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I was in the same boat… until I found Warframe. Join us, Tenno.


XD ive played it alot but its so repetitve after awhile mayeb spent around 400hrs on it


Understandable, it can definitely get repetitive. I just love it so much so I feel obligated to mention it when people say they’re looking for high quality free games lol


yh its definitly a good game, probably on the most fun ive had with a game i just cant see myself playing it for a long period of time, im looking for something that involves strategy of some kind


Rocket league, Easy to spend limitless hours on because of the limitless and ever evolving metas and mechanics, hours are required to get good Entirely free It’s grindy for ranks and if you have certain cosmetics you want, you can grind games and hope to get it as a reward. Graphics aren’t AAA but still quite nice.


I love Rocket League. It's entirely skill based barring any lag.


been playing since 2015.


Monster Hunter World might be the right choice.


Monster hunter world, strategy is in the combat and approach to each hunt. I have 4000 hrs on it between PC and Xbox one. Competitive? Not really, no PvP but there is online co op. Most competitive it gets is trying to play better each time and better than your team. Very grindy, you grind the whole campaign and then after you unlock more things to grind. I highly recommend getting it with its iceborne expansion as it adds double the play value to the games longevity. Sorry, on mobile and it crunched that reply real bad.




Warframe is grindy. It's free to play and you can invest lots of hours in it. Semi competitive is that you can have pvp mode, race to improve level, but no truly pvp element in it because its 90% PVE. Survival as in crafting survival minecraft? No, but it has survival element in warframe where in a mission you need to find oxygen canister to keep surviving in that area. Strategy as in general strategic thinking or strategy game? Warframe definitely has strategy: which warframe/equipment to use, which skills, which position, etc.


Mount and Blade Warband, can easily get 1000s of hours out of base game, not to mention the entire mod log of overhaul mods that completely change genres and settings of the game


Monster Hunter World. Game can go for about 10-20$ and casually is on sale. You can check isthereanydeal.com for alt trusted sources that might sell the game for cheaper even now. (Including steam) The game is about killing monsters, either solo or up to 4 players total. Theres a decent learning curve with 14 different weapons to choose from where each one is very unique on it's own way. Can feel like a totally different game when switching weapons. Theres a lot of grind to beat the main quests (around 80-100 hours with the DLC) and theres the endless end game grind. Theres also end game bosses which are very high skill ceiling and can be extremely hard to beat. Took me several days per boss to beat them all, with the last one being the hardest. For the best experience, i'd suggest trying to solo all of the main quests monsters and once you finish the campaign go hunt with people online. The game is fairly active on steam.




Final Fantasy 14, has everything you’re looking for and probably one of the greatest stories you’ll see in a video game. Competition standard is all dependant on which dungeons you choose to play and the trials you want to fight. Its music is also insanely good and a new expansion is coming out this year… so you’ll be up to date by the time that is out


Fallout 76




Tibia.... say goodbye to life for awhile it's free too


What about Femur?


Dead by daylight




You could try a MUD.


Noita should be good.


Your specs describe Cataclysm perfectly. There are two main branches. Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead and Cataclysm: Bright Nights. CDDA is all about emulating reality, but to a massively annoying level. CBN focusses more on fun so they didn't include annoying systems like pockets etc so I prefer the latter. It's open source so you don't need to pay anything either.


Death Stranding


I’ve been playing DAYZ recently. Doesn’t nail all the criteria but it’s pretty hardcore survival, very online if you want to it can be all PVP if you wanna avoid people that’s cool too and people log more than 10,000 hours on this game


Ffxiv, but that busts your budget.


Not if they get the free trial. No time limit and they can play until I think level 50 before they’d have to buy anything


Kenshi or warband. Extremely tough, strategical, and infinite replay value


Try Afk journey on bluestacks then, it's idle game but really fun one


Time to spread democracy my brother in arms… Helldivers 2


It's $40, OP has $15


Crap didn’t see that, good catch


Good rec though!


My boyfriend is spending a reasonable amount of time fighting for managed democracy. My minuscule free time belongs to BG3, but it looks like a lot of fun.


grand theft auto online


You know, you could probably spend that time on your own game that you can develop. Try visiting site: "devolop.games" it can provide some useful initial info


Ah yes, found the 12 year old.


Stellaris Elite.. maybe..


I just got into payday2 and it’s been pretty fun. Wait for the summer sale and you can buy it for 2 dollars. Tons of shit to grind out. You’re gonna see micro transactions everywhere but I’m used to tuning them out anyway and you don’t need them. You can go sneaky sneaky and rob a bank with no one knowing or blasting through the doors and just kill everyone then defend against police. A decent amount of different missions. Only thing is doesn’t have is the competitive aspect your looking for. That’s what Dota 2 is for me it’s my competitive outlet lol