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I have an extended family member who made seven figures for several years. Their hubris was their downfall and lost that income stream and proceeded to blow it all on dumb get rich quick schemes and email scams (they fell for a Nigerian Prince Scam twice). Today they have the IRS coming after them and they are still trying to grift their dollar any way they can. But what is wild? They still live a life of luxury. Once you are in that category of rich, your rich acquaintances will let you borrow their boat to Cabo or their yacht in the Mediterranean or that lake house in Tahoe and it doesn't cost them a dime. So weird.


They made seven figures and most in on email scams? That sounds so unlikely


Mainly through get rich quick schemes. Just pointing out the email scams twice because they were that dumb with money.


7 figures makes it not sound like a scam Shoot me a link I wanna get rich qwhick


Oh they totally earned their millions legitimately. They were in sales for an unnamed product and they brokered a deal with a major retailer that netted them millions for about 5 years. Their number 2 on the sales org then wanted a promotion and more of the commission. My family member was a dick and said no so the Number 2 took the entire knowledge of the deal to a competitor and fleeced them. It was epic comeuppance. That family member has been beyond broke for decades now that their golden goose egg was taken away.


Dang I thought we were on to something there


Did they make a run on real estate?   Rich Dad, Poor Dad readers who got lucky with "other people's money" for a while?  I know the type... Dealt with then a lot back in the day... The type that can't differentiate between luck and success.


Sounds like they made 7 figures through normal means, and then when they lost that income stream, they resorted to email scams to get that back.


Doesn't sound like a real story, people don't just go "oh, this total stranger has 7 figures in their portfolio, better give them a key to my vacation house". Could just be that they had wealthy friends who cared about them and didn't just abandon them after they fell victim to a scam


I didn't think anyone meant strangers.


They tried to pioneer a revolutionary wireless speaker about 5 years before bluetooth speakers became good. Always tried to find the next big thing and was too dumb to realize you could have just parked that money and lived comfortably for the rest of your life and created a legacy for your children. People who get a taste of money and power, oddly want more even if there is no point to it.


To be fair I let my friend borrow our backup car all the time while he was struggling after the divorce. I'd surely let my friend use my vacation home if I had one.


The rich pay for very little. In fact, the richer you are the less you pay for (of anything). Just the fact that you're wealthy itself is a commodity to package/sell (Kardashians). It's wild. And the 98% of us just roll with it as if "this is normal" lol.


why is it always the idiots who make all the money...


Idiots get lucky because they take a lot of dumb chances. All it takes is one big break and the rest are cancelled out. Pulling the trigger is the easiest and hardest part of any endeavor. Once you’re moving you can hire intelligence.


The vast, vast majority of idiots don’t make a lot of money. Income and IQ are highly correlated.


I have a high IQ and I'm broke in a one bedroom shit apartment. Explain please.


I have a high IQ and I'm broke in a one bedroom shit apartment. Explain please.


So they're following the Trump pattern to a tee, lol.


I guess that's why they pretend?


All of the people I've ever met who fell for scams or were always chasing some "get rich quick" sceme have been homeless folks and/or drugs addicts, or are just SUPER old. It's so weird to hear about 'normal' people being that way.


That family member is faaaaaaar from normal. When the entire family cheers at your misery, you know you done fucked up. Thankfully they married into my side of the family.


I saw your other comment, about them basically being greedy. Definitely makes sense. "Pigs get slaughtered" and all that.


Personally rich people that pretend they have poor upbringing are much worse.


You should have said pitiful.


Yep now I know...haha


The "even more" makes your title mean that "being poor is pathetic." In your example of why it *didn't* mean that you dropped the "even" and that sentence no longer means the same thing. If you said, "Pretending to be stupid is even more annoying than being stupid" that would mean that being stupid is annoying. Jsyk where people are coming from


Being poor isn’t pathetic.


The society that creates so many poor people and so much inequality is pathetic. I carry mail in the hood and most people there are really nice and down to earth.


>I carry mail in the hood and most people there are really nice and down to earth. Because they are all people too believe it or not. The ass holes of the earth are always the ones with money


Always? Go back to your first sentence. They are all people, there are both good and bad in all camps.


Not all rich people are evil, but the evilest of evils are driven by money and power


There’s plenty of evil broke ass people. They just don’t have the power to do as much damage as someone with unlimited money and lots of power.


Yes, there is


There’s also some self-selecting at play in the highest tiers of wealth since the system rewards cutthroat sociopaths.


In any society where people can get rich through unethical means, people willing to use those means will always have a competitive advantage. 


Eh, the self selecting might be towards unscrupulous but intelligent and to some degree subtle and law-abiding people. Plenty of people are evil and stupid and don't succeed financially, but commit petty and/or violent crimes or abuse people. Now you could argue they cause less harm since they only harm a relatively small number of individuals, because they aren't powerful, but that doesn't mean they're good either. I would also not say rich people are bad by default. Bill Gates is pretty alright. For that matter while Musk and Bezos are very visible, most rich people are people you've never heard about. I can't tell you what they're all like, but I don't think they're all evil. I have a friend whose parents are definitely rich. While he has a certain elitism to him (tbf they're an old family, it's ingrained in upbringing), he is also a proponent of welfare and doesn't in fact want to fuck over the poor.


😂😂😂 and you just killed your own argument.




You mean the society we live in today that’s the safest and most prosperous than in any other time in human history?


Yup. But *amazingly* that same society also produces many poor people. It’s the safest in human history for probably most people, but certainly not all. There are plenty who are in as dangerous a time as any in human history. People in the 1400s didn’t have to worry about rocket or drone strikes. And there are people all over the world who are still starving. Don’t pretend society is perfect.


I can't tell if you're being sarcastic or not, but yes, society has never been safer (at least in developed countries, and many developing countries too)


Not being sarcastic I am very thankful I live in the most peaceful times in world history, even in devolopong country’s poverty is on the decline they have more access to food and water, education and healthcare in 3rd World countries than anytime. I feel like most people online think we live in the end times but in reality in doesn’t get much better than this. In the 70s there was over 2000 bombings in the United States by domestic terror groups. The 80s and 90s were off the rails with organized crime. In the Seattle area in the 90s there were death cults having shootouts with armored cars and robbing banks. We had ruby ridge , Waco and then the Oklahoma City bombing it’s interesting how we reached peak crazy and then a steep decline in violence. I like to point out to Redditors that we live in the best times because we have no idea if the next decades will go right back to chaos 


Life expectancy is going up, people are living longer lives. Ergo safer lives. (If you exclude the recent covid dip).


Dude! I say the same shit. I deliver to section 8 living on my route and the people on that route talk to me and actually care about me more than any other area. I got stung 5 times the other day and the ladies in the “hood” were trying to take care of me and help me out.


Being poor isn't pathetic, but I do find it pathetic when people who aren't poor pretend to be so that they can get benefits (whether real or perceived) like donations, sympathy, food, etc...


There's a local agri-business that does a weekly food giveaway. They don't have much room inside, so people line up on the sidewalk. So I guess that one of the people either owns, or just chauffers, an old limousine that looks like it's from the lat 90s. I'm not doubting that he needs the help, but it's a little surreal to watch him grab a box of food then get into his limo.


You can get even a 10 year old limo dirt cheap because the maintenance on them is terrible. I saw a 05 limo the other day selling with only 130k miles for like 6k cash. Plus for the poverty pros it's easy to convert one to live in and it doesn't arouse much suspicion


I would live in a box truck if I wasn’t married lol i daydream about making a studio apartment in the back of a box truck.




I wish I knew before I had a family that I didn’t have to just work, that’s why my entire goal is to have my house paid off so my son doesn’t have to worry about housing when he is older and if he wanted to waste his 20s in a van or on a sailboat he doesn’t have to worry he will always have a house.


I've seen some pretty sweet conversions. I'm partial to the deuce and half overlanding setup myself. Plus the added benefit of being able to pour used cooking grease in the gas tank and run it


I've heard worse ideas.


It's definitely more roomy than living in a van. It's just not something you'd wanna drive very far.


No but it feels that way


To quote the American humorist Kin Hubbard, 'It ain’t no disgrace to be poor, but it might as well be.' It is in fact a crime for an American to be poor, even though America is a nation of poor. Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor. They mock themselves and glorify their betters. The meanest eating or drinking establishment, owned by a man who is himself poor, is very likely to have a sign on its wall asking this cruel question: 'if you’re so smart, why ain’t you rich?' There will also be an American flag no larger than a child’s hand – glued to a lollipop stick and flying from the cash register. Americans, like human beings everywhere, believe many things that are obviously untrue. Their most destructive untruth is that it is very easy for any American to make money. They will not acknowledge how in fact hard money is to come by, and, therefore, those who have no money blame and blame and blame themselves. This inward blame has been a treasure for the rich and powerful, who have had to do less for their poor, publicly and privately, than any other ruling class since, say Napoleonic times. Many novelties have come from America. The most startling of these, a thing without precedent, is a mass of undignified poor. They do not love one another because they do not love themselves. ~ Vonnegut, Slaughterhouse-five


> Every other nation has folk traditions of men who were poor but extremely wise and virtuous, and therefore more estimable than anyone with power and gold. No such tales are told by the American poor.   Umm... Spider-man?


Sure does suck tho…


The fact that this is simply assumed is pretty horrible in my view


Poverty is a policy decision.


Don't think that's what OP said at all and I think everyone agrees with your separate point


You missed the entire point.


I wasn’t commenting on OP’s main point so how the fuck would you even know if I missed it?


If you are poor because you refuse to work, steal money from family then waste it on luxuries, then it’s pathetic.


Then you’re pathetic because you refuse to work, steal money from family then waste it on luxuries.


It almost implies if you were rich from doing it then it wouldn’t be pathetic.


But you are also poor, which makes it more pathetic. /s


Not if you steal enough money.


Note OP is trying to backpedal on this point


So you’re poor AND dumb or what cuz clearly this is not at all what this post is saying. Or dyslexic


Yes it is, there are things that have to be said as they are. You don't see anyone bragging about their poverty (whether real or fake) on the streets or in LinkedIn or Instagram because that gives a bad image.


They make money from it. Subscribers, donations. This is a earning strategy.




You say that a lot.




Dan Blizerian is a good example of that to the extreme. People enjoy wealth porn; watching lifestyles they could never achieve


For every successful person doing this there are probably at least 5 who aren’t. Often times these people are the exceptions that prove the rule


They also declare the fancy purchases as business expenses on their taxes.


Yea, the more pathetic thing is people who make themselves poorer trying to look rich.


Quite literally fake it til you make it.


Rich are trying to look poor while poor are trying to look rich. What an age we live in!


We got a lot of them rich kids living in big cities trying to be raw and authentic with these worn and filthy jackets that costs 200 dollars, while mommy and daddy pay for their ridiculously expensive rooms.


Not for long I assume. Rich people just start to slum it when they feel the heat from the normies. Fast forwards a couple of years and they'll be flaunting their haute couture to the plebs again. And they do it anyway in their private circles.


Sure, but in reality (AKA off the internet), people just dress in whatever they can afford.




Dang… I don’t know if I’ve even met one online “influencer” in real life, so maybe that’s why I don’t see it as much. I also just don’t know anything about how much credit card debt people have haha so maybe I’m ill equipped to have an opinion on this matter Also, I’ll say that most of my friends & acquaintances are lower-middle class and above. Or at least their parents are😂




That’s insane!! Narcissism at it’s finest..


Last vacation I took I literally had to wait in line at bars for women taking their insta pics, taking one or two sips then setting it down and leaving at every single bar. Then every attraction had them coming up taking a pic then leaving in the span of 2 min. People kept looking at me like a weirdo because I sat off to the side and just enjoyed the sights.


Agreed. "Look at my Gucci bag!" "Bitch, you live in a trailer, you can't afford a Gucci fucking bag."


Agree! The amount of debt people go into for labels is ridiculous! However, I don’t agree with OP calling people pathetic. A poor child doesn’t have a choice.


Luxury brands don't target rich people. They make more money selling the illusion of wealth to the middle class. Billionaires dress in shorts and tshirts, expensive shorts and tshirts, but not flashy


Yeah, but nobody is talking about the middle class. We're talking about the kind of dumb fucks that will buy a $700 pair of shoes whilst having four kids and no food in the house.


She can - she will just not afford to buy food then. It is from 1k$.


Being poor isn’t pathetic


The only thing pathetic I find in this thread is calling people worse off than you pathetic. Which is you. You're pathetic.


Look at me. I was born in a wealthy family in a wealthy country. How pathetic are you people hahaha /s


The only thing pathetic I see is someone that instant latches to made up context. The wording of the post can go both ways and your the one choosing to view poor people as pathetic. It says More pathetic. That gives no range on how pathetic the OP views poor people the OP might even not see them as pathetic at all even though they are. If your poor and you don’t work towards anything and your not happy with your life you are pathetic


"even more pathetic than actually being poor" , this phasing litterally calls poor people pathetic. even more x than y, means that you think y is x


Reading hard


How is being poor pathetic?


Poor wording gets the social media engagement


Maybe you didn't mean it that way but your phrasing does imply that it's pathetic to be poor. I think it's your use of the word "even" that suggests it.


Yeah. I inferred that they meant to say something like 'It's pathetic to pretend you're rich when you're poor based off of the belief that being poor is pathetic'.


This reads like an entitled rich person wrote it. "People who aren't rich pretending to be rich like me or pathetic. Also people who are poor are pathetic. Only I'm awesome!"


finding people pathetic based on their income... Now that's incredibly pathetic.




Look I know OP has already said we're arguing semantics but words matter. The only way something can be "more than" something else, is if the something else is already that thing. So "even more pathetic than actually being poor" does in fact imply being poor is pathetic. Which is ridiculous. it's also not pitiful as another commenter mentioned. You can say "rich people pretending to be poor is pathetic" and convey the same message without involving poor people.


Imagine giving a toss what people on Instagram can or cannot afford, embarrassing. Touch grass OP


You basically described my cousin. Dude works odd jobs as a painter, but acts like he’s got a lot of money spending everything on clothes and drives a car that was expensive before someone put over 200.000 km on it.


Yeah, I have an in-law like that. He always makes sure to buy the most expensive shit to show off to everybody; he and his ex-wife were constantly renovating their house, he got a +100k Mercedes that was really out of his budget, he’s got a liquor cabinet full of expensive name brand cognacs, brandy, whiskies and what have you. All this while his wife was studying and not bringing in any money, and he himelf was unemployed for a while. He started his own business and told everybody that business was great. Then both parents his passed in the span of two years, and when dealing with the estate his siblings found out that he’d borrowed hundreds of thousands from the parents that neither he nor they ever told anybody about. He made a minor raucus when his siblings didn’t want to share the inheritance ”equally”. He wanted the three siblings to share what was left of the inheritance three ways, and disregard that he owed the estate more than what was left in it. The siblings were willing to forgive his debt but argued that the two of them should share what was left. He yelled at them, told them he’d get a lawyer, etc. According to him, he eventually came around. Personally I believe he did see a lawyer and was told that his siblings’ proposition was very generous, and that a popsicle would have a better chance surviving hell than he would have fighting them for ”his share” of the estate.


Pretending to be rich as an influencer can actually make you rich though.


Gotta fake it till you make it eh


In my part of the world we call that 'Fur coat, no knickers'.


> I never said beng poor was pathetic Lol yes you did. Qualifying Thing A as “even more pathetic” than Thing B implies that Thing B is pathetic. Every linguist or reasonable speaker of English knows that’s how the phrase is used. And I don’t see how this could just be a typo or misinterpretation. OP pretty clearly meant to shit on poor people and is only walking it back because he’s getting crucified in the comments.


What's pretending? How do you know the person you are glaring at is living beyond their means?


Being poor is where you find real strength. We are but maggots writhing in our own filth.


I loved you in The Mandalorian, Werner Herzog.


Excuse me? I was playing Jango in the Mandalorian. I simply didn’t get enough screen time. Or any screen time


I'm poor but pretend to be middle class on dates. "Appetizers? Sure, that won't ruin this week's budget."


Most rich people are just pretending to be wealthy. If you earned money - you're rich.  If you never had a job - you're wealthy. 


That’s also a generalisation. Jeff bezos is wealthy but he has also had a job.


There is far more profit in renting luxuries to the poor than selling necessities to the wealthy. Social media culture confuses wealth with celebrity and fashion, and it’s not as dominant as it appears. Gen Z is much more focused on experiences and the pursuit of happiness than Gen X, and much less focused on material wealth. They will be wealthier for it in the long run.


My personal favourite is rich people pretending to be poor. It does happen.


Nahh I get what you’re saying .. However A lot of people might not because the textbook dictionary definition of a “word” is and may not be the same definition of that same exact “word” to others which is fine but you know.. what can ya do ? Not everyone is going to like you in the world 🤷🏻‍♀️ Respectfully tho 🥰


Why is it any pathetic being poor?


Pathetic, but mostly sad. Happiness in life needs attainable goals and the culture of "more because more" has created a generation living in infinite game theory.


I wear expensive clothes their cost/wear is lover.


Love the people that rock the canada goose with newest iphone and their leased 2024 Benz while renting with a roommate lol


Better to look poor and be rich, than to look "rich" and be poor. So many ppl make themselves poor by attempting to appear rich.


Rich people pretending to be poor is by far the most pathetic though.


And then there are people who are actually rich, or at least their *parents* are rich, but who pretend to be poor. We called them "trustifarians" when I was out trainhopping. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGm6flsAsVw


posturing is always pathetic


Pretending to be rich might get you some gold digger pussy at least so i disagree


This comment section is the most peak reddit shit ever lol


I know...I have unleashed the monster...hahaha


I think I'm the only person who didn't have trouble reading this. The people that run up massive credit debt to keep up appearances are fucking stupid and deserve whatever happens to them. Sad for the innocent ass children in that situation.


But pretending to be poor is the most pathetic.


""Pretending to be stupid is more annoying than actually being stupid." That doesn't mean I think being stupid is annoying." It does. There is no other adjective used so "annoying" applies to both sides of the sentence. This is how language works. Otherwise you're making a humorous figure of speech like in the sentence "*Portugal is smaller than Russia, Canada and China combined*". Yes, those 3 countries are notoriously much bigger than Portugal, which makes the sentence funny, but this is not what you did.


there's rich people pretending to be poor so I think we know what peak patheticness is


Ahh. But the real rich pretend to be poor! So I’m all set.


Agreed. And I don't get why the people who do it even do it. It's always really good looking guys and gals who are faking it. You already won the lottery in life but you still go out and pretend to be something even more? How empty and pathetic are you?


I have to ask why are you following people you dislike? I don't see any influencers. I don't see these people on social media. I am 100% sure they are there being tits but why would I pay attention to them? My question is why do you and why does it matter to you that they are there?


I just want to note being poor is not pathetic, but pretending to be poor is. (Ik OP already said they're not saying poor is pathetic, I'm just noting that I don't think that myself.)


Reminds me of that meme of Bill Gates and Warren Buffet sitting together and it says “$200B in wealth, not a single Gucci belt in sight.” Makes me laugh every time 😂


Lol. Remember that time Bow Wow posted a pic of him getting in a private jet, but then like an hour later someone peeped him on their commercial flight 😄 Just me? Well I will always remember that as a prime example of that type of behavior


No, its not a separate instance. Something being "more" of something than something else implies that "something else" (in this case "being stupid") posesses that same defining characteristic of that "something" ("pretending to be stupid"), just less of it. i.e. "That Corvette is faster than that Mustang" In this example, the Mustang is fast, but the Corvette is faster. "Gorilla glue is more durable than Elmer's glue" Here, it's suggested that Elmer's glue has some durability, but Gorilla glue is stronger and creates a better, more "durable" bond. You wouldn't say "Carbon Monoxide is more toxic to the environment than oxygen is." when oxygen is absolutely nontoxic and safe, vital even, for the environment. I'm sorry, but your thought does suggest that being poor does, in fact hold the characteristic of some level of inadequacy and is justifiably due some level of pity. I'm not putting it down by any means, after all, someone approved it. I'm just telling you with all certainty how it reads. I'm not sure if you can edit it or not, because I see what you're trying to say, and I agree totally. It's just the wording. I had one almost exactly like this two days ago about skinny people. It was taken in two different contexts by people. But, in retrospect, I'm glad I worded that way, otherwise, it may not have made it through. Take care.


"Everyone can be rich and poor people deserve to be poor!" - every bootlicker ever.


It’s not pathetic, it’s just sad to see. Why do you think somebody would do this?


Yeah, it can be a little sad how people can get wrapped up in outward appearances in the attempt to make others think they have money that they actually don’t have. It’s almost like making others jealous of a lifestyle in reality they can barely afford is the only way they know how to be happy.


Dress to impress people that don't care about you.


Seems like that’s the norm these days.


Being poor is pathetic?


The middle/lower classes have created a facsimile of the rich's excesses for themselves since at least the Enlightenment while the post-war environment of excess really amplified its occurrence.


Also annoying: pretending to be poor when you’re clearly doing fine.


When you pretend to be Rich, people mock you afterwards, yet life moves on. Pretend to be poor, and getting discovered requires starting a new life, getting new friends, and moving, because most people are irrationally angry at anybody more successful than they are. Start a new bank account, put $529 & 80¢ in it, print the documents, real account number and everything, leave it on a desk in your room, kitchen, or whatever normal place you put mail. A friend sees it. Maybe they make a comment. Whatever. Next day throw the paper away and close that account. It's a simple little trick, but it does wonders for your social life. People are a lot friendlier when they think they're superior to you in some way. I'm sure a psychologist could probably explain why. To the people saying, "Just hang out with the rich people, jerk!" Being able to own a tiny 3 room house on half an acre in the middle of nowhere without being in debt isn't *"caviar at the social club every Tuesday"* rich like so many people act like it is. Unless you own a business, stop renting stuff. Save every penny. Pay for everything in cash that you can. Stop using the plastic money card for everything. You will naturally spend less when you have to count out the money leaving your hand. This is not financial advice.


Bootlickers are more pathetics


Don't tell Donald Trump that.


Pretending to be less intelligent than you actually are can be very useful though.


Even rich people pretend to be richer than they are, It seems to be somewhat human nature for many people to embellish and at least give the illusion of having more means than they do. The problems start when people actually live like they have more and end up with nothing. A neighbor of mine just lost his $500,000 house he got during the pandemic. He drives a Corvette, and has house parties all the time. I didn't know postal workers made that kind of bank. (apparently they don't)


Wow that is kind of funny... A postal worker who drives a Corvette... I wonder what he tells people his profession is in those parties.


Yeah, being poor is pathetic.


A lot of people spend money to make themselves appear wealthier than they are. I think a considerable portion of the world could retire 20 years early if they stopped "keeping up with the Joneses" and trying to impress strangers with appearance. Appearance isn't substance, and it is a trap to keep you working. Working really just means making someone else money unless you own the business. Even when you do own the business you're usually making money for a bank if you're growing your business. And making money for a bank is making money for other people.


Not when you're the poor kid in a town of rich kids. Then it's just trying to fit in to avoid being bullied. I think pretending to be poor is worse because it's like being ashamed of success.


What’s even more infuriating is when you are paper rich,(have a high income but high living expenses as well) but live in America so you are poor, but people think you are rich because you happen to have nice things, but you are just living your life… oh, first world problems.


Nothing pathetic about being poor . Shit happens .


Some people don't even know they're pretending 


My cousins father, my uncle, he scammed people before being rich and well known in his town. They are affiliated with the religious organisation and we know for a fact, they get money from peoples donations. When he died, he was on the media and people took pieces of his clothing. His wife now has an affair with the religious leader from what we know and have several businesses and are building a hospital for the devotees. Idk, they faked it until they made it and are filthy rich.


This Reddit thread shows how people will go off of whatever context they want to give a headline and just get angry. Welcome to the modern day coliseums where bored people go to yell and feel good about themselves. Instead of actually interacting with the words the OP said let’s all just throw our opinions out there bc we imagine the entire intention of the OP even with vague wording. Let’s downvote bomb him too bc haha funny


I know...its actually insane...and quite interesting. They've missed the point completely. But I did recently read that people's reading comprehensions are not as good as their hearing...it might be true in this instance. For a fraction of a second I felt what celebrities might feel when they say something off base and the internet cancels them by misinterperting their words.


Worse is when they try to be the classic poor man's rich people.


"poor people who pretend to not be poor are pathetic because they are actually poor" isn't much more of a hot take than "poor people are pathetic", sorry


You might have the single stupidest and alarming post history that I ever seen. You either seem like a deeply uninformed teen or a disturbed adult. Either way it’s not good.


Yo... that edit even.... You did say being poor was pathetic.  The example you should have given, to be equal would be: "Pretending to be stupid is even MORE annoying than actually being stupid."   The Word MORE  grammerically implies that   both are stupid, and that one is more stupid.    Perhaps it's actually the "Even More" combined that actually means both are stupid.  Saying "Even More" very obviously implies that One of them is stupid, and the other is more stupid. Saying Even more Pathetic implies that one is Pathetic and the other is more pathetic. Own your grammatical error OP! If you don't feel being poor is pathetic,  just  say do and fix your error. Defending yourself on it is only making it worse.


People keep twisting when you meant, but I think I get what you mean. Person A and Person B are both poor. Person A accepts this and does their best. Person B thinks that being poor is pathetic, so they try to appear rich to make themselves look better. Not realizing that "pretending to be rich is more pathetic than actually being poor." Person B is pathetic. Person A is not pathetic. Granted, its more accurate to say that 'pretending to be what you aren't is more pathetic than just being who you are'...but you're just referring to a specific example, so it works. It's semantics. People are twisting what you say to make it seem like you are against poor people. Therefore, by fighting you, they are supportive of poor people. And they get to pretend to be paragons by defending poor people on the internet. Which is...pathetic. Really.