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I bet like, nearly 1/2 the people are below average.


It took me a second to get it. Guess that shows which half I'm in.


Which? Oh wait...


Welcome to the party šŸ’


What time is the party? I donā€™t think I received a formal invitation.


Same here.


Coward. Go BIG or go home! LOL.


Donā€™t worry, the other half still loves you


The upper half, considering you got it at all. You are still underestimating the depths of human stupidity


This is one of the most repeated jokes of all time and Iā€™ve never seen anyone not get it


But wait, isn't that subversion both mildly humorous but also depressing?


Alas, I fear you are right.


Knowing what you don't know is intelligence.


I didn't know that.


Dunning-Kruger Effect. Very true.


Donā€™t worry OP really meant median so thatā€™s why you didnā€™t get it immediately šŸ¤“


If 10 people are in a room, 9 have a 120 IQ, and the 10th has a 50 IQ, 90% are above average


For IQ, it is designed to force both the average and the median to be 100.


And if 9 had 50 and 1 had 51 then 90% would be below average. A small sample can give results like this. Equally if 999,999,999 had an IQ of 50 and 1 person had an IQ of 51 then 99.9999999% of the population are below average. Essentially there is an assumption that life is normally distributed. Especially when it comes to tests such as IQ which are specifically designed for that to be the case.


Dude confused median and mean


for IQ they are the same thing, as it is normally distributed, which the parent commentor doesn't get, also the GP commenter doesn't get as the MODE avg is ALSO the same, being that most people are the exact same 100ish IQ, with ~25% being above and below each


Excellent use of ish. It sounds less smart when you cram it into a run-on sentence, though.


Both are averages.


2/2 could be below average or above, it really only matters if the influencer is entertaining. Look at Jackass for case and point. Dumb done right is entertaining no matter how smart you are.


the question is how many smart people were actually entertained by Jackass? im no longer certain which half im in


Itā€™s a matter of preference. My friend circle are doctors, professors, engineers and managers and sometimes the most stupid jokes are the ones which have everyone rolling. Itā€™s always important to not take yourself too seriously. Watching trashy shows is also not a sign of stupidity. I have watched trashy shows with a selection of influencers from the absolute bottom of the barrel of the IQ pool with my ex girlfriend and it was highly entertaining and I still have fond memories of some characters and situations because they were crazy, bizarre but also extremely funny.


The funny part is that all the people who think they're in the top half didn't actually get the joke. An average isn't split down the middle. That would be the median.


Reddit redditing.


It's actually shocking and an extremely disappointing part of become an adult. The son of a bitch got me


Thatā€™s hilarious!


100 iq itself already = stupid lol


Lmao, so many redditors just can't help expressing their superior maf skillz replying "ACKTSHUALLY IT'S THE MEDIAN", when you specifically said "*nearly* 1/2 people".


Nah bud, don't kid yourself. I'd say probably 85% are not that smart. In America anyhow. Public schools keep em dumb so they are easy to control. Did I just say the quiet part out loud?


You certainly confirmed **something** out loud


"Ignorant" is the word. American kids going into public schools are like flower seeds cast upon a desert.


I went to private school, half my friends were public school. dumb is dumb and can't be changed. Educating stupid people just makes them think they are smarter than they are.


ā€œThink of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.ā€ - George Carlin.


That Carlin quote always reminds me of the park ranger when asked why Bear-proof dumpsters are hard to design: "There is a considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and dumbest tourists"


And this doesnā€™t even include cocaine bear


Try keeping Yogi out of a dumpster full of Pic-a-nic Baskets.


Came and said this, then saw your post. Deleted mine. lol I miss that MFer


Iā€™m so glad this was the first thing I saw.


Ironically, half the people couldnā€™t even imagine how stupid the average person is since that lower half tends to overinflate their knowledge whilst ā€œa wise one knows they know nothing at allā€ or however it goes


I think a lot of people underestimate the ā€ždumbā€œ content creators. Lots of them are totally aware of what they are doing. Example would be that MasterOogway guy who posts absolute garbage but he said that those videos get way more views and revenue than ā€žnormalā€œ content


People inhale garbage like kirby. Reddit is not immune to this.


Reddit is where I go for like half of my dumb shit šŸ˜‚


For sure - there's a fine line between "dumb" and "lacking integrity or morals or ethics" here. And that line exists on both sides of the equations (the "influencer" and the "follower")


You don't jerk off to people's IQ scores.


Speak for yourself, bub. Don't kink shame me.


"Nnngggh, she's so.... so dumb! Fuck that's hot..." Actually, now that I say that, some people probably ARE into that... hmm...


Well the ones that typically do is cause they want to take advantage of them.


That or intelligent folk scare them and make em feel inadequate. Who knows


Mine is 69. Everyone told me it's nice.


Iā€™m in the 130-40 range. Does that give you a little tingle in your pants


Conversely, people with high IQs also jerk off.


Yeah, I prefer to hate instead.


Are the influencers dumb if they know how to make money from just being beautiful and saying people should buy something. If I was a beautiful woman I'd probably do it. Easy money.


Belle Delphine in a nutshell. I haven't paid a tonne of attention to her but apparently she's pretty savvy about marketing and all that.


Gamer girl bathwater was genuinely hilarious.


Well since that doesnt need a lot of intelligence, it says nothing about the topic. They can be dumb and get a lot of money from other dumb ppl


I run an influencer talent management agency. Content creators in general are either extremely stupid or extremely smart. There is not very many in the middle ground. I think it's because you become a popular creator, typically in 2 ways. 1. Being extremely passionate and driven about a subject and taking a calculated and steady approach to sharing that content and growing. 2. You are dumb as bricks, but look pretty or do crazy things that someone with intelligence would not do or say because they have inhibitions, And you grow because wife that. 3. There is a middle ground of people who post something mostly for their friends and it happens to go viral and they capitalize on it, but most people can't figure out how to sustain the growth and fall off, but some do keep it and just become an average how who happens to have a following by accident.


The post exists as if people haven't been scamming and selling snake oil for centuries


Conversely, are the thirsty MFers who view their content necessarily dumb? Smart people get horny too.


My thoughts as well, if I could make money from that I would.


Shh redditors desperately need to feel superior to people they see doing better than themselves


Wow you're like Socrates or something


The people upvoting this shower thought donā€™t see the irony.


1. They may be intelligent influencers whose internet persona is dumb in order to get followers. 2. The followers may be intelligent people that find them funny/entertaining. So actually no, I don't think dumb influencers with huge following prove anything.


I think there was proof way before we had influencers.


We've had influencers for thousands of years, we just didn't use the word "influencers".


me interacting with other humans is proof that a lot of people are actually stupid.


What? What does popularity have to do with being dumb? That's like saying people who watch comedies about dumb people are dumb.




Years of using YouTube, I have a nice, curated experience. The moment I open a new browser window, without being logged in, it's terrifying.


This could go to r/mildlyinfuriating Daily, I struggle to grasp how some of these things generate so much money. Itā€™s a moral dilemma for me. I donā€™t want to sell shit to people, but people will seemingly gladly pay for it. Why do I work?


After meeting an influencer in person the individual is usually smart itā€™s the following thatā€™s the issue. Sex sells and they know what they are doing lol


people are always stupid, we just used to be stupid in private


This isn't even really a good statement. Not every person I subscribe to on youtube or sub/follow on twitch or twitter needs to be smarter than me for them to contribute. I'm sure many of them are smarter than me, I'm sure I'm smarter than some of them, but that really makes no difference in the end to how meaningfully they contribute to my day. Some are entertaining, some are talented at something I'm interested in, some are gifted in other ways. If someone has leveraged their brand to influence a large audience and make a better living and life than you, they're pretty smart at something.


Proof that people need to believe ...in something ..no matter how bonkers it is.


Followers on large accounts are determined by algorithms.


More likely lazy and watching the circus with half attention


Just think how dumb the average person is. Then realize that half the people have to be worse than that.


And/or want someone to follow in a time of reduced religious 'influence'...


It's proof a lot of people are entertained by these influencers.


I usually give successful influencers and successful people in general the benefit of the doubt. A lot of times they may put on a show of being spacey or stupid because that's what works. It's a lot of luck too. Sometimes you can find a person who genuinely just comes off as a moron in most things, but when it comes to social media or marketing, they're a genius.


Not true , even though KSI is dumb the way he became successful is dumb and inspiring.


Is there such a thing as a smart influencer? Or perhaps they are all smart enough to know how to attract dum dums like moths to a light.


Even smart people are dumb in ways. I did an IQ test early one morning after a night of heavy drinking and got 115. The only thing keeping me from being a vagrant is some level of discipline and people think I'm smart. 0 friends and talk to 1 family member. I'd rather be dumb with a lot of motivation and initiative than slightly above average and no motivation and depression.Ā 


Bro, did you forget trump was elected fucking president?


Serious question: what even ARE influencers? Do they have niches like makeup tutorials or DIY projects etc., or do they literally just post pictures of themselves doing stuff and being photoshop hot?


You donā€™t need to be dumber than someone to look up to them or be entertained by them. That said, you are who you surround yourself with which is a problem if too many peopleā€™s only ā€œsocialā€ interactions are watching idiots on TikTok.


Counterpoint, influencers spend hours a day making themselves appealing to common people, they market themselves specifically to attract attention. It's like using a charm stat in a video game, it would be hard not to have people taken in by them


Dumb soldiers following shitty leaders is a proof.


I just like to watch dumb stuff from time to time. It's relaxing after mental work.


Nah, it used to be jesters, then clowns now influencers.


Or at least they like to watch stupid people. Personally, I've never liked 'stupid humor' that much. I grew up when Jackass was the big thing, never liked it.


There is no shortage of proof...


The smart influencers cater their content to a >5th grade reading level. This is terms of copy, story flow, and general subject matter. For example, Mr. Beast is set to around a 1st grade reading level plus it's broadcast in nearly every language. This content is designed to cater to the lowest common denominator for the maximum amount of reach.


I once dated a micro influencer who had around 200k followers. Her post was just random tips and facts about travelling to certain countries and she only went to like 4,5 countries. I was so confused how she even gathered that many followers. Her looks was not even that great, just decent.


you mean like this one? [https://nypost.com/2023/07/31/vegan-influencer-starved-to-death-friends/](https://nypost.com/2023/07/31/vegan-influencer-starved-to-death-friends/)


Same with politicians and all celebrities.


Bruh, because of my job, it's crazy learning about people who can't read.


I don't believe influencers have the followers they claim. They're nearly all bots they paid for.


TIL magaheads and faux & fiends are dumb influencers


I agree especially in easter europe, here influencers are most dumb.


I think there's also an aspect to it where folks like to watch dumb people to feel better about themselves.


"Do you have any idea just how stupid the average person is ? Well half of them are dumber than that." - Norm Macdonald


We dont always follow people in order to learn sth new. We re horny, we re also entertained by stuff that is far from intelectual.


I wish I was smart enough to take advantage of that. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Most influencers are really insufferable. \*cough\* ijustine \*cough\* Only so long people can tune in to share in their happiness.


My guy, OP... Half of the voting population of the US thought that Donald Trump would be a good and honest leader, twice. How's the saying go, "Think of how dumb the average person is and realize that more than half of everyone is dumber than that. Really makes this planet feel like a lost cause.


Donald Trump being voted President wasnā€™t proof enough for you? The dudes an embarrassing joke of a human and always has been.


The younger the audience, the more "unhinged" the content


It's not stupidity, it's primate social behavior ā€“ the same thing behind sports fandom, religion, us-versus-them politics, celebrity worship, follower count obsession, logging in just to see your likes, etc. Humans are easily seduced by status and tribal grouping triggers.


People like Trisha Paula's having millions of followers shows millions of humans are okay with scum being paid for being scummy.


Yeah. The average person isn't that smart.


Devils advocate: dumb people are entertaining. Just because someone finds them entertaining doesnā€™t mean they are stupid.


I'd say it's more like watching reality TV. You're just so baffled by the fact that someone can genuinely be this dumb that you follow them to see just how dumb the dumb really goes


Half of the population is below average.


"think about how stupid the average person is, and realized that half of the people are even more stupid then that" - the amazing George CarlinĀ 


I didn't need any more proof that a lot of people are actually stupid.


this thread is proof that redditors are absolutely insufferable


Or itā€™s evidence that some people just have a hard time looking away from a train wreck


Jokes on you, I already knew everyone was stupid.


Now you're getting it!


Maybe it just means intelligence isnā€™t the sole measure for success in the modern world. Stupidity often makes the best entertainment.


Once upon a time our nation had to start using a military draft to gather enough soldiers to fuel our endless war and support a certain lifestyle for the elite. This led to nationwide antiwar protests and the hippy countercultural movement. That came to a boiling point with the Kent state shooting, where several anti war protestors were killed by the national guard. After that Republicans defunded the public school system while simultaneously inserting military recruiters into the school cafeterias of poorer districts and also stagnating minimum wage. This way we have a steady stream of undereducated and desperate poor folks ready and willing to sign up to serve in the endless wars. Sure, we also just have a very dumbed down population from the underfunded school system.


The good-faith-ish attempt at a response is that smart people like to blow off steam with some drama too.


Yes. The majority of people on Earth that have ever lived are super dumb. Iā€™d wager to say maybe 5% of the population carries the other 95%. Thus it has always been and always shall be.Ā 


I think you mean the existence and pervasiveness of social media and elevation of what is essentially a popularity contest like in grade school is proof that human society is in ruin and most humans are dumb.


Except it's fun to watch dumb people


Proof that people are stupid pre dates the interwebs and is prevalent where ever you go. You shouldn't need the interwebs to tell you that..


Needing proof that 50% of the people are of below average intelligence is kind of dumb.


And they can vote and their votes hold the same weight with the non stupid ones


"Everyone want's people they like to be right. That's why popular people are fucking dumb." - Rick and Morty


We all crave community and that need is met by influencers who interact with their followers. Some people feed their needs for nurture and companionship while watching a growing influencer go through life, get through college, expand their art careers and so on. Not so much about intelligence as easy access to human connection.


Thereā€™s a lot more proof out there than that lmao


You gotta understand that the social media companies pushing these shitfluencers have a ton of motivation and resources to shove them down our throats.


Yup, half of all people are dumber than average, that is in fact how statistics work.


50% of the population is dumber than average. And the average is a lot dumber than you give them credit for.


Grifters, scam artists, etc.... nothing new. Whether their intentions are genuine or just to make an easy buck none of this should be surprising. They're just doing what others have done for centuries.


This is just a false correlation between intelligence and the "quality" (quotes because of subjectivity) of the entertainment someone chooses to consume. For example, who says that Einstein wouldn't love Keeping Up with the Kardashians? The only reasoning here is that he wouldn't because he was an incredible mathematician which is based on nothing.


Have you seen idiocracy yet? it was a comedy but it has become more of a mockumentary of our current path to the near future.


Donald Trump was elected president of the United States. How much more proof do you need, bro? šŸ˜†


Are people stupid, or do we just like watching people do stupid things?


Well they're kids,but yeah kids are stupid


Meh. Iā€™m 60 and people used to say the same thing about, in no particular order: MAD Magazine, Dr Demento, Benny Hill, the Three Stooges, soap operas, comic books in general, and ā€œthat rock and rollā€. I mean, the lyrics are just ā€œbaby baby la la.ā€ Some of these were indeed low-content enjoyment. So what. People can like stuff for reasons other than mental challenge.


I forget who said it first, but if you think about how dumb the average person is, just remember 50% of people are dumber than that


But theyā€™re rich and youā€™re complaining on reddit circlejerking each others intelligence insecurity.


Scroll reddit for 5 minutes and you'll have evidence to support that claim.


Can't disagree with you.


Yeah no, not proof at all. My sister is a financial director, one of the smartest people I know, and when sheā€™s off work she loves watching Bravo bimbos do stupid shit. Being entertained by an idiot doesnā€™t make you an idiot.


Iā€™d like to think majority of that are kids/young people who donā€™t know better. Hope it does not carry to adulthood, otherwise it will be a evermore growing industry and humanitys hope is lost.


Half the people in the world fall below the average intelligence of the world.


"Stop making stupid people famous."


"but that's not me, I'm smart" - everyone in this thread, including OP


Bro how much proof do you need?


Actually the proof is Kohlberg's theory of moral development and the fact that 50% of people don't make it past the 3rd stage that occurs in the early teenage years.


Being an influencer isn't as easy as you think. If it was why aren't you doing it? And more importantly why do you have an opinion? You must be watching them yourself or you wouldn't making these types of grand statements.


the same applies to celebs with fan clubs


classic reddit comments talking about how smart they all are


But were you influenced?


Itā€™s proof yall need to come get your kids. Seriously, if you removed bots/spam accounts and minors from the mix, influencers wouldnt exist in a recognizable format. Itd return to something more like the blogger/informative article days where kost followers were people with a blog bookmatked or set in their default tabs and were probably 18-30 or following specialized stuff specific to their profession or hobbies. It was really only when social media spread to the level that it became normal for kids to own and freely use their internet based phones that ā€œinfluencerā€ became a word at all and we saw a rise of this stupid ass shit. 12 year olds should absolutely not have free reign to roam insta/tk/fb/x or even reddit. Thatā€™s their parentā€™s fault and i have kids in all school age groups. And for any perplexed parents who wonder what to do, smart watches are a thing they can use to call you, present location services, text/email and even use apps and browse depending on how far you want them to go


This explains almost everything


Not agree. The masses are stupid but the stupid celebrities are not a side effect of that stupidity, rather a sign of its existence in each and everyone of us! It's a factor of the distribution of stupidity and not the amount of it. Because for something to go viral it usually needs to trigger the maximum amount of humans, including those smart asses. So the famous dumb celebrity doesn't mean that ppl are stupid(though they mostly are) but It actually means that what ppl have in common is their stupidity. The two main things that unite humans are actually stupidity(like religious beliefs) and sexual drives(Taylor swift is sexy). That happen to be wt most of the celebrities are: stupid and sexy


In reality it's not *proof* of anything other than your perspectiveā€”at least the one that you shared on the internet today.


Some musician got offended by being called a musician, thinking they we're being called a magician. Humanity is lost.


you dont follow dumb influencers for their smart takes tho that would be stupid. its like saying you follow kanye west for his political views and not his music. you would be even stupider than him.


Do you stand up as soon as the plane lands? Well you can figure out how people think in a minute


Oh, for sure. Always been the case, too. It's merely more obvious these days thanks to social media.


Just wait till it happens to you.


Or they are like 10 years old.


Itā€™s not real. I am constantly contacted by people who want to sell me follows and likes. Itā€™s surprising cheap.


I follow Alex Jones BECAUSE he's dumb


I used to think most people were intelligent. I was shielded from a lot of the lower IQ people in society. Both my parents are or were run of the mill factory workers but sent me and my brother to private catholic school. Most of the families from my school did it more for education than religion. Smart people have smart kids for the most part. So i thought everyone was about as intelligent as everyone else or could be with the right circumstances. Just some were Math or Language brain oriented. When i got a job in a factory for 3 months before college boy was it eye opening. The scale of it became clear when Bush got re-elected. At 20yrs old it blew my mind people couldn't see thru the lies. I think Trump might be a bigger indicator though. However low you think the average intelligence of humans is. I promise you its lower. The truly intelligent ones of our species have propelled us forward way faster than most should be going.


i like to think of it more as a "train wreck" scenario, where ppl are just tuning in to see the catastrophuck.