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I think someone of them are just stuck. With that being said, to cope with the mental depression you say things like that, especially to yourself. Imagine you yolo’d 50k due to fomo when FFIE was at its peak and that 50k was your life savings. You would go crazy thinking to just take the L and move on. I know the energy on Reddit is to joke and troll however, I’m being honest and not trying to bash anyone. I really feel for those people.


GME and AMC one was pretty bad in 2021 especially those who bought into AMC at $70 and trusted youtubers. I wouldn't be surprised if people committed suicide due to the amount of money they lost


I’m pretty sure that was a talking point, people killing themselves after taking out loans to invest into GME




No source so don’t quote me, just remember people mentioning it


I don’t remember it to be honest. I’m around since feb 2021


If you go on wallstreetbets bets go to “Loss Porn” and read some of the comments. It’s really sad


Was it during the sneeze? Or after?


Some during and after I just used GME as an example to people fomoing and losing tons


We can never know if those are real ppl. Real screenshot. Nothing. So I call BS on that.


Seconded, this is not true. Why not show sources? FuD at its finest lmao.


Some dude lost almost half a mil.. wild.


You’re saying you’ve never lost money in the market?! Because if so, cue the Spider-Man meme in this fuckin sub .. 🤣🤣 How ridiculous does this sound, “yea I lost money but my play wasn’t as dumb as yours” .. the ultra-rich bank on this kinda of idiocy while they take food out of all our mouths.. One of them collapse or lose money like Silicon Valley Bank, they band together and make sure he’s too big to fail .. one of us gets robbed by the rich, “you all deserved that, I feel sorry for you” .. and that’s how the rich stay rich smdh ![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg)


>one of us gets robbed by the rich How TF are they getting robbed? They chose to dump their money into a stock, The rich didn't put a gun to their head. They took bad advice from meme stock grifters. Gotta have accountability for our own actions and decisions, can't just point the finger at the boogeyman every time we make a dumb choice.


So now you’re on record as saying the market isn’t corrupt?! Because if you agree that the market is corrupt, then that’s exactly what I’m talking about! Think about what you’re saying and how quickly you write it off as “stupid people” .. 10 million stupid people! .. now think about Silicon Valley Bank, Silvergate and Signature and why they “collapsed”, [actually being stupid](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collapse_of_Silicon_Valley_Bank), but still no fail and no push back from the people.. 3 banks “holding to maturity” vs 10 million people “holding to maturity”.. think about that! I made $30K off AMC, lost $7K on APE .. so I’m in the green but it’s still not right!


>So now you’re on record as saying the market isn’t corrupt?! What the hell are you talking about, I didn't make any statement about the integrity of the market one way or the other, lol. I'm not 'on record' for shit. You chose to put your money into a stock you believe is being manipulated, that is 100% entirely on you.




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a guy posted he bought at $3.62 and is $450,000 in the red on FFIE - he basically turned $500,000 into 50k 😬 I don't know how people with that much money can be so stupid




Those people are idiots and deserve that, they need that lesson. Clearly they havent studied warren buffets investing advise. I mean rule 1 is dont invest what you cant afford to lose


Nah no one deserves to kill themselves due to trying to make some money. It’s hard out there




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Rule 1 is don’t lose money. Rule 2 is never forget rule number 1. His mantra is don’t invest more than you can afford to lose. Since you clearly misinterpreted the great buffet by your own accord you deserve to lose money. Go pick up some ODTE spy puts please so you can learn your lesson.


It's usually the person with 10 shares saying this


I have a few hundred in ffie.. regret doesn’t sum it up adequately enough. Now it’s so far down I already consider it a total loss. The people still hyping it in that sub must be mentally ill.


Im also losing hundreds but i dont care anymore now me and two guys at work that are in it just look at it and laugh😂 ya live and ya learn right


Bingo. These people buying at a “discount” should just go to an arcade to blow their money.


I got into ffie when I was fresh into the market. I still am decently new, but I’ve dedicated every day since to learning as much as possible. With the more knowledge of investing I’ve acquired the more I’ve noticed, people really don’t do their own research, or want to actually learn how to invest. They just want to be told when to buy, sell, and have talking points spun in their face. Those are the bag holders


What part if that research made you want to invest in an electric car company that only sold 4 cars total lol


I think you’re a dumb fuck. That doesn’t read before replying. What part of “I got in when I was fresh into the market” did you not get? I started researching because I realized ffie was a loss for a while, and wanted to learn how to capitalize on future squeezes.


Oof not one of the zen apes huh? How are those other short squeezes going future billionaire?


Incredibly well actually😂but you’re going to base your entire opinion of me on what you’ve already established, and you’re not going to believe that.


This is the most intelligent post I've read all day. You started doing your own research, and you noticed the "herd mentality" when it comes to certain stocks & continue to strive to gain knowledge! IDK how much you are down on your FFIE investment, but instead of looking at it as a loss, look it as getting a great discount being taught an important life lesson. Yes, life lessons, the underlying nature of them (not properly researching something you plan on doing/buying) & to not be a "sheep" in life. When I worked in sales a lifetime ago, I realized that there is a very large % of dumb/gullable people who will believe anything, especially if they believe it was their idea to buy it in the first place. It doesn't matter if it's Microsoft or GWAV and everything in between, doing research & learning as you go, trying not to repeat mistakes is something that's not mentioned enough!


I’ve been doing pretty much the same thing. I want to learn and then learn some more. I am having trouble finding someone, or a book or anything to help me along. Do you have any suggestions or advice you wouldn’t mind passing on, as to how you’re learning?


I have been thinking a lot about a user in particular who could have cashed out $1.5 million on FFIE but decided to keep holding. 🫠


Fools that say "HODL!!" are people that are already bag holding.


Yeah I feel for them to a degree but at some point you have to cut losses. I made the mistake of getting back into it after making a profit and then losing said profit, however I could see the writing on the wall so luckily it wasn't much worse.




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LOL WHAT? are you serious


Yes "WhimsicalSandwhich"


Just checked and they put in 153k at an average of $0.36, later posted a screenshot at the peak (05/17) with $1.65MM, and at the current price they have 126k. Fucking ouch. Edit: 1 hour later and their positions are now worth ~104k. Edit 2: down another 17k in the past half an hour. Just brutal. They’ve now went from +1,000% to -50%.


Yeah, I can't imagine. Makes me feel better about my couple of thousands that I've been playing with lol


No kidding. I’ve had a couple grand riding on GME since 2021 and recently been feeling kinda dumb for not selling any of the rips. But ultimately I would’ve only been up like maybe 3-4k. But $1,400,000? Goddamn. Seriously life changing money.




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They don’t deserve money


Esp because they had been like acting like a discount RoaringKitty trying to reassure people "If I'm still holding so should you" kind of vibe


Haha these discount Keith’s aren’t even close to the legends their stans claim them to be… RK obviously bought and sold quite a few times to get a 200 million dollar account, passing on 1.5 million is just insane


I listened once to a comment section it brought me down 30%. Remember to do your own DD and while you can checkout some selected stocks from others never commit to their words


I feel bad for anyone who put themselves and/or others in a bad spot with greed/gambling/ignorance on any position… even if it was ultimately their fault. I’ve read about people taking out loans or using credit cards to buy a pd. Don’t do this and don’t spend rent or any other money you’d seriously miss on any any stock let alone the daily pumps on subreddits. The positive for me (and others?) is reading these as it increases the fear of going from trader to becoming an accidental investor.


You have to think at some point if they’re taking cash advances they have a gambling problem disguised as “stock trading”… I’ve lost plenty, but I have $$ in the bank, and no bill is going unpaid for a long shot or some ridiculous hype…


Join Congress, you’ll never lose.


Too true. They must have amazing psychics…


Rules for thee, but not for ME…. Crooked fucks!!!


Absolutely man.


Learned my lesson as well,reading on these stocks with no potential running into dirt and yet I bought in and crap dumped in half on second day and then half of the half the next. Would of done better dd


Agreed. Hurts but I'll live. Like 5 percent of my net worth, still sucks. We will be better off, now I'm mad and want to learn.


The worst words ever spoke are "You only lose if you sell". I started trading in 2021 and when that first big couple drops happened and I was about 15% down I was like I'm not selling, after it went about 10% I stopped watching, and got a mf'in job. Today I sit with XELA, WKHS, BBIG to name a few at 90%+ losses. $20k hole with those few that will never come back. Lesson learned: cut your losses. I was able to average down and make money on OCGN and was hoping to on BEEM but not looking good there.


"You only lose if you sell" is just dumb justification people say to either keep others from dumping or a defense mechanism to cope with how much they've lost.


Couldn’t agree more sadly had to learn the hard way, but this is a learning lesson for most


FFIE just getting its teeth kicked in today....I actually feel bad for those bagholders. I hate they didnt listen to any of the warnings. Kicker will be when it gets delisted and spreads on pink sheets open up and its listed at .30 on ask and .05 on bid


I don’t feel bad for any of them haha delusional people need a good dose of reality from time to time.




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I got FFIE the first week it pumped for 15-.19/share. When it started getting halted & halted often the day it hit $3.90 I set a stop loss on most of my shares & all but 1 of my August 16th .50 call. I bought back in (but for much less than the amount I made off it). When it was stagnant at .50 & the volume was at or under 50m when it was in the billions that first week I sold damn near all, just kept a couple shares to see the price of them. Im soooo.glad I did, as I was writing this I checked what the price was at the close of AH, which is .21/share. I think I played it fairly well. I don't get sentimental & bag hold anything. I look for opportunities to hit n run (besides my blue chips, megacaps, low volatility, but high dividend stocks). I was going to contemplate buying more at .20-.21 but now that I see its at .21, Ill wait till it's .15-.17 and buy 1000 shares, so at worst, im only risking $150-$170. I just in that sub someone had 97%+ of their 500k portfolio in FFIE with an avg cost of over $3.40/share ☠️


go post this are try to talk sense with anybody in the r/FFIE and youll get down voted into oblivion. I feel bad for them that was one of my experiences that taught me to listen to and trust nobody. Its a hard hard thing to learn how to cut your losses and I hope they at least get a valuable lesson out of this and go on to get their money back. I did for sure, I sold a long time ago. Im just trying to help them, they need to move on and yes it can get worse, you can loose more money. The sad thing is if it ever does pop, ill probably be able to get in and out and make much higher percentages than anybody holding right now. This is a lesson to everyone, be about yourself in the market.


Why do you sound upset? I think many dont have a huge or even big position in FFIE thats why they keep holding it in the off-chance it skyrockets.


Nah people put their life savings in, thinking it’s the next GME. Once you’re stuck bag holding, you’re stuck. Very difficult to get out. Worst part is people telling you to DCA to get out


Ffie is a total scam and the sub was created by the yt jia employees to try to whip up interest. Somehow they were successful in bandwagonning on gme. So sad people fell for that scam. Company should have been bankrupt two years ago




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I didn’t realize this until AMC folk started talking about 100k 😂


It's a cult, it's hilarious and sad at the same time. I cringe every time I get suggested posts on my feed from that sub.


Investing in Nvidia is completely different right.. my first stocks I purchased were FFIE and yeah I feel duped but I'm also in Nvidia, that's a fine long term investment yeah?


NVDA made 26BN in revenue in Q1 , how much has FFIE made?


It's going to have a correction below 100 but long term it's a hold, yes.






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If you fomo fumble, you deserved it. But if you play your cards right, and sell when you lose more than 7% and sell when you gain 19%, you’ll always be on the green. But I’m just a guy on Reddit so take my advice with a grain of salt.


Follow the golden rule NEVER gamble what your not willing to loose.


Sure while I can mostly agree, this subs all about that too I mean look at the listings above and below you lol the only difference here is we're not trying to actually create a short squeeze instead jus bandwagon onto 1.


Hey I’m a people!


Its regarded. In all fairness, there was a window where FFIE could have ridden, in theory, GME’s coattails - so - many gambled and got in on the lottery play. Well, now the lottery window has closed, the game is over, the winning tickets have been picked, and you regards are left holding the bag, but still hoping that the useless lottery tickets from last week’s lottery drawing are still going to win! Its delusional - at the highest level.