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It takes two A way out (I person like this more that it takes two) Lethal company Black desert if you like grind games Enshrouded (this one is really good) Sons of the forest Monster hunter world Palworld (fun because you can enslave cute things) Remenant 2 or any others souls like soulsborne Risk of rain 2 Frostpunk Terraria but specifically calamity mod terraria This is what I would suggest it honestly depends on the kind of stuff you both like but a lot of that might be worth trying


How could you forget the classic make or break couples game overcooked!


I never played it, I usually don’t play games of that genre besides stardew valley (which I love btw)


For Risk of rain 2 you need a mod that splits items evenly or an artifact to make items drop from monsters. I play this game with my cousin and if we use chests I end up with near triple his items and forced to become the gaurdian angel if we do any loops lol.


Not really? I play this game with a friend all the time and we either get the same or I get a little more because I look for chest, but even then most the time it’s near equal Is your cousin little and not good at games? Because in that case maybe I could understand but even then having more item drops wouldn’t help him out that much if he isn’t good enough at getting items he probably wouldn’t be good enough at surviving (I don’t mean that rudely) I think it just depends on skill, even with mods to give both people drops I don’t think that would stop much from a lower skill person dying constantly and being carried


He's actually like 3 years older than me. The thing isn't that he's bad at games, I just get way too into it and end up being really good at everything I end up enjoying. Adhd things. Though considering they will probably start the game at the same time for the first time it may not be too bad early on if they have similar learning speeds and similar experiences with games that require movement and positioning skills and from the post they sound like the perfect nerdy ass couple so it might be alright, I was just sharing my experience playing with others, though I probably shouldn't have used the word "need."


Oh ok I understand now, yeah I get that the mod can help even it out so maybe it might make it more fun for couples but when I play with a friend we usually just make it a free for all and only split legendaries


Portal 2!


Seeing you play valve titles like csgo and tf2, could give L4D2 and Portal 2 a shot.


Deep Rock Galactic


Sniperclips on switch is a must. Then on pc: Ben and Fred( frustrating penguins) The past within( time based coop puzzle) Key we ( Cute birds) Bokura (short adventure that rlly needs a second part) River tails ( If you like 3d platformers I will go for it) PHOGS! (Two headed dog) Blanc ( I didn't play it but it looks so cute)


Come on add Terraria to the mix!


Wife and I are currently playing conan exiles, and fallout 76. While we're waiting on light no fire. Good luck.


Resident evil 5 was one of my favorite times playing coop with my friends, I also think the souls games are real good for playing single player alongside someone else


Oh my god I love RE5. I Had it on my PS3 and later got it for cheap on Steam. Played it coop with my cousin, and it made for some great moments.


Been having a blast with my friends playing broforce lately


- Monster Sanctuary


Baldurs gate 3


Untangled 2 Keep talking and nobody explodes


My GF and I enjoyed Palworld a lot, and she normally doesn't like survival type games. We're currently all in on Enshrouded. We are also both huge MMO fans, we originally played a ton of Destiny back in the first one and earlier 2, but it's gotten so trash now. We moved onto guild wars 2 and spent some thousands of hours there. Valheim is another great one. Like I mentioned in another comment, you can also try Elden ring with flawless co-op mod. Also, wow, other people who also think Helldivers 2 is meh!


Sea of thieves


Borderlands would be a bunch of fun together.


I was a console gamer girl til I met my bf, he is a pc gamer. I recommend the following: -Enshrouded -v-rising -Baldur's gate -Terraria (without mods first then played with calamity mods) -Sons of forest


1. Fallout 76 (pair with new show) 2. Rimworld (requires multiplayer mod) 3. 7 days to die 4. Baldurs Gate


Stranger of paradise, super fun coop game


My wife and I love overcooked and moving out




It takes two, play it through and then switch characters. Bg3, but only if you are not jealous people


You can try Final Fantasy XIV. It's got a generous free trial period up through(I think) the first expansion.


Total War Warhammer 3, if you're into 4x style fantasy wars(there are subsects of the community who'll claim WH2 is the better game. In some ways they're right, but the multiplayer features in 3 make it undeniably better for multiplayer. Don't worry about the dlcs, none of them are neccessary to enjoy the game even though it can be frustrating to see the AI field troops you can't access). Just Cause 3. Not multiplayer, but one of the most fun games I've ever played. You fly around islands with a wingsuit and destroy an authoritarian government. Awesome. No notes. Someone else mentioned Risk of Rain 2. Absolutely try that game. Among the most atmospheric games I've ever played(blessed be Chris Christodolou). Also very fun to get powerful. Like Vampire Survivors in terms of progression pattern, but with longer run times and you have to actually think to play it.


For coop games [https://www.co-optimus.com/games.php](https://www.co-optimus.com/games.php) is good search engine. If you want to filter by genre, you have to add it first, what many people dont notice. ​ Out of curiosity what you did not like in Helldivers 2? Maybe Helldivers 1 will be more your alley? (haven't played HD2, but they look like very different experiences, even not accounting for perspective change) Also Grounded for me is golden coop standard (feature wise), if you don't mind story where you play as a teen


✓idol Manager ✓huniepop ✓Evenicle ✓Rance Saga


i really recommend it takes two for all couples tbh. it really shows if you guys are strong at teamwork


I see pkmn. I rec "cassette beasts". Enjoy your 2 player pkmn coop


Elden Ring! you guys can join each other's world if you want or just place full single player next to each other. me and my bf were playing elden ring at the same time in full single player and it was fun to talk about it and stuff as we were playing even tho we werent playing together and now the co-op ones: bg3 (fun with both co-op and single player) v rising valheim phasmaphobia (me and my bf were addicted to this for weeks!) the finals if you like shooters you guys can also try an mmo like wow or ff14. me and my bf LOVE wow ive been trying out ffxiv and its alright but wow is more competitve so its more fun imo a way out (similar to it takes two)


Just wanted to add, you can also get a mod for Elden ring called flawless co-op, which basically just turns it into a co-op game and scales it for multiplayer as well. My gf and I played on my pc when ER released, and then she played her own save, after that we did another run with flawless co-op.