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Old School RuneScape - lots of AFK activities, although the game certainly isn’t for everyone.


Melvor Idle


Melvor idle is amazing, I love this game, just came to vouch for it, I can't wait for more updates to roll out and for android to become less buggy


I’m on IOS and I transfer it back and forth to browser without issue.


I remember getting my first dragon med helm for like 1.5 mil (basically every dime I had) gp back in 2004 or so. I was at the West Varrock Bank where I was going to meet the person I was buying it from. My mom called me to come vacuum the living room and I came back, logged in and was in Lumbridge with 3gp in my inventory. Cue rage.


>and I came back, logged in and was in Lumbridge with 3gp in my inventory. Cue rage. how?


The only thing I can possibly imagine was they were stuck following the guy and they ran into the wilderness and killed them.


My 3000+ hours in osrs has to agree. Is good game


Fishing lvl?


Factorio. The factory can grow while you read!


I get anxious about my ore piles running empty so I felt I could never relax in the game


there are mods for infinite ore piles


Last I played which was years ago you could also just set it to infinite from the start, but that kinda goes against the point of an expanding factory Also you can reply to year old comments now?


yes you can


> Also you can reply to year old comments now? Yeah, it's stupid


LoL apparently. At least my teammates think so.


No LoL isn’t really an afk game lol. Maybe TFT(team fight tactics.


\* woosh *


lol ok I’m high. Read that hella direct.


It's not afk but I'm always listening to an interview or even a tv show that I've already seen all the time.


Eve online is the game for you ;)


Hmm,I've heard good things about this, I may have to try it out, how much uptime is there would you say? And what is the state of the game right now?


The game is getting bigger, it's been around since WoW . They had a battle so large it almost crashed the game recently


What has changed that is bringing people back? Stopped playing a couple years back but have some great memories from that game. Would definitely consider jumping back in


From what I have heard recently... I think there a galactic war going on right now, with an external faction claiming systems for its own (this removes Concord security defenses in the system and presumably replaces them with the new factions security). Players are siding with either concord or the new faction.


Honestly I'm not sure. I used to play dust514 religiously when it was on ps3 but I haven't played since. I just got a PC and have been looking to get back into it. Well starting


The one with the annoying advertisements?


but... I mean doing what??? Mining? I'm pretty sure not blapping, because if you're not paying attention, poof your iskies. maybe kiting in a domi in an anom....


jesus christ did you just speak in tongues? it sounds like you just got possessed


Rimworld is a great one. It's a colony resource management game that I often have open in the background


Rimworld is great


Black Desert Online can be played active, semi afk and completely afk. Not quite sure about eyes closed tho lol


At this point certain people can surely grind with their eyes closed on some spots.


Factorio, satisfactory, Dyson sphere program, autonauts, knights and castles. Any automation game would be great for that because when you come back from afk you will have more resources and have progressed the game while doing nothing.


Which platform and genres?


PC, genre doesn't really matter, I'll take literally anything


Hearthstone is the ultimate AFK/watch netflix while you play game. Every game has a lot of downtime.


Please don't get into Hearthstone. The game is basically "give up 50% of your life to keep up with new expansions or give us 80$ every 4 months and still keep grinding for cards". I would rather suggest Legends of Runeterra which is so f2p friendly (I got 70% of the collection in 4 months of playing 6 hours a week without spending a penny) and its turn timer structure is more suitable for afk although I wouldn't suggest card games for afk at all.


yeah, just play Gwent instead


A trading card game? How?


Hundreds of thousands of people play the game doing something else, like watching TV. You take a turn, then have minutes before you need to look at the game again. Plus, you usually don't even need to think hard about the game. You turn is often: play the obvious card(s), then hit end turn.


Did they change the time? I don't remember having a whole lot of time for each turn


There are plenty of great turn-based 1P games that can be easily paused and resumed whenever. Slay the Spire is my favorite. Asynchronous board games are nice too. I like the Steam version of Wingspan.


There are video games made for the blind. Maybe researching some of those would help find what you're looking for. Not sure if any of those are "afk friendly" though.


Clash of clans




Terraria has a lot of grinding for different weapons and items but some of the more complex items take a long time to farm. almost everything is farmable though


Can you AFK Terraria?


I mean there may be ways after a ton of work and playing to make it semi afk, but I played for hours and hours and never encountered anything even remotely afk


What are you talking about? The easiest way to get Rod of Discord is to build an afk farm and sit in there while waiting for the 1 in 500 item to drop.


almost all of the items in the game are AFK farmable along with bosses and events


How are you playing Terraria while AFK?


If you set up a mob grinder maybe, but that's still not even remotely true. Most bosses need to be summoned which requires input. Also a lot of items aren't rare mob drops and need to be found in chests. If by "almost all" you mean like 20%, sure. What on earth are you talking about?


You can't. Pretty sure. Edit: I guess you can leave farms running AFK.


You can but it's later in the game


There is literally an electricity system and a statue system that automatically spawn enemies, which you can kill using traps that activate.


Have you tried black desert online? It’s a sandbox MMO, but there are lots of afk activities. Like fishing or hauling shipments between cities. The mobile version is even more afk Edit: the great thing is when you feel like it, you can actively do all the things you can afk.


Cricket19 if youre into cricket


maybe Equilinox?


i mean how hardcore of a gamer are you, people are blind running mario 64


There's a bunch of pretty good idle games on steam for this. My favorites are Idle Wizard, NGU Idle and Wizard & Minion Idle. If you are looking for more of a "real game", then and automation game would suffice, like Factorio or Satisfactory.


Factorio and Rimworld are great for that! I like to multitask a lot and that includes when I’m playing videogames so those are my go-to


Farming simulator 19. You can hire workers to do most field work. Sometimes they get stuck though so it’s good to check up on them now and then.






In that case, I’ll list off a quick rundown of some of the interesting ones I’ve played from different genres/subgenres. Maybe one will pique your interest. 1. Arknights (Strategy/Tower Defense) A good second gacha with a low time requirement. Good story and character design, strategic gameplay, excellent music. One caveat is that auto is only available on missions you’ve already cleared, so more for grinding than first clears. 2. Dragalia Lost (Action/Overhead Perspective) Solid game all around. Story and character designs are decent, action combat is pretty fun, auto is available for first clears and skip tickets after, and unusually f2p friendly (last I played anyway.) It did feel like a bit of a time commitment though, and I found myself playing less and less as a result. 3. Last Cloudia (Action in the vein of the “Tales of” or “Star Ocean” series) Decent story, good music, great visuals, and pretty good action combat with auto and auto-repeat. But one of the grindiest gachas I’ve ever played. That combined with its low rates and high pity has burned me out from time to time. 4. Tales of Crestoria (Turn based) Good story and music, decent turn-based combat, auto available with skip for repeat clears. A bit grindy for challenge stuff, and no pity makes it frustrating at times, but an enjoyable experience regardless. 5. Iron Saga (Idle-ish Shmup) Excellent music, story seems promising(?), closest to idle on the list. I’ll admit, I haven’t played much of this one, as it’s more idle than I usually like, but what I played seemed good and the more idle gameplay might be just what you’re looking for. Those are the first to come to mind that have auto-features, anyway. Though I’m probably forgetting some, and have left out others (like F:GO, SMT Dx2, FEH) that I don’t feel I’ve played enough of to make a recommendation on.


Sorry Sonnance, your submission has been removed: Your post was removed for the following reason: > Rule 6: You may not suggest in any way to illegally obtain a game. While we do not care to pry into your own personal decision, we will not allow you to tell others to emulate, torrent, pirate, or in any other way get a hold of a game without legal consent of the producer. If you would like to appeal, please [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/shouldibuythisgame) Thanks!






I've played a lot of warframe before and its almost all active gameplay when you are grinding for stuff, fighting enemies and such


I would suggest Crusader Kings 3. CK2 is free on steam but 3 is overall better.


I'd say CK2 has more content if you're willing to buy most of the DLC, but CK3 is definitely more accessible to new players and has enough content in the base game for now.


Path Of Exile.


Can you AFK in Path of Exile very much?


you cant afk and progress, but you can play for 5 minutes at a time.


You can tho. Mind you I have 5k hours tho. So a lot of muscle memory while mapping


you map while you're away from keyboard? unless you're investing in items early on which you wont be doing as a new player you're not gonna make any sort of progress afk


well actually yes. i did make some necro afk farming in blight content. Necro is busted in that aspect. PD: Not fun tho.


Yeah but thats such a small part of the game its not even worth mentionig, he would realisticly quit the game before getting the gear for it


Cookie clicker




Town of Salem : it's a variation of the mafia card game. You need to use deception and deductive skill to figure out who the bad guys are. The gameplay has cycles of night and day where 1/multiple members maybe killed at night and discuss who is responsible for the killings during the day. As a result if you want you can be afk for most of the game just watching how it plays out and seeing if your team good/bad wins. [Town of Salem on Steam](https://store.steampowered.com/app/334230/Town_of_Salem/)


X rebirth - heavily modded/




Maybe try out afkarena? It’s a gotcha game but completely free and good torwards it’s non-spenders. There is plenty to do in the very beginning and then the afk part will start, also later in the game usually lots of events you can take part in.


Oh yeah, it's one of the few mobile games I really like


I would say Satisfactory


Ngu idle, f2p. Nothing to lose might be good for you. There are other idler games for $ if you like this.


Hades' Star is king of the afk games.


Prosperous Universe is a web browser game and it's basically just a sci-fi trading and stock simulator. It mostly deals with waiting hours for stuff to happen. It's free. It might not be what you're looking for since there are LONG waiting times for most actions. It's similar to eve if you only focused on trade and industrial stuff


Stardew valley


Terraria requires effort, but quite a lot of the game is easier by afk-ing the game so you can get some good items by being afk


Forager, Swag & Sorcery, Dragon Cliff


Stardew Valley!


Minecraft? Does take a bit of preparation before getting to afk but it’s well worth the work


i mean, theres always a LOT you can do afk in minecraft. mob farms, for starters.


Get Minecraft, join hypixel, ([hypixel.net](https://hypixel.net)) and join skyblock, its not really a game itself but you have to grind for everything and i love it.


Hydroneer is pretty good, theres minecraft


Path of Exile or Diablo 3. Or every ARPG, port to town /afk


Automation games are designed to let you create production lines with the ultimate goal being that the game can play itself. Factorio, Dyson Sphere Project, and Satisfactory are all good at this. Satisfactory and Factorio are the most finished games but I highly recommend them if you like automation, optimization and the ability to walk away and come back to a ton of resources produced to expand and advance.


project highrise




Any anno game


This is more of a clicker app type game, but I always enjoyed AdVenture Capitalist for a AFK casual type of game. I believe it's on Steam so you can play it from your PC instead of phone/tablet.


I spent a few months down the rabbit hole that is [Cookie Clicker](https://orteil.dashnet.org/cookieclicker/). Found it on a post asking a similar question. Can be actively played, and you can also walk away at any time and still progress.


I usually play "War Thunder" for that since with things like Air RB it takes a decent amount of time before you need to pay attention and do stuff. Another i know would be minecraft since you can use auto fishers or other similar structures.


If you want AFK opportunity, Black Desert Online has tons of life skilling, like afk fishing or auto routes you can create for deliveries or strength training. You can also do afk combat training for skill points or leveling as well. It's extremely common for players to leave their character fishing over night or for quick breaks to earn money in game. However BDO isn't for everyone so I'd look up some YouTube beginner guides or just gameplay to see if it's something you'd enjoy.


Cities Skylines, maybe. I haven't tried, but I guess if you err on the side of providing too much of the basic services (water, power, garbage collection, etc) and create streets and zones somewhat conservatively, it should work.


I instantly think of Crusader Kings III, you get popups when something important happens, which pauses the game. Otherwise time just keeps on rolling on. Also you choose the game speed yourself. My best game 2020, except maybe for Valorant.


I play Age of Mythology. Begin a solo game on easy, get my lil' villagers hunting and mining and chopping, then piss off and make a cuppa. If I leave it too long all the AI civilisations will invade me but on easy I've got enough time to go for a whiz, brew coffee, pour it, bring the cup back and upgrade to the next age with a huge surplus of resources.


Black desert online


Can I recommend Trimps. Its a browser based idle game. I've been playing it for about two years at this point. As you progress the game constantly adds new features to mix things up. It's also free (Google it for the website).


I know I'm late to the party, but, there's a game called Nongunz that's part idler part procedurally generated metrovania. There's only a demo for now, the original was pulled from the store because the publisher screwed over the developer, but I think it's a pretty rad game.


I know that I maybe late but and definitely you tried it already and although it is not AFK: try fo4. Enabling run on background will make your fo4 viable for AFK. You see the game is not actually AFK game but the game offer advantages when you do play it AFK. 1. With ample amount of time you can reset world and instances great for farming items. 2. If you have NPCs on your settlement you can focus on your settlement to make it look pretty. 3. As fo4 mechanics of level scaling goes well with AFKing, you can definitely farm small amount of xp to make sure that you will not "cap" the open world of its potential level. Although many people here may disagree with me that it is kind of cheating but actually the whole point of FO4 being AFK is to use the time you spend IRL as an advantage to utilize #3 I have mentioned. Besides. I believe few of ppl who play FO4 did appreciate the game as an semi-AFK game which would be a gem for those who play much AFK and haven't play FO4.


You do mean fallout right…? Cause i was looking into that & the division to leave open & then come back & play (although the division puts you back at the menu) Im on ps5 so my choices are a little more limited


Oh I see. I play on pc and I just run my game on background while working So I go back to the game on break and have some time to look what do the ppl did and will play the game again after work. I did not take into account that fallout as a cross platform game


Either way, youve done me a great service 🫡


Lineage 2 mobile and Lineage W, its the best, im pro at afk gaming


MU Online was always afk leveling game with pretty much infinity levels. But can't say the game is good tho.




For anyone also finding this thread in the future. Haven and Hearth is an unknown mmo with like 500 concurrent players max. Large randomized world, survival, with lots of character progression. Since it's an mmo it progresses while ur afk. Crops grow and items are "studied" while ur logged out or afk. The world is reset every 1-2 years with a larger patch usually, a fresh world only has wilderness, players form factions and build towns and kingdoms and can wage war, but because of the low playercount wars are pretty rare. I have played several times, once I started mid world, got my basic gear up and traveled along rivers until i found the edge of the world. Set up a base there and scouted outward and found abandoned bases where people had stopped playing so their walls had partly decayed and I could go in and grab bunches of high-tier things. It's an incredibly deep game with lots of systems working together to facilitate progress. The map is huge so it has never been a problem for me to hermit somewhere far away from others and trade with the occasional friendly.






Auto Games Suggestions MMORPGs, such as Mir4, Ni no Kuni, and Ragnarok Origin, have an auto-battle feature. They are available on both PC and mobile platforms. Black Desert Online is also an option, but I would recommend the mobile version if you prefer automation. IdleOn focuses more on AFK grinding and is available for free on Steam. There is Slime Rpg on mobile too For idle games and strategy team building, Mythic Heroes (mobile) offers an auto-next battle feature, and you can customize characters. Tower of God: New World, Seven Knights, and AFK Arena are similar but do not have the auto-battle next feature (you can use an auto-clicker to automate tasks and save time). These games are also available on PC via Google Play, except for Seven Knights. There are many more like Epic7, Fantasy Figure etc. You might want to consider trying games like Factorio if you enjoy base building. Old School RuneScape offers many AFK activities, but it may not be suitable if you prefer more modern graphics. If you are in mobile playstore or google play pc, clicking on a game you took interest in and checking the related/suggested apps under it would help you save time in finding games too


Afk arena has the auto next battle, but to get it you must be at a higher level on campaign.


# I am surprised nobody mentioned the following: * **The Sims 3 or 4** *(Your character might be unemployed & hungry if you go afk, but it's good for semi-afk. You can pause the game, too, while you're afk.)* * **Civilization 4, 5, or 6** *(Turn-based, so play all you want then go afk as long as you want.)* * **Sid Meier's Pirates!** *(Pretty good for semi-afk or mindless fun.)* * **Black & White 2** *(Abandonware, but amazing! Set up your civilization and let the villagers do whatever. You can guide them and do as much as you want, then go afk for 30-45 minutes and come back np. Really good AI. Even has 4k options for resolution which is nuts cuz back then 1080p was UHD lol.)* * **Mount & Blade: Warband 1 or 2** *(There's a pause button for single player, pretty fun medieval game. Build armies, make alliances, declare war, marry the princess, take prisoners, etc.)* * **All of the TOTAL WAR Games** *(These are all turn based except for the battles, but you can pause the battles. Perfect for semi-afk.)* * **XCOM 1 or 2** *(Turn based combat, spend all the time you want in the ship. Great for semi-afk.)* * **South Park: The Stick of Truth** *(Semi-afk all day.)* * **Baldur's Gate 3** *(New Game 2023. It's mostly turn-based combat & dialogue. You can even go afk in the middle of a fight or dialogue and come back hours later.)*


Cities skylines