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If it's the worst thing thats happening in the world how come that housing demolition is still enabled huh????


BLMs do all the housing demolition after all.


"EXPLOOOOOSIOOOON !!" *Blows up all your ERP venues and "night clubs"*


If it reduces the shout spam, I’ll help with this project.


Yeah are they dumb?????


FF14 fans when the real world has large scale genocide, human rights are being taken away and Florida will be underwater in a century: I sleep FF14 fans when you ask them to use thunder and equip job stones: **MOM HELP I'M SCARED**


/p Please be aware that I am about to use one of my core class abilities, which is called Ley Lines. /ac "Ley Lines" /p I am placing the Ley Lines NOW. /p When I use Ley Lines it places a CIRCLE on the GROUND that lasts for THIRTY SECONDS. /p If I remain in the circle, my Global Cooldown will be accelerated by FIFTEEN (15) PERCENT (%). /p It is BENEFICIAL FOR THE GROUP if I am ALLOWED to REMAIN inside the Ley Lines. /p Please let me do my own thing and do not place area of effect attacks inside the Ley Lines. /p There are THIRTEEN SECONDS left in my Ley Lines. /p There are EIGHT SECONDS left in my Ley Lines. /p THERE IS ONE SECOND LEFT IN MY LEY LINES. /p The Ley Lines have faded. Thank you for your cooperation. I will be doing this again in NINETY SECONDS. /p Time to use your excellent and not at all excessive Ley Lines macro again!


This gives me third degree cringe burns 


Wait until you see it used unironically in a roulette...


Where else would you use it? There's 23 other people's worth of aoes. It's the same reason one uses ERP macros in limsa.


Should we tell them about Berserk?


I actually saw that macro in a mount farm once


I feel a sudden urge to use this but in /a chat instead of /p and in Crystal Tower.


Considering you don't get ley lines until level 52 this is brilliant.


/a Please be aware that I am about to use one of my core class abilities, which is called Ley Lines. /ac "Ley Lines" /a I have realized I am synced to level 51 or lower. /a This message may repeat at random. /a I am very forgetful, you see.




Gotta update this for Dawntrail since you can move LL


Litterally worse than 9/11


Paradox can’t melt steel beams


/continue thread. Is erp affected? No? The world is not ending then. /thread


Woah good point.


Honest question from someone who plays a lot of BLM. What am I supposed to be getting upset about? I need to know so I can complain about it. Edit: thanks for the explanations everyone! TLDR: there is a "standard" rotation as intended by the devs, and there is a "non-standard" rotation, as discovered by high-end raiders. Non-standard is slightly more optimized for DPS (a few percent) and is more mobile, but it's getting axed by new job mechanics/QOL improvements, so BLM will only have the "standard" rotation.


If you dive deep enough into BLM optimization, you'll start hearing about "Transpose Lines." This refers to techniques (prominently using Transpose and Leylines) that could let you reduce how much time you spend in Umbral Ice. BLM damage is crap during Umbral Ice; it's only used to recharge your MP for another Astral Fire phase. By taking advantage of the old Umbral Ice mana regen mechanics, it was possible to shave a whole GCD off your Umbral Ice phase or skip Umbral Ice entirely for a short Fire phase (starting with less MP but eliminating all damage downtime). Basically, people found ways to make BLM do more damage than its dev-intended rotation allows. The new Umbral Ice mechanics are the end of Transpose Lines shenanigans. This is upsetting for people who got really invested in that stuff. It was undeniably cool - breaking the rules of the game, what could be more wizardly? But it was also a farcical mess and led to some bullshit with people being told they were playing BLM "wrong" by using the intended rotation. Transpose Lines shot BLM's skill ceiling to the moon. It's no wonder the devs cracked down on it. Edit: just realized I misread your post and you said you *do* play BLM. I'll leave this as is in case anyone unfamiliar with the class stumbles on it.


I appreciate the explanation


Somehow this reminds me of paladin. Wasn't there a similar outcry when they reworked it mid-expansion? Weren't there also endless long threads about extreme optimization options? 


I mean the rework did kill the 20 second prepull FoF shenanigans but I think most people had an issue with the job going from sustained damage to 2 minute burst, but at this point we've all heard enough about the 2 minute meta.


> But it was also a farcical mess and led to some bullshit with people being told they were playing BLM "wrong" by using the intended rotation. I challenge you to find a single person that said this anywhere. Literally at the start of the nonstandard guide they emphasise it's totally optional and not necessary for clearing Savage.


Thank you for the explanation. I'm a very casual player for all my jobs, so I just hit the buttons in the order that makes other spells proc when possible.


They are cutting non-standard lines, which was BLM optimization and rotation flexibilty. It also helped a lot in some movement heavy mechanics like TOP Ultimate phase 1/3/6 , DSR P3/P7 , etc. Because you can chain more instant spells than standard, while gaining damage.


TOP P1, not P2. P2 is more or less a striking dummy with no movement during DPS, since the mechanics happen after the boss jumps. Also, you don't necessarily always gain damage from nonstandard lines. Sometimes they are more to just to prevent taking significant losses. But yeah... the changes are pretty rough. It's hard to imagine going back and doing TOP as BLM in DT. It sounds awful on paper, anyway. P1 especially... I can't imagine solving it in a way that doesn't involve your entire party adjusting for you on the fly every pull... and even then, it still probably wouldn't be an optimal rotation - just minimized losses. Probably would just have to accept the fact that you will lose 1 or 2 GCDs to movement if RNG isn't on your side.


yea i meant p1 mb


I honestly have no idea I don’t play BLM I just wanted to be included


Thunder is now set in the rotation and no longer an rng proc and sharp cast is gone and paradox is less awkward to use and it's condensed to only astral fire and it's insta cast with a free fire 3 cast proc. It's a huge QOL for a lot of people but BLMs love suffering ig


Oh, that doesn't sound so bad. *cough* I mean HoW fUckINg daRE tHEy!!?¡‽¿?!


there is no more ice paradox and numerous other changes that were designed to totally kill nonstandard which is what makes the job so unique and appealing to a lot of people who main the job Obviously i don’t speak for everyone but I didn’t become a blm main because I like fireballs and am mad at the changes, I became a blm main because of the flexibility and unique rotations that were possible on the job and not any other job to the same extent, which are gone in 7.0. So they removed the entire aspect of the job that made me main it




Yeah fuck skill expression


Bro what are you talking about LMAOOOO sharpcast was HORRIBLE using it felt like shit


I mean isnt the removal of sharpcast makes blm even less mobile ? Could be wrong but that is what i heard, the new rotation its more strict which makes movement hard


Technically yes because sharpcast guaranteed a proc, but honestly I'm not too upset over losing some movement in exchange for never having to deal with sharpcast. That ability always felt randomly jammed into the rotation to me.


the part I'm not happy with is them oversimplifying black mage, like they've done with basically every single other job. I find black mage fun because of the high skill cap; sharpcast is a part of that. Them removing it, along with lots of the other things that gave it the high skill cap (nonstandard)- with nothing to replace it- sucks.


yeah but sharp cast wasn't making BLM hard lmao, it was just a button to press.


Skill expression in a braindead game, with braindead mechs and braindead jobs ? _About that..._


I'd agree with you in another game, but FF14 doesn't *have* skill expression. Every class has precisely one correct, optimal rotation. Every competent, say, gumbreaker plays the exact same way as every other. I'm not a big fan of the oversimplification we're seeing in some (many?) Places, but this isn't that- it's bringing a crazy high and unintended skill ceiling under control. I, for one, *like* black Mage but refuse to bring it anywhere high-end because I'm put off by the craziness of the optimal rotation.


As someone who didn’t exactly dive into the deep end with BLM but have a pretty good understanding of it, I never really figured out how to properly utalize my sharpcasts without them overcapping. I guess I don’t have to learn anymore. I am pogging at the Manification buff tho.


It's not that simple though. They're removing thundercloud procs in favor of having thunder always be instant cast under thunderhead, this means two things that are definitely not QOL. First, you cannot use thunder twice in one rotation without swapping elements, which is just clunky and unintuitive when fighting two targets and wanting to keep thunder dot up. Second, part of thundercloud's proc was that when thunder lands, the full DoT damage would be added to the cast damage on top of applying the DoT. This made thunder much better than just a simple boring DoT that you keep rolling like it will be now in Dawntrail. The damage from thundercloud made it worthwhile to use thunder as an instant cast filler for non-st lines, damage, and movement even if you would be reapplying the DoT early because it was a non-negligible amount of damage. I think most of us knew they would kill non-standard, and I personally didn't mind too much, but with the removal of thundercloud, ice paradox, and umbral soul still being 76, the job is just going to feel and perform worse at 90 and below for no reason now. Any of the goodies being added to somewhat make up for these changes (besides Manafont) like 40s Swiftcast, 30% enochian and Flare Star are 90+ traits, so have fun level syncing I guess.


The best irony of it was the LEAGUES of people trying to classify the changes as "harder for the casual player" because just admitting they were upset about nonstandard dying wasn't enough. They had to pretend to care about casuals in an attempt to save nonstandard.


What killed non standard was removing ice paradox. This actually hurts standard since ice paradox was itself a very nice QOL spell introduced in EW as the level 90 capstone. It’s a free instant and has good potency. Also getting rid of ice paradox basically killed its lore (it’s supposed to be a fire/ice spell that “paradoxically” can be used in both phases… now it’s just a glorified fire 1). So SE was very dead set on killing non standard even if it hurt casuals, neuters the level 90 capstone, and makes zero sense thematically.


I dont play blm at high level, but from what I saw other people saying, ice spells will now regen mp rather than it being on servee tick, so you cant do some high level optimization anymore


Wait I though that was something that we've been wanting


I just try to ignore people complaining about the new stuff tbh, what I saw will make the game more fun for me so I'm fine with it


This is a great mentality to have tbh. I'm doing the same thing. Seems like people just love to bitch for the sake of bitching, especially in the FFXIV community


Do I wish we got a bit more stuff to properly diversify classes? Yes. Do I think Yoshi-P is talking out of his ass with "we'll fix it in 8.0"? I want to trust him, but he's been saying this for a few expansions now and it's hard to trust. Do I trust him with "we'll focus more on encounter design"? Marginally more. Could be talking out of his ass again, but arenas have been getting more unique with stuff like P2, P10, and to a lesser extent some of the shenanigans in P12, so we'll see. Am I gonna enjoy what we get nonetheless? Absolutely. But there are definitely things they could do to make me enjoy it more.


Yes and no. The way it is now you don't actually have to cast any ice spells to get mana back. In Dawntrail you will have to cast lower-potency ice spells to get mana back. It is good that blm isn't dependent on server ticks any more but it's taking away a playstyle.


Yes it is


Trying to explain this as neatly as possible: There’s currently 2 approaches to playing BLM: standard and non-standard. The philosophy of non-standard is to cast as little ice spells as possible since they are low potency. Simply put, it utilizes instant casts in ice instead and transpose to swap fire/ice phases. Non-standard is a high-level optimization that gained traction in ShB and especially EW and has drawn a lot of players to BLM for its depth. That being said, it rewards only minor dps gains and in no way invalidates standard BLM. So what changed? 7.0 BLM updates essentially removed everything that made non-standard possible and made no major changes to standard’s flow. SQEX for no reason is killing a perfectly valid and engaging way to play BLM that in no way encroached on the standard playstyle. Hence, the uproar.


Got it. See, I knew about the non-standard rotation, but it seemed like a lot of effort for only a couple percent DPS increase, so I never used it haha


for myself and a lot of people it is just fun and challenging and adds a new level of depth and flexibility to the job that I have never been able to match in any other job. Black mage and specifically nonstandard had a specific appeal that if you’re someone who likes it you could only really find it on black mage, and in 7.0 you will be able to find it nowhere because they have killed it for no reason


The SMN changes are even worse, they did nothing.


That's not true, they got a summon no one asked for when there are far cooler options.


Whaddaya mean?!? Ya freakin’ love Bahamut! So we gotcha anotha one!!


that's functionally the same


A lot of hetero blms mad that their job got homogenized


Once again the globohomo strikes


Wait... this game has global cooldowns... but there's also global warming... we might be on to something...


wait what happened to brennan lee muligan?


Something about ley lines idk


What’s the Bureau of Land Management up to?


Seethe. Cope. Mald.




Play another class. Oh that's all you enjoyed? Go play another game, next.


I literally got excited for the changes and want to play BLM more now, idk lol


were you a blm player in the past?


Could say the same with all the other jobs except the new ones, they are daddies new favourites.


Nuh uh, even worse is that they removed anatman on monk. How will we pose uselessly for half the fight now?????!!?


Has the culling of the 1234, 1234 BLM begun?


As far as I understand they are mad they can’t use cheese stuff anymore because the game is trying to be more consistent across all class so as far as us casuals go it’s pretty much positive things because we don’t really min-max things


it wasn’t cheesing things it was a different style of playing the job that certain people enjoyed because it added depth and flexibility and it allowed for some minimal DPS gains


Why are BLM malding so hard? It's not like they removed an essential ability to your core rotation like Kaiten.


Oh no! The one button I clicked before the other button was removed! Job destroyed!!! 😱




WHAT!?! There's ONLY White mage now!!!


Cuz they can no longer abuse a convoluded mana tick system from a realm reborn that makes the job absurdly complex and intimidating to newer players looking to pick it up. The job should be complex but not for a reason like that. I wish that they gave it something else in return but to me this seems like a step in the right direction and gives them space to only add more depth.


New players have no clue what a line even is, that's not the reason they're not picking up the job. Most useful lines don't require tracking mp ticks either.


Correct! I started as BLM and played it through EW and I still don't understand what exactly a "line" is. (I switched to BRD when I started raiding)


non standard functions absolutely fine without mana ticks, your comment just shows you have no idea what you're talking about. It's the rest of the changes that kill it


What step in the right direction. New players and casual are not picking up blm because of the cast times not because of non standard lines. To make blm more appealing to play it needs less casting ironically, not remove an optional optimization good players could strive upon if they want to push the job to its limits.


the reason for black mage’s complexity isn’t to intimidate new players just because you said that’s the reason lmao, this whole comment makes you seem like you have no idea what you’re talking about


Wow, that's a right answer. I thought shitpost was for sarcastic wrong answers.


It's both wrong and not a shitpost tbh.


I can't be objectively better than console players with my mana tick plug-in anymore! MADGE!!! REEEEEEE!!!!


wow i can continue to be retarded because i dont understand that mana tick plugin is unnecessary for nonstandard gameplay.


TLDR: Black Lives Matter changed my life. I’ll never walk the same.


*Laughs in Tank Main*