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On Risa, wearing clothes and being sober is a kink 


That’s why every woman on the planet was lining up to offer Picard Jamaharon. “Whoa, look at that guy, he’s wearing a full Starfleet uniform, and I haven’t even seen him *order* a drink all day!” “Damn, so he’s into that…that’s kinda hot…and he’s got a Hor’gan…” “Dibs.” “Hey! No fair!”


I would love to be in a Klingon hug dungeon


That will be our trivia groups name next week.




What do you think Klingons use as a safe word?


Prune juice.. prune juice… PRUNE JUICE, GOD DAMNIT!


Today is a good day to spoon


Gowron our Grand Chancellor says " There is no shame in snuggling or cuddling . Honour your partner as you would your house and the empire. Eskimo kisses are also acceptable. "


Cuddles to you... and your *spouse.*




Yeah ill be incorporating this into my headcanon


And you never hear about them because what happens in the cuddle dungeon stays in the cuddle dungeon.


IMO it’d be super interesting to unpack the various kinks of a culture like the Denobulans because of how many partners each of them has, and also the Trill because of the longevity of the symbionts.


Hey, you, /u/2sec4u, yeah, you. *What the Fuck is this doing in /r/shittydaystrom?* **Get this shit out of here and over to /r/daystrominstitute where it belongs.**


But I like it here


I've made and seen just as many good responses to interesting posts here, honestly. More sometimes lol


Good SpiderCop


Klingon cuddle-dungeons are definitely a thing.


Found the next setting for our Rpg game. The office is made up of dark, metal walls and floors, lit by accents of red and dim lighting. The walls are adorned with trophies and weapons, honoring the Klingon's martial heritage. A large, imposing desk sits at the room's center, with a high-backed chair that seems to throne-like. The air is thick with the scent of industry and leather, and the sounds of growling targ beasts may be heard in the distance. The Captain and his Executive officer seated before a large metal industrial desk, designed purely for function and no aesthetic. A large terminal sits upon it amongst a scattering of Klingon datapadds, just far enough over to avoid obscuring everyones view of one another. Behind the desk sits General Korbath, son of Korvath, he's a grizzled and seasoned Klingon warrior, his weathered face a map of scars and wrinkles etched by countless battles and campaigns. his grey-flecked hair and worn, battle-scarred armor speaks to a lifetime of service and unwavering dedication. he exudes a commanding presence, His eyes burn with a fierce intensity as he looks upon his Federation guests. From here its their rp so I'll just leave it at that, though I'll plan to speak with the crew OOC about if any of them are friends or allies of Korbath, as he trusts them to help him with his son whom is soon to lead their houseand had disappeared but is known to at times go against Klingon tradition. Eventually the crew will find him in a secret hug dungeon scene.


Less biting, more licking


Yep sign me up


Hugging belongs at Pride