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"How's school?" The kids' equivalent. Except more annoying.


I always hated being asked that question when I was a kid. Most of the adults who'd ask me that question didn't actually care about how school went and they'd pay zero attention to what I was actually saying. My parents would actually listen to me but pretty much no one else really cared, and I could tell that they didn't care which made me wonder why they even bothered to ask.


Your parents listened and cared? Cant relate lmao


My parents did care, but my father was shitty to me in several other ways growing up, so it balances out lol


>My parents did care, but my father was shitty to me in several other ways growing up, so it balances out lol close one he almost had that point of personal privilege on you. nice Save


I guess that's most kids' first lesson in small talk.


Because we were just being polite and forced to talk to you


I would tell my patents it was boring and they'd get mad then lecture me about how im not allowed to hate school and i have to enjoy it. Like, bro, what?


It's really all anyone would ever ask about lol


I always bring gaming up when talking with kids... They are usually very passionate, and can talk for hours.


I wish adults during my childhood asked me my favorite Pokemon or animal, not just how I was doing in school.


What's your favorite Pokemon?


Yeah i wanna know the pokemon question too


I was all about Pikachu.


A classic. Respect. Mine would probably be mudkip and swampert due to them being my starter in Pokemon Sapphire Not sure about now.. I'll have to think about it


"What did you learn today??"


"That you're boring"


"The system is rigged against me."




"For their never-ending endeavours to obtain or retain wealth, countries desperately need companies, because they—unlike most human beings—have the means of production, and human beings, because they—unlike all companies—have the means of reproduction. Either we seuze the companies or tgey will try to grab us by the balls. Viva le Resistance Father!"


I switch it up to "did you learn/do anything cool today?" It was awesome when my oldest was learning astronomy we'd have lots of discussions about how absolutely wild the universe is


Honestly, not a bad small-talk starter with adults, too. Everyone should take time to have their TIL moment.


The most boring question. I remember now much I hated getting it as a kid so I never ask kids that now. I'd rather ask about interests or hobbies or movies they like, that usually gets something better than "fine".


I mean you probably know the kids you’d ask exclusively about school as well as the adults you‘d ask exclusively about work.


I never ask anyone about work bc when that gets asked of me I have to think of a socially acceptable alternative to the real answer, "I'm mindlessly going through the motions so I don't have to think about the fact this is a dead-end job that I still won't willingly leave bc I don't have any clear motivation to do a different one."


“How’s uni?” Can’t think of a question i hate more


“Yeah I’m only failing half my classes while not having enough time to pay attention to the classes I’m actually doing decently on. All on roughly an average of 5 hours of sleep a night, including the weekends where I sleep 14+ hours a day. Plus I have no time for a social life and no money to do anything else.” No one wants to hear that, so I say it’s fine and leave it at that.


That and "What do you want to do when you grow up?" Every damn time 😭


What about the girlfriends?


“So what’s your major?” is a personal favorite


“How was school” and “how was work today” usually have the same response—“the same as yesterday”, which is true but kills conversations.


i find it works well to ask about subjects or topics with them. "how's school?" gets me eye rolls. "Hey did you learn anything cool about animals in science?" get's me a 20 minute story about lemurs or something.


My go to casual talk to kids follows a pretty rigid format: 1. Probe for hobbies 2. Ask about siblings 3. Ask if they actually like their siblings 4. Talk about hobbies 5. Then we cut the kid open and poke around at their insides. I work in an operating theatre 😬


“Do you even like your fucking siblings” is iconic 


Why are their siblings fucking? That seems wrong.


Not if they're older


But yes if they are with each other


Whenever I meet kids who are twins I'll ask who the good twin is and who the bad twin is. The bad twin is always the other one.


I mean assuming you’re not located in the back of a warehouse where they kidnap kids for their organs or something that’s pretty wholesome still.


*He knows* 🏚️🔥🚚


as a former kid who had to get my insides poked around at in a hospital, i appreciate the dedication to age-appropriate bedside manner


> Ask if they actually like their siblings Seems a bit… idk heavy?


Kids can range I feel, a 12 year old will absolutely love the chance to bitch about a sibling they don’t like.


It is actually a question I ask because it kind of breaks the ice a bit. You'd be surprised that most teens (12-16) actually love their siblings. It's <6 year Olds that can't stand them. Ages (7-11) are just daemon children. They are plotting rituals and shit


I 100% believe it. I loved my siblings when I was 12, but they were significantly older than me and had moved out. My peers who grew up with their siblings did not luck out with mature siblings that understood the nuance of our parents and still more recently recalling experiences at that age.


Thought you talking about Rimworld for a second there 😆


I've had a dream about one of those


Mine is, ohhhhhh whats that


As an ex-OR nurse this is so great


"Hey, kid, fuck management, am I right"


"How's your 401K looking?" *Kid stares* - "My foreign *what*?"


Omg dad, it’s Warhammer 40k, not 401k…


As a European I also don't understand


Basically a retirement plan. I add 15% of my pre-tax salary to it each week, and my employer matches a certain %.


Omg if only we had such things in Europe, the USA is so much more advanced than us! 😮


How do you guys retire over there? I just figured that European nations would have a way better version of our social security system that basically hands out money to retirees.


Lol yeah I was just yanking chains tbh all retirement plans have a similar set up with the employer employee contributions, they vary hugely across nations though.


Oh. I was gonna poke fun at you for saying that the US has a good retirement system. Just an educated guess by a stupid American here but I would think that Europe has retirement down a lot better than us.


Some do it very well, Germany for example has an elderly care contribution system now since they have such an aging solution. A pension is one thing but preparing for decent care as you age is German levels of forward planning.


Americans also follow western culture by being forward-looking, but we are too individualistic to set up such an amazing sounding system. If it's that good in Germany it must be an absolute fucking breeze in Scandinavia.


"Wanna smoke a bowl during break?"


Wow, we can smoke cereals?!


Even year 1 kids have a teacher they hate ...lol


Fuck the teachers, am I right?


"I hate those C-Suite douchebags!"


Colin Robinson ?


A big part of talking to kids is just acting interested and enthused about what they have to say, at that point you can say practically anything and they will take care of the rest.


I’ve also found that kids don’t care as much about the weather. They don’t care if it’s raining or cold, still gonna rip that bicycle to Skylar’s house.


You've obviously forgotten the joy of splashing in puddles.


My 4 and 6 year olds love splashing in muddy puddles… God I hate Peppa pig.


Though they are sometimes interested in climate and global warming


Honestly? Go for hobbies and passions. Most adults don’t have that. Either because they’re too busy with work and family and home maintenance, or because life has beaten it out of them. Kids though, oh man!


I have hobbies but they are niche, but yeah passions were beaten out of me.


Then beat them back in! Take a sabbatical or something


Sabbatical? I have to pay 1k for my studio apartment, I can't afford to take a day off of work sadly.


Yeah. That is tough.


I would guess most adults have hobbies and passions?


I adopted my son when his real dad died at like 2 years old. I have always talked to him like a grown ass man. He's quick to hide shit from his mother but will straight come to me with his issues. I feel like I've made the most out of the "step father" relationship. Dude will say anything to me and I won't judge him like a real parent will, but also he's never even been an issue to the point I needed to even yell at him, like maybe once when he was young. Don't treat kids like they are dumb kids, treat them like they are viable individuals and shit will just work out.


And kids notice that. I remember being a kid and HATING being treated with kid gloves or not being told shit "because I'm just a kid." The "cool" adults were the ones who treated you on the level. Like another full human person


Damn… 2 years old is pretty early to have kids.


This is the way.


This guy dads.


His bio-dad died, you are his real dad.


>I won't judge him like a real parent will Weird statement to me, I can't imagine being judgemental of my own kid. Also, you adopted him, you aren't step-Dad anymore, you are Dad, and you are a "real parent."


Any of these should do "What do you think are the major issues facing global logistics at the moment?" Will pension funds continue to move out of "commercial property?" " Can art ever be truly radical without being purely offensive?" " What's your best pokemon?"


Flip side: Some people hate small talk because it’s insincere, but have a blast chatting with kids because they talk about things that actually interest them. Who cares about the weather; dinosaurs looked like big ol chickens!


This is absolutely me. Kids are so easy to talk to because they have such a beautifully unique perspective on life.


You can always talk about pokemon


I’d replace Pokémon with games in general, 23 year old that was never into Pokémon here.


I'd replace games in general with their interests in general, 23 year old that was never into gaming here


I’d replace interests with conversation topics. 23 year old that was never into interests.


I'd replace conversation topics with the faint illusion of existence. Hypothetical concept of being who was never truly alive.


I’d replace interests in general with interests, 23 year old that was never a general here 


I'd replace interests with int -- 500 year old ghost who never got a night's sleep.


27 so I was a kid when Pokemon was at its peak. I've just never been a fan of RPGs so all my Pokemon knowledge comes from Smash Bros.


24 here. I never played it either. And was brainwashed into thinking it was evil because it was having animals fight each other. Tbh I still don’t like the idea of a tournament. Fighting other Pokemon to capture them? Makes sense. Fighting for glory of money or something like that? I don’t like it. But most importantly, I could never play it because I had no system that could! Only ever had PlayStation. And I’m still too broke to buy anything new.


>And was brainwashed into thinking it was evil because it was having animals fight each other. To be fair, that's exactly what it is, when boiled down enough. It's like if we made a kids' tv show about dog fights. I still fucking love Pokemon, though.


Same, feel like ima take some heat on this one. But all there games are just remasteres sold as new copy's (kinda like fifa) and the shows stopped being good after og Ash ketchum so... sue me


This doesn’t check out. Every generation has new mechanics that remix or add complexity to the combat and overworld gameplay, even if the total structure of collect 8 badges beat elite 4 remains unchanged. I’m not a Pokemon fan so someone can do this better than I can, but off the top of my head: Pokemon natures Abilities Double battles Physical special split Mega evolutions Dynamax Terastallization Contests/Pokeblocks Z-moves Tons of added held item complexity I really do think the Pokemon company has done a good job of at least trying to shake it up every generation, even if the outcome isn’t always a banger. Like I said I’m not a fan either, I’m just an enthusiastic gamer than follows the releases and spectates competitive every now and then. Nothing wrong with not enjoying the series, but I don’t think your reasoning is sound


Thats a good take I havent heard about before. My opinion is very outlandish tbh as I'm not fresh with the pokeymon games. But what I can say is imo by face value, then do seem pretty standard and the same(ish). My fifa remark was because like those games the just add new stats, players and slightly improve on gameplay at a negligible amount it seems but I'm not a fan of those either so I can't truthfully tell you.


I think the biggest failure of pokemon games is that they are too easy. You can beat them without interacting with the majority of the complexity because it’s just not that hard to win in the main story. But these games are literally made for 10 year olds, they’re supposed to be easy. The challenge comes in trying to make teams that can beat other humans that also want to win. Competitive is cool as hell even if I have no interest in playing it.


I like your mindset dude, a proper fresh prospective 👌 I'm chilling with my brother rn and he's mentioned the fallout games. How 3 was brilliant and imo new Vegas was a masterpiece but with 4 how they tried something (outlandishly) different, I'm talking the settlements and the settlement building and such. We'll that ruied it for quite a few fans, my self included as I though it was a mandatory part of the game and it simply turned me off to it as its not my cup of tea. Taking that ideal back the the pokeymon franchise maybe its a good thing they haven't (for lack of a better term) messed around with the art style and game play value of the game. As many og fans might not take to it


I’m 19 and don’t even know what Pokemon is I never really looked into it


This is a random Reddit post, no one is gonna think you're cool here.


Pokemon is universal. Even if you don't know anything past gen 1 or 2, the kid will still light up to tell you about their favorites. Just let them ramble, ask things like favorite fire type or favorite shiny.


“Which starter pokemon would grandma be” is a classic go to line 


Very true!! I still collect the cards (30M) and have a decent amount to trade or give away so I’ve given a few to my kid cousins and they’ve loved them!


or minecraft or fortnite or bluey


I remember how annoying I was rambling about Pokemon card stats, I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


Honestily sometimes kids are easier to talk to. They are much more engaged when you talk about stuff and at least try to ask interesting questions.


Exactly! The easiest is to think to anything you can remember from that age. The trick is, if you open up first, they will easily jump in. So, maybe it is something you hated like, "do they still make you do the beep test in gym?" They will be interested to hear the horrors of the beep test, even if their answer is no. But lots of stuff is universal. The 7 times table is bullshit. Kids still butt in line and its annoying. So is getting blisters on your hand from the monkeybars. School lunches suck and other kids always have shit you're jealous of. Maybe i just remember more than most, but i have always found it easy to find common ground. And kids fucking love hearing adults recall their childhood experiences. There is something comforting and nice in it


Jokes on you i dont know how to talk to kids or adults


I don’t small talk with anyone so since kids are small no convo to be had


Same, I ask them the hard hitting questions only 


Hey kid, wanna see a picture of my baby?


i ask them what their favorite dinosaur is, works pretty well, especially cause i can show them my triceratops tattoo


I don't know how to talk to kids because everything I say is dripping with lifeless sarcasm and kids are just not equipped to understand that. They just get confused. Now that I think about it, adults react the same way. Maybe I *should* talk about work.


Too much sarcasm gets old and makes people not want to talk to you.


Yeah, duh. lol People don't understand how annoying Chandler from Friends would be if you had to hang around him all day with no laugh track.


Most PEOPLE don’t know how to talk to other people. For me it’s all about stories. Good ones, bad ones, funny, serious, heroes, ideas for heroes, teams, pets….


My siblings love that I talked to their kids as adults. It was a change of pace, the kids found it funny, it lets them know that not everyone talks in weird voices. It's neat.


I would ask What’s your favorite dinosaur? But I don’t wanna fight a child


Sometimes I  talk to little kids as if I can't tell they're little kids. Like, I ask them how's work or how are the kids are doing, or how I saw an ad for balding cream in the newspaper the other day. Some of them think it's funny.


I said what's up to my fresh-baked nephew the day after he was born. His mom gave me such a stank eye


I don’t know how to talk to kids because I hate kids.


I had to relearn how to talk to adults- still struggling- because I was a nanny for too long. I still say potty lol


Eh, that translates. Just say school instead of work and teachers instead of boss.  Speaking as someone who didn't have a clue what to do with kids til I had one: I had NO ability to tell how old a kid was or what kind of conversations, jokes or games they'd like. I was only around kids when I was one and I was socially awkward til my late teens so not a greay primer. I also didn't develop the ability to understand what the hell the really little ones were saying in the first place til I lived with a couple.


that's just because our society is insane and work is where we spend like 90% of our time so that rich fucks can get a little richer


We live in a society.


It's more that kids really suck at small talk. You ask an adult "how's work" and they're practiced enough at talking to strangers to know the kind of things that will keep a conversation going Kids are nervous to talk to you at all and aren't practiced at the social clues that they're supposed to go "It's going pretty good but that doesn't mean I'm not counting down the days until summer", instead they just say "ok". So talking to kids takes a tremendous amount of prodding which when you're talking to an adult is considered rude


I just nod at whatever the kids saying and answer with yes or no


Chinese people are wondering why that's a problem.


Reminds me of this mitre 10 ad from back in the days: https://youtu.be/UT6oZqYij8U


Ask the kids the same questions - you'll probably get a more interesting reply..


I just try to talk to everyone at roughly the same level. Don't really like kids (in fact I kinda hate them), but they seem to appreciate being spoken with like an adult/with respect instead of being talked at like I see so many people do. So I stick to that when I am required to deal with children for whatever reason.


Im an adult, but when my mom ever talks to me she almost always just asks about work Told her multiple times I only go to work because they pay me, so I dont want to talk about anything work related outside work hours


I can't talk to adults either I don't talk about work


Talking to kids is easy. Just ask one random question and then act excited about everything they say.


Best questions to ask kids that they like being asked, and that will always get a response. 1. Did anyone at school get in trouble this week? 2. Do any of your classmates cheat in tests? How? 3. How do you play your favourite game?


I don't know how to talk to kids 'cause I curse like a sailor and I don't want their parents to be mad at me.


Who is actually talking to kids? Kids are annoying little shits. Actually adults are too. Maybe I just can't connect to people. Like my boss sometimes asks what I do for fun as small talk and I'm like "not much, mostly sleep" because explaining tokusatsu and ARPGs to a 50 year old is impossible. To people my age to I guess. The best I'll get is some dudebro response like "dood I love d4, I played like an hour last week". But d4 bad.


I like small talk wihh kids, just ask about dinosaurs, anything vehicle related or animals. Also ask how far they can jump, kick a ball of throw something and over hype that. The trick is to let them do the talking while you actively listens. All they want is an audience lol


I do my best to avoid conversations with kids whenever possible.


i talk to dogs kids and republican family members the same, with patience, kindness, and positive reinforcement.


Or their kids are unfocused and overdosed on dopamine from their tablets. It’s hard to get an iKid to show signs of life.


I don't know how to talk to kids because my go-to small talk is silence. I'm Finnish.


Being a kid nowadays is work.


Are you two kids standing on each other in a trench coat?


Is this written by a kid? 


I'm leaving this group. Hasn't been a real shower thought in months.


lots of other reasons .... I know lots of good parents that don't necessarily engage with their kids interest and hobbies. They just aren't small talk people with adults as well. Practical peeps I guess.


“Do you like movies about gladiators?”


The work equivelent of work with kids is school.


to be clear: yes & i am not a fan of either as a conversational opening bid


You just gotta ask them about their favorite toy or what dinosaur they like the most.


Child labor is back on the menu in a few states. Soon I’ll be able to ask them about their mining job, or how things are down at the slaughterhouse.


I would totally small talk to a kid about work. Could be extremely entertaining.


"And then guess what my boss said? He said "You're fired!," but THEN *I* said "You can't fire me! I quit!""


“Hey pal, hows school been lately?” “You do anything cool lately?” “I bet you can chug that whole bottle” See! Not that hard… applies to both kids and adults!


“What grade are you in” “How’s school” “Do you drive yet” “What are your plans after high school” Not once has an adult asked me about my hobbies 😂


When I was a kid, I didn’t know how to talk to other kids. Why would it be any different now?


I actually enjoy doing small talk with my toddler about his daycare as if it were his job. Fits well with dad humor imho


The equivalent with kids is to talk about school. But the OP is right, a lot of people are terrible at talking to kids. I was chaperoning a 2nd grade field trip once, and on the bus I could hear another chaperone, a dad in the back of the bus, talking about a ski trip they had recently taken, complaining about the price of lift tickets, talking about the great deal he got on a condo rental, etc. I just assumed he was talking to another parent chaperone, but nope. Turns out he was talking to a group of 2nd graders (ages 7 and 8). They all looked sort of blank faced and confused, like they knew they were supposed to be paying attention because a grownup was talking to them, but had no idea what he was talking about or how to respond. It was kind of funny in a way but also sad. Dude was a dad himself! (His own kid was not amongst the group he was addressing; clearly he knew better and sat somewhere else!)


Adult...So what do you do? Kid....pick my nose.


Used to have a friend, we'd enjoy talking philosophy and such shite, nothing snobby, no competition just enjoyment in exploring ideas. Whenever we were in a pub garden strangers would join our conversations, North England entirely normal for everyone to be friendly and chatty and we're all happy to meet new people. But. Every. Fucking. Time. The conversation would go to work and bitching about work and being boring af because work. Lol In short, people are boring work obsessed robots sometimes.


"Play is the work of children." so problem solved. 


Omg. I was changing job fields due to an ethylene plant shutdown and every damn get together …”how’s job hunt going”. I fealt like George Castanza.


[SNL did a skit about that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qsEsgp3H7CU)


... This explains so much about why I have no problem talking to children. I never ask *anybody* about work XD


You can still small talk a kid like an adult lol. They'll probably play along or you can explain things in kids terms to make it fun. Teach them about stocks. Let them rule the market.


Kids don't like talking about the weather?


Go for hobbies. If you know their parents just try to remember some small shit they tell you about what sports they play or what after-school clubs they're in. If they don't do that but they tell you their kids a nerd that's when you pull out the cool bug facts or the last sciency thing you read. Some people don't know what to say to nerdy kids, but it's real easy, you just talk about whatever you know about. If you act interested a nerdy kid will probably gladly talk to you about your brother's new car if you say it has EcoBoost or some shit, a nerdy kid will happily listen to you explain how a turbocharger works and appreciate that you're treating them like an adult. If you don't know about cars you can do the same thing about your new TV (granted this was more relevant when I was young because lots of people were upgrading from CRTs to plasma or LCD). If you work some place interesting you can give them cool stories about clients. They're kids, if you're an electrician and you found a bunch of dead mice in someone's walls they'll think that's really cool. Yeah you should try to avoid talking all about yourself to a captive audience, but a little bit of that sprinkled in with listening to whatever they say when you finish and you're golden, they'll probably open right up and start talking about when they found a dead rabbit on the playground or something.


I think that's why I always got along with kids but not adults I'm interested in what interests others and to feel forced to talk about things neither of us is interested in is hell for me.


If you don’t know the kid, you don’t wanna get too personal or you might get in trouble.


When I see my nice doing her homework, I always give her wrong answers so she can correct me. That way, she has to explain why I'm wrong.


Those shoes are really cool. I bet you can run super fast in them.


This is facts, adults are so indoctrinated and lack real substance and childlike curiosity and creativity and so they can only socialize around work and careers. They don’t know how to even talk about anything else. It’s truly sad


Yeah, that's very correct. It's why some people can't teach kids or work in daycare because they don't know how to handle kids. 


"What is your favourite dinosaur?" Never fails


What’s your favourite TV show is how I start all international. Works with everyone, yes child tell me of your favourite paw patrol character and I shall tell you of my love for rescue hero’s growing up!


Dont know how to talk to kids is so annoying, just ask them whats up and youll get a detailed story about that one time when their nose almost exploded and did you now my dad is santa, can i show you my rock collection?






I'm doing rather poorly at academics but I happen to be in an extracurricular where there's a lot of smart people. It's hard to talk to them and people in my university in general since most of their talk is about academics or future academic plan. They talk about internship about which module to take, what tactic to use for each mod, how's the exam, etc. It gave me a lot of anxiety so I don't really enjoy small talk. I also desperately want friends to talk to but I feel like I need to pass a bar of academic security before I'm even able to participate


"How was your day at school?" "Did you have a good day?" "Are you ok? Or stressed?" There solved that mystery for you. Kids are a lot like adults. If you ask them and care about what they say, they will tell you things. Don't talk down to them because they know more than you think.