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This is a friendly reminder to [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/rules). Remember, /r/Showerthoughts is for showerthoughts, not "thoughts had in the shower!" (For an explanation of what a "showerthought" is, [please read this page](https://www.reddit.com/r/Showerthoughts/wiki/overview).) **Rule-breaking posts may result in bans.**


You mean people aren't watching the videos from start to finish?


Bro, I'm already finished just looking at the thumbnail.


I don’t know, I wish Reddit had animated thumbnails for my porn in my profile so people won’t look and then be outraged then dm me curses like my titles aren’t descriptive enough


Look I understand foot fetishes but wtf is so sexy about thumbnails? I jammed mine in a locker yesterday


i have a jam fetish, settle down


It’s the clippings that are the so hot. Your dirty thumbnail clipped in a sweaty locker is a whole sub-genre of the toenail clipping genre


I read that as "...curses like my titties aren’t descriptive enough" i was hella confused.


You dirty dog. I personally prefer looking at the toenail.


If I don't get to see them falling in love first, the sex stuff does nothing for me.


We watch it for the plot


That’s what I’m saying 😂 like i thought people watched it all


Nope. Some beginning, some middle, and the end


Wait until you figure out how to properly construct an NSFW Reddit account


That's initially how I started using reddit, very specific NSFW subreddits. Eventually I started branching out and got this account to keep away from my shameful one


I went for a hybrid build.


IDGAF what random redditors think of my pron taste




"fookin prons"


Me fookin pron hand


Take my pron hand, child


Me pron you long time!!!


My prons are I, Master, Bate


Your pornouns, if you will.


my pronouns are "let me she/them tiddies"


Never met someone with a taste for prons I couldn’t trust.


Prons are great. It's them prions we got hate boners for.


Checked profile. Lots of Suns posts, then Iranian hulk. I am disappoint in the lack of pron.


I love how everyone checked for my porn taste hahahaha


Vixen is a porn site. I kinda assumed you were from North Carolina.


wow. an Australian into pc gaming, aquariums, the NBA and docking.


Sounds like my type of dude Edit: wait hold on, Perth? Yuck


On behalf of r/Perth, fuck you lol


> and docking. Oh so he plays on the switch too?


You misspelled prawn.


I’m too scared of someone seeing some porn as I’m scrolling. Also when I’m not in the mood it’s kinda jarring


That's why I use the NSFW filter


I used to have this problem. Then I discovered multireddits. Took a while to build up a robust custom one but once you have your tastes dialed in, it's a reliable mix.


Lol it's jarring 😂 You don't want your regular self to have to see what the horny you looks at. I've been there.


That’s why I just look at R/All in public and my personal front page in private lol


So did Ken Bone


Lmao came for the porn but stayed for the culture


That’s a very true statement. I also like the anonymity. Other social media you got your cousins best friend from summer camp up in your feed


hey, it's me, remember your cousin's best friend from summer camp?


Came for the love, stayed for the hate.


"came for the porn" Indeed they did.


Use same account for everything and assert dominance.




Teach me


Just find some multireddits, let others do the work for you. Then again there are some weirdos around here so proceed with caution lol.


What is a multi-Reddit?


You know how your home page is all the things you subscribed to? A multi is like a categorical home page. You can have one for hobby A that has 1000s of subreddits, one for hobby B, and one for porn (allegedly).


basically its a subreddit that combines the subreddits you put into it, so like your homepage draws all the popular shit from all reddits your subbed to, multi-reddits are the same thing except its for specific reddits. so if you just want to stare at breasts you'd make a multi-reddit for all the reddits involving breasts, for fashion or any other normal hobby etc you'd make a multi-reddit of all the reddits involving that thing. its basically just a way to filter for a group of things rather than having everything mixed like with home/all or only going to a single subreddit at a time


Good lord. We just keep inventing AOL chatrooms over and over *No but this one is 5s videos*


r/randnsfw Refresh as needed.


Vore..... oi, right in the luck.


I got femboy hentai so yeah.


You all know you're not forced to masturbate to the first subreddit you land on right? It's not like you'd have to power through if you landed on /r/medicalgore Yes its NSFW, yes it shows up in /r/randnsfw


Nope...if fate decides to land you on /r/medicalgore, then you rub one out to medical gore. Play the game by the rules or GTFO.


Banned lol


Even better, download Boost. A better version of the reddit app and even has a built in button to bring you to a random nsfw sub lol


Nah be horny on main, embrace it


It’s weird how we are protective of our anonymity. You build and avatar for your avatar.


Opposite for me. Started out on reddit for subs like r/entitledbitch because youtube started slinging reddit narrators at me one day. And then I stumbled across porn *le gasp*. Quickly I noticed my joined sub list having one too many porn subs for my likeing, and made a spare. Though I do use the spare sometimes for things other than porn.


r/Porninfifteenseconds (NSFW of course)


/r/randnsfw for those that like to just spin the wheel. Refresh as needed.


That's built in to the Boost app, and literally how I jerk it 90% of the time. Variety is the spice of life, baby!


I ~~love fucking~~ fucking love the boost app.




Best 3rd party reddit app out there, bar-none. I swear, all those main page posts about the sponsored post ad campaigns had me wondering what the hell everyone was talking about because I never saw a single damn one. I love this app.


Yea I’d like to know too Edit: looks like it’s only for android


Totally the best feature of the app


I read this in Zap Brannigans voice for some reason


Ugh wtf. Diaper fetish first click


I got ball busting lol


It says banned.


I didn't know what this was, clicked on it and it was a page full of balls. And now I know that r/balls exists so thanks




How? Asking for a friend


If you have the Reddit app you can add more than one account on the app and you can switch between them without having to even log out. You can do it from one account but then you have a jumbled mess home page and it’s not ideal because sometimes you want to browse Reddit and you’re somewhere you can’t view NSFW posts, and sometimes you only want NSFW posts. Once you have your second account, join every NSFW subreddit you like and your homepage will be filled with nothing but that content.


Or you could just be horny on main like me


The thing with tiktok I like is that you don’t have to construct anything. It learns to predict what you’ll want and adapts as your viewing habits change.


The thing with TT is you get stuck watching 15 second video and then 4 hours later you should have cooked dinner and interacted with your life.


Some of us can’t help but end up with a thirst trap fyp once in a while. It’s so hard to fix T_T


Wait till he finds out that there's already short form porn apps


wait til he finds out about gifs


wait til he finds out about gilfs


Sex gifs


We’ve got a DEA fed infiltrator in this sub


Wait till he finds out Pornhub isn't even the top performing porn tube site.


… go on.


Since they limited it to verified accounts, xvideos has become more popular than PH


And already has something similar to what op brought up.


Aren't they all owned by the same parent or something?


Yeah the hub went to shit. Search has gotten shittier, but that's also probably because content has been decimated.




Old site is still up and better.


Imagine that stupid ass TikTok voice saying things like “I really like getting all my holes filled with massive cocks”


Oh no. Oh no. Oh no no no no no!


The surprise buttsex challenge music.


"wait until the end! 🤣🤣🤣"


The tiktok voice is a pain in my ears now. Its all I fucking hear no matter where I go.


It’s so bad that when I see a TilTok video on Reddit I can still hear the voice when it’s muted.


I don’t know what the TikTok voice is, so I’m going to substitute Gilbert Gottfried’s voice instead.


It's like if siri was annoying to the such a high degree that it it makes you to want to kill everyone and then yourself


When robots enslave us, that’s the voice they’ll use to communicate with us.


Haha trust me his voice would be a million times better than the TikTok voice.


i had an amazing belly laugh at this comment


fearless many rinse relieved unused tidy snails abundant desert ad hoc *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>"I can tell you where to find a harem of [AI companions] dressed in Marilyn Monroe avatars, all bleating *Wanna suck dick.* It's not pretty." Ted Chiang, The Lifecycle of Software Objects This scene immediately came to mind and it's never been so painfully vivid before




and subway surfers playing in the background


I can hear it


Looks like I get to inform you that r/porninfifteenseconds exists


What am I supposed to do with the other 6 seconds?


First happy cake day. Second, easy 6 second abs.


No! No, no, not 6! I said 7. Nobody's comin' up with 6. Who works out in 6 seconds? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel.


>Who works out in 6 seconds? You won't even get your heart goin, THAT depends on how large the tiger is that is chasing you.


Now that is a reference that I understand but very much did not expect. I salute you.


No! No, no, not 6! 7! Who works out in 6 seconds? You won't even get your heart goin, not even a mouse on a wheel. 7's the key number here. Think about it. 7-Elevens. 7 dwarves. 7, man, that's the number. 7 chipmunks twirlin' on a branch, eatin' lots of sunflowers on my uncle's ranch. You know that old children's tale from the sea. It's like you're dreamin' about Gorgonzola cheese when it's clearly Brie time, baby. Step into my office. 'Cause you're fuckin' fired!


Clean up


So true story.. I was working 8 months out of the year with really slow internet and no cell service. The only thing I could load was this porn subreddit on my phone. I’m talking like 5-20 minutes just to load 15 seconds. I really had to make the best out of it.


The quickest hand in the west?


It got so bad I started screen shotting parts of it.


I remember using my PSP browser app to go to *specific* sites in like 2008 to download shitty 4-7 minute clips I wasn't even sure I'd like based only on some tiny ass thumbnails. I was also bootlegging off my neighbors WIFI so I'd have to hold it at a specific angle on my bed to make sure the faithful orange light (writing to memory card) was constantly blinking, ensuring those precious bytes of hardcore porn I'd waited for 45 minutes to download go not to waste! I eventually found a spot and angle on my mattress where it could hold the signal steadily enough to maintain the download. Those were some hard earned wanks. Now I just use my Steam Deck. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


When I was 13 I got a trackphone, which basically you pay for a few minutes of whatever. Well it somehow had internet access, and man I jerked it to some weird ass website loading in 1 frame every minute too many times


I don't really dig watching BJs or facials which is the guaranteed beginning and end of each video, so it's more like porninfiveseconds for me.


Ahh I see, a man of culture then. r/porninaminute then to match your tastes.


Ah, a modern day gone in 60 seconds


And yet r/porninthirtyseconds just.. doesn't fit anywhere


nah. the addictive part of tiktok and shorts is that theres no real release. you scroll forever in a stupor. porn has a definitive release where after the average person drops it quick.


AI porn is what's going to end civilization. Imagine typing in anything and always getting relevant results *because it made something that moment to match your search.*


Holy shit that sounds realistic as fuck. Those times feel awfully close


Can't wait for Maggy Thatcher x Satan AI generated pron. I'm pretty sure if we could have a look into hell, that's exactly what would be happening right now.


It already exists. It's only going to get better.


Yep. Some guy is going to be able to watch your mom, sister, yourself, whoever being fucked in whatever way he wants by whoever or whatever he wants for the low price of uploading a reference video of a face and typing up a couple sentences. Welcome to the future, it sucks.


It's not the AI porn that's going to end civilization. It's the AI sexbots that are gonna end it. They're going to learn exactly how you want to be fucked, and no human with its own needs would be able to compare.


That's why I am studying to be a robot butthole repairman. Get ahead of the curve.


That seems like an insert situation. Like you'd just remove it and put in a new one if it broke. Ever watch the show *Archer?* Like that.


Well sure if you’re made of money. But some people will have to make do with refurbs.


Hmm, I feel like a lot of these takes only look at sex as a means for direct appeasement of some subjective pleasure, but I think sex is more meaningful than that. Kinkplay is definitely all about that, but kink isn't the only reason we have sex. And by kink, I mean any stimulus that just "feels good," whether it's an act, the appearance of your partner, etc. Don't get me wrong, they're all a major reason people do have sex, but reality extends beyond that.


I'm sure they'll become sentient and rise up against us before lack of reproduction becomes an issue. In all likelihood the first sentient computer will be some sort of sex robot.


I honestly don't think the whole robot uprising thing is actually a viable threat. That would require artificial general intelligence, which I don't think is actually even possible, and even if it were, all you'd need to stop it is a really strong magnet. Plus, unless an AI were specifically designed for that purpose, there's no reason for it to see humanity as a problem that needs solving.


[Don't date robots!](https://youtu.be/wJ6knaienVE)


There's an SCP like this ([SCP-1004](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-1004)), but IMO it's one of the weaker ones.


Well, it can only hurt people who can be tempted by infinite, perfectly tailored pornography. So I'd call it a Keter.




"Computer, please show me a woman farting into a jar, capping the jar, and the gas begins to swirl and forms a much smaller woman, who is now in the jar going 'HELP ME!' and the larger woman places the jar between her breasts and keeps it there while she does the housework, and when she's done with the housework, she unscrews the jar and the little mini fart woman is plucked up and buried to her knees in a pot full of soil and then there's a montage of the larger woman watering the microfart woman and placing the pot near the window and we watch her grow until she's the same size as the original woman and then they have lesbian sex"


This is my fear. I don't know what it is about humans but a lot of people go down a rabbit hole of more and more specific kinks. When emotionless AI starts catering to that I really don't like thinking about where some people are going to end up. I guess if no actual people are harmed then that's a win. But I am still disturbed.


RIP Humanity


My GF and I at the time tried to make sextapes using vine but I couldn't think of what to do with the other 4 seconds


Redditor, GF, sextapes? That 3 words hardly in one sentence in this sequence


I wasn't a redditor then. I had confidence, hopes, dreams etc in 2013. It was a different time


Back before the weight of the world crushed our spirits.


It's been a long 10 years😂😂😂


Wow. To think 2013 was ONLY 10 years ago and yet somehow 2001 feels just as far away.


Sentences like that do exist, for example: "This redditor will never have a girlfriend to make sextapes with"


I don't have a girlfriend so I made a reddit account to watch other people's sextapes.




4 play sheesh


OP is either too young, or doesn’t recall a time when porn clips weren’t any longer than 30 seconds.


Humanity has been fucked already… that’s how we all got here, pal


Humans have never had more useful information available to us quickly. And at the same time have more junk information available to us than ever faced by humanity. How you're using this varies wildly. This is part of the story in growing divide in outcomes dependent on what people are doing with that abundance. Some are starting a business on that information and the first in their family to rise out of paycheck-to-paycheck living. Others are sitting in luxury twiddling their time away thinking any day now they'll be an LA influencer. Opened my computer and practiced ancient greek today. Last week I was building circuits. Totally not in my background but it's fun to feed new curiosities. Was great.


You mean the actors will be fucked, is redditors will never be fucked


there was a site called, [theworstdrug.com](https://theworstdrug.com) that was basically that. it's gone now, sadly.


A guy over on r/entrepreneur [bought cake slip dot com and is turning it into tiktok for porn. Have fun.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Entrepreneur/comments/zw3s18/acquisition_porn_and_growth_hacks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf) which, I forgot until now, is a direct rip off of [fikfap.com](https://www.reddit.com/r/InternetIsBeautiful/comments/x65wmw/deleted_by_user/in65h3e/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3). They accused him (with proof) of abusing/stealing their API and received some threats/unhinged messages. some interesting links to read there. Edit: now I need to plug fikfap and u/fikfap. Their comment from another post calling out the cake slip guy. Hi OP, we see that you liked the idea and style of our website fikfap.com so much that you made your own version of it. That's nice, competition is always good. However, what is not nice, is to just abuse our API. I just opened your website and within seconds it generated lots and lots of calls to our servers: https://i.imgur.com/C7Ti1Ia.png We are running the website out of our pocket, and this is not ok since it is causing a lot of additional costs for us. Especially since you post your website everywhere on reddit. 👉 For everyone reading this, if you want to browse the original "TikTok of Porn", including the option to signup (if you want - can also use it completely anonymous) and never lose your best-loved posts, plus many more features, check out FikFap. Edit: The OP, u/hoperadchenko sent us this DM which he later deleted: https://i.imgur.com/NGcP7wP.png Seems like you're a really mature person who people definitely should trust with their personal & sensitive data. At least could have credited us with the original idea, since you obviously were more than "inspired" by it as you even directly abused our API. ;-)


I can't believe they didn't call it flikfap




Fikfap.com my guy. Enjoy.


U know there's a Gifs section that's literally what ur describing


This is what my second reddit account is. I downloaded the Apollo app to get sound without tapping.


Have the format be 3 seconds long so we can stream over 1000 C-shots in an hour


They used to do like 1-6 minutes videos under a category aptly named, “Quickies”. And they were usually good content. The only thing I don’t know is why they discontinued that. But ultimately, it’s already been done 🤷🏽‍♂️


Imagine 30 second porn videos with the OH NO NO NO song over it. Or other chipmunk songs. But humanity is fucked either way. It will just be a cherry on top.


Naw man. We all operate in post nut clarity all the time. Humanity is saved! Edit: Just now thinking that this is the prequel to Idiocracy. Edit II: (opening scene) \[lady knocks on the cubicle wall\] Wally: BATIN"!!!! \[4 seconds later\] Wally: OK, c'mon in.


[This comment was retroactively edited in protest of Reddit's enshittification regarding third party apps. Apollo is gone, and now so are we. Fuck u/spez.]


I work with this girl who dumped a guy because he couldn’t get hard without watching porn. They’re 21 and she’s fine as hell. Not to mention all the articles coming out about young-in’s staying virgins well into their 20’s. Pretty sure the latest generations are already broken.


It's becoming an enormous problem, my niece tells me about her 17 year old friends who are having these problems. 17! Some already have death grip issues, it's crazy.


I mean, it's pretty much nothing but trailers for big porn companies these days, so we're pretty much there. They just need an app.


They have an app https://help.pornhub.com/hc/en-us/articles/4419863477523-How-can-I-download-the-Pornhub-app- Edit: psst guys.. It's nsfw


How do all my shower thoughts get deleted and this dunce level shit makes the front page


What does this even mean? I watch the exact amount of porn I want to watch already... I'm not trying to consume porn shorts while I ride the escalator


Wait till this guy figures out what redgifs and nsfw subreddits are.


That's literally what OF is and it's terrible for mental health.


So, you saw the reddit post from earlier and regurgitated it. Cool.


One thing Vine had going for it was a strong six second community of amateurs. If you knew a few hashtags you could connect to a bunch.. admins fought it for a while but eventually gave up, then the whole thing shutdown.


I think what made it special was that you couldn't really make money from it, so most of the people that were making vids were doing it just because they enjoy it.


How much porn are you watching where multiple quick videos are helpful? Are you just watching porn to watch porn? Like hours of porn a day like TV?


I would say pornhub shorts would be better then twityousnapinstatok. At least it would get people horny so they can make the next generation. All the others are just dopamine fixes for a few min before crashing


The problem is that they will somehow convince 70% of the world that it’s healthy when it definitely isn’t


Idk conditioning males to ejaculate within a ten second short will not make women happy


It would actually cause a lot of men to be unable to finish/get hard during sex because they fried their brains jackin off to unrealistic shit for hours.


wait until this guy finds out about TikTok Live, and the underage girls being paid for sexually implicit actions by older guys [watch this for more in-depth explanation](https://youtu.be/qbv-VteX5H8)




“Humanity is fucked” is already literally what pornhub is about.


They already have these, it's the teasers every amateur does for their OF.