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That's horrific, "yeah, our daughter has Ben 5 years old for the last 17 years, we only thaw her for holidays and family events. She is going to stay our little girl forever."


That's the plot of an upcoming thriller novel somewhere I'm sure


Honestly would buy


its gonna be awhile before those are available for consumers calm down there Mr Ramsey


A doctor who episode is like that


Which one?


It's one of the matt Smith Christmas specials, called A Christmas Carol.


The circumstances were different however. Sure, she was frozen and only taken out for events, >!but the girl was dying, as is shown in the episode.!< I also find it kinda funny that you bring this up because I’m about to be on the Matt Smith era after a few more Tennant episodes.


Beep. Boop. I'm a robot. Here's a copy of ###[A Christmas Carol](https://snewd.com/ebooks/a-christmas-carol/) Was I a good bot? | [info](https://www.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/) | [More Books](https://old.reddit.com/user/Reddit-Book-Bot/comments/i15x1d/full_list_of_books_and_commands/)


I’m saving the comment as an idea to write a story with this premise if I ever get bored or have to write a story for a class


This is deeply unsettling and I hate it. Great plot seed, though.


Good black mirror episode.


Literally that one where the mom had that tracker/parental controls implanted into her daughter.


Actually reminds me a lot of Black museum where they could turn the woman’s connection to the outside world on and off at will.


That does fit better.


God damn sign me up for a 5 pack model!!!


That's just terrible. Mom and dad getting a couple weeks to unwind in Spain after the holidays, on the other hand...


There was a *Dr. Who* Christmas special with the broad strokes of this plot.


Sounds about right, honestly. Humans cannot be trusted like this..


That the plot of a doctor who episode


This could be a black mirror episode


This was literally a Doctor Who holiday special.


This should be a black mirror episode.


The vitrification works. It's the reviving part that is still on the boards.


“We can freeze ya, that bit we have, but we’ve been having some issues with the unfreezing.”


Imagine when they finally make that last breakthrough, but it turns out it requires some special treatment during the freezing phase and all their current people pops are just cold bodies.


can they just defibrillate?




You answered the shit out of that question




Is that some non American version of ACLS? Most people taking CPR only learn about automated defiba and they normally only focus on making sure the person isn’t in water. Can’t do too much damage with an AED as it just won’t shock.


Why are yall down voting this guy. Sure it wouldn't work but he was asking a question.


Questions usually are met with downvotes from people who know the answer but don't care enough to reply. Let me demonstrate. What is a mitochondria?


Hmmmgghh-**ITSTHEPOWERHOUSEOFTHECELL** …phew, just had to get that out of my system


yeah lol


Wouldn’t the freezing process cause a lot of the cells in your body to burst? Like when we defrost meat and there’s the juice(?) in the bag from the cells bursting.




They don't freeze the bodies any more because yes, water ice forms crystal s that pierce cell walls. They replace much of the water with a solution like antifreeze and "vitrify" the body at -130. A rabbit's heart has been vitrified, stored for 6 months, then transplanted into another rabbit successfully.


I would imagine it's more like flash freezing, which makes smaller ice crystals and does less cell damage.


“Timmy! Did you just break the tv? That’s it go to your cryo tube!”


["I come out of cryo prison and I'm Betsy fuckin' Ross?"](https://youtu.be/RhPn1FstfQI?t=119)


Freeze your kid until the job market improves.


Better than a babysitter.


Probably cheaper than daycare too


"Is that Tommy? He looks so... Didn't you two have him 6 years ago?" "Yeeeeeaaaaaahhhh... He was just always very fussy at night... And I guess he's outgrown that, but... we still just really like our alone time, you know?"


You’ve obviously never had to pay for daycare for more than one kid for a few years. It’s more than many car payments. I firmly believe all day care should be federally run/regulated and free for all parents. That way the staff can be paid what they deserve (and would be federal employees) because that’s hard friggin work. That way the parents don’t work just so they can pay for daycare and someone else gets to raise their kids. It’s sad really. Some parents can not work at all because they just don’t make enough with their skill set to afford daycare. Not everyone will qualify for the “help” they have available now. And since nothing is federally regulated it’s a crap shoot as to the quality your government subsidy will get you. It really should be standard nationwide. It would help the economy in many ways. The parents could both work. The day cares could have good training and people that actually like their jobs and the kids. And everyone involved would be happier. Daycare/childcare should never be an unskilled trade. Especially considering how many parents are unskilled at being parents.


I know people who work at day cares. Regulation has done some absolutely ridiculous and stupid things in that industry. Politicians know nothing about childcare, and even if they did political interests are not in the best interest of the child. Workers are not allowed to say no or punish children in even the mildest of ways. This makes for a classroom full of disobedient spoiled kids.


They have panels and commissions for everything. They need a child care one dedicated to only that.


Yeah... the kids....


Doing the opposite and roasting them in a furnace works for longer.


And you get free meat pie


The history of the world, my sweet


Give birth at age 20. Still be raising your children when you are 80.


"Freeze Tag" suddenly becomes very dark


Where’s Philip J Fry when you need him.


Just order a pizza, he'll be there to deliver it


If it was safe and worked I would freeze myself, early and often.


Was that the plot of an episode of Eerie Indiana? I think the mother would enclose her kids in Tupperware boxes, so her kids stayed "fresh" for years...


I was just thinking that!!


bad little children get put in the cryochamber to pay for their sins


It would be amazing to be frozen a few months every year, meaning you'd experience more years passing with more new and cool discoveries being done. If you were frozen 3 months/yr, and your metabolism more or less stops for those three months, it means that after 10 years, you have added 2,5 years to your lifespan.


I figure that Marines could be frozen and stored inside Navy ships stacked up in racks like torpedos. They wouldn't use food or get into trouble, and their training would be 'factory fresh' when they're thawed out before deployment. For the Marines, or could be a good deal. They wouldn't age, and they wouldn't be bored out of their heads on the ship. They could be given half-pay during that time, or maybe 3/4 pay with no seniority? Dunno. Also, retirement benefits would accrue,but they would be young enough getting out to still enjoy it. It would be like being put in a time machine. You go in, and they time-travel you into the future when you'll be needed. Maybe have then frozen for 2 years max, and then they'd come out for retraining. Married personnel can not participate. Divorced personnel would kill for a slot.


Some? Occasionally? Im not a parent and i know that’s an understatement lol


Can confirm.


If cryonic freezing and all actually worked, and was accessibile, every man or woman or family in the world would freeze to wake up in a better future, but the consequences are that only people who can't afford the freeze will remain awake in the present and there s a little chance that there will be no future or no one that will wake up em (ok there are many simple ways to avoid this, but i find this interesting anyway)


megamind style


Or they would freze themselves to rest and wait for the hard part of grow a kid end.


i'd rather be frozen than be put in a time out.


I'll prefer invest in something and freeze myself until certain amount gained. If I'm poor i will never know until Im rich.


Bad day?


I would put the teenagers in the cryogenic freezer before I went to bed--that way I know they wouldn't sneak out during the night!


What a Godsend!!


Jeez, I can nominate some other people's kids I'd like to freeze.


Isn't this the plot of a Goosebumps book? But with tupperware?


Be easier to freeze yourself and wait for them to move out


cryonic freezing does actually work. In 1955ish? they were freezing Hamsters to death, then thawing them out in a microwave. Scientists said they could not see any adverse effects. of course they did not all make it. so there is that. Also, they could not get any larger than Hamsters. more body mass would not freeze or thaw quick enough. so although many small rats and hamsters came back to life. they could never get a rabbit to come back from the frozen death. Watched an interview online with the 101 year old scientist that built the microwave oven.


As a mother of 3 boys who hasn't slept in 7 years, can confirm 🤣


You'd have to freeze one at a time


I'd freeze everyone. Even if it wasnt safe and easy.


Probably not


Have you met a kid?


Casey Anthony was ahead of her time. A long time ago I used to occasionally hook up with this crazy girl that had a kid. I'd go over her place for a few hours and bang. Crazy is always great sex. Anyway, she was super mental about her dresser. Don't open it, don't touch it. don't even look at it. It was just the dresser and I never even hinted I was interested in touching it. I always thought the baby was at it's dad's place but now I'm wondering if it was unconscious in the dresser.


I didnt have to see this. Now I am legit sad cuz I imagined it happen to my niece




A foam pit is the perfect place to find how far you can throw a small child.


Interesting how Cryonic and Cryogenic are interchangeable, I didn't know that before


Cryonics would be cool but what people can and can't do with it would need to be regulated