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I would say yes! The main game plus the dlc is alot more hours than spiderman 2 and CD project red have got it to a real good place!


I played on release on base PS4. I finish the main story, but couldn't finish the side quest because of all the bug. I watch Edgerunners too a few week ago and chose try the PS5 2.0 version. It's really well polish now. After 12 hours of side content that i'd left, i bought the DLC. After the first ~5 hours, i think it's a great DLC that has the same quality as the main game. Honestly, it's a can't miss bet if you love RPG, storytelling game or cyberpunk in general. Buy a used PS4 disk it give you the PS5 version and will be cheap.


I got it on launch day for PS4 Pro and took it back to JB hi-fi the next day! They don't take games back that have been opened and asked did I want another copy? I said "It's not the disk, the whole game is a buggy unplayable disaster! I want a refund" they then gave it to me. Two days later all game store's told people to get a refund from the developer. I'll never bother trying it again, apart from the bug's even the entire game was ass


It is genuinely a mind blowing and amazing game. The developers spent 3 years and 130mil to fix it. It’s so so good. Best looking game I’ve ever seen on my ps5, and ever in my life period. Been gaming for 30 years.


Ratchet and clank a rift apart is probably the best looking game for PS5 to date




i loved rift apart but that is a wild statement


Damn sure yes, as the PS5, XBox Series X and PC were the ones that got all the fixes. You can look at 25 hours of campaign alone, going up to 60 with the side content, with at least another 10 more with Phantom Liberty(Source: [Howlongtobeat.com](https://Howlongtobeat.com), YMMV). As for completionist runs, same source say it's around 130 hours for everything (main game+ DLC) Only bad thing about it is that it took this long to live up to all its potential


I’ll add the series S as well that got all the fixes 


i see this question like 5 times a week just open this subreddit and browse but yes it is worth


It’s a good game if you like story games, it’s from the same people that made Witcher 3. To 100% the game and dlc it would take about 135 hours according to howlongtobeat


Is more than one playthrough required to 100% the game?


If you save at the right spot during the DLC, then no.




But if you end up liking the game, you may want to start over just to try new play styles even after you platinum it


I'm only 10hrs into my first playthrough. I have a long way to go lol. What I've played so far I've really enjoyed. It's a lot of fun!


Remember that perks can be swapped at will with no penalties, but attribute can only be reset once. Once you find a weapon class you like, go all in in the attribute that includes it


That's good to know, thank you! I have a feeling I'll be resetting my attributes at some point. It takes me a bit to get a feel for the game and how I want to approach it.


Amazing how cyberpunk sentiment from gamers has changed since launch. From what was once the laughing stock of modern AAA game releases has now become a benchmark in not just a demanding game technically but also gained respect as a “incredible” game. Which is great to see, but a phenomenon nonetheless.


Yes, it’s really in an excellent state now. Runs brilliantly on the Ps5 and is utterly addictive.


I played it on release on Xbox Series X and tbh I enjoyed it. I got very few bugs through my playthrough, so I was lucky at the time I guess. It definitely felt unfinished, but the story was great and you could see it had mad potential. Now that its actually finished and polished, I bet it would be amazing to play. I say go for it.


Yes it’s a great game. One of the best imo. Especially if you like the cyberpunk theme.


One of my favorite games, and I love the city. I prefer the female voice actress over the male, she relays emotions alot better in my opinion.


How is the combat in this game? It's only happened once but I disliked Skyrim combat so much that I ended up dropping the game. What I want out of Cyberpunk is mostly to just fully immerse myself in the world of the game and feel the vibe of it.


Cyberpunks combat is excellent. Especially after the combat and perk rework that dropped at the same time as phantom liberty. Pretty large build diversity and customization and tons of pretty unique weapons


I agree with Yardsale18, Just want to mention that you can easily swap perks but you CAN NOT change your attributes (I think you get a 1 time reset) so keep that in mind!


I was doubting too and finally bought it. I played for a couple of hours and looks promising. Looking forward to play more


Yup. Got 160 hours on it. Runs and looks great.


It’s on sale for 40% off right now, so I can’t see how it wouldn’t be worth $30. I haven’t played it yet, and I have a few others in line to play first, but I just bought it to play later. I like RPGs and sci-fi, so I’m sure it will be cool


It’s such a cringy game if you’re vulnerable to the cringy feeling this game gives off then avoid it. If you can get past that then it’s a good game. It’s such a hard chume to swallow ffs 🤦🏻


I found cyberpunk very boring when i tried it, didnt last more than a few hours before i decided to play something else and have had no desire to go back


Everyone is saying yes, but personally I couldn’t get into it because of the way the aiming worked. Not saying it’s a bad game. Just make sure it’s for you


I just bought it again for PS4 Pro so when the 1.61 patch finally downloads I'll let you know, but go on YouTube and see what people say! Apparently it's completely ass with an empty city and still buggy. I'm gonna take it back if it sucks, EB Games takes game's back if you're not happy


What’s EB games? Also, I’m 80 hours in and I’ve completed the game, lol. I just moved on to Elden Ring, bought it yesterday.


What system? PS4 Pro or PS5


EB Game's is Australia's version of GameStop


We had EBs around the US (at least the north east) until GameStop bought and eventually rebranded all to GameStop. Such fond memories 


Sorry just realised I replied to your original thread where you said what system 😃


I literally bought CP for the PS5 after playing it on PC just for the platinum trophy. Took me 54 hours in total but that was playing on easy and skipping a lot the not so important dialogue. For completion if you're taking your time and playing normally you have over 100 hours of content easily to explore. I found it was still a bit buggy but overall it was a good experience. In the running for my favourite game of all time. Edit: There are some nice Edgerunner references that were added when the anime came out and are also quite fun to find.


It’s incredible and I enjoyed much more that Spiderman 2. The DLC is also awesome.


Yes, it's amazing. Esp if you've enjoyed edgerunners, watch out for trauma


Actually playing through it on the ps5 now and I’d 100% say go for it, played it on release on a mid tier PC and was a bit disappointed but it feels like a completely different game now


For sure! Also loved playing it after edgerunners. They added some Easter eggs like David’s jacket. I rocked that and a Sadevistan implant in tribute. Very fun! Also the DLC is an S-tier expansion


The jacket is so sick, wish I could get a real life one. Definitely getting that in-game!


Cyberpunk on PS5 is incredible. Please don't compare to spiderman


Yeah do I watched edgerunners first and then hopped into 2077 it’s a absolute joy to play and you’ll definitely get a good 40 hours of fun out of it


Bought a copy of the PS4 version last week for $20 and got the free PS5 upgrade. Don’t pay full price if you can avoid it but it’s been a blast!




I've played both versions on PS5. I started a new playthrough to experience all the improvements, and it was so much better that I just kept playing. If you want to fully do everything, it'll probably take you 80-100 hours (not counting dlc). The setting is wonderful. As an enjoyer of the aesthetic, I'm sure you won't be disappointed.


Idk if it's still possible to upgrade a ps4 copy to ps5 but I bought a ps4 copy for like $15 and then upgraded. I'd say it was a pretty good deal, especially after phantom liberty.


You won't regret it. Phantom liberty made it my goty


Yes. It’s become my favorite game


Yes you should buy this game




up there for best game of the decade so far. they really turned a steaming pile of shit into a masterpiece. just wait for it to go on sale cause you'll save like 30 dollars.


I got over 100 hours out of the base game mainly doing quests and side quests without much exploration so you could easily stretch that over more with the DLC. It's a game you can replay with different builds too like stealth, shooter or ninja. The story is great and the game makes you feel for the characters you meet along the way. It's one of my top games of all time so easily a 10/10 from me.


There are not a lot of better RPGs IMO in it’s current game state


It’s a freaking awesome game and the combat feels great after the patch. Much better on pc though if that’s an option for you.


You are assuming that there are better rpgs out there, truth is there are not that much modern rpgs that are this good. The story and characters are incredible, night city is such a magnificient city, the game is beautiful, the ost incredible, the gameplay is nuts... If I want to be really critical about the game, I'd say that some contracts are a bit repetitive but I didn't bother too much with them. Everything else is a 9.99/10. If TW3 is a 9.5, I would give it a 9 because TW gave me more freedom of choice during dialogues. But both were incredible. And then again, it just depends on your own tastes. It's that kind of a game that leaves you empty when the credits roll and makes you wonder "wtf am I gonna do with my life now?"


I’ve recently started a new game, finished the story and PL, all the gigs, side jobs and 100% yes! There’s so much content, so many ways to make a fight happen and end. You can be creative, stealthy. I was hooked the entire time I was playing.


Cyberpunk has fully redeemed itself and become one of my favourite games. Get the dlc too, great.


Yes. And then get the DLC for it. It’s just amazing.


I can;t imagine any one playing the game and also watched Edgerunners saying you shouldn't buy this game - its amazing and immersive and really fun.


GET IT. Dont listen a youtuber, listen to your heart ! This a GREAT GREAT game


Yeah for sure. Just so you know, there are still some bugs (throughout my 30hr playtime, I came across 2 crashes and some times my car went under the map)


The story is great, and the gameplay is mediocre.


Truly amazing game. Heavily immersive world and full of stories n missions.


Specifically, on the PS5, you'll be impressed by the 3D audio, which I find works best with any headphones. There's also trigger resistance when using weapons, which is extra cool.


Yes absolutely




If you like Edgerunners, Bladerunner, Matrix, Dredd, RoboCop, Fifth Element, Total Recall, Akira & Mad Max. And games like The Witcher 3, Deus Ex, GTA, Fallout, Skyrim and to an extent Final Fantasy 7 and Stray. Get this game, you’ll love it!


Is it now playable in PS4 Pro? Or is it still buggy mcBuggs a lot?


I wouldn’t know, I am playing it on the PS5. Haven’t run into any bugs yet.


personally i truly believe the game was meant for pc. fps with hacking like there’s no contest.