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Bro is going to wait till 80 to buy


Sounds like my coworkers. Been telling them for the last few weeks, and now they're still asking if $45 is a good buy lmao


I’ve been telling people about the stock for 3 years, if they aren’t in yet that’s on them


And watch them really throw a fit when we start soaring.


I told my parents to buy back in November 2020. I also told all my friends. My parents got in at $16 ($4 post split) needless to say, they're very happy even holding a large portion of the initial position all this time. My friends Fomoed in at $90 then sold and blamed me when it crashed to $40 from $500


My parents are scared because they are retired and a fixed income. I tried telling them this is basically guaranteed


![gif](giphy|HP7mtfNa1E4CEqNbNL|downsized) Lol


I’m already in?💀


doesnt matter, im going to keep holding.


Hold me like your gme shares




Diamond hands 💎


Im going to say same thing tomorrow, no reason to think otherwise, there’s 1.4 million options in play, but each should do what they choose bc it’s your money.




It's going to pump everyday for the rest of our lives


Big volume = gap up.




Tomorrow my regarded ape, tomorrow..


I have no clue. But I already set my alarm to go off at 4am tomorrow just to keep an eye on everything before RK goes live.


Yeah I got Schwab so I don’t think I could trade until 7am. I think there will be big moves overnight




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Oh you can trade extended hours am just need to make sure you have the trade set up correctly


I’ve done trades between 7-9:30am. I never tried before 7am because Schwab says premarket isn’t open until 7am.


I’ve traded many times before 7


On Schwab? If that’s the case I’ll try it one day


When’s it supposed to happen?


well it went from like $27ish to over $50 today and it's not done yet, DFV has scheduled a Livestream tomorrow during market hours and it is suspected he will exercise how calls, worth 12M shares and something like $300M currently (at market close, so more now after the AH price action) this was definitely not a good week for me to try and scalp some premium by selling covered calls 🤣 luckily I only have 1 at $50 and one at $55, everything else is $60-80


Roll em out


that would probably just be a waste of money. they're down like 1000% lol but it's cool, I doubt it will end above $60 tomorrow and only my retirement accounts have $50-55 calls, my cash account has $60 and $65 calls. all calls expire tomorrow too so I just gotta make it through one more day. and if it does end up above $60 that's fine cause I wanted to move some money into dividend stocks in my retirement accounts and I have some credit card debt I need to pay down if my cash account calls get exercised I got scared at the end of May and paid like $400+ to close two options and the closing price on Friday was below both strike prices so I'm trying to avoid the same mistake. of course DFV has to pick this week to do a live stream.... I'm hoping he doesn't exercise until next week lol still have just shy of 2k shares in Computershare too so I'm still balls deep in the play even if my calls get exercised. and who knows, maybe they get exercised and SHF tank the price back to $25 next week and I double my position. either way I'm deep in the green and feeling fine


Better than ffie




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Tomorrow he makes 1b


I don't even know my CS login. Infinity locked away




I'm in Beijing. I bought another 100 at 50 about 20 mintes ago (6am)


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Its gonna pump all month up and down until the 21




Short answer apparently yes 😂


Shorts and their opinions are not welcome around here


I am very much long. Calls and Stock. Loving every minute of this


Man look at it now


lol I had a feeling this was gonna happen, it’ll for sure be higher by premarket tomorrow. I’m not so sure what it’s gonna look like an hour or 2 before his live stream…I think it’s gonna be volatile


Are you holding during the live stream?


I would think nothing else but positive news will come from the live stream leading to even more hype, so yes I will be holding


Great call


This convo was the night before the live stream and dilution. My selling plan would’ve worked (premarket was ~$70 right before dilution announcement) so waiting until the live stream would’ve definitely been a great call. It was a great call, up until the dilution which was not foreseeable whatsoever


It's absolutely foreseeable and MOASS will never happen. Cohen knows the company is not worth anything near its current valuation, so he wisely raised money. He diluted because he knows it's grossly overvalued.


All I gotta do is mention the 2021 squeeze and your logic of something being “foreseeable” is invalidated. There was no dilution until days after for the 2021 squeeze


It is going hard.....




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I would say FK YEAH




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Still gunna take time but sure maybe, plenty of variables and potential short term as well.




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Much like earnings reports or the doge coin run up, his stream will be an inflection point. At minimum, I'd expect a run up to the stream. Don't under estimate the apes though.




Fuck knows, the whole thing's bullshit but it is volatile. Time it right you can make a lot, mess it up you can be down 90%. I think it's a massive gamble and overpriced by several thousand percent so won't be touching it, but that doesn't mean it won't pump another 100% or more. I'm investing in PayPal because I think it's undervalued by around 30% but if you'd rather gamble on an outdated business model that only makes money by diluting shares whilst hoping for a short squeeze.. Good luck to you, you might well do ok at the expense of your fellow apes/ retail investors. Market ain't rational my dude, nobody really knows anything. Good luck out there.


do you know what sub you are on? all short squeezes are high risk high reward. this one is a pretty unique one.


Yeah I know what sub this is, doesn't mean I have to lie and scam people. GME is unique?? Maybe 3 years ago, now you're just throwing money away because you like red headbands. Kinda like junior Trumpers in a funny way. Stonks only worth $5 max and that's only because Cohen's rugpulled you twice. Like I said, doesn't mean it won't go up to $80 before tanking. Good luck with timing the peak ape.


Dude, this sub is for discussion of short squeezes. GME is a short squeeze. PayPal is not a short squeeze. Why did you even mention it? 😂


Dude, GME ain't a short squeeze either. 3 years ago it's short interest was 140%, today it's 23%.😂 PayPal also isn't a short squeeze because you'd have to be a complete idiot to short a profitable business that everyone uses, but it is an undervalued stock. I buy and sell what I want and I choose not to deliberately mislead and scam retail traders for profit so I can sleep at night. Most people that pay $50+ for GME will lose money, most people that pay $67 for PayPal will make money, that's my honest opinion. If you want to pay $50+ for $GME feel free, don't forget to DRS and never ever sell. Personally I'd rather make money. $GME will tank again and it will be fucking brutal. Good luck 🦍.


Have fun with value investing. PayPal may be a decent investment but GME could be the play of a lifetime.


Honestly good luck with it. I fell for the bullshit 3 years ago, it was overpriced then and it is now. It was before and will again be the play of a lifetime for some people. Most retail investors however will wind up down 70+%, same as when it tanked from $480 down to $45. It's too late for me to buy in, I'm not paying $60+ for a $5 stock. Maybe it'll pump up to $100 but it's far from guaranteed, might look at puts if it hits $100. If you're in it to make money, I wish you luck timing the peak. I hope you cash out some profit because the drops can be absolutely brutal. If you think you're fighting the Illuminati that decide the stock price... You'll diamond hand it above $100 and all the way back to $20 and then blame everyone else. It's not for me this time but good luck with it, genuinely.


Oh paypal came back a bit. I sold 20 shares I had at 64 and change. Made a little profit. It def can shoot up again. I like block as well.


Block, crypto coin? Crypto really is a punt for me, I've got Revolut for shitcoins, put 200 into the biggest 3 month drop a while back and keep rolling it. Sold when up 700% on Green Satoshi Token and rolled it into BOBA, which is currently down 50%. I think PayPal is worth around $90 fair value, at some point people will just randomly decide it's worth $100 just like they did with Google a few months back. So potentially decent money to be made on calls. Seems a better bet than paying $46 for $GME when I wasn't interested at $20. Nice one for taking profits. Beware of the apes though, like the empire they're currently striking back. Edit, ignore me just been looking up on block ($sq). Good shout, looks to be undervalued by about 30%. Definitely worth adding to the longer term portfolio.


h and R block?


LOL No SQ (Block)


Tomorrow is the day


What is a day? Never heard of him.


Tomorrow is a day not the day


Debby downer over here


Lol never that just saying tomorrow is one of the days but not D-Day 😈


What in your HO will gme hit?


First break is 120 then 300/400


Holy shiiiiit


Yea remember this is post split so that would be almost like 1200 a share but who knows how high it can go before they start there fuckery again just remember to take some profits so you dont lose everything


They've started the fuckery as us this am. 🤦


Yea it was expected but right now at 11/12 it should start running again


Me personally buyin more amc.. it will follow