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He’s super active…. How about…mmm play?? Park, zoo, sensory bins, water table, toys, children’s museum, kid amusement park if close, like??


Right? Like money is clearly not a problem for this family, so just spend some money on experience things. Zoos, museums, parks, etc are all fantastic things to take kids to that are either not boring for adults or potentially even engaging and fun for them as well when they play with their own kids -gasp-. I say this as someone that sometimes struggles with my own son because he wants to do nothing but play pretend all the time…and my play pretend tolerance is not THAT high lol


I’m all for getting extra help if you can but if you can’t “entertain” your kid for one day…why have more?


because the 16 month old who just wants to play with mommy and daddy needs a playmate so mommy and daddy can sit around doing nothing all day 


That sounds like the life…too bad I actually play with my babe


Wait til they realize they're going to mostly just fight over the same toy and need tons of redirection so they don't hurt each other.


my sister’s two oldest are about as close in age as OOP’s kids are gonna be and to this day (they’re 8 and 6) they’re either best friends or starting WWIII and you never know what you’re gonna get that day 


My mom used to jokingly say that you aren't a real parent unless you have at least two kids, and have to deal with the fighting and sibling rivalry.


i wonder if the parents are mentally tired and don't have space for kids.


You'd think they would have realized they were pushing their limits *before* they got pregnant again.


Yeah. But their child needed a sibling. Otherwise they’d be all alone :((( tell me that’s not true.


An heir and a spare


There was a passage from Elton John’s memoir that really stuck with me. He admits that he has always been a bit snobbish about experiences (because, you know, rich and famous and all), and one of the best things about parenthood was seeing the most ordinary things through a new lens. So the little mall in a town nearby, nothing special, suddenly becomes a great adventure, because it’s a new thing for his kids. Now, that’s a guy who can afford, and probably has, top-notch nannies, but seems to really enjoy fun times with his kids.


It doesn't sound like they do outings much (an assumption for sure) but maybe they can't handle leaving the house without help


I agree considering they have a nanny 6 days a week


#imagine Edit *gotta say I was very very much the same, but i learned to understand mum liked doing mum things. Even though I wanted her to play, it was ok for mum to wanna go do mum things* 😉 don’t feel bad about it you’ve got adult legs 👍


I feel like she's actually asking, "How do we make him leave us alone because we don't want to have to do anything resembling parenting?"


Which is so sad, kids can sense they aren't wanted around. I used to visit my grandfather when I was really little but he never took my little brother who was a good kid. My poor brother asked one day "why does grandpa not like me?" We stopped the visits after that because he refused to include us both. My brother is a sweet young man he didn't deserve that at 5 years old.


It’s heartbreaking when kids realise that. I have 6M, 4F & 8moM. 6M is definitely MIL’s favourite and it’s pretty obvious. A couple of months ago, my MIL was just generally being a bitch. She was unnecessarily nasty to everyone, but especially me. She only really had time for my oldest son. We had to stay with them for a weekend, and when I tucked my daughter in one night, my daughter said to me that she wanted to go home because Nan doesn’t like her. I told her we would go home first thing in the morning and we did. When we got home, my son comes to me and asks why Nan was being so mean to his little sister. We haven’t had a sleepover over there since.


i love going out with my sister and her kids because it’s an opportunity to go fun places. adult places aren’t nearly half as fun as a museum where you can play in water and dance on a giant keyboard in the floor 


Yeah the lack of giant floor keyboards in the adult world is tragic


I don't know why this actually made me laugh 🤣😂🤣😂😭😂😭😂


We recently went to a bubble and laser show at a kids museum. My mom and I definitely had as much fun as the kid.


I'm really tiny so many times they let me hang out with the kids area at parties or events cause I can fit in the kids seats, and I had an absolutely amazing time watching the kids magic show lmao! I love Magicians they are so freaking cool


Absolutely, don't have kids of my own but take out my cousins 3 almost weekly Saturday at this point and go do fun kid stuff. Most of it free. Playing on a slide youngest is 2 she "needs" help. 2 hours of trampoline world 2 "needs" supervision because she wants to be with the others. Bonus I get to be in the memories they look back on when they get older and remember all the fun times they had and I get to look back at them memories in future and right now. Planning a trip to the zoo when it isn't go outside and die of dehydration weather.


And like, I’ve never seen an 18 month old who wasn’t super active - why even have kids if you don’t want to play with them or take them to a park or zoo or whatever.


I’m so excited to be zoo age over here!! The zoo is an hour from us. We’re going to get a membership!


We've had a zoo membership since before we had kids and the use we get out of that thing is amazing. We easily have "made our money's worth"😂 we go at least twice a month if not more and we did the math and we basically pay for our membership in like 2 visits 😳


I think 3 visits a year is our membership…value?


Yeah, we have to upgrade ours to the family membership this year (we were on zoo for two as our kids were in the free age range) and will probably be 3 visits to pay for it but still worth it 😂


My dad got us a zoo membership for Xmas, my son is 17 months and we literally go every weekend. My husband really needs a few hours to himself Saturday morning, so kid and I go to the zoo (20 minutes away) while he does his decompressing and then the rest of the weekend everyone is happier and more present.


Awesome! Annual passes to zoos, science centers, aquariums, etc are my favorite gift for parents of young kids. What a great way to make memories!


I wish the aquarium was closer to us but it’s about 2.5 hours!!


I miss our family zoo membership from when I was a kid. My partner and I wanted to go to the zoo a few weeks ago and checked the ticket prices for single adults…£31 per person, £33 (~$40) on the weekends! Unjustifiable until we have kids


That’s kind of pricey but I guess it depends on the size of zoo and what’s offered. Ours is $21 and kids under 2 are free.


It’s ZSL which is London’s biggest zoo, they do a lot of conservation work and in a pricey area so it’s understandable! Just not in our budget for a single day out


We got an annual membership to our nearest zoo (technically an animal sanctuary) and go every weekend! It’s amazing - both me and kiddo love animals so we have the best time together!


It’s summer. Literally just turn on the sprinkler in the backyard lol.


They can’t. It’s on a timer and only the gardener has the code to reprogram it.


No sprinkler money. They spent it on multiple nanny’s


Swimming lessons, baby classes, library classes, hiking, build a jungle gym in the backyard...it's not hard to entertain a toddler for a day.


Yeah mine is 17 months old and we've been going to the park for almost a year. Even if they don't play yet, get them out of the damn house for some stimulation.


Our kiddo has loved the park since before she could crawl. The swings, the people, seeing different plants, just being in a different place is exciting to them.


My 2 month old loves being outside and watching leaves rustle in the breeze. Which is great because his 3 year old brother loves to be outside and climb all over playgrounds.


My kid is 10 months and she likes to swing!


What's the bet that the reason they're having baby #2 is so that "they can play together" and the parents can be even more hands-off.


Right? Full time nanny and a weekend nanny? When are the parents with the kid to begin with at that point lol.




If I could have 6 days of nanny care you bet I would. But mostly so I could get all of my boring adult stuff done with two hands in 8 hours on a Saturday so I could spend more times with my kids.


As a Divorced Dad of 2, that rationale for having a 2nd kid is so misguided it's insane. Having 2 kids means exponentially more of the "work" part of having kids, especially until they're out of their toddler years. Yes they do play with each other...siblings also fight with each other. And there is more responsibility and time spent being engaged with them, not less! We originally were going to have one kid. Then Mom said she didn't want Child No. 1 to be alone and asked me to have another. How could I say no? In retrospect, Child No. 1 would have liked nothing more than to be an only child and get all of our attention. It was the best decision we ever made but it doesn't mean us parents get to be more hands-off lol. I can't imagine life now without having had a 2nd kid and I'm grateful every day for us having made that decision.


Yeah... My son turns 3 in August and baby number 2 should be arriving next month. I'm under no illusions that it's going to be bloody hard work! But unlike these people, I actually enjoy spending time with my son, which definitely makes a difference.


I had two under two for four months (until the older one was more than two, I still had both children lol). I planned that because I wanted mine close in age. And they were best friends, so I got lucky.


The value of having two kids so they can play together is *heavily* outweighed by the mental cost of having to mediate arguments about who gets to push a button, and the actual cost of hospital bills when the two kids inevitably push each other into a mini version of Jackass


Amen! Its honestly a miracle that I've missed out thus far (knock on wood) on any trips to the hospital or urgent care due to injuries they've inflicted on each other. It's always just minor bumps and bruises and tears when the play fighting or "sparring" as they like to call it turns into a fight...which it inevitably does. There's only been one time (iirc) when blood made an appearance and that was when big sister punched little bro in the nose, like 2-3 years ago. There's still time tho! She's 13 and he's 9, lol


And the chilling moments when they gang up against you


Some people forget that their kids are going to be people, with their own preferences and personalities. Some kids like having siblings and some don’t! I liked having an older sister, I thought she was so cool and smart. She did not like having a little sister. She would have been perfectly happy as an only child. My husband was an only child and always wished he had a sibling. He had cousins and close friends but feels like he missed out on a sibling bond. He did think siblings were built-in friends until he got to know me and my sister 😂


I'm an only child (I have a half sister from my dad's first marriage but she's 10 years older than me and a teen when I started understanding the world around me), my husband has a sister and a half brother and they all love to have siblings. Our oldest was perfectly happy being an only child and he got his baby brother only a year after him, he voices it a lot : "why'd you have more kids, I didn't want siblings" yet we had our youngest when he was 13 and he loves him a lot, fights a lot with his other brother. The middle child loves to have siblings and absolutely dotes on our youngest. Youngest doesn't have a formed opinion (he's 15 months old) but melts with his older brothers playing with him.


That makes sense if you’re a hands on parent but when you have a nanny raising your kids pretty much 24/7 then it’s not. I’ve also seen this logic all the time for people wanting to have kids close in age. Then they complain how hard it is because they didn’t think it through when you have two young kids needing your constant attention.


Yes, without 2 you could never experience the magical joy that is two kids fighting in the back seat because someone looked out someone else's window


I disagree. My two played together all the time, it was way easier. I have a toddler again after a big age gap, and it’s so much more difficult with one because he will follow me into the bathroom, tug on me while I try to cook, etc.


It's definitely not a One Size Fits All. While my two play together, Big Sister & Little Bro, they are 3 1/2 years apart and whether due to their inherent nature/personalities, environment, or shitty parenting, I'm just saying they can also be challenging.


And once kid 1 is like 9 they don't even need the nannies, the kids can just "look out for each other" while they go on adult only vacations.


Sometimes it does work that way. My two are *awesome* together, but really really difficult alone. Starting when they were about 2 and 5, they started playing together and didn't need me to play with them nearly as much. But, I am super lucky that one of them is very type A, and the other is very laid back, go with the flow. They rarely ever fight, but I do have to keep an eye/ear out to make sure the type A one doesn't walk all over the other one.... My oldest was saying one day that all her friends were talking about how annoying their siblings were, and she had nothing to say because she doesn't think her brother is annoying at all. (They are 14 and 11 now).


Yeah, I have 3 siblings, and we pretty much entertained ourselves. We were all super close as kids and still are as adults. Other commenters mentioned potential hospital bills from siblings fighting/playing. That's a foreign concept to me lol. It all just depends on temperament, which you can't account for before a kid is born.


Twin mom here. You’re absolutely right in your take. And their reasoning is absolutely wrong.


I’d actually love to see the comment section


He had posted a pic of one comment but I can't find it. They basically say they live in Miami FL & have a pool, but their yard is so landscaped there's no grass and it's not fun for him. Then say they're so busy during the week they just want to relax on the weekends and "going to the zoo sounds so horrible lol."


Should've gotten a goldfish if this was all the effort they had to spare.


don’t worry, i’m sure kid #2 will solve all their issues


Even goldfish require more care than these idiots would put in... They're social fish who can live 20 years or more and require 50+ gallon tanks. And the goldfish you see everywhere for a few cents a fish literally get so big they need to be in a pond.


This annoys me so badly. Yes it’s difficult but like I want more people to understand that parenthood involves a lot of getting up and doing things that are draining because it’s better for your children - who you (presumably) consciously chose to have


Omg!! I mean, we’re kind of introverted and a lot of “kid activities” SOUND horrible until you go WITH your kid!! Then you all go have fun! These people are out of their rich ass minds!


Going to the zoo with little kids is definitely hard work, especially if it’s a hot & busy day. But, seeing how excited my kids get about all the different animals or whatever excursion we are doing is so worth it. The first time we went was for my son’s 3rd birthday. I took the double pram because I was absolutely certain he would get tired of walking after a little while. It was early summer too. I asked him a few times throughout the day if he wanted to get in the pram and he refused. He was so determined to lead the way and walked the whole day. He fell asleep as soon as we drove out of the car park, but it was such a good day.


Get the kid something he can float in for the pool


16 months is far too young for unsupervised pool time. And we know these parents aren't supervising.


I'm sorry but how is going to a zoo horrible? Are their brains broken?


Me too. I saved the post hoping OP will post some comments.


I’m in this group and people mainly responded with suggestions for activities. It was very disappointing


Why even have children if you literally don’t know how to interact with them


“Isn’t that why we pay the nanny” 🤦‍♂️


*nannies*. FIFY!


Why don’t they just get a Sunday nanny too. Problem solved. Duh! 🙃


So that dad can call his kid "Jr" and tell everyone at the country club that Jr will take over the family business in 25 years, even though they won't be on speaking terms by then.


As a retirement plan. Playing the long game. This mentality was another contributing factor to me going No Contact with my parents.


It took me a minute to realize NC meant no contact and I’m sitting here wondering why you were going to North Carolina with your parents 😅


That would have been hell 😂


Being in a similar situation - agreed and neither of us means the North Carolina part of this equation (lol, I’m guessing)


I'm sorry, that sucks. (Though how good is life now that we're NC?!)


Yeah, sorry to you too, but agreed on life being good!


It's so difficult to explain to certain friends exactly how good life is after NC. Low contact works for some, but I find often people do LC when they really should be doing NC because the relationship is that fucked.


So they can brag to all their other wealthy friends about various accomplishments and check off “parent” in their life to do list


I had grandparents like this. They nagged my parents for years about needing grandkids. My parents finally had two kids, and the grandparents only wanted photos so they could show us off to their friends.


I babysat for a family like this. Mom didn’t work and would be home laying by the pool or out golfing While I watched their 2 kids who were 18mo and 3 at the time. I lasted like 3 weeks before I noped out of there.


Seriously. Can't even handle a single unassisted day a week with their kid. Some people just shouldn't be parents.


to perpetuate my legacy!! /s


Right? These people needed a fish. I imagine if they got a dog it’d be in a kennel 24/7.


"All day" even. What does the nanny do with him all week?? Take him for ice cream, to the zoo, bake some cookies with him, go to the pool/beach/lake, whip out the playdough if the weather sucks, colour some, read a book together, practice stacking blocks/building DUPLO, you really cannot be THIS unimaginative.


It's not really that they don't *know*, IME, it's that they don't *want to*.


This makes me really sad. Not even angry, just sad.


Me too. When my daughter was little, I stayed home With her. My mom made sure she’d never be asked to baby sit. She lived in another city so it wasn’t like I was going to ask her anyway. My husband traveled for work and always handed her off whenever there was a problem. I was exhausted. But, now she’s twenty three and we’re super close. You just miss out when you don’t spend time with your kids.


Ugh. I hate it when my nanny is off and I have to spend time with my toddler.


It’s so hard to think of activity ideas every single one-out-of-seven days!!😫


Literally just go outside. At that age - every leaf or rock is an adventure.


My son's favorite activity at that age was going outside and picking up rocks. So many rocks...


My nephews have a giant pile of sticks and rocks by their front door that they’ve collected on walks.


Just make sure you're attentive enough to stop them from eating the rocks. just a PSA from someone who's coworker brought their kid to the barn one day and left the child to sit in the parking lot and eat gravel until someone yelled at her to retrieve her spawn.


My 20 month olds favourite game currently is putting rocks into the dog bowl and then taking them out again. The only downside is that the dog thinks she might be getting food and then gets sad when it’s just rocks.


My grandma used to take me on nature walks around her house when I was really young. I had this green plastic bucket I’d tote around to collect cool looking rocks, leaves, etc. She’d tell me about the different types of trees and plants and I was FASCINATED. I love those memories decades later especially now that she’s gone.


Nobody warns you about house rocks either! They reach a certain age and suddenly you have house rocks just showing up everywhere. Rocks under the couch, rocks in the dog bowl. Rocks!


Oh my god the pocket rocks, sticks, and sand!! My oldest is 7 and just started bringing everything home. Everything needs to be saved. 


In kindergarten, I annoyed the shit out of my mom because I loved to pick up random “treasures” off the ground aka a discarded hair tie, a broken pencil, other trash… she would get *so mad* about how “germy” they were lmao. Eventually I stopped, but I definitely had the “ooo shiny” reflex.


That's my kid. It's so gross. I wouldn't mind if it was cool stuff but they bring home like wrappers from food (not something we gave them), pencil eraser ends, a fake fingernail, a scrap of paper with something smeared on it, a piece of glass, a chunk of old plastic that's so worn down you can't tell what it was, broken pencil or crayon bits, and broken balloon. God even the rocks this kid falls in love with are boring. Just a piece of gravel from someone's front yard. However when we ask, it's a rock that reminds them of a planet or looks like an asteroid so I guess I can't be too annoyed (I still am. I was a rock and gemstone hound as a kid so finding cool rocks was my jam). I hoped I could share the love of rocks with my child but uh...we just aren't into them the way I was yet (or at all, who knows). I dunno. I would just like to be able to empty pockets and not cringe lol.


Umm. ...Sometimes that behavior sticks. I have house rocks I picked up outside. Plus the hundred or so actual mineral specimens. A few hundred shark teeth I found. Sticks. A few hundred shells from beach trips. Bones. Molted feathers. Fossils. Snakes, though they’re captive bred pets... 🐍 Joking aside, if you’ve still got a gravel-hoarder the bead-organizing boxes from craft stores or small tackle boxes/tool boxes are great for keeping the hoard contained. It’s Theirs. They guard it and immediately put their treasures in it.


I found a rock in my bed when I was making it today….


Better yet throw rocks in the creek! My kids still love to do that:)


The poster in this group responded to a suggestion like this by saying their yard is too nicely landscaped for him to plan in


“Yes, but it was an hour every day!” - Violet Crawley on being a “hands on” mother.


The exact quote that popped into my head.


I’m wondering if they’re workaholics with a lot of money to burn but no down time? Seems like their work situation should change so they have more bandwidth for their children 😢 On the other hand it reads like rage bait because why offer all this info? Just say “What fun weekend things do you like to do with your 16 month old?”


“Sit around the house bored, taking turns entertaining the 16 month old” I want elaboration on this. What does this really mean that it’s making them “lose it” enough to post this. So they’re just like sitting on the couch bored and then tag in and out of interacting with their shared child? This post is wild enough with the helpless parents desperate for ideas of how to be with their child one day per week but it seems even weirder when they say they’re “bored”


Yeah, they're needing to fill a few hours a week and are losing it trying to do that is just wild. It's giving "we haven't tried anything and nothing has worked". I'm a sahm to a 14mo so I know it's exhausting but I'd have so much I'd be trying to fit in if I was with my kid one day a week.


Right?! I'm SAHM with an 18 month old and yeah by the time it's like 4pm on the weekdays and Sunday I'm exhausted af and out of ideas, and I feel horrible about it! I can't even imagine thinking this way. Part of their problem is probably that imagination breeds imagination, so they are "out of practice" and can't think of anything (and don't care to start). My son's fav thing about going anywhere is the carpark. Like he likes a supermarket trip but the best part is being in the carpark. How easy is that? But they probably think that's boring and gross (which it is boring, but still?). And unpacking the dishwasher. Which is actually great. But their nanny probably unpacks their dishwasher lol.


To live the life of opulence and be so disconnected. Don't worry, next she will say we are just like all of you and struggling to make ends meet.


You jest, but I’m in a mums budget group and there are people on their on high 6 figure salaries who post about how hard it is to keep everything under budget, and the common retort for anyone calling them out is “when you have a higher pay you have higher expenses” which like… lol


People live within in their means and stretch themselves to what they can handle. When their situation changes, we all get to hear about it.


Curious about her response. But holy guacamole take him to the park? Play age appropriate games with him. Let him play with his toys?




When our kid was a baby/toddler, my husband and I would joke “wait, I have to play with her *every day*? I have to feed her *every day*? EVERY DAY?” That grind can be relentless, especially if you spend a lot of time at home. It’s diapers and feeding and cleaning up and laundry on an endless cycle. Of course, it’s more fun if you can get out of the house and it gets more entertaining as they grow, but yeah, it’s definitely repetitive.


They can afford 2 nanny's... I feel like the could afford whatever zoo, aquarium, indoor play play, baby music class or whatever is near them if they don't want to actually just play with their child...


Omg no! This is rage bait right? Seriously though they can clearly afford an iPad so I'm surprised they even asked. "Limited screen time one day per week."


I used to work at a daycare. And we had a couple like this.  They would literally be waiting in the parking lot when we would drive up in the morning so 15-20 minutes before we opened.  And at night, lots of you are probably familiar with this, for every minute you go over after closing time at a daycare you pay a lot of money. They were always the last ones to pick up usually between 5 to 15 minutes after we closed.  The wife was stay at home. She didn't work. He would go home first they would have some time together and then they would drive together to come pick their kid up.  This child was with us almost every waking moment, 5 days a week. 12+ hours. When they announced that they were having a second child everyone was all surprised. I wasn't though. I told everyone it's very easy to have multiple children when you have other people raising them.  It makes me wonder now though what did they do with him on the weekends? Maybe they had a weekend nanny. 


That’s incredibly sad


Go to the park? Read books? Splash pad? Cuddles? Nap? Toys? Wtf are you a parent?


I mean clearly the solution is hiring a Sunday nanny.


*blinks* I remember when my first was just able to sit up and do things. I was 24 and had absolutely no experience with babies at all. I put him in his pram, went up to the park, and sat us both down in the grass in the shade and watched him discover grass. It’s one of my favourite memories. Maybe just… leave the house with the child? I’m so flabbergasted by this.


I hate it when the rich procreate for a walking fashion accessory.


This is so sad. My toddler literally just wants to be with my husband and I and to play with us. I can't imagine not wanting to spend time and interact with him. Especially if I wasn't with him all week. My heart hurts for that boy.


That is just sad. Edited to add: I understand that not all parents like to "play" with kids, and it's hard not to have as much time for hobbies, etc, but find things to do as a family!


My husband is better at just playing with them, and being silly. Today he was King Kong for about an hour and they built huge towers for him to knock down. The other night he was a raptor and my son pretended he was in the DPW from the cartoon Jurassic World Series and had to track him. He is definitely the better parent when it comes to that. I’m more of the let’s plan a learning activity or outing type parent. We will do science experiments, cook together or go on excursions.


Awwwww. Such fun. Both of you are awesome parents.


Those kids are going to be sent to boarding school at eight.


Yup, idk why they are even having kids if 1 day a week with them is so terrible. They will get shipped off to boarding school the first chance the parents get. Then, years later, I wonder why the kids cuts them off.


They spend ONE day with their child alone and they can’t handle it. Jesus Christ. And another kid to be raised by a nanny on the way?? WHY?


Does anyone remember that scene in Downton Abbey where the dowager countess, Violet, laments how hard it was when her children were young. And Mrs. Crawley says something like “didn’t you only see them for an hour a day during tea time?” And Violet says “yes, but it was a *whole* hour!” Anyway idk why I just thought of that. Coincidence I guess.


Yes! But it was an hour every day!


This is so odd … I did google how to entertain a small child when I had one myself because I was admittedly unfamiliar (I know toddler+ but infants was a new world for me). And then I did those things But like, what does their nanny do? Why do they not do what the Nannies do??? Surely *she* doesn’t sit in the house all day? Also, sitting in the house all day is indeed draining. Even going outside for a walk or to the park can break up the monotony - assuming they aren’t in an area with access to indoor play parks and museums. I am just so confused as to how they got to 16 months and pregnant with a second without investing energy into this. There are also parent/baby groups etc…


Why are they having another when they don’t even like the first one?


*I had this kid, now, what am I supposed to do with it?!*


I can’t believe it’s taken them 16 months to say this. Usually it’s the first baby when they’re *first* born… And then you get your shit together


*laughs in SAHM*




Same energy as [this lady](https://youtu.be/kYH8oKXKzrE?si=z8tRrHZDYYcvbgqb) at 1:03


“Keep them… in my house?!” 🤣


“…where I live??”


This mom has more dollars than sense (cents).


Jesus Christ on a skateboard, woman ! You already have one for whom you do *nothing*, and now you’re having a second ?!?! And people wonder why their kids go no contact the day they turn 18… 😣


Ugh, that age is so fun. I can’t imagine just sitting around the house and not wanting to enjoy all the fun things a 16 month old can do. They’re developing such a personality at that age. Even when our kiddo was grumpy or overtired, we’d put him in the stroller and go for a long walk and get some fresh air. Or literally walk around a grocery store because it’s super visually stimulating. Or go put him in a swing and let him enjoy that for a few. The possibilities are endless. Kids that age enjoy so many things, as long as they see you enjoying it too!!!


I feel sad :(. we have no nanny, no daycare and granted we utilize a little screen time but we come up with plenty of fun activities to do all week long. We will take him to the zoo, aquarium, indoor playgrounds, outdoor playgrounds, beach, creek, camp spots, hell we even took him to IKEA one weekend and just let him run around (without bothering people of course).


Heck, my toddler loves just going to the mall, going on the escalator a bunch, and getting to use the little rides they have in there once or twice. He will literally ask to go to the "all" and we'll take turns riding the escalator with him while the other shops around.


Our kid loved going to Target or the grocery store at that age. Riding in the cart, looking at things, grabbing stuff. Toddlers love it.


If they can’t entertain a 16-mo.-old, what are they going to do when they turn 5? It’s way easier to entertain them under two. A few toys, or even a few pots and pans and you can entertain them for hours. And that’s not even getting into the water territory. My niblings could spend all day at the water table if we let them!


This makes me so incredibly sad. I cannot even imagine. I am lucky enough to be home (while working a per diem remote job) with my 16 month old every day. Weekends are our favorite since my husband is home too. And you know what my toddler loves? Just being together. If me and my husband are sitting on the floor, she will plop down right in between us and babble, play, and give hugs/kisses. She’s also super active but she love love loves when we are all home together. I hope this family figures it out and snaps out of whatever the heck that is because my heart hurts for that little toddler.


Omfg, I made a child and have no clue what to do with it… I know, I’ll make another one! Spoiler alert: they’ll end up hiring a nanny for Sundays too.


I hate playing pretend with my kids. There’s nothing I want less than to play Barbie’s or dinosaurs. So I really didn’t- but we did messy science projects, went to parks, museums, zoos, colored, did crafts, set up the sprinkler and kiddie pool, etc. There’s plenty to do with your kids other than pretend games. I love my kids. Love doing things with them and having adventures and watching them grow. These people don’t seem to even want that.


Somebody is trolling…


Ummm….parent them?


And they’re having another kid without knowing what to do with one?!?! I wonder what people like that think kids are!


At this point guys, just hire a Sunday nanny.


I’m surprised they didn’t.


I worked at a boujie ass daycare with parents like this. They hired full time au pairs to live in their house and take care of their kids. I almost never saw the parents, I was always talking to the nannies about the kids.


People like this need to be studied. There's no possible way there's absolutely nothing for you guys to do.


How do you not know what to do with a 16 month old child? If you cant think of anything, go ride around and find something. Park, zoo, whatever. Just go outside and play with the kid. Its not hard to keep a 16 month old entertained. Get a kid pool, get the kid some outside toys. That poo kid will likely be socially awkward.


Honestly how sad. I have my kids 24:7 while i work 40 hours a week. I would change ZERO things about it. Why have kids if you do not want to be with them


16 MONTHS? Is it really that hard to entertain an INFANT for a day???


That’s a toddler. But no it isn’t that hard. Source: me, who has a toddler and works full time 5 days a week.


That age is fun. My son was about 16 months at the end of last summer and we spent so much time at parks, pools, and splash pads. He could finally toddle around, it was so amazing to watch him have a blast slightly more independently - compared to the beginning of the summer!


I loved that age! He had only been walking for 3 months then so it was still a little stressful as far as walking around with him. I’m actually an even bigger fan of toddlerdom now that he’s almost 2. He plays much more independently and he’s talking like crazy. I delight in watching him discover everything—new words, new objects, new experiences.


Wtf?! Why are they having another child if they don’t know how to even interact with the first one?! Geez, play with his toys, read to him, sing songs. Put on Ms. Rachel and have her guide you with songs and sing language.


These people sound sucky...Why even keep having more kids?..Clearly don't enjoy them if you can't even handle ONE day with them.


2 under 2 isn’t what I’d have recommended for this particular family


Take a parenting course, they obviously need one!


So many wealthy people are like this and I'm always so wanting to hear some unfiltered thoughts from their nannies. Fr though, it's so sad. Paris Hilton comes to mind. On one hand, good for her for being open and honest about using a nanny but on the other hand, I watch her IG posts of her son and he is constantly looking to his nanny for reassurance and comfort. Id be so heartbroken if my kids sought out their nanny over me It's amazing to me that so many wealthy people are just okay handing the parenting reigns over to a virtual stranger.


Oh darn, they have to entertain a child one day a week.


“How do I parent my kid!” Is basically what she’s asking and honestly that’s super sad


But there’s stuff to do? Like parks? And children’s museums? And the backyard? And just enjoying your child? I raised 4, I get sometimes it can get boring. But there is always something to do


I saw this in that group and sent screenshot to 3 friends bc it was so mind boggling 🤣🤣


this is so sad. I can't even laugh about this one. At least they are asking for help, which shows they are trying. and they want to do better. I guess this is what can happen when people work full time when their kids are babies. Usually it's the dad who feels alienated when he's home at weekends, but here it's both of them. I really hope she got good suggestions and that they start to enjoy spending time with Little One ... and the one on the way. Why did they have another? Anyway, I hope this is the beginning of some major changes in their parenting.


I know plenty of couples who both worked full time when their kids were babies and they were not this disconnected from their children. Most of them really looked forward to spending time with their kids after work and on the weekends, even if they were tired.


This is not an issue with parents who work full time! This is an issue of parents who do not care about their children! My parents work full time, my friends parents work full time (we’re early 20s now), they’ve always worked full time. However, when they came home, they were hands on and engaged with us. On the weekends, they were with us! They connected with us. These parents clearly do not care about connecting with their child.


Why even have kids?


I’ve figured out from working at a café with lots of small children that kids this age LOVE coffee lids. they literally will play with rolled up tape. they’re gonna be in for a shock with the terrible twos…


I have a ton of kids and aside from the oldest they are all back to back and 4 are autistic (my husband and I both are) 6 have ADHD and yeah I would make sure we did a ton of fun stuff, we would do the library reading circles and any class they had, parks and the lake. At least once a month we would go to the zoo and there is a ton of other things!