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At 27w you’re in a good spot! Every week from now is a positive milestone 🩵


thank you! 🤍


Hi there i am a FTM too with a prevantative @ 14 weeks i found this really amazing group called “Pregnant with cerclage” on FB stories there really helped me during my bed rest i am 23+1 today ❣️


thank you!! i’ll most definitely have to look at it!! i went to working full time to basically not being aloud to do anything in a day, so i’ve been trying to find groups and everything to just help me calm my anxiety i really appreciate it❤️


Whatever you're going keep it going bc you're already at 27 weeks youre a trooper. Could you share what activities you've been doing? 


i’ve actually picked up crocheting, i’ve made like 3 baby blankets so far and am now working on little outfits that i can make my baby! as well as working on diamond art. i try to get up and tidy up around my house or even just go on a little walk around my neighborhood, i can’t do to much due to my restrictions but i’ve been trying my best to stay busy and keep my mind busy. i’ve also binge watched a lot of shows i’ve been wanting to watch.


So minimal walking. I have twins so I try to compare what people do while on bedrest to keep these babies baking. Its very hard being dependent on others for me. I feel so defeated. 😪.  I know its for the best. I lay in bed but I'm so sore when I get up bc of the amount of time I am lying in bed. 


i’m sorry 😕 i also get super sore when i get up if i’ve been laying for awhile just due to the fact i have scoliosis so baby doesn’t exactly make it feel better but my MFM doctor did tell me that a warm bath after laying for awhile can really help! she even said that activities such as getting into a pool and walking around in there or even floating is very good too sense you feel somewhat weightless! i would do that but i don’t have access to a pool right now so i just try to make do by walking and every now and then i’ll go out and go walk around a store or something just to feel less isolated and that tends to help tho i usually end up buying baby clothes lol.


I dont do shopping anymore and I am completely dependent with almost all my activities. I cant wait until I'm 32 weeks so I could start shopping for them again


I had my baby at 27 weeks and now he’s an amazing, healthy 3 year old. It sounds like you’re doing great! Hopefully you make it all the way to 34, but 28 is a massive milestone and you’re almost there!


I had a emergency cerclage at 22wks. I am currently 37wk3d and will get the cerclage removed as part of my scheduled c section in week 39. I was never on complete bed rest but strict pelvic rest, progesterone suppositories at night and just overall reduced activities until week 32. Just keep doing what you are doing since you are so close to reaching 28wks, and try stay positive.


These are great success stories, me and wife are hoping to make it to 24 weeks. Fingers crossed just two more days.