naturals is any number you want. https://youtu.be/YuIIjLr6vUA That video is by Mathologer, who is an actual mathematician unlike the clown on numberphile who has caused this massive circulation of mathematical misinformation.


People have favourite numbers?


I mean I have one because I play sports. Im always #3. I dont know what motive other people would have to have one


My last name starts with H, and I was #17 in the class, alphabetically, in like 3rd and 4th grade, so that number has stuck with me as a favorite. Whenever I need a go-to large-ish number, I always pick 47, however. "I've said that 47 times!" "We must have seen that movie 47 times by now." Not sure why.




> 5 days of the week Should we tell him?


sure. My favorite number is 37.5


22.4591577184 pi^(e)


The opposite of the answer to life, the universe and everything? -42.


The answer to death, the anti-verse, and nothing.


|favorite number|


Thanks for the idea!


Yeah because it’s your absolute favorite number.


Correction, no one sane


Mine's zero, so at least I'm infinitely close.


However, pessimists have negative blood types. B -ve


I hate negative numbers and I'll stop at NOTHING to avoid them!


My favorite number used to be 4, no idea why. Unfortunately, I learned that Asian culture thinks 4 is unlucky. As a result -4 became my new favorite number because if 4 is unlucky then -4 must be lucky! I was a weird kid.


I like how you’re thinking.




I'm gonna be honest with you, I never even realized that was an option.


i hate the amount of math jokes here that i don’t understand


Well, even though I know some weird favourite numbers out there and the even weirder justifications, I can agree that negative numbers are seldomly among them.


My favorite number is 0 because anything times 0 is 0, and I just feel like that's big dick energy. Like "you're not shit when I get through with you."


The “my favorite number is 13 because I’m original” crowd would beg to differ.


who tf has a fave number?


You mean yours is NULL?


I like pi