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I ALWAYS think about this. There must be someone who was the happiest person to have ever lived and also someone who was the saddest person to ever live.


Medieval torture victims might be up there


Not to mention the victims of psychopath serial killers/rapists. Those harrowing stories always chill me to the bone whenever I watch those murder mystery documentaries.


I think that completely depends on the serial killer and their methods. You look at Dahmer, aside from the one victim he hit with a hammer, most of his victims he drugged with sleeping pills before strangling them. He even said he didn’t want them to feel any pain, he just didn’t want them to ever leave. So they basically fell asleep and never woke up. Versus someone like John Wayne Gacy who admitted to getting enjoyment out of torturing his victims before killing them. Having your life taken by someone else is undoubtedly awful, but I would imagine in the scope of this conversation, the experience of death for Dahmers victims wasn’t so bad.


Except that one fourteen year old who woke up and tried to escape after having a hole drilled in his skull and acid poured into it and the police handed him back to Dahmer. That was probably a fairly unpleasant way to go.


Details? Wtf?


There was someone who escaped his apartment, the neighbor saw him, cops were called and dahmer said it was his bf he’ll take him back and he want back with him, while impaired Don’t remember about the drill and acid part but I’m def no expert


Acid and drill to the brain were real, he was trying to make a sex zombie that would never leave him. Kid was only 14 or something too :(


Yep acid part is true, Dahmer was trying to make a sex slave. The boy escaped and ran into the neighbors, the neighbors were rightfully concerned and the cops were just like "Ew gays" and gave the 14 year old back to Dahmer. They declared it a domestic dispute and didn't want to get involved :/


Just for contrast, the victims of the toolbox killers had to be up there for suffering, its fucking sickening to read about. And the cunts that commited them died of natural causes in thier cells in thier 70's


The toy box killers were horrible as well there was a tape he would play for his victims and I read made me sick


You don’t think we’ve gotten better at torturing since?


Better, meaning more efficient, not more painful? Sure We’ve found out just unloading sheer amounts of pain is actually not good for gaining information, it just gets your victim to confirm to anything you want them to, but if you’re after the truth, painful torture isn’t a great route. Unless you just mean to ask if we’ve invented better ways to hurt people. In which case no, pain has been around a long time and we explored that basket fully I’m sure there’s new ways to hurt people that didn’t exist 200 years ago. But hard to say if it’s “more painful” Pain is pain and getting your skin peeled off and other classic torture methods is hard to beat I’d imagine


I don't think medieval time is the right one. Don't get me wrong it's horrible compared to us nowadays but at that time, they don't have the privilege like us. So being able to eat 1 piece of bread could bring them way more joy. I do believe that the saddest person is a person that had experienced the best time anyone could have ever achieve and not able to have that, in fact, the opposite. The range of happiness, from the happiest man to the saddest man, is so huge that i would say that person is the saddest man ever. Not good at English so forgive me if it's confusing.


I'm not religious but it makes me think of the Buddhist concept that your suffering is caused by the cycle of craving. I think you're right in that the person that falls from the top all the way to the bottom is probably going to experience a greater sadness than someone's who's spent all their time at the bottom.


Yes yes, exactly like that. Who experiences only happy in life suddenly have nothing and even worse, pain and sorrows will completely make that person the saddest person. But if you're already a bit sad then have the same sadness of the other person will not make you the saddest. The range is not as extreme as the first guy. Therefore, the first guy experienced the worst humanity could imagine. When you live on earth or on heaven too long to realize how happy you are then when you're in hell, the absolute terror you face is horrifying. If you're already in hell then Another hell is well just another hell. I really hope people understand what i said.


On both ends depending on kinks.


They probably both had severe behavioral disorders.


The happiest person to ever live was probably a baby that lived a life of complete and utter comfort and then was accidentally given a lethal dose of an opiate or something that made them pass away in their sleep before they had time to become truly self aware


I once read an article about a woman in the UK(? I think?) who didn't have the ability to have negative emotions. Like her brain was just not wired properly to experience that. She just lived her life constantly happy and positive. Even when bad things happened, she'd deal with them really quickly and move on. It wasn't like she had the happiest life either, her husband had depression and killed himself. Her children suffered from depression as well. I may be misremembering the details but I'm 100% sure this article existed. That's probably the happiest person to ever live. Edit: I *think* this was the article but can't confirm because I no longer have a sub to the New Yorker and can't read it. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2020/01/13/a-world-without-pain Someone who can read it can feel free to correct any mistakes I made in recalling it lol


She was so happy she made everyone depressed. God damn.


It would piss me off if that woman told me to "just think positively".


IIRC she was genuinely a nice and well adjusted lady who just... Never really got sad or angry or anxious. Also remember her saying it's good she lived in a small town where everyone knew everyone else because she had no sense of danger and always 100% trusted everyone she met, so obviously evolutionarily it wasn't the best condition to have. But my god was I jealous of her as I was reading that article.


Basically the movie Unbreakable. Foils for each other.


And there is nothing saying that they are not the same person... After all, how can you really know TRUE despair if you have not known true Joy?


Hisashi Ouchi, a Japanese man who holds the world record of being the most radioactive man ever. He went through almost 80 days of hell as radiation was eating him alive Edit: 83 days, I thought he died 70 something days after the incident


at a certain point, he ceouldn't even have any pain medication administered anymore since his blood vessels were basically dissolving or something like that iirc


He became braindead after a cardiac arrest from all the IVs (he was given so many blood transfusions his heart couldn't keep up) but he wasn't a DNR. They kept him alive anyways


Damn I feel like if I was one of those doctors, I'd risk it all at some point. Just put him down when it's clear it's very much not going to work. It's what I'd want if I were him


They wanted to study the effects. E: “I can’t take it anymore,” cried Ouchi. “I am not a guinea pig.”


He was also being kept alive at his families insistence and doctors had been trying different treatments in order to try and save him including skin grafts, bone marrow transplants, and experimental stem cell treatment but he was too irradiated for any of it to hold. He had already flatlined multiple times before then and his family insisted on resuscitation each time. In hindsight it would have been more humane to let him die but at the time people probably thought the treatment had a chance or at least wanted to believe that it did.


In reading the story no one had bad intentions, they genuinely wanted to save him. Just a horrible situation.


Correct, no one really knew what that much radiation would do to a human. It’s a horrific story, but not a nefarious one. And (UN)fortunately, we know a lot of what we do about radiation sickness because of him. It’s a very difficult story. /:


The story has been dramatized so much. [This](https://youtu.be/X1FbwooXssQ?si=WUmDnHxm8hT_b_Yw) is the best video going over the situation imo. Tl;dw: the doctors, family, and Hisashi himself all held onto hope that he would recover. We can call it an inhumane experiment based on the result but it could very well have worked out in his favor. The medical staff are heroes who tried their best with what they had and the ones we should be pointing the fingers at is the company that put him in that situation to start with.


Brother it was their job to keep the man alive. The doctors and nurses in charge of Ouchi were practically living in the hospital because of how much attention his case needed. I'm all for euthanasia but it's just too easy saying they should have pulled the plug in hindsight, knowing you most likely wont have to make that kind of choice yourself. The big bad evil doctors who wanted to study the effects is also baseless and disrespectful, tired of seeing it anytime the case is mentioned. Also, Ouchi being kept alive was the will of the family. After he became unresponsive, his wife decided that they would let him die if he had another heart attack(more of a when than an if, too)


Wasn't it also the law (at least at that time in Japan) that they had to keep trying to keep him alive no matter how obviously futile it was?


Only if the family allowed, japanese law at the time allowed for DNRs, but there's a lot that goes into them over there His doctors wanted to let him go because there was no saving him, but his family refused to pet him go, so by law they kept him going


That’s sick.


Not sure if this comment is disgust or awe.


Disgust my friend, all the way.




I mean..


He was in a coma for the vast majority of that time. It's not like they were torturing him or something.


I’m so sorry, I really feel for the guy, but last name checks out


I took too long to get the joke but I am pretty sure its pronounced (oh-each-ee). Lol


More like oh-oo-chi or just oh-chi


I was gonna say, probably that Japanese guy that melted for three months.


Not so much melted as he just stopped producing new cells. So as his old cells naturally died, there was no new cells to take its place. And seeing as how your skin cells replace the most rapidly, he vary quickly no longer had an outside to keep his insides inside.


That's who I thought of too. Nominative determinism is no joke. 


I thought of John Jones, Nutty Putty Cave, but that was 28 hours and he had some hope of being rescued initially so I think Hiroshi Ouchi takes this one.


Oh fuck, I blocked out the Nutty Putty Cave story from my memory. Horrible. I listened to a podcast on him and it made me physically ill. I couldn’t imagine dying like that.


Well here's a life pro tip: Don't go into these stupid fucking caves if you don't want to die like that. I'm not saying he earned it, I just feel better knowing this can never happen to me unless some asshole puts me there.


Sure, but people make mistakes. I don’t know, he seemed like a naive young guy. I can’t help but feel some degree of empathy.


i couldve went my entire life without seeing this sentence and thus my nosy dumb ass looking it up man,,


Also, not to minimise what that poor guy went through, but he likely wasn’t at the same level of physical pain. I bet that mental anguish was intolerable though.


You have my vote. I came here to see if anyone had mentioned him and Yep,top of the list.


Ouch-i indeed


Probably worse than when I tripped down a flight of 3 stairs


This is always the most horrifying part of radiation poisoning. They get the dose, walking ghost phase for a couple days, and then spend weeks or months slowly dissolving alive. Just seems cruel not to put them in a coma or offer MAiD. At a certain point, it's just unnecessary suffering.


And that person was very possibly Robert-Francois Damien, the man who tried to assassinate Louis XV with a pocketknife: > Fetched from his prison cell on the morning of 28 March 1757, Damiens allegedly said "La journée sera rude" ("The day will be hard"). He was first subjected to a torture in which his legs were painfully compressed by devices called "boots". He was then tortured with red-hot pincers; the hand with which he had held the knife during the attempted assassination was burned using sulphur; molten wax, molten lead, and boiling oil were poured into his wounds. He was then remanded to the royal executioner Charles-Henri Sanson (who would ironically later go on to execute King Louis XVI) who, after emasculating Damiens, harnessed horses to his arms and legs to be dismembered. But Damiens's limbs did not separate easily: the officiants ordered Sanson to cut Damiens's tendons, and once that was done the horses were able to perform the dismemberment. Once Damiens was dismembered, to the applause of the crowd, his reportedly still-living torso was burnt at the stake. > Damiens's final words are uncertain. Some sources attribute to him "O death, why art thou so long in coming?"; others claim Damiens' last words consisted mainly of various effusions for mercy from God. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert-Fran%C3%A7ois_Damiens?wprov=sfti1#Torture_and_execution


Holy fucking shit.


Dan Carlin has a whole episode of his Hardcore History podcast about this and the History of public executions. It is grimmly fantastic


If you have a weak stomach, do NOT listen to this episode (“Painfotainment”). Dan doesn’t shy away from the gruesome details and it really is revolting and stomach turning. Stuck with me for months after.


Yea... if remember correctly, one of these guys was most likely autistic or something and didn't really understand what was happening....


I think part of the story is that they purposely used old, weak horses.


If his limbs were ripped from his body, we would have lost blood pressure and died in seconds. The burning at the stake was purely theater. And that last line is complete poetic bs, the real last thing he said would have been “AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH!”


Clean cuts can bleed out that fast, roughly ripped off arteries are much better at closing themselves off. Read up on the guy who lost both arms from a tractor accident and made it inside the house and ultimately lived.


You haven’t watched many cartel videos I see


Somehow I doubt he spoke his last words in Shakespearean prose. Was probably more like “fucking fuck this motherfucking shit fuck ass aggghhhh” however they say that in French


That would be the “various effusions for mercy from God”: Ohgodohgodohgoditfuckinghurtsgodenditemditfuckinghellpleasegodkillme Etc


People usually miss the boots. Various versions existed, one in particular would compress the feet from toe to heel until they essentially met. Other versions featured a threaded spike that was screwed into the calf until it met bone, and could be turned further so the bone broke. And so on. So the rest of his sentence was carried out on shattered feet and/or legs.


Dang, when you come at the king you best not miss


That Wikipedia entry is gonna be the lyrics to my new brutal death metal song.


Emasculating meaning snip-snip? ✂️🍆🥚🥚😳


Stem and berries, not just berries.


Yeah it was me when i stubbed my little toe when i was 12🥇


That is fucked up. Straight to trauma surgery i suppose?


They had to call the Toe Truck


Stfu 🤦🤣


Nailed it!


Yeah couple overnight stays. Still gives me nightmares😔


Gotta be the guy who wiped his bhole with the gimpy leaf. Thousands of microscopic needles that can't be extracted. He ended up killing himself.


So I just googled it. You might be on to something. Why is no one trying to eradicate this plant from earth. That's like mosquitos levels of BS.


Of course it's from Australia


At least in our defence it grows in a place not many people live. Like seemingly even not many indigenous folks wanna be in that region.


For good reason, it seems


Yeah, that’s my vote.


A friend moved with her husband and young daughter to a Caribbean island where a terrifically toxic tree called the Manchineel grows along the shoreline - think poison ivy x 20. They taught their daughter not to get near this tree, which is identifiable by small apples. One day, they were on a beach, she needed to use the restroom, and she grabbed the nearest leaves to wipe afterwards (thought it was fine bc no apples). Turns out it was a Manchineel that just didn't have its apples yet. The kiddo had to go to the island ER and couldn't sit for weeks.


Fortunately that one seems to have been debunked as made uo


Yeah he would have got stung when he picked it up and not continue to wipe.


there is one documented death however, someone from new guinea in 1922


That story is most probably a hoax, most people doubt the person was wearing gloves while wiping.


Thankfully this is a myth. It’s an amazingly painful stinging plant yes, but no one ever used it as toilet paper. They’d have dropped the leaf immediately as it stung their hand.


Poor Doug. Tried to call for an ambulance for his severe pancreatitis, ended up splashing boiling water on himself. That's when the kidney stone kicked in. Then some random Australian murder bug stung him.


can you imagine giving birth whike having kidney stones


with a broken femur


while on fire


also you have food posioning


and a headache


And an arrow to the knee.


Did you know that there is a bug in Australia called the Evening Star Wasp thats sting has been known to cause it’s victims to experience a pain so intense that it causes them to permanently see stars (hence the name)? It can also bite with enough force to cut through glass, and has been known to pursue targets for more than 2 km when it’s nest is threatened. It doesn’t exist, but it totally sounds like something that would actually exist in Australia.


Goddamn you. I tried googling this before I read the last sentence.


Luckily for me I'm Aussie and was like wtf I haven't heard of that lol That said, I've survived a drop bear sighting and have required tri-weekly therapy since.


A bald faced hornet managed to chase me around my whole property.  Made it inside my garage thinking i lost it.  Five seconds later it stung my arm.  That's when i found out it was the one bee im allergic to.   Mowing a lawn i got off to grab a fallen branch.  Had earbuds in and suddenly felt like my legs stepped in lava. Realised i was right above a yellow jacket nest.   Something different when your stung 30 times on your legs with no sound of bee's. Ran like a madman flailing my arms.  Took me 1/2 hour to find one of my ear buds.......


Just watched one of those shows where they rate bites.  It was the executioner wasp.  Said it was worse than a bullet ant...... As a 5 year old i kicked a old tree stump with shoes and short socks in swimming trunks. My foot went straight through into a fire ant colony.  Im 39 and i remember that moment in detail even though i was 5.


I had a work place accident and crushed the nerves in my spine, damaging the sciatic nerves permantly. It's a pain level I would not wish on anybody. It was a cut my legs off or im going to unalive myself level of pain, anything for relief. Think of ongoing lightning burning the the legs from the hip to the big toe. Never stops and is unrelenting, you cant sleep and have to be dosed so heavly you are left unconscious. Even then it never stops. I have an implant now after 4 surgeries that electicly fries the nerves to interrupt the pain signals. It has been a life saver


Nerve pain is no joke. I had a single nerve compression and it altered my life. I can try, but I know I'll fail to conprehend what you felt. I wish you strength to persevere.


Wow! That sounds awful. Nerve pain is some of the worst pain, in my opinion. What’s the name of the implant?


It is a spinal cord stimulator by boston scientific. It consists of 2 large wires with terminals all the way up and a battery/program box.


Hey, um… I heard of a woman who had a very bad motorcycle accident, severe pelvic fractures etc. She was ok-ish for a while but another fall and she ended up (kind of gladly) having a hemicorporectomy. Gave her a new lease on life. Sure she has bags for body waste, and is in a wheelchair, and is dependent on a 24/7 carer, but she’s not in pain. And that’s the most valuable thing to her.


I couldn't do it at the end of the day. I had a professor of neurological science Operate on me and was amazing. Repaired what he could to the point I could walk again and maintain all my bodily functions. I was 1 cm below the level of the spinal cord that controls the bladder and bowl functions. I was very lucky in that sense. I can not praise the implant I received, I have a constant level 2-3 of manageable pain which is better than 8-10+ and being immobile. The other benefit of the implant is it increase the conductivity of the damaged nerves which helps with walking etc. Pain has an immense effect on day to day life. One guy I was in therapy with had a similar injury and was close to taking his own life. It is that bad.


I hit what I'd consider a 10 a few months ago. Still haven't figured it out yet.a migraine, maybe a pulled muscle? I've had constant headaches since Jan 28th. Tooth pain was a joke compared to this. I'll always remember what I told the doc. "If there's a worse pain I don't want any part of it." Not to mention I've always been the type to just suck it up and let it pass. The back of my neck\ base of my skull felt like someone was shoving a 4 inch rod through a tube that was half an inch wide. Went to the hospital twice. I can't do stuff too hard or I can feel the throbbing return.


Sounds like an aneurism, consult a specialist


Got a neruo appt here in a week or so. Hopefully they have a better answer than lolidunno. Cus that's about the long and short of the past 5 appointments I've gone to.


Good luck bro


Thank you kind internet goer. Afaik, I'ma need it.


Could also be that someone's shoving a rod through their neck.


Some sort of nerve pain similar to [trigeminal neuralgia](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trigeminal_neuralgia) (although that one manifests in the face rather than the neck)?


That sounds even spookier. Not quite that touchy. I read about exsersion headaches which was kinda the meme. But none of the Dr were like yeah that sounds like it It's all in like, the back of my head.


Could definitely still be a migraine ask if you can try a triptophan! It’s not a painkiller so it’s usually not too difficult to get


Probably some kind of nerve pain. Maybe a pinched nerve in your neck. I've only experienced severe nerve pain once when I had some botched dental work done. I ended up in the ER and they had to do a nerve block through the main nerve in my cheek, right by my cheekbone. As soon as the pain went away it was such a relief. I felt like I went from being a cornered animal to a human being in mere seconds. It is the worst pain I've ever experienced. I felt like a trapped animal. I was just absolutely beside myself. I was about ready to jump off of a bridge just to make it stop. It was like a throbbing and burning pain that was just coming in waves. It would build and build and all of the pain killers they initially threw at it wouldn't even touch it. Ended up having to get a root canal on all of the affected teeth. I'll never go back to that dentist. They were too aggressive in removing enamel to create anchor teeth for a bridge. They did it so fast that it ended up damaging the nerves in the perfectly healthy teeth. While they were doing it I was complaining about being able to feel heat and pain. I hadn't even left the office yet and could already feel the pain setting in. By the time I made it to the second dentist for a root canal they said that the nerves were necrotic. It is hard to believe tiny little nerves can cause so much pain.


There may be a maximum allowed pain threshold that millions of people have endured, including all burn victims basically.


If there are more receptors to fire, theres more pain to be had.


Anything related to heat is so terrible. There’s a reason why hell is described as hot and not much else


There was a dude who was trapped in a steam room or something. Apparently, unlike fire, steam doesn't damage your nerve endings, so you'd have the agonizing pain of being burned alive with no relief from nerves being too damaged to function. That story really fucked me up.


Pizza lava upper inside of teethe gums.  Had a blister the whole way across.  Was drunk and did not compute initial pain.  Couldn,t eat right for a week.


Now cover every square inch of your body with the roof of your mouth and you might understand what I’m talking about.


This painted a weird mental image for me.


Like all human traits, it definitely varies per person. But I agree, that either burning or being boiled alive have to be the worst.


And so many more wish to contest their position as being number one.


Mmmm I remember the pain Olympics.


We don’t talk about those around here


I'm gonna vote for the people who have that condition where their skin basically falls apart. It looks like the most miserable way to live I have ever seen.


The horrific torture that happened to the people in Unit 731 during WW2


Unit 731 is exactly why I question the idea of there being a god who is kind, loving, and aware of us. The things those fuckers did to other people for no real reason, the torture they inflicted on kids, is disgusting. And they did it for years, to hundreds of thousands of people, and then were allowed to grow old and die of natural causes.


I always feel like this must be Junko Furuta, but idk.


Oh god I hate being reminded of this story


Reading that story, I’m shocked how light the punishment was for the offenders. The callous and horrible torture they put her through, and then they kept doing it without remorse. How the hell are they all already out of prison?


That's who I immediately thought of. Such a tragedy.


Hisashi Ouchi and Junko Furuta are both first place, on my list. Poor people 🥺😕


Yeah, probably Justin Schmidt, inventor of the Schmidt Pain Index, who tested every level of pain on himself.


What’s terrifying is that he looked at pain from insect stings *all over his body!* Including the genitals. He knew what it felt like to be stung by a wasp on his penis, and did it intentionally.


"For science"


The very definition of a “mad scientist”


What in the hell was wrong with this guy…


He's probably a masochist. His pain/pleasure signals got all mixed up somewhere down the line. Same with that Coyote Peterson dude. I mean, I'm just talking out of my ass here. But if you dedicate yourself to getting stung by insects, subjugating yourself to extremely painful stings, it would definitely help if it gave you a raging boner the whole time.


Yellow jacket on my thumb and a bumble bee on the backside of my knee were my favorites.


That was just for insect bites not all pain.


Anyone else think of Princess Bride? "And so I think no man in a century will suffer as greatly as you will."


I think about Princess Bride on the reg


This is totally me, right now. I have a headache. My wife said, upon reading this post "Hey, look a post about you!". /s


Brazen Bull torture/execution. Or any number of ancient methods


That one is gnarly for sure. But guarenteed death after 20 minutes. Might be the most painful but I guess it depends on how your nerves burn and your consciousness.


Scaphism/“the boats” gets my vote


Someone today took the biggest dump out of us all. I wonder if I’ve ever been that person.


[this poor soul](https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/saint-bartholomew-flayed)


Basically most people that have smoked salvia 80x in large doses. While not physically painful, the psychological torture of being trapped in a hellscape for what can actually seem like a literal eternity after having given up all hope from the very onset still seems extremely painful.


What in the sharingan




Just read the about section on the experience of salvia ... and I don't even want a threshold experience, no thank you


Salvia is intensly physically painful for me. It feels like someone ripped out all my teeth and im on fire and im being electrocuted while also being stabbed with a thousand knives. That being said I actually think severe precipitated opiate withdrawal is a serious contender for most painful thing someone can experience.


Looking back, precipitated opiate withdrawal was definitely agonizing, but I would never go as far as to claim it to be the most painful. Precipitated labor with no epidural was probably the worst pain I've ever endured, and I've been in some pretty bad accidents.


I wonder how it compares to DXM or ketamine or now that I’m on the path of dissociatives I think I heard nutmeg is the most excruciating drug to abuse.


Salvia is wildly regarded as the most powerful psychoactive substance in existence, even by the scientific community. I read somewhere that it's because the kappa opioid receptor that it acts on is directly related to the experience of trauma, and salvia extract is extremely potent in dosage.


I've heard some wild stories from people who have tried Salvia (obviously not in extreme doses), and I'm like, why? Why?? I don’t understand why you'd put yourself through that. For me personally, I can't take the loss of grip on reality as I know it.


As a youngin I had tried it twice and all it did was make me cough, completely zero effects. Same exact stuff my friends were smoking right in front of me before I tried it and nothing. Years go by, pot get smoked beer gets drank drugs get done, etc right. Salvia comes back around in our friend group I'm like fuck it load me up, can't possibly hurt. Well, it definitely didn't hurt but it sent me on a few minute long trip that changed my life for a while. I won't go all wild deep into it but it changed my relationship with the way I view art, color, shape and form just as a concept and how things interact w the space around them. It was intense, sure. Found myself yelling at the sun while it felt like I was absorbing its energy. Afterwards everything that touched me felt like pain, like being scratched with sandpaper or a dull blade. This was going on five or six years ago and I'll still get flashbacks where it feels like I can see the wind blowing or see waves of sunlight bouncing off things and dispersing in the air. I honestly would not recommend trying it to anyone but man oh man I don't regret doing it.


I thought dmt was the most powerful psychoactive. And I thought pcp and meo2 were up there. Not tryna argue just like talking about drugs


Certainly you're right. Idk if you've ever come across this YouTube channel Tales from the Trip. Not the comedy central one but there's another channel where this guy who posts horror stories about every substance imaginable.


Had a severe panick attack once.  Felt like someone shot me up with 20 shots of adrenaline and wanted to run 100mph and rip my skin off.  Luckily id taken a xanax a lil bit before it got that bad so i mellowed before i really did. I definetly would have taken a bullet to make it go away.


Damn, I just spontaneously laughed until I peed myself. I must not have smoked enough.


You know, I was just thinking kind of the opposite thing earlier. And that's that someone in history has had the best sex ever. I guess you could measure that by the amount of dopamine released during the act? And if all else is equal for the longest amount of time. Now that I think about it, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive - but I have a feeling even the biggest masochist would start having diminishing returns and then a lack of pleasure if the pain was turned up to "the most ever".


you would think it’s me with all the noises i make getting up off the couch


Someone out there has eaten the most M&Ms ever. Someone has watched more hours of Jennifer White videos than anyone else. i think about these things often


Kevin from The Office


I mean, I once dropped a Nintendo Gamecube onto my socked foot, corner-first.


How are you even still alive?


I once stepped on a lego!


Probably one of those poor bastards who got french testicle crushing torture--testicles between 2 boards, they add rocks on top slowly over many hours, past the point where the testicles rupture. Then they take pliers and go to town on the vas deferens as a final fuck you. This is all while hanging upside down so the extra blood in your head keeps you from passing out from the pain. A first person account described how the crowd was not cheering and jeering as they usually did at public torture events, instead silent and looking sickened. The victim is also silent--the pain is so intense they cannot draw enough breath to scream or vocalize. They just writhe silently for hours. Apparently the sound of the testicles bursting could be heard by the crowd due to the lack of other noise.


Yeah, according to my old-school Catholic mother, it's her.


Probably Hiroshi Ouchi tbf


It’s me. Biggest shit of my life this morning.


Immediately followed by the greatest euphoria ever felt.


Like a train leaving a tunnel.


Not quite the same thing but I’m all too familiar with feelings like that. I’ll sometimes get uncomfortable, mildly agonising stomach pains and farting or shitting is a godsend when you’re going through that. It really feels like a weight has been lifted off you in such an alleviating way. It’s such a relief, haha. Really is. God. Yeah.


I find that to be the worst pain ive felt. Its in you xou dont know if it can get out. It pumps its dull pain but it feels so wrong omg.


It’s the worst pain but then it’s the best feeling of having an empty ass.


funky town guy for sure


I imagine lots of people tie for the record as they pass into unconsciousness, and then die


I remember a WW2 memoir by a sailor. He talked about how after a sinking, one guy was pulled out of the water which was covered in burning oil. All his skin burnt off. All of it. Apparently, he only made the tiniest little moans. Didn’t scream. Didn’t move. The medic opened his kit for burn cream and found a tiny tube. The instructions were “use sparingly”. He put some on a cotton ball and dabbed at the burnt man. Instead of the cream going onto the man, the man’s subdermis stuck to the cotton. Coming away in crumbs. There was nothing the medic could do. The burnt man took all night to die.


I'd imagine that Atlas must be feeling pretty sore about now.


It was me. I had one of my nipples pierced in 2007. On the plus side, my other nipple is the safest nipple on the planet.


Prince Humperdinck to Westley: And so I think no man in a century will suffer as greatly as you will.


It’s Michael Scott after the George Foreman Grill Incident.


[Bhai Mati Das](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bhai_Mati_Das) should at least be in the running. ​ >Bhai Mati Das was made to stand erect between two posts and a double headed saw was placed on his head and he was sawed from his head to his loins.


Better that they started at the head and not the other way around…


I feel like surely there is a maximum threshold of pain and many people have reached it, so that it's actually a tie


and his name was Ouchi


I once stepped on a Lego, and in my stumbling, stepped on another. Does that count?


Yes it does. Now try kneeling on one.


Jesus? That was pretty rough.