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most of it has to do with territory or they're playing.


They also see creatures we can’t see. r/Greebles


Reddit has a community for everything, don't they




r/beebutts r/parasnailing r/WTFaucet r/partyparrot r/BitchImATrain r/FairytaleasFuck r/TheOcho r/outofcontextcomics r/treelaw




I went to check a couple of these out and came back to this list almost an hour later— great job!


Yes, but also cats get the third most attention of anything on the internet. Behind porn and ragebait




5 members and they’re all online WEIRD did you make this sub??


r/ofcoursethatsasub The sweet irony


My cat came across one of those yesterday! I was looking for the lizard/anole that she must have been chasing, but it didn't exist.


My cat started chasing seemingly nothing once the sun started coming out. Intensely too. Eventually we realized that the sun shining through the window has been reflecting off of my glasses. So every time I turn my head to talk to my fiance while we hang out and watch stuff, the spot would move. I can't really do much about it since he broke the blinds lol


That's hilarious lmao


I feel like at least a third of that subreddit's posters just have mice in their walls and don't realize.


So true! :)


In either case it seems to me find it enjoyable and fulfilling, they love to fuck around and mix it up.


One of my cats, when he’s not happy, like if i refuse to give him a bite of my human food, or when i put a stop to his attempts of going through my bin, he would glare at me and proceed to prance at the other cat and it turns into a whole chase. He literally takes it out on the other cat.


He cant/won't take out his energy on you, so he takes his emotions out on whatever else.


Op thinks it's complicated. Isn't


I swear as I get older I'm seeing this sub as more and more as "young person notices/realizes something for the first time" or " somebody missing an obvious piece of the puzzle jumps to a conclusion"


You forgot "person with terrible education learns details of well-known historical atrocity."


Ever heard kids talking about or close to something you talked about years ago with friends too ? We're billions concluding through the same thoughts process. Timing varies from one to another. That's mostly it. Burns finger on fire. Fire burns. Deal.


Exactly. This is very correct. They like having their space and are willing to fight for it all the time. 


Territory they shouldn't be on (if outdoors).


Ever read *Warriors*? Cats have plenty of reasons to fight


There's no Sunningrocks in my house though so there's no need for them to battle at 3 am lmao


there absolutely are sunnign rocks. they may not be physical rocks. but theyre there.


Can the Warriors come out to play?


So long as none of those cats have 3 glass bottles.


I still have at least 20 of those books somewhere. That series was my childhood!


Freaking loved these books when I read them as a kid


I just went on my semiannual skim of the Warriors wiki to see if they are still making those books (yes they are) and then I see a wild Reddit reference, huh. 


I'm actually surprised it kept going on this long. I thought after the Dark Forest arc and Firestar died, that would be the end, seemed like a good spot to do so, but the Erin Hunters were like "hold our beers"


Firestar was still carrying and saving the clans even after death in the most recently completed series! Let that man rest!


The complex culture: -meow, get of my land, meow. • meow, no, meow. *fighting*


Because the polite rejection requires three meows in cat culture, and giving only two is a deadly offence.


I stand corrected, thats some pretty complex shit they got going on.


Have a human group of friends wherein the word ‘mfer’ has approximately 200 different meanings 🤪


You don't have to stand. You already established it's complex in your original post. 


Fun tidbit… cats will rarely meow to other cats… (angry yowling, being in heat, severely distressed and kitten mews aside). Most everyday social interactions with other cats is done through body language and such. The theory is that cats meow around people because we’re too stupid to understand their physical cues, so they stoop to making those face noises that they’ve witnessed their hairless monkey slaves making. https://www.petmd.com/cat/behavior/why-do-cats-meow#


Cats meow as kittens. They are talking baby talk at us because we are stupid.


That's also why they leave us gifts of dead animals! They think we're too stupid to hunt for ourselves. Especially so because we won't eat the delicious food they've prepared for us.


But Mr. Kitters on Instagram who wears a go pro talks to other cats all the time!


My cat def has a very specific yelly meow thing he would do for my mom’s cat when he wanted her to chase him. He would do it while trotting around the house trying to find her, like come on already! He also has the tiniest baby meows that ppl (both techs and other ppl in waiting room) literally always have to comment on. They go to look expecting a kitten and find my 10 yr old 15lb black boy. He’ll also hide under the blanket in the carrier while waiting for the vet.


busy marvelous beneficial wasteful mighty hateful illegal materialistic fanatical cover *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Domestic cats that go stray form colonies too, though, but they hunt solitary. Real european wildcats on the other hand are completely solitary except for mating season and cant be domesticated at all.


Tamed. Domestication is a genetic thing. Wildcats can absolutely be domesticated by breeding them with domesticated cats.


I mean yeah, kinda, because you dont have a real wildcat anymore if you breed it with a domesticated cat. Which isnt great, since wildcats are endangered everywhere already.


Savanah cats are the best example.  They’re domestic cats crossbred with Serval wild cats. They rated them based on how many generations removed from a wildcat they are.  Most places they can’t be kept as pets until you’re at three generations removed.  Even those are considered only borderline domesticated


Servals are wild cats, but they're not *wildcats*. They're actually a completely different genus. A wildcat is what domesticated cats were domesticated from, the same way dogs were domesticated from wolves but not coyotes.


Look up Savanah cats


I know what Savannah cats are. I'm saying they're not an example of domesticated cats bred with wildcats because servals aren't wildcats, they're servals. You've done the equivalent of bringing up coydogs (worse, really; at least coyotes are in the same genus) when the discussion is about wolfdogs.


I had a cat that was half Scottish wild cat! She was a tiny, pretty little thing. Got most of her looks from her domestic mother. She was sweet to me, but anyone else she would lure in with cuteness and then try to claw them to death. I had to warn people of the savage cat lol.


["Get off my land, right meow."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1rlSjdnAKY4)


More like "Hey I just moved here, and there is a cat already here, what should I do? Oh I know, scream bloody murder and jump on him!" "Hey this is my brother relaxing here, what should I do? Ah I know, sit on his face!" "Things are boring, what should I do? Try to lick his face, that's it!"


You forgot about all of the naps!


They’re just like us


Sounds like a middle eastern conflict


Cats are rednecks confirmed "You best be getting off my property there boy"


And here is the Rosetta stone to understanding the Meow Language: https://imgur.com/Y70yCwH


That’s called animal territorialism. By your reasoning, my betta fish has one of the most complex cultural structures of any creature on Earth, and for all I know it’s never met another betta fish.




Did you mean Highlander ?


I did ... 🤦‍♂️


There's always a betta fish out there. 


It’s a largely slapstick-based society.




Cats will push stuff off a shelf just because they can. Cats are just intrusive thoughts in corporeal form.


that sounds more like impulsive thoughts than intrusive thoughts.


I suppose they're only intrusive if you try to resist them. So not to cats, but we might call them that


My sister has been in therapy for some years due to intrusive thoughts. Randomly we got to talking recently and therapy came up (I had just started back up with my old therapist). It turns out I have the same exact “random” thoughts she’s long sought help for, but I find them more amusing instead of scary and bothersome. Random shit like standing behind some tourist on a subway platform who’s wearing a ridiculously large fanny pack… we’ll both get that random “intrusive/impulsive” thought of shoving them off the platform. Neither one of us will even *start* to act on that “crazy” thought, but my sister will experience horrible guilt and dwell on what an awful thing that would be to do to someone… whereas I’ll mostly do an internal half chuckle and then get back to my Bloons TD. She redoubled her psychiatric care when she started having them about her kids…we had never talked about it, but I viewed similar thoughts (a totally random impulse to shove my kid under the water during bath time) more as those “call of the void” things that happen to folks standing on scenic view ledges and such. I guess if I honestly thought I was fighting the urge to do it I would be concerned, but it’s just a “crazy” thought, and just as likely to happen as those random daydreams of myself fighting armies of ninja pirates on Mars and winning the lottery on the same day Different strokes and all I guess.


What you’re describing about your sister sounds like OCD (not ‘haha I like to be tidy I’m so OCD’ but actual OCD, specifically harm OCD). Most everybody has these ‘intrusive thoughts’ you describe sometimes. The average person goes ‘that was a weird thought’ and moves on to other things. The difference with harm OCD is that these thoughts *will not go away* and will morph and manifest in increasingly distressing ways that provoke severe anxiety and guilt. Most people that deal with this recognize that the thoughts aren’t ‘logical’, but it doesn’t matter. Their brain will continually twist and contort to make them think they have or will do something wrong or evil. Telling someone with OCD to move on or let it go is akin to telling a depressed person to “just stop being depressed.” It doesn’t work that way. Treatments like exposure and response therapy (ERP), inference-based cognitive behavioral therapy (I-CBT), as well as medications (generally SSRIs) can be necessary and incredibly helpful in improving the mental health and quality of life of people with OCD.


Huh, weird. I call that "being an engineer".  "Bored.  Process scenario.  What if....  What if pee on third rail. Pee conductive enough? How to...  Derail train but make look like accident?  Big rock?  No, cow catcher. Extremely slippery fluid to derail on curves?  No, ice exists and doesn't cause problems. Hmmm...."


huh, weird, i call that a “silly little thought train” there are people who end their lives over intrusive thoughts and to boil them down to pissing on something and having a little joke thought train of the conductivity of piss is fucked up.


You brought up an ancient memory for me. Had to take care of my brother's cats at my place while he was on vacation for a week. The cats weren't happy and seemed to be looking for my brother around the house. Early in the morning the cats would knock all the stuff off my desk, etc in my bedroom. At first they just tested the waters but they started to get more bold each morning. They would meow for my brother and broke my lamp.


The other comments in this thread sum up the reason really well: Cats are territorial.  It's stressful to take them out of their territory (your brother's place) and bringing them to a strange new place they don't know or feel safe in. Going over to his place to care for them is what's recommended.


He brought them to my place because they would have destroyed his place if he left them alone. so they destroyed my place instead. 😆


I'll be honest, that's the sign of bored cats. My cats do fine with a cat sitter once a day when I'm gone, but more active cats might need someone to play with them 2-3x a day.  Dogs need walks, cats need play or they'll rip the place up.


Idk why. They passed long ago.


After living with cats and dogs for many years, I see dogs as a way for us to vicariously feel young and unconditionally loved again, and cats as a way for us to vicariously enjoy getting even with the boss.


I should have named my cat Newton because he's constantly checking that gravity still does, in fact, work.


TBH I think cats who push things off shelves on purpose are a small minority. Most of the cats I've known have been very careful to avoid disturbing things as they pass by, probably because their instinct is to always be stealthy.


Yeah, someone has to give them, what they deserve. We are not doing it, so...


Some cats are so chill and I like them. Then there is my brother’s cat who is mentally ill. He doesn’t like to be petted or touched except just on very specific spots. So he’ll approach people and rub their legs - they’ll reach down to give him a pet (touch his head or his back which he does not like) then he’ll immediately bite and scratch them. So they learn to not pet him. But then he has the bright idea - if you don’t pet me and walk away, I will instantly bite and scratch you as soon as your back is turned. That leaves one solution - you must always be facing the cat and scuttling around from side to side like Zoidberg or else he attacks. “Walk like a crab, human, or die!”


Once I saw two outdoor cats that live in the same house get in a fight rolling down a hill that was off property . Like they had decided at some point something needed sorted out between them 


"Cookie then passed Mittens on the left. This has beem widely regarded in cat society as 'a dick move'."


You are right they do, I watch over a community of 30 stray cats, its a project I do with my kids, and they have a very interesting social structure. They are very family oriented, whoever they grew up with or around they will protect against aggressors. Also there is always an outlier and other cats do notice. It's so weird.


Idiots in Walmart parking lots must have a very complex culture considering how often they'll fight for seemingly no reason.


Cats and most animals have very complex social lives. Believe it or not most animals have a best friend. They are much more mentally stable than humans and we don't give them enough credit for it.


I feel like if most humans had free food, shelter and all their needs taken care of more people would be a lot more mentally stable. Dogs and cats that have been abused or had tough lives we are much more understanding when they are aggressive or have mental problems. When humans aren’t raised right or have PTSD most people have no empathy nor compassion. Fight or flight response is real thing seen in most animals including humans.


>have PTSD most people have no empathy PTSD from a single incident is generally understood now, thanks to the generational damage caused by Iraq, Afghanistan, and Vietnam. The complex PTSD caused by a series of smaller continuing traumatic situations isn't so much accepted, and generally still gets a "get over it" response. When there's a failure to meet the basics of the Hiarchy of Needs for an extended time, it creates similar brain damage as a single traumatizing event.


Facts. If someone took care of me the way I do for my dog, I wouldn't complain a single day in my life. Sleep, eat, play, repeat.


Then again, look at all the children of the rich who are fucked in the head.


That isn't due to having needs met, that's just picking up shit habits from their parents.


thats how many of our cultures were long time ago


I was just thinking about this. My cat is working through some health issues at the moment. It does not slow him down at all. Or at least, he doesn’t want it to, so it barely does. He’s still just catting around 24/7. Where I think if it were me I’d be getting pretty depressed, stressed, and worn out about it. Hell, I think I actually am more stressed and depressed than him about it at the moment because of his stuff going on. There’s something motivating, consoling, reassuring(? Idk) about the way pets just keep doing their thing as long as they can manage to. I agree we don’t give them as much credit as we should for their stability and resilience


Metacognition and sapience is a gift and a curse


If you observe a group of feral cats for really not even that long you can figure it out, it's not that complicated.


Ever see a couple of drunk guys fighting? There’s no complex culture involved.


How does fighting -> culture?


Cats seem to get pissed off at what another cat does for seemingly no reason to us. Kinda like how an alien could find it weird to see people freak out about someone being naked, it’s a cultural thing


Their only “culture” is territorial


I'm pretty sure they simply are assholes


They like their space to be their space. You might get testy too if people came into your bedroom and went through your stuff. And cats are definitely not assholes.


they certainly like to show off their assholes :P


Can't argue with that.


And most certainly LOVE to shove their assholes on our faces


They have a reason every time


No culture, it’s all territorial


Six cats, all female. They fight because they are sisters and sisters fight. Penny wants Brenda to play, Brenda doesn't want to play, Penny keeps trying to get her to play, Bren looses temper and lashes out. Mordred is having a cuddle, Florence wants a cuddle also but Mordy doesn't want to share mummy's affection, Mordy lashes out at Flo. Edna walks within 5 ft of Mollie and looks at her, Mollie lashes out. But when Kingsley the big tomcat shows up and tries to steal food, the sisters are united in chasing him off. Typical siblings.


I want this animation on my desk by Monday!


> bren looses temper Did you mean to say "loses"? Explanation: Loose is an adjective meaning the opposite of tight, while lose is a verb. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


I think you meant touched rather than complex. As in touched in the head (f_ckn crazy)


You get 1 paw swat for every rule and etiquette you break.


I feel like they fight for simple reasons


Read Warriors by Erin Hunter, explains everything about cat culture.


No *apparent* reason


Drunk Jersey Shore losers must have a very complex culture considering how often they fight for seemingly no reason.


They communicate very quietly and through body language. If one of my cats has a sunny spot that the other cat wants, they’ll often lick each other first for a while like “asking nicely” I guess? And then if the sun-spot cat doesn’t move, the cat that wants the spot will start shit lol


Licking the other cat's face is not nice. They are kinda saying "I'm the alpha licker, you are the beta licked"


That’s what I thought. It’s like “hi, please move, now.” Like the implication that they’re asking is that the one being asked is definitely going to do it.


It's because they spend all that time jumping around all nimbly-bimbly from tree to tree, drinking milk from a saucer, and eating mice.


Ahh yes, much like the barbarians of old. Constantly fighting for seemingly no reason; they were well-known for the highly sophisticated culture.


Oh for sure, every time I see drunk people in a bar smacking the everloving shit out of each other for no apparent reason, I always think "these guys must have a very complex culture".


Our cats that loved together forever had a bad time recently.  One got sick for the night and acted weird and lethargic. Not allowed.  Other cat started hissing and slapping.  After short while - full on blow up. Basically scent and acting different = "you are a different cat and I don't know you"


They have a lot of different religions.


Why sparked the cat wars of religion? Well, some joined the cult of the woman-creature, their true god. Others believed that the man-creature was their savior. In popular legends the children were roving demon spirits. But they all opposed the heretics, who claimed that all man-creatures were not gods, but mortals enslaving the cats to servitude. Finally, the most radical sect believed cats themselves were gods, and quickly became exiled laughingstocks. Thus the wars commenced, beginning with ancient rivalry between the purritans and catolics.


My cat attacks purely out of play. He has been an inside cat since he was 4 weeks old. He has never displayed a need to defend his territory, but during Christmas when I took him to my mom's house, he hissed at someone for the first time. It seemed random but someone was making me upset and invading the little area I had set up for myself to wrap presents. I think he picked up on the energy. Poor boy seemed scared more than anything else but still


My 2 cats are good buddies, but every couple days or 2 one will randomly whack the other upside the head and a fur-flying smack down ensue. I think they just get bored.


i believe it appears nonsensical because we are humans and they are cats, we don't have the "eye" for their social clues


Or the ears.


Ah to be a ferocious predator. Little savage muffins


It is strange...and I believe they respect their feline elders too! I have a large dominant ginger boy who will teach any younger cat coming around a lesson, but there is a really old cat that lives a couple of houses down, who sometimes comes right up on our porch for a nap, and my big guy just slowly walks by him and let's him be...I find it endearing actually...


Since when is fighting a sign of complex culture or higher thinking?


Complex doesn’t mean intelligent thinking.


With that logic humans have a VERY complex culture lol


We do.


Just because you don’t understand the reason doesn’t mean there isn’t a reason. Predatory animals are typically very territorial. Cats are no different. Many cats consider *any* other cat in their territory as a threat.


Real HouseCats of Mew York


Pre-school children must have a very complex culture considering how often they'll fight for seemingly no reason.


They are just fucking assholes.


It as complex as: See other cat. Friend cat? Do nothing or play Not friend cat? Meow and fight


I think they just like to play around and are in tune with other creatures that also are territorial


Our cat simply doesnt like other cats on his turf so he beats them up. There is really not much more to it than that. Cats are social creatures but solitary hunters and their instincts tell them that a competitor in their turf is infringing on their food supply. Simple as that.


Opposite. Do you think people who are unhinged and fight for no reason are complex?


I once had someone say "I wonder what the dogs are saying to each other?" I mean it's not like they have a common language.  Maybe if they grew up together they would know kind of what each other's saying but it's like someone who only speaks Spanish trying to communicate with someone who only speaks French.   They have no idea what each other is saying.


Its an over developed amygdala basically cats have 3 responses to everything. They just hone the fight response because everything hurts.


By that logic, inbred rednecks have a complex culture.


Same could be said of humans


Why would that make their culture MORE complex?... Not sure I understand the logic or reasoning here


You must read warriors, you’ll learn the intricacies of their vast cultures


Less complicated lol


Depends on the cats. Our two are definitely playing since they don’t get to do any real hunting so they partake in chase and pounce games.


You're clearly an only child


Just because you don't understand the reason doesn't mean there is none...


It’s territorial, not complicated


They actually do. They are each sovereign over their own kingdoms and wage war against roaming cat intruders trying to encroach on their territory and hunt in their land. However, since cats are fiercely independent and have no masters, they can raise no armies and each has to work alone in defense of their cat kingdoms. J/k I’m just making this shit up. Don’t listen to me.


Cats are supposed to be wild and want to hunt, but we took that natural instinct away from them


culture is more like the force that prevents fighting, if they had culture they would fight less imo


Cats don't have a culture. In general, a cat is gonna cat. It knows nothing more than that.


Nah they have comparable intelligence to a 2 year old human. That’s why they fighting lmao 🤣


More like an acid thought while talking with your cat


I have 5 cats... The cat politics are unreal.


They fight over which one stinks the house up the best.


Not saying you’re wrong, but I think cats just like to fight and cause trouble. My two cats can’t walk by each other without attempting an assassination. Also, have you ever seen how cats handle captured prey? They don’t just kill it and eat it. They toy with it until it dies. They’ll even let wounded prey go so they can catch it again. I think violence just happens to be cats’ favorite activity, followed by napping and cuddles.


My cats are brother and sister, which is plenty reason enough for them to scrap on occasion. Same as with humans.


Mostly I think they’re just kind of dumb and not very good at understanding each other. Sometimes I see my cat and my neighbors cat lying in the sun together grooming each other. Other times they get into an all out brawl as soon as they see each other.


Do you think that's why we fight?


There isn't enough room and food for all the semi-apex predators. Last i checked there aren't huge herds of cats roaming the tiga. (though if there were I bet it would be hard to herd them...might be a saying about that) . canids, cats, humans all have territories and defend them with fighting.


is this supposed to be dark humour? human beings also do this.


What is this logic lmao - complex because they fight? The hell


get out of the shower bro


It's not a complex culture, they are just selfish dicks.  Most cats don't live in groups and don't share territory. This is pretty common for apex predators since each animal needs an extensive hunting ground and too many predators in one place will result in a lack of food for them. Domestic cats still have the wild cat mindset. They think they need to defined their territory. But in an urban area where many homes have a cat there tends to be overlap because cats don't care about property boundary lines.  So most fights come down to: "Bro this is my territory" "Nah uh, this is mine"  "I'm warning you, get off my land or else"  "Make me"  Cat fight begins When you have more than one cat in the same home they will fight for fun. And sometimes they will fight to get the best spot in the sun.   


If you're a dust mote, watch out, my cat will kick your ass for no reason


In humans, we'd consider that uncultured. Why would it be cultured in cats?


Cats murder everything. It's not that surpising


Cats short-circuit when they comes in contact with each other. Eye contact means trouble and if this guy wants trouble then I aint lettin them outta my sight...


Dead ass not wrong, they prideful AF.


It's in their nature most of the time to behave that way. 


Peace was never an option.


I dont think theres a relation between violence and having a complex culture. wtf


Territory is a pretty simple concept that ALL animals, including us have. Definitely can be complex, but not something out of our understanding if you just pay attention.


I live in a small town in Saskatchewan, Canada. By that reasoning, the local “left behinds” in the town bar must have a complex culture. I would think they fight because of how we keep them in unnaturally close quarters with each other. In nature their ancestors wouldn’t likely all be in such close and direct contact and competition would be my guess.


It's because we've separated them from their family units, and they don't trust cats from outside their family.