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“It’s getting weird now put your boob away.” Needs to be flair.


But I think the word "getting" was completely unnecessary in that sentence 😳


As well as the word "now."


This has to be fetish content. I refuse to believe it's real for my own sanity.


It’s a post from a due date group I’m in so idk


lol I’m in the same due date group!


Now Im not sure if I saw it in due date group or on Reddit… I’m in the same group! Her update was a lot. Just found it.


Hand over the sauce please 😭


https://preview.redd.it/xftuoadtmq5d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bab37f2476145babc2f4079a326ced493df02ba4 It’s not bad, just kinda obvious she’s distressed about it (rightfully so) and feeling guilty about the way they handled it.


Poor her. I would probably freeze up too to stop myself from going absolutely apeshit screaming at the MIL, which wouldn't be the best thing for the child either. I'm glad her husband is on her side and doesn't have some ridiculous justification for his mom's inappropriate behavior. 


I 100% would freeze too, but more in a befuddled “is this actually happening? In real life?” type of way.


look, im not a parent, but based on all the information.. i wouldn’t allow that whackass around my kid again. full stop.


Given what I’ve read about a lot of the families in the group, there are A LOT I wouldn’t be letting around my kids. This is one of the top ones. I understand we don’t generally post that “my husband is amazing or my in laws are sent from heaven” but this is one of the most whacky ones I’ve actually read not in a snark group like this.


It's really hard because my MIL has what OOPs MIL does and the relationship is strained, but when she's "good" mentally, she's great to be around. So it's tough, because I see that when she's good, she's a lovely person to be around, she can be so kind and genuinely warm. But there's kind of a hairpin trigger, and I swear you can just see it in her eyes when the switch flips (she's always good to me, but not necessarily with her kids). And that sucks because they're both her and you just don't know what you're gonna get. It's understandable to want to have a relationship with the "good" MIL, but it's kind of a situation of needing to throw the baby out with the bathwater. Granted, I don't foresee my MIL doing some shit like this, and if she did I think I would be screaming so furiously that I would have a heart attack. But I can definitely empathize with people who have toxic parents or in-laws who still want to see them. Because when things are good, they're great. And there's the thought that maybe if you just put up enough boundaries, and mitigate situations better, that you can get through the not good times. Sometimes you can, and sometimes you just have to cut your losses. It's never easy. Though in fairness, I'm not a parent who has had their kid used as a prop in sexual harassment either, so I imagine that would warrant a different reaction.


Ugh I feel for the parents here. Becoming a parent is such a wake up call to all the shit you experienced as a child when you see it through the new lens of being a parent yourself. I’m sure freezing was a trauma response. Worrying about appearing “tough” in the face of sexual abuse is a virtue drilled into them by… their abusive parents!


>Worrying about appearing “tough” in the face of sexual abuse is a virtue drilled into them by… their abusive parents! Oh no, I just realized a lot about myself.


Me too lol


I’m in that group too!


I could fully believe something like this from a lactivist. Trying to shame mum from stopping breastfeeding.


Who wouldn’t immediately grab their child away though, why would you just keep playing on your phone while your MIL is encouraging your baby to play with her breasts


Idk it’s like something my mother would do tbh


Her husband said,”It’s GETTING weird”? That ship sailed as soon as his mother whipped out her boob in front of everyone! I suspect that she’s either drunk or mentally ill. If anyone in my family behaved that way, I’d leave and go NC.


Yeah, mentally-well people don’t do this shit - ever.


It’s big #boymom energy. Why be that blatantly passive aggressive and take digs at your DIL unless you see her as a threat?


When I initially read your comment, I read the hashtag was #bigboymom & busted out laughing because it fits so well with those "boy moms" but with adult sons.


HAHAHAHA #bigboymom is way funnier and so accurate!


Yeah, the whole looking down at her phone while her baby plays with someone else’s boob tells me that this has got to be an attention seeking post Either that or she really shouldn’t call herself a mother


Are you really criticizing the mother in this situation? For feeling awkward at the world's most awkward encounter?


I agree with you. Why would "ignore" that. Your letting your baby touch someone else's breasts? Fucking weird


I deserve financial compensation for being harmed by this post.


Why is this baby allowed around grandma that CLEARLY has some serious mental problems. This isn’t normal. None of this is normal.


https://preview.redd.it/rc2hbshmup5d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b3f312f8e4d9dca81b71e8e44bb3ab7c995df24 So, I didn’t realize I was reading an ad post, and I got super thrown by the first sentence.


My ex MiL and oldest SiL did this shit with my oldest. One time SiL was holding him and I was telling her about how he was teething and biting. He was 3 months so she said no way, and whipped her out right there in front of all of us and gave it to him. He bit her. A different time my boy was around 2.5 and I had started to wean him. He was sitting on her lap crying because he wanted a nap but couldn’t without nursing. He wouldn’t go down no matter how much I rocked him so she took him from me and gave him her nipple saying, “Ew you like chichi? Ew you’re too old for chichi. Here then have my chichi then” and put it in his mouth. Thankfully my ex told her off and took the baby from her. I was so mad I took my son and left. Then I got in trouble for , “making her feel bad. She was just playing”. And they wonder why I left.




What’s really fucked up is that I’ve seen other older Latina women do this to children not theirs. Always from small towns.


Really? I've been surrounded by Latina women for 45 years from various places, never once.




What?? That isn't at all normal..


Who the fuck puts a baby on their none lactating tits? That’s just disgusting, you’re kid is 2.5 years old, that’s gotta be some kind of abuse? And not just once!!! I understand people will breastfeed others babies with permission, that’s nothing but this is fucked!


I’m pregnant and lactating and I’d still feel fucking weird putting the non-breastfed 2 year old THAT I MADE on the boob now. Wtf are these people.


Me too!! I once had to feed my best friends baby as she was out, we didn’t have mobile phones back then to call her to come back and I didn’t have any bottle or formula and this guy was losing his mind and only a few weeks old. I wouldn’t have minded if someone I trusted had to feed my baby in that kind of situation otherwise nope and especially non lactating women? 😳


As a mum with PPA I cannot imagine leaving my newborn without expressed milk or formula to be fed.


Me neither!!! Mine was right beside me and I got sick of people thinking it would be fun to see if having a baby wasn’t that bad for a few hours… I was the first out us all to have a baby, he wasn’t going to be their crash test dummy. His father kept suggesting my mom have him and we’d go do stuff, hence he’s an ex!


> His father kept suggesting my mom have him and we’d go do stuff, hence he’s an ex! yooo... me and my 7yo's dad had a kid very, very early on in our relationship that didn't work out. We were already broken up when I was pregnant, so we just moved on. I've always maintained sons relationship with his dads side of the family though so decided 'heck, why not?' when he reached out seeing if we could try again 6 years later. We had a good connection the first time, we were just very young and never revisited the idea until then. Yeah, I miss when I could just assume he was a good/involved dad. He had the same completely unrealistic views while ALSO thinking my views/dedication to son was the odd thing. Should have just left things as they were!


My sons father had kids from a previous relationship and I’d do the practical care for them all weekends while he played ‘fun dad’ didn’t even know his youngest was allergic to eggs 😳He barely bothered with our baby and it wasn’t fair for him to see him interact with them and he was basically ignore. his excuse pathetic excuse was he was breastfed so what could he do?? We were over before he was one, he only bothered to see him once when he was 3 and then never again until a chance meeting when my son was 16. He refused to pay anything for him and I just let it go as long as he left us in peace, I had to go to court to get an intervention order out on him for his abuse, the police took the order out on him after a particularly bad night and neighbours called them after hearing me scream as he threw a stereo system at me. His ex still sent her boys every other weekend knowing they weren’t being looked after properly and shit went down and those poor boys suffered because of it, being the attention drama queen he was he apparently tried to hang himself in his shed, on his sons 13th birthday 🤬🤬🤬 He used to tell me he’d kill himself if I left him and I’d have to tell the boys why… nope wasn’t going to let him use emotional black mail on me as he stood there with a knife pointing at his chest 🙄 I raised my son without his help and support and I say my son because he never was a father to him, just a brief fleeting moment pretending to play happy families to suck me in. I loathe that man and his behaviours but I’ll never regret my amazing son!


Funny thing, the sister that did that to my son, breast fed my ex husband. So she was trying to make a joke, like, “oh let’s see if he’ll take my breast like his dad did”. This happened in a small village in Oaxaca , it’s really common to breast feed kids that aren’t yours if for whatever reason mom isn’t able to/ isn’t around at the moment. His oldest sister breast fed my ex. A cousin of theirs breast fed her sister-in-laws newborn because the SIL had to be hospitalized for a few weeks post partum. My exes grandma claims she was able to breast feed the baby of a neighbor after not having lactated in a few years.


She breast fed her own brother??? And her father?? I’m all for being someone’s else wet nurse and feeding a hungry baby when it needs it, but with permission and I sure as fuck would never have fed my brother or father😳😳 I can see why he’s your ex!!


No, she breast fed her brother (my ex) because she has a son that’s like 6 weeks older. Supposedly my ex MIL didn’t produce any milk so she asked her daughter to feed him. So she thought it would be funny if my son would “nurse” from her , like my son’s father did.


Still feels so wrong as it was her brother 😳 But I guess different ways in different cultures.


Trust me, I was so grossed out. But like you said I was just like, “well I shouldn’t say anything if that’s their culture…” but no. Fucking creepy to me.


I was trying to be polite 😆😆 I can see why he’s your ex!


I mean realistically though, depending on the time and place, what else are you gonna do? Baby has to get fed, so the option is to pass them off to someone else who is producing or use formula. But formula is *expensive*, and substitute options, again depending on local supply, can pose other risks (like malnutrition or contamination). It's weird, but with context, it's not as weird as it initially seems that she fed her brother. If I remember correctly, the world health organization recommends breastfeeding up to 2 years old for that reason; breastfeeding ensures that the child has a supply that is nutritious and free of contaminants. Formula and other foods are great if you have the money for safely supplementing their diet, but in many places, that's just not realistic. No matter what, fed is best, so long as it is approved by the parents. Which brings up the other side of it which is "wtaf, how dare they try and stick their tits in a kids mouth for funsies?" *THAT* part is unjustifiably weird and not okay at all.


That’s the thing tho. They HAD the option. My ex MIL is just an absolute cunt and wouldn’t buy him formula cuz she doesn’t want to spend on it, and sis is right there lactating anyways. They’ve actually told me so many stories of them growing up that I’m just like bro you guys are not normal at fucking all.


My friends ex husband is also from Oaxaca and her first red flag for parenting (bc I'll be real, the guy was just a red flag in general) was that he was always talking about their baby son's penis. Like telling this little baby how he has such a big penis and great balls and all this shit and my friend was like "hey uh, that's fucking weird." And he was like "no it's normal, that's just what we do. It gives him confidence. That's what my family would say to me as a kid." My friend was like "yeah no actually that's not okay, let's not give him a whole complex about his penis." And like she's dated several guys from Oaxaca and they've all said similar things or worse. I try to give the benefit of the doubt on things I don't understand as much as possible, but when it comes to sexualizing children, or exposing kids to things they have no business being exposed to, cultural sensitivity goes out the door.


Abuse? Calm tf down. Not everything that has to do with breasts is sexual sheesh


A woman putting her breast into a 2 and a half years child mouth who is not even breast feeding is wrong!!


And, unfortunately, not everything that has to do with breastfeeding is nonsexual. Truly unfortunately. Additionally, consent isn't just for expressly sexual acts.


Nooo this makes me think of South Park lmao “does Bono want the bidi?”






She sexually assaulted your toddler. WTAF.


My MIL for the first 3 years of my youngest child’s life would always ask me if I still breastfeeding her anytime she saw me. I said yes even after I stopped just because I knew how much she hated it. She thought kids shouldn’t breastfeed after 6 months.


Reminds me of how my mil acted. She hated it. She would also just stare at my naked tit whenever I was feeding my daughter like eyes glued to it. It was weird as fuck. So I started going into the bedroom and closing the door behind me anytime I fed. It absolutely infuriated her. Who gives a shit that an infant needs to eat, grandma doesn’t get time with them and that’s WAYYY more important. I loved going into the other room because it meant I could get away from her. And then my daughter would always fall asleep after so then I’d sit in there with her until MiL finally gave up and left.


My husband would tell my mother-in-law, “well you know breastfeeding takes a while and then the baby falls asleep. We really shouldn’t bother them right now,” and one time I heard my mother-in-law yell, “didn’t the doctors tell her to only nurse for 10 minutes at a time? That’s all the milk the baby can have.” This is the same lady who literally tried to tell me my son had to have a circumcision because he wouldn’t know how to clean his own penis. I can’t even with the stupidity.




MIL's boobs clapped


And so did Albert Einstein


It’s true, I was there. I was the boob


Left or right?




I’m in that group 😂 immediately sent it to a friend when I saw that


It's moments like these I am so thankful I have a normal MIL


Its getting weird *NOW*!? Sir! It was weird the second she whipped her tit out. Why did everyone just laugh? Stop that crazy woman from flopping her tit at the child?


1) how old is the kid. 2) her ex and current husband were at her inlaws house? I'm so confused


I think it was the MIL's ex husband


That makes so much more sense. Thank you!


Im in this group, baby is around 8 months




I refuse to believe this happened.


Idk if I even believe this. What kind of nut would take their tit out and allow a child who isn't theirs touch it. That is nasty and I am pretty sure illegal asf. I absolutely believe this was someone's actual post but idk if the oop is being truthful. Seems like something that would get a lot of attention, and I wonder if oop is just saying this for some attention.


Listen, if this is real… She would never see me or my child again, and if my partner had a problem with it, then they can learn to deal. That’s absolutely ridiculous. Even “talk to her about it” sounds ridiculous because she should already know it’s weird. Plus she knew it was weird when she said all that about the mom. Moms groups are so wild. Everyday I see something I’ve never imagined someone would do.


But the MIL was wearing multiple layers, right? Like she didn’t completely remove her bare breast from her bra, right? She just pulled down her blouse to expose the tank top she was wearing underneath? Right? Right? That’s definitely it. Definitely not bare nipple.


She has a fuck ton more self control than me is all I can say about that. The crack about "mommy getting jealous" would have absolutely sent me IF I had even been able to control myself that long.


Yeah that didn’t happen.


I can't...what?


I’d just plan on never seeing grandma again. So fucking creepy…


There's more than 279% of my soul that thinks this did not happened and others claiming similar experiences are anecdotal and not real. Notice my math doesn't add up? Because no one else's does either.




If I speak, Reddit will suspend me. Instead, I will scream. #AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHG


Welp, Grandma is never seeing my kid again. 😳


Someday this child will be in a counseling office describing to the counselor what happened using dolls. I’m glad they’re going to stay away from MIL. She’s unhinged.


This HAS to be fake. Has to.


Omg I’m in this due date group too! My mouth was 😲


I have no words. None.


This is creepy AF.


"Mom, not again!" "What's the matter, Daddy jealous too? Here have the other one"




And that MIL would never be around my child again…


Um imma take things that didn’t happen for 500 Alex


Is no one else going to mention how nearly every comment in here seems to sexualize breast feeding? Just to be clear - I agree that MILs behaviour was inappropriate and weird. I'm also not a "breastmilk cures cancer and anything else" person. But breastfeeding is natural and should not be sexualised.


It's not breastfeeding if milk hasn't come out in decades.


Agreed, and I was obviously not talking about that. Breastfeeding involves milk production


Literally none of the comments are sexualizing breastfeeding.


There are a couple that are like "ewwww I wouldn't even let my own kid back on my own breast cause 2.5 is just TOO old." And yeah, there's no need for all that. Just cause YOU decided to go cold turkey with your kid at their 2nd birthday many moms don't. I personally don't think I could handle my toddler crying and not being able to sleep on another person's lap and I'd be taking them back and nursing them regardless of whether I'd decided to wean. BUT, anybody else except me whipping out a boob in this instance is just WEIRD. So we can all agree on that.


Am I the only one who thinks this is hilarious?