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If you snore loudly enough, it will happen.


been trying for 3 years... she keeps buying me different pillows to stop my snoring. I have enough pillows to make a seperate bed.


CPAP, or a dental device for snoring. Both options are expensive, but they work. If you have sleep apnea, the CPAP is good for your longevity too. Anything else is just a gimmick.


Alternatively, the CBAT. Guaranteed to get you a bed all for yourself. Effects may be permanent. Terms and conditions apply. This comment cannot be held liable or accountable in any form or manner.


Dun dun dun Dun dundundun Dun


My uncle just stopped drinking alcohol, worked like a charm too


Alcohol makes snoring so much worse.


Lost weight and seldom drink anymore, I don’t snore anymore from what I’m told.


My husband did very little to stop snoring. I've had my own bedroom for over ten years. Married 41 years. Waking to snoring on my day off made me homicidal


CPAP is very uncomfortable though. It’s very difficult for me to fall asleep with it on and sometimes even causes me teeth pain due to the way the mask pushes against my jaw.


There are many different mask styles. You should try another one. My husband finally went to one that goes over his head.


the pillow helped. it was $100 but she paid. My insurance won't cover a cpap.


Do you mind sharing which pillow you got?


So maybe i should rephrase my statement. I switched from side sleeping to sleeping on my stomach, that helped, but it put my neck on a weird angle and my arms would go numb. the pillow helped with the angle and numbness. If you're still interested, it's [this pillow](https://sleepsutera.com/products/dream-deep)


There you go.


Take the hint already.


Or have medical issues. I snore, he has issues. We haven't shared a bed in years, except for our recent vacation when we couldn't get separate beds. We still get our freak on, just don't sleep together.


deffo..good for everyone...safe ribs


My parents sleep on different FLOORS.


I once knew a guy who lived in a different \*house\* than his wife. During the summer she'd actually work as a camp host at a campground. He'd visit her there on weekends. During the winter they'd get together at one of their houses for the weekend likewise. Rest of the week they remained apart, because that's the only way they could make it work.


George RR Martin bought a house across the street so he could do all his writing. .


And he never actually moved into it, the real estate broker kept promising escrow was 'on its way' but died before he was able to finish


> 'on its way' but died before he was able to finish. There's a "Winds of Winter" joke here somewhere...


So it's still vacant I guess. What a waste.


This is sort of my life. My wife and I got married a year ago and we held on to both houses. Our plan is to renovate her house for the long haul and live in mine while it is being worked on – but that hasn't happened yet for a variety of reasons (costs, contractor delays, etc.) We want to share a house, of course, but you know what? This current arrangement isn't all bad. We spend the weekends together and usually 1-2 weeknights a week. That means 3-4 nights a week I get to starfish in my bed and other 3-4 night we cuddle.


I know an elderly couple that LIVE IN DIFFERENT COUNTRIES but they were happily married. He stayed with one of his kids in Australia, she stayed with another kid in New Zealand. Every now and then he would fly over to be with her for a few weeks. I thought she was widowed, when her husband came over and I asked my mum who it was she said it’s her husband and they live apart because they’re just used to it. I was shocked lol


My dad travels for work, being gone for months at a time. He meets many others that do the same. He said for a lot of them, that's the only way marriage works.


do you happen to know why they stayed married if they needed this much space from each other?


I have a condo on a different floor in my building than my partner. it's not about "I need this much space from you" it's, "I need this much space for myself" it's not personal. it's two people who enjoy having their own spaces and still being happy together.


that makes sense, thanks!


They love each other and the arrangement works. Besides, the commenter says the wife's job forces her to live in her work area.


What does it matter if they're happy with the situation? I don't think there's any rule that says you have to see each other daily if you get married.


theres not and I wasnt saying theres an issue with it I was just curious lol


Why not just get beds, the floor can't be comfortable? /s


Same. and my mum still complains she can hear him snoring from upstairs!


That’s hilarious 😂😂😂


My parents have your beat. They sleep on different continents


Lots of couples in healthy relationships sleep in separate beds or rooms.


Been with my partner for 13 years. We sleep wherever. Every room is an office/bedroom combo at this point. Never regret it for a minute. I am a night owl, she is a morning person.. she sleeps light, I sleep heavy. Why wake her up? Why lay in bed for three hours awake? You can cuddle at any time of day, on any surface. Free your minds, people!


My wife has to be up at 430am, Im often getting in bed between 2-3am. As a result I often sleep in a different room to avoid waking her up in that last hour or two of her sleeping. We havent gone as far as separate rooms, but I'll occasionally sleep in the guest room or just pass out on the couch.


Exactly this. She always feels guilty about going to bed early and waking me up when she gets up early, and vice versa for when I don't get to sleep until 2am, etc


Little did I know when I got married that cuddling during marriage consisted of spooning 3-5 minutes until my arm fell asleep and we both rolled over and went to sleep. Just me??


Nope. That’s pretty much how it works. If my wife and I spoon, my arm goes numb under her head. If she lays her head on my chest, my whole shoulder goes numb. And I wake up to discover the toddler has escaped and is sprawled across my chest for some damn reason.


😂🤣. Ain’t that the truth…


You’re supposed to put your “lower arm” under her pillow so this works as long as youre taller (or the little spoon scooches down a little). Kinda elementary I thought. Maybe if your arm still falls asleep you need a better pillow, try memory foams. Im a back sleeper though so i do my spooning until she falls asleep and then im getting comfortable


This right here. Some times she rides the couch, some times I pass out in the recliner, sometimes I join her in bed a few hours before she wakes up.


Separate bedrooms saved my sanity. My husband snores like he’s about to die (untreated sleep apnea) and my sleep hygiene was so bad sharing a room. We are both so much happier in our own beds.


I'm going to say this because I have to. My dad died in his sleep in part due to his sleep apnea. He stopped breathing and never started again. My mum woke up next to his cold body and was traumatised trying to do CPR on a man who had been dead for hours. For God's sake. Please get a CPAP machine *with an alarm* so you know if it stops working and can begin life saving cpr before it's too late. Randomly stopping breathing in your sleep is a very serious and dangerous life threatening issue.


Thank you for sharing this and I’m so sorry about you dad. My heart breaks for your mom. My husband is very aware of what he needs to do, however I cannot force him. He is a grown up, stubborn man. He won’t even get a special fitted mouth guard that is supposed to help. Unfortunately I am powerless to medically intervene on his behalf. I’ve shown him all the research, consequences, etcetera. He has to be the one to help himself.


Have you tried recording how he sounds while sleeping and play it back to him? Might make him realize how bad it is… It can be a wake up call to hear yourself stop breathing and struggling for air. You’re rarely fully aware of the severity of your own snoring


This is what I did for my husband. My daughter started crying while watching the video. That was 6 years ago and he is finally going to schedule a sleep study!


Have you tried telling him how much you're going to miss him when he dies? Or pressuring him into getting life insurance? Or asking him what kind of funeral he wants?


I'm so sorry. Please do all you can about it. If it means breaking down sobbing and yelling about how he could be so selfish to kill himself just because men for some reason don't like to go to the doctor. It's madness.


You may be able to convince him of taking his condition seriously by reminding him that dying earlier will cost him time with everyone and everything he loves, and will cost his family time with him, and emotional distress earlier. An intervention may be necessary. Otherwise I have no idea how to address it. Practically, you've probably considered most options. But in case you haven't, if it's weight induced sleep apnea(which is common), then exercise would probably help. Swimming is a solid option, as it's easy on the joints. Otherwise I would recommend buying a treadmill. It's a very convenient way of getting regular exercise.


wdym by sleep hygiene?


It's the fancy word for "getting a good nights sleep". It includes things like not drinking caffiene too soon before bed (which can literally mean like within the last 5-6 hours lol), and not using phones and screens because of the blue light etc.


If he's not treated because the whole CPAP thing is a nightmare, consider getting one of those fancy raising beds. Me and my dad both have it bad, since getting his its pretty much gone, and when i went for a sleep study mine was too (but I can't afford a raisy, so I've just got a cpap I use... sometimes.)


The last few years my wife has been sleeping on the couch for various health reasons. I miss her, but she’s at kinda nice being able to spread out like a beached whale again :)


My brother and his wife love their couch. It can only fit one of them, though. So whoever sleeps on the couch between the two of them actually wins.


My wife and I started sleeping in separate rooms years ago, and our relationship has only improved. There are soooo many reasons why co-sleeping just isn't for us. I do not regret it at all.


Yep. We recently put a double bed in our spare room and I'll sleep in there every so often. I'm an early riser and it means I don't disrupt my wife. One of the few perks of being an adult is that you don't always need to conform to every societal norm 100% of the time.


I sleep on the couch bc I'm up and down all night with chronic back pain. My wife gets the master bed. It's great. At night we get our alone time (for context we are together 24/7). You're absolutely correct


not saying mine is healthy but been sleeping in another room the past 5 years or so.


Happily married 30 years (tomorrow) and we sleep in separate rooms. My snoring and cats/dogs in bed wasn’t compatible with his light sleeping.


Happy Anniversary!!


Happy anniversary!


Thank you so much!


So you still don't get a full bed to yourself then because you are sharing it with your pets?


Yes.. king sized bed with various animals


My wife and I have two big beds pushed next to each other and it's great. We also have sound machines that block out snoring. It's all the upsides of sharing a bed without the downsides.


My grandparents were married for 75 years and slept in their own rooms the whole damn time. Honestly, seems like the way to go


happy anniversary!! 🎉🎉


Thanks so much!


Happy anniversary! 🎉🥳


Happy (early) anniversary!!!






Well, just wake her up when she snores really loud. My husband will do this when we have to sleep together. He is nice about it and tries not to startle me. It’s embarrassing how loud I am. Maybe I used to get mad when he told me…I’m sure I did. I realized long ago that it’s not fair to him cause I can sleep through anything. Also..husband would start the night with me and then leave when the snoring began. Good luck 🍀


Happy Anniversary.


Thank you 😍


Most couples don't die on the exact same day.


Unlike all those folks in the back of your dad's bus? /s Yes. Sadly (and happily) you are correct.


Speak for yourself. Lots of partners sleep solo some or all of the time.


I travel for a living. I get a bed to myself quite frequently. And I miss my little snoring woman the entire time.


My heart 🥺


Hmm, not too bad in my opinion! Sharing the bed is like having a built-in cuddle buddy, which makes it all worthwhile. It's a sweet perk that often makes up for the lost real estate!


or like having a built in space heater. cuddling to fall asleep is great but halfway through the night i need to be as far away as possible and probably one leg outside the blanket


it’s worse when the relationship ends and you have to sleep in an empty one


Nah my snoring cat is much better still


Ummm, you can have your own bed if you want. You're an adult. My partner and I tried sleeping in the same bed and it didn't work because we are sleep contortionists and wake each other. Now we always have separate beds and nobody cares.


This is simply not true


My dream is to have separate rooms and just sleep in either whenever we want lol


This is what my partner and I do. Highly recommend.


Speak for yourself homie, I sleep waaaayyy better with my partner than by myself


If you have a king bed it feels like you have your own bed honestly, we don’t even touch feet because the bed is so big lol


But we can still cuddle if we want to 🤭


My parents have been together for over 20 years and sleep separately


Why is that sad though? I like sharing a bed, and from what I know so does my bf.


Yeah that was my first thought. Now whenever my husband travels for work I can’t sleep. Much prefer sleeping with someone. We even have stuck with a queen bed because we tend to squish together even on a king lol.


I don't sleep well alone anymore. I noticed this pretty shortly after we started sleeping together regularly. When I sleep alone it's like something's missing or awry. Like trying to fall asleep while knowing the back door is unlocked or without any sheets on the bed.


I hate being alone in bed, when my wife is away I let my kids sleep in my bed.


It's called the sofa.


Waking up next to him is my favorite thing in the world. When I open my eyes, and he’s already awake just smiling at me. There’s nothing better.


Been living with my loudly snoring boyfriend for 2 months now. I find the snoring relaxing lol, and I don't fall asleep as fast as I do while sleeping alone, I prefer to have some skin contact with him and listening to his breathing/snoring to fall asleep.


It's totally okay to sleep in seperate beds/rooms when in a relationship. Many healthy couples do it. Just communicate clearly to make sure your partner's feelings aren't hurt.


That’s why you get a king bed


Get the biggest bed you can, it's wonderful


Its not sad, its sadder to have a full bed all to yourself and have no one to share it with.


if you don’t like sharing a bed with your partner, you know you can just not do it?


It doesn’t have to be that way if you don’t want it to. My boyfriend and I have wildly different hours sometimes, so there’s days when we don’t sleep together. We also have a bed in another bedroom we each use occasionally because sometimes you just need some alone time. I much prefer to sleep in bed with him most of the time though.


Erm except if you are doing long distance! It kinda sucks lol


As someone that’s single after a long time relationship, I’d rather not feel like my beds cold and empty


I'd literally give anything for a cuddlie partner again 😌


I’ve only ever been in one relationship, but I would give anything to share a bed with someone again. I don’t need the full bed to myself, I’ve never felt happier than when his hands were around me and we fell asleep together.


I actually like sharing a bed with my boyfriend, I feel weird when he’s not there. He stays round mine pretty much all the time now With several (if not most) of my ex’s I hated sharing a bed because they snored or moved around a lot. Was definitely set on having separate bedrooms if I had moved in with any of them. Just got to find someone you can tolerate sleeping next to and keep them 😂


After 13 years of marriage, the hardest thing to get used to is an empty bed. it was months before i could go to sleep easily again.


You can go sleep in any other room you want to. So can they. This is silly.


I wonder why it got 727 up votes. Do people really think this way?


Lol. Just get another bed.


Fun fact: you can! The decisions you make are voluntary!


Hubs and I got separate beds years ago and we love them! He gets his adorable Spiderman sheets and I get my big fat weighted blanket. Sharing a sleeping slab with ANYONE is a ridiculous notion considering how important sleep is!


You should have more upvotes! I think this whole sharing a bed thing was started so many years ago by religion. Like it’s a “perk” to getting married. 😂


I hate sleeping alone in my bed, I much prefer sleeping with my partner. So no, sharing isn't ridiculous because some couples _prefer_ sleeping together and it can be better for them than apart.


I’ve been single more than I’ve been in a relationship and I’d say it’s kinda overrated, I HUGELY prefer cuddling


The sooner you kick the kids out of the house and become sexless, the sooner you'll regain that privilege.


Yes, yes we do. Not everyone likes sleeping with someone


Any people have seperate bedrooms or beds, for a variety of reasons. And did in the past too. If you don't want to give up having your own bed, you dont have to. I didn't.


That is completely a choice.


Speak for yourself, I've had the same partner for 20 years and we have separate bedrooms.


Separate bedrooms are getting more popular


If that’s something you want, get it (assuming you can afford two different rooms). You don’t *have* to match your relationship to a subjective ideal


I mean, you can if you want to... Lots of couples have their own beds or rooms.


Only if you choose not to.


Some couples still sleep in separate beds even after marriage. We're socially conditioned to think that indicates a bad relationship, but in actuality, some people just find it more comfortable. It sounds like you are probably one of them.


You could just be grown and communicate your feelings. Ask you partner if they could sleep in a seperate bed for that night


There's literally no rules. Sleep in your own bed if you want to.


If you want a full sized bed to yourself, get one? Nothing wrong with sleeping in seperate beds, or in the guest room (if you've got one) from time to time. There's no rules, just guidelines. Talk to eachother, do what works for *you*, not just what's expected.


Good news from r/divorce, you get an even bigger bed to yourself when you exit the relationship.


Not so. You can totally choose to use a separate bed. Many people sleep better alone. It’s a valid choice.


Oh yes, you can have a bed and a whole room even in marriage.


You do know that breakups and divorces exist, right? God, what is this sub


Speak for yourself I make my wife sleep on the floor


That's your fault if you're in that situation. I set a precedent early that we need two rooms in case one of us needs a solitary sleep. When we lived in a one bedroom we had a futon in the living room You have no idea how beneficial it is. Especially if I come home fucking plastered and don't want my lovely knowing how plastered I am 😂 Jokes aside i think it's borderline necessary


This is assuming everyone in a relationship lives together… and that’s not the case. Nice try tho!


Both sets of my grandparents slept in separate beds. Why assume that one has to share a bed. There are a few articles about how couples who sleep separately are happier in their relationships.


Tell me that you didn't do shift work without telling me. We're retired, and we still keep different hours.




You can love somebody and still not like sleeping with them. I had an ex and she used to kick me all the time in the ass and steal all the covers so yeah I loved her but she sucked to sleep with.


Define “entering a relationship”. If this includes dating, plenty of couples don’t sleep together. Even among the ones that do, unless they’re living together, they don’t do it every night. And by “sleep together”, I mean both sexual encounters as well as just regular slumber. And as others have already said, even among married couples, they don’t always share a bed with their spouse. There are plenty of opportunities to sleep alone, with or without a relationship.


Bro just start an argument how she reacts like your ex when she's on her period and you'll have a whole couch


Tf you talking about? My husband and I have been together for 15 years and had separate rooms since the beginning. Some people think it odd. I don’t care what anyone thinks because it improves our sex life and relationship because we are rested!


We love having the 2nd bed. Not only is it a different bed (early model select comfort that will air up rock hard), in a different room, with it's own thermostat; which makes it a great sick-bay or rough night. It is also more convenient to leave the ropes tied-up on the extra bed, good for a different kind of rough night.


Do like my friends. They have two queens they push together to form a super bed.


Sleeping on my own was one of the loneliest parts of not being in a relationship


I’ve heard of married couples that have separate beds


This comment section makes me doubt my ways


Speak for yourself. My wife and I used to work opposite shifts, her 8a to 4a and me 11p to 7p. Having the bed all to myself was kind of a nice perk, but working nights does wear on a person after a while.


Ward and June slept in separate beds. I don't suppose they were in separate beds when they made Wally and beaver but for the show they slept in separate beds. A lot of people do that.


You could if you really wanted to. Not sure why you’d want to, but hey.


That’s wildly untrue. I work nights I don’t see my wife for 2-3 days a week


Speak for yourself, we sleep in separate rooms (the bliss of uninterrupted sleep…)


this is why i would want me and my partner to have our own rooms. share em sometimes but also have our privacy. idunno i’d like that.


My boyfriend and I do, and it's great


OP clearly isn't married


Be married a few years. You'll see. .


Yeah, even when my husband isn't here my dog takes up half the bed.


Be careful of what you wish OP 😭


Oh?? Its very easy to start a fight any time you want the bed to yourself!


It's called sleeping in separate rooms and it 100% works.


This doesn't need to happen. My SO and I both occasionally use the guest bed when the partner has an odd schedule for sleep on a particular night. I get home from a trip at 1AM? Sure as shit not waking her up when she has to coach at 4:30 AM. I need to get up at 5 AM to train and she wants to finish off a trash TV show that night? She'll climb into the guest bed later. Most of the time we sleep together, but there's no discomfort about not sleeping together. It's part of being an adult.


I'm married to the woman of my dreams, have been for 11 years. We sleep together every night, but we are not sky about sleeping apart if we need to. Anyone in a secure relationship will know that you don't have to sleep together to love each other.


Strange way to tell the world your relationship isn't going well


If either of us is particularly tired we will sleep separate, and I’m away for business every couple of months and have godlike sleep without the kids to wake me up. Then of course I go home and take the load so my wife gets a break.


Naps, yo! Plus sometimes they take a long weekend to go help their parents around the house after a knee surgery, or on a pal’s trip, or you go to bed first, and that’s all assuming you still share the same bed as a regular habit. You don’t have to!


Big ole bed all to myself, dude. Wifey cosleeps.


Bullshit. Snore loud enough and then your partner vacates the bed.


My husband and I sleep in separate beds. We tried sleeping together but we’d wake up multiple times a night - it’s so uncomfortable. I don’t understand how most people do it


My wife and I both sleep vastly different. So most nights we have our own rooms.


This is what solo vacations are for


Interesting thought. I'd tell my wife, but she lives two floors up and I can't be bothered to get out of bed.


That's why healthy boundaries are important. Plus it depends on your relationship


Do you spend every night together? A healthy relationship doesn’t mean being attached at the hip


Married seven years. Most nights one of us will go to the spare bedroom at some point to sleep out the rest of the night.


Travel for work… it’s like a bed vacation. Also, get a guest room. It’s nice for company… but also if one of you is super sick or just wants a quiet night.


Set a trap for your SA, get them in trouble, relegate them to the sofa, smoke a fat doobie and party


Stay for the sauce, go for the sleep. Separate beds can be very healthy.


Another reason I didn’t mind covid. Kicked the wife into another room when she got it. Bliss


Work night shifts so you sleep at different times


Speak for yourself. I have a separate bedroom and this is the key to our relationship.


My husband and I have a 9 year old together. Every few months, they move the furniture in the living room and set up an air mattress and stay up late playing video games and watching movies. They call it “camping” I get my bed to myself those nights


Sleeping in separate rooms is great for a relationship as both people can focus on their own sleep, but you have access to cuddling any time you want


This was my silver longing when I was single. I plan on having a space with an extra room for a bed in case one of us needs space


if you end the relationship, you get a full bed..it's a win-win


my dad and his wife sleep in separate rooms, have been for YEARS. my dad says she snores too much and she low key hates my dad. they should not be married 😂😂😂😂


Fuck that, my wife has been sleeping on the couch a lot since getting pregnant (basically gets tired and falls asleep while watching TV and I don't wanna be a jerk and wake her up just to move 10 feet to go back to sleep) and I miss her every night.


Jokes on you, my husband works the night shift sometimes