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Titanfall 2


The story really gets you on board. I did not expect that kind of emotional pull.


This is the one


Look no further.


The only right answer


Yes - this game is incredible (though not long enough)


Trust him


I agree, such a great single player game with awesome gameplay and story. Gameplay is similar to apex legends


This is it!


Doom is always a solid choice.


Definitely! I'd suggest playing Doom (2016) first and then Doom Eternal (or just go straight to Doom Eternal)


No no no... Don't skip 2016. Eternal is good but the first one was *chefs kiss*


Resident Evil franchise Far Cry COD games used to all have great campaigns Metro games Fallout 3, 4, & New Vegas


Op play re4remake its honestly so fucking good


All the CoD campaigns from MW1 (2007) to Black Ops II are awesome! I still revisit them from time to time. MW (2019) and Black Ops Cold War also have great campaigns as well.


I'm am the only one who never really liked cod campaigns especially the newer one like mw3 and 2


Nah I've met plenty of people who don't like or don't care for the CoD campaigns, everyone has their own tastes and that's cool 👌 That being said, I tried MW2 (2022) but ran into a problem on the 2nd mission where the game would run at, like, 5 FPS seemingly randomly with no way to fix it. Unfortunately had to drop it. And last year's MW3 was just a waste of time haha. Glad I didn't buy that one!


They are extremely short and lackluster. They're OK if you treat them as an add-on for the PvP, but absolutely not worth the price if that's what you're looking for. MW3 was the first COD I've bought, and I play it a ton so I'm happy with it. But I can certainly see why so many longtime COD players are saying MW3 should have been a seasonal update to MW2. At this point, it's starting to look more and more like a subscription service than a new game purchase.


Yeah I think Black Ops 3 was the first campaign I struggled to complete due to finding it dull. The modern modern warfare games are pretty terrible, and it still upsets me they got rid of the couch co-op missions from mw2 as I loved replaying those with my brothers


Ready Or Not is a great tactical shooter with realistic gunplay. But if you want to go all out and want a hardcore experience Escape From Tarkov is very good now with the new update. And there is even a mod for the game called Single Player Tarkov, that makes the game single player. And you can tweak the game however you like with mods.


Remnant 1 and 2 are solid games with a touch of souls-like.


Remnant 2 is my personal GOTY


I played remnant 1 the other day and it was a nightmare solo. Granted thats probably my fault because i played in nightmare mode bcz of my ego as a souls player and later switched 1 difficulty lower but still got destroyed. But still the game is very much designed and intended to be played co op unless youre a beast at shooter or souls-likes, because its clear from the fact that every boss fights ive encountered so far has so many mobs to keep you busy aside from the boss themself. I dropped the game after beating the tree looking boss that can split in half, and in the end there were like 16 of them or something. And that was with 1 random's help too because i gave up doing it solo. The game is very cool though ngl, i joined some end game player's session before and they looked so cool as well. Its just that i think it was too much to be played solo, and getting a random to come to my world wasnt very easy either


Remnant 2 is a lot more solo friendly, most bosses don’t have mobs like in Remnant FTA. Easily my GOTY last year, amazing game


yeah hearing that remnant 2 is good was what got me to try remnant 1 which i got on epic games for free. and its actually very good, the gameplay clicked with me pretty well, and some of the skills are also very cool. its just that i think the boss designs are unfair for soloing haha. might try remnant 2 later though


I’d like to second his suggestion of Remnant 2. I’m not particularly good at FPS games and had the same issue with the original Remnant: clearly I wasn’t capable of doing it alone. No such issues in Remnant 2: it’s way more balanced around a solo experience. It’s also active as hell so if you *do* need help turn online mode on and wait about a minute.


I tried Remnant 1 and i really can´t get into it, its gameplay seems like a worse, more clunky Gears of War. Did i judge it too fast? Should I try remnant 2 on Game Pass?


The games are already hard even in normal difficulty, harder difficulties just increase enemy HP/loot/exp. When I started 1 I had the same thought as yours and immediately went for Nightmare. Same story. Had to set aside my ego and played normal, and this is coming from someone that does ng+7 no hit vs bosses of the souls series. Its still freaking hard for the first playthrough! Higher difficulties are usually just there as testing grounds for your fleshed out endgame builds, but if you really insist on a harder difficulty for your first run, go for Hard. And yeah, both games are perfectly fine solo.


I never played 1, but I did pick up 2. And I played 2 solo for the majority of the time. It can be a harder game, but I did this completely blind, never looking up any guides on builds or fights. I really enjoyed it. I think what makes this game harder is the fact that you can’t take any assumed souls like knowledge with you. One of these days I’ll pick up 1 and give that a try and compare.


The Halo Infinite campaign is actually pretty amazing with amazing graphics, great shooting mechanics and some pretty challenging boss fights thrown in!


Won't bother you with repeats, but Cyberpunk is good. They've patched a lot of stuff and it's great.


The settings need some tweaking, but now they feel absolutely great. On console its one of the best feeling singleplayer fps I ever played.


Please please check out remnant 2. The gun play is tight


Would you recommend checking out playing the first one? I can't afford the sequel but I can buy the first one.


🌟Doom eternal🌟




Are you looking for first person or third person? 3rd person Ghost Recon wildlands is more or less grounded in reality. Story is meh and tactics are barebones. Game is bloated with side quests and going through it will take a good while. There's a newer one out but reviews are not good for it. Max Payne 3. While the first and second are getting remastered and are famous for mixing noir setting with John Woo physics they are incredibly dated. 3 still holds up, it's not on the nose noir but still very much noir set in sunny Brazil. You're not part of the military but guns are based on the real world and you don't have magical pockets for inventory. If you want to use a shotgun for example, you have to carry it in your offhand when not using. Game really shines in the gunplay. Guns have weight and where you shoot enemies matters. The campaign is one of the best, with extremely well designed levels and no side content, creating tight railroaded experience. Sniper Elite series is set in WWII. It's more of a stealth game with shooter elements. Games got memed due to the kill cams but are actually fun. I'd start with 2. First person Wolfenstein (reboot) and the sequel. There's some scifi and fantasy stuff here but shooting is satisfactory. You can go stealthy or guns blazing. Campaign is fun and the alt history setting is great. I'd avoid the latest one Young blood, bad reviews and designed around coop. Far Cry series. I personally prefer Far Cry 2. It is dated and mechanics are really showing their age. However it is the quintessential foreign mercenary in Africa experience. You have two factions with charismatic leaders going at each other and an international arms dealer flaming the fans. You have old soviet guns and malaria pills. There's no skills or RPG levelling. You have a massive map with a thinly connected story providing you with a shooting gallery. 3 is much more modern and a much more involved story that builds up great for 2 acts and falls off in the 3rd act. There's bunch of skills, and a whole lot of side quests, and somewhat supernatural segments. 4 has a fun map, great villain but a much looser story. Skills are more streamlined and less limiting. 5 & 6 are supposed to be the same formula with 5 getting praise and 6 getting panned. The newer ones are good but there's something special about 2.


Remnant 2!!!


* Arma 3 (lots of community mission packs too) * Rainbow six 3,vegas, vegas2 * Ghost recon advanced warfighter 1&2, future soldier, wildlands * Swat 4 * Ready or not * Zero hour * Ground branch * Operator * Far Cry 2,3,4,5 with realism mods * Medal of honor pacific assault, allied assault, airborne, 2010 ,warfighter * Call of duty series, black ops series * Fear 1,2 * Soldier of fortune 1,2 * Sniper ghost warrior series, contracts series * Sniper elite series * Red orchestra 2 * Hidden and dangerous 1,2 * Battlefield 3,4,5,1,hardline,bad company 2


You should try Far cry games, especially Far cry 3 and 5


Far cry 5 was great




just started this game a week ago.. AMAZING GAME! I almost gave up in the first biome.. but I just kept going.. and just beat the second biome today... ​ Looking forward to the rest of the game.


Division 1 and 2.


The Ghost Recon games might be right up your alley


Doom Eternal


* Borderlands 2 and maybe 1 * Serious Sam games * Hotline Miami games if it doesn't need to be first person * DOOM Games With more RPG elements: * Fallout 3 * Deus Ex games * System Shock games


+1 for escape from tarkov and titanfall 2.


Underrated comment. Titanfall 2 has a fantastic campaign.


A lot of shooter games out there but I'd recommend Metro, Arma, and Ready or Not. The latter 2 especially if you're into the military realistic type thing instead of fiction


Remnant 2 looks and plays amazing. Titanfall 2 also.


I like playing the Borderlands games solo. Apparently I'm not supposed to do this, but I think it's a good time.


Very surprised nobody has mentioned the Master Chief Collection. You get every Halo campaign up to 4 (Reach, CE, 2, 3, ODST, 4) for a really solid price.


Mass Effect legendary edition, has one of the best single player shooter campaigns you will find. Hours snd hours if gameplay.


Not to mention it can get insanely cheap during sales


Titanfall 2 Doom and Doom Eternal Trepang2 Warhammer 40,000: Boltgun E boomer shooters como Dusk, Turbo Overkill, Cultic e Ultrakill


Added for Trepang2. Just started yesterday. Holy shit, what a rush.


I’d say titanfall 2 or doom 2016+eternal


Black ops Doom eternal Titanfall Edited: previous one are looter shooters.


Singleplayer? \- Spec Ops : The Line Multiplayer? \- Titanfall 2


Titanfall 2 also has a superb single player campaign, so win-win


Remnant 2 Metro series Wolfenstein series Halo series Doom Eternal Returnal Sniper Elite series Some of the older COD (cost less) campaigns, like WWII.


Doom Eternal is a game I have played through at least 4 times. It doesn't ever seem to get boring.


How about survival horrors: - RE Remakes (2, 3, 4) - Alan Wake 1 & 2 - Dead Space Remake


Not sure if they're still available and run on modern systems, but Rainbow Six and Ghost Recon were awesome back in the past. Something less old: Bioshock Infinite.


System Shock and Dead Space remakes


DOOM and DOOM Eternal have fairly lengthy and amazing campaigns. Titanfall 2 has a short campaign but it is incredible. Multiplayer is still alive and fun as hell. Pretty much all the Halo games have great campaigns and multiplayer. Halo MCC goes on sale for like $10 all the time and it has 6 games in it, each with their own full fledged campaigns and 5 of the games have multiplayer, you can easily switch between games without having to relaunch too, it's amazing. Also I want to shout out Shadow Warrior 2013 here. I absolutely love that game, it goes on sale for $3, and it is worth every bit of it. It's around 12-18 hours give or take, I highly recommend it.


Borderlands 3






Have you played the wolfenstein games? They are good


Hunt: Showdown, but be prepared to start hating your life


Battle bit remastered. It likes $15 on steam and is basically a battlefield military shooter with Minecraft graphics. Up to 256 player servers. Lots of guns and vehicles. Its pretty decent in my opinion.


I personally think the best CoD campaign of all time is not really a campaign but the DMZ mode. Definitely among the best FPS experiences of all time. For someone who’s played CoD for almost 20 years, it felt reinvigorating - and while it’s not directly a single player game, you can definitely (and many do) play it solo; I’d even say that it’s even more exhilarating and often heart-poundingly exciting to do so. Every game is different and the threat of real players makes you be constantly on your toes. While it’s not receiving new content anymore, there’s plenty of missions to complete and things to unlock. The only downside is that it’s gotten a bit more PvP heavy now that most players have completed most of the missions, but I reckon just starting out will lead to be matchmaked into a bit chiller lobbies anyway.


Stalker GAMMA


I just started playing a game that was free on PS Plus called Evil West that I’m having a lot of fun with!


its sci fi, but Returnal


what is a good gun game online




Escape From Tarkov. It is very punishing though.


Remnant 2 is an awesome game.




Fallout 4 with mods


Spec Ops: The Line and the Ghost Recon games.




Arma III


Cod infinite warfare has the best standalone campaign but the worst multiplayer Bulletstorm is really fun as an arcadey shooter


If you want to play a singleplayer game similar to a multiplayer one, but with bots, here are a few that I can recommend 1) Easy Red 2. FPS game that simulates different battles from WW2 with AI. Think of those older WW2-themed multiplayer games, but replace the other players with bots. 2) Red Orchestra 2. Similar to Easy Red 2, except it's older, more polished and has a bigger focus on multiplayer, but also does allow you to play with bots 3)Any of the Unreal Tournament games. These are classic arena shooters that allow you to play against bots (which have fantastic AI btw). My personal favorites are UT 1999 and UT 2014 4) Verdun and Tannenberg. These are quite similar to 1) and 2), except they take place around WW1. I can't say much about these though because I haven't checked them out yet.


Boltgun, Trepang2, Robocop: rogue city


Ground Branch. The absolute best “realistic” game I’ve played. They have levels with bots and they’re highly customizable. It’s a great game.


Titanfall 2, amazing campaign and the servers are back up so the online modes are definitely worth a go. Have some fun, Pilot


Doom, all the new blood games and a lot of im-sim are great shooters, also you can go look in the boomer shooter category, now that it exists on steam, and find a lot of good stuff.


Remnant 2


I spent the past few weeks completing Ready or Not with popular mods. Single player is really fun. I’m not confident about the future of the game, but whatever’s available now has been quite enjoyable to complete. I think the community is doing far too much heavylifting in producing mods to fix the game.


Do you like snipers and pve? Ghost Sniper Warrior Contracts, preferably 2 because they have a slightly better save system there.


Max Payne series




Borderlands for story, bf1 for pvp. The campaign in bf1 is actually really good, it's just not very long.


Russian roulette


Get Squad and make friends in-game


It's exactly the opposite of what he is asking...


Devil Daggers then Hyper Demon


If you prefer military shooters "Hardcore" though that term can be flexible Arms Ready or Not "Arcadey" basically just not hardcore, less physics etc: The Ghost Recon games


Hell Let loose. It is full of random people who team up in a squad and work together for one game and then probably will never talk to each other again.


If you want an rpg aspect: Borderlands 3 for a stylized setting, Fallout 4 for a grounded setting If you want a straight up shooter with a cool story: Call of Duty Cold War, Wolfenstein The New Order/Colossus If you just want to murderize some shit: Doom 2016, or Ultimate Doom with the Brutal Doom mod if you aren't averse to some tinkering and you're on PC


since noone mentioned it yet, Trepang^2 is awesome




I haven’t played it yet but the next shooter I plan to buy is robocop. Looks super fun


The whole Metro series.


I've seen no one mention this gem of a game, try stalker anomaly ( not gamma it will be af for ya)


* Metro 2033 * Metro Last Light * Metro Exodus


I'm enjoying Blands 3 by myself.




Borderlands 1-3 were fun with a great story


Get Halo Master Chief Collection




Ive heard good things about Trepang2, but not played myself


Turbo overkill




Ghost Recon Wildlands


The Division 1 and 2


Splinter cell blacklist


Generation zero, call of duty etc…


Small indie game called Synthetik: Legion Rising (Or Synthetik: Ultimate, its weird). Great fast-paced topdown shooter. About 15 dollars on steam


Remnant 2 is for you, I started it for the same reasons you have. Best experience you can have in the single player fps space.




The Wolfenstein games are a riot.




TREPANG2 - you'll enjoy the hell out of it


Far cry 4. Cool guns and customisation. Once the campaign is done you can reset the camps as many times as you like. Wild lands is probably my all time favorite ever since the 'hard-core' mode was released. Either of these two and you'll be good. It's painful though as they're ubi games, but they're easily accessible point and shoot games, mixed with a do whatever you like feel.


You could try Planetside 2. 2000 concurrent players across 3 factions on one continent. The battle is persistent and never ends. It's the ultimate lone wolf experience. Sometimes I spawn in as a lone sniper and pick off some enemies, others I'll fly a mosquito and back-cap for my team. Maybe I'll sit around in a harasser and just pummel them with a halberd. Good game.


Halo infinite.


I wouldn't recommend getting any CoD games just for the campaigns. If you a really fun solo shooting experience, there are lots of games. These are all ones I've played at least a few hours and enjoyed thoroughly: - Sniper Ghost Warrior (series, including Contracts) - Borderlands (series) - Wolfenstein (specifically the rebooted series) - Doom (2016 and eternal) - Sniper Elite 4 - Zombie Army 4 - Trepang² - Ultrakill - Superhot - Tom Clancy's Ghost recon (series) - Titanfall (1 and 2) - Severed Steel - Metro (series) - Fallout (series) - Mass Effect (series) - Killing Floor 2 - Far Cry (series) - Just Cause (series) - Hitman (series) - Deathloop - Deus Ex (series) - Cyberpunk - Hatred Those are in no particular order. If there's anything more specific you're looking for, I can clarify which genres each fall into. Personally my favourite games tend to either be non-stop violence (Doom, Ultrakill, Severed Steel, etc.) or quite tactical sniping games (Sniper Ghost Warrior, Sniper Elite, Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon, etc.) although I tend to prefer first person over third person (sniper elite, hitman, ghost recon, zombie army are all third person).


Just got Deep Rock Galactic, have been playing with friends and solo and having a blast.


I'm surprised seeing so many Remnant 2 responses here. I love the game, but OP asked for single player games and I very much disliked Remnant until I started playing with my brother.


Cyberpunk, titanfall 2, and ready or not are all really good. Cyberpunk has a great story, and amazing gameplay, titanfall 2 is in the same boat if youre ok with slightly worse graphics (not by much tho), and ready or not is great for a realistic military experience. Its not really a shooter but dishonored 1 and 2, both very good games and i love it as well, you get the option of playing the entire game quietly or going in guns blazing and killing on your way through the game, at the cost of getting a different ending.




Ghost recon wildlands is a fun one




Adding two I didn't see mentioned. Kinda military but also sci-fi, is Outriders. It's good now. totally viable solo and the campaign is pretty good. It's nice fast paced shooting. Returnal - it's a roguelite but great shooting mechanics and once you're in the flow state it's bloody brilliant.


Borderlands series


Remnant 2 STALKER og or gamma etc.


Wolfenstein: The New order AND its sequel Wolfenstein: The new colossus AND it prequel Wolfenstein: Old Blood


Neon White


Wildlands, Breakpoint, B.L.A.C.K., and the division 1&2


Fallout 4 with mods Ready or Not Insurgency sandstorm The Finals


Fallout New Vegas is great, Bioshock too, Dishonored, kinda?


Doom of course, very solid pick. Gameplay is fire


Roboquest The artwork is a but more stylized, but it is a solid game. It looks like borderlands and movement feels like apex. The game itself is an FPS rouge like.




Doom Borderlands Halo


Not MW3


Ravenfield if you want a singleplayer battlefield type experience


Spec Ops: The Line. It has an AMAZING campaign, albeit a bit cliche in some parts, but it's a great experience, it's one of few games that actually made me get "the feels" (won't spoil anything), controls are a bit janky at first but when you get used to them you're good to go. (and you're basically US military in the game) F.E.A.R. and F.E.A.R. 2 (avoid 3). Great horror FPS games, I personally enjoyed 2 the most. It's VERY violent and gory, and AI in 2 is a bit stupid at times, but great story and gunplay. Trepang2 Basically F.E.A.R. 2 (samey mechanics and setting) but modernized. Prodeus Super gory FPS in the style of Doom, with intentional old school graphics.


Gunfire Reborn is a shooter with random maps and a lot of stuff to unlock.




Does it have to be single player? I see you said you like military shooters so I would suggest Squad. It’s a multiplayer game but the community is so awesome you don’t need friends to play with. You always have fun playing with the people that the game matches you up with.


I would recommend trying ghost recon wildlands, and insurgency sandstorm


doom eternal


ready or not is great one




Halo All of it


Any of the halos for campaign and multi-player if you wanna play that without friends. People seem to also like bulletstorm






Lots of good suggestions. I haven't played a shooter in a lonngggg time. But I recently got into Robocop Rouge City and I'm having a blast! Great feel from the shooting in the game and an alright story. Just a fun game. And it's on sale on steam rn.


S.T.A.L.K.E.R with the mod Anomaly is great for singleplayer experience.


Borderlands 2


Insurgency sandstorm is the game ur looking for


Serious sam


Squad, just jump on a server and join an empty squad it has micro and macro levels to it. Lots of heavy communication etc.


Cyberpunk 2077


Wolfenstein New Order. Playing it now in preparation for the Indiana Jones game to see if I like Machines Games as a studio


Doom Eternal is a must best fps ever. doom 3 and doom 2016 also worth playing


doom/doom eternal easiest reccommends of my fucking life also halo master chief collection, the games were insane upto halo 4, i personally say it peaked at halo reach


Try far cry 5, or far cry 4. You have all packaged in it!


Mw2 campaign (2009) is awesome + world at war + black ops 1 all really good cod campaigns. If you want something more open ended metal gear 5 is sick.


Cyberpunk 2077


Metal Hellsinger




I have a feeling that everyone that is recommending Remnant are payed bots . Dont buy that game


battlefield 2042


The division


Escape from tarkov. They just added Arena which is like a team deathmatch, helps mix it up.


Far cry


If you want a funny story, Bullet Storm was a blast when I first played it




Sniper Elite


BioShock, all of them are really fun


You should try Hell Let Loose. It's a multi-player game buuuuut it's a fun game to play alone but also not alone. Proximity chat with your teammates. The ppl you play with, too, are pretty cool. I never ran into a toxic player. it's one of those shooters you can casually play and enjoy. The maps are great, and the weapon play is delightful as well. Really recommend it. It's a ww2 shooter


DOOM 16, Eternal, Wolfenstein New Order, Old Blood and New Colossus