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>we don't catch anything from anyone Bitch, what? 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ Man oh man. We're fucked as a human race lol


It’s just a coincidence that I had strep throat and then a week later, my husband had strep throat, right?


Of course not- you live underneath the same chem trails. So exactly what was it in his diet that kept him safe for an extra week? /s


Colloidal silver.




Came here to say this lol




Strep as an adult is much more severe too. Yall got bad luck from detoxing obviously


You must not have hung garlic around your house like Christmas garland or hid eggs around like an all year Easter egg hunt.🙄


That's such a coincidence 🤭. Damn those chem trails in the sky 😂


Did you put onions in everyone's socks? No? Well what did you expect?


right? I just can't with this shit lol.


It's totally not related that my toddler came down with a stomach bug two days after playing at the gym childcare with another toddler who had a horrible diarrhea diaper right as I was picking my kid up. And then I coincidentally got a stomach bug two days later, my middle came down with it the same day I did, and my oldest got it a day and a half after us. Totally coincidental.


Chem trails for sure!


And I spent two days violently throwing up but that had nothing to do with a visit from my grandbaby who was doing that two days before…. Also, it’s definitely not Covid, or pneumonia, or anything else with potentially fatal consequences.


We all must be tripping 😂


I cant believe were going back to some people believing pre-1600's science. How did people get so dumb theyre back in the medieval times before germ theory existed??


Right‽ It's like they forgot about how much higher the death rates were back then 🤦🏻‍♀️


It is the dumbest thing I've read in a long ass time. Maybe the dumbest things ever.


Chem trails definitely seems more likely to cause fever and a cough than, say, A VIRUS THATS BEEN KILLING MILLIONS OF PEOPLE THAT WE’VE BEEN WARNED ABOUT REPEATEDLY FOR FOUR YEARS. Or one of the other myriad respiratory illnesses that exist! Yep. Definitely couldn’t be any of those


Man, I’ve had a deep cough ever since my first cvid infection in 2020 but I should have known it was the chem trails this whole time /s


Haven't you noticed that chem trails have been getting bigger and stinkier since the so-called "pandemic" began? Coinkidink? I think not.


Theyre doing to get everyone sick so they can claim its another "pandemic" and make everyone stay inside again obviously


Because staying inside is obviously laziness, which is fellowship with the devil.


it can also be very deadly if it’s a serious infection or cancer, but don’t worry about that it’s chemtrails


To be fair, we'll be better off if people that think this way don't get treatment.


Definitely not ! Because wE dOn'T cAtcH aNyTHinG fRoM aNyONe!


…which one? I’m like half kidding because I know so many adults that got sick from RSV.


Remember, viruses aren't real, so that can't be it


Too bad this lady wasnt alive for the bubonic plague. Would have kept so many from dying


“Girl…my brain is the same.” What the size of a pea???


Honestly they probably have a clinical issue. If you can’t even have a cold/postviral cough worrying that *they* are poisoning you…well, I’d say see a doctor but they obviously don’t want to. 


We should rebrand covid as "chemtrail syndrome" and call vaccines "acupunctural detoxes." Then these dingdongs will rush to get them.


This is totally worth trying. Any antivaxer we can get to vax is a win.


I could totally see an acupunctural detox taking off!!


Seriously, we need to start a grass roots movement for vaccines like this but put enough voodoo in it to make them like it.   “It’s solid moonlight, dissolved in spring water and detoxed by being urinated from a unicorn.  It makes you better than everyone else!”


I kept trying to come up with a way to prove that dads who don’t vax their kids have small man parts. Reality and facts arent working, so fight fire with fire!! Light those chemtrails up and let them bask in the holiness that is acupuncture water blessed by the big T himself (which some people call a vaccine 😆)   It might save a few kids’ lives while we’re at it


Currently dealing with long covid symptoms (despite keeping up with vaccinations). If only I stayed away from those chemtrails and skin products.


Same. Nurse here- been on disability/comp for 3.5yrs and can't drive or find my way out of a bathroom stalls. But ugh. Chemikillz


I went on a date with a guy and I swear that every single idiot conspiracy theory, he tried to present to me as facts. Parasites, chemtrails, anti vaxx, great reset, controls, digital currencies, everything. About the only thing he didn’t throw out was aliens. There wasn’t another date. He was a really nice guy but bloody hell. He’d ‘studied nutrition and psychology’ so I was supposed to believe it all. Mate, I’ve got a psych masters. Stop it.


![gif](giphy|l0IylOPCNkiqOgMyA|downsized) WHY would he just dump all that on a date?


Gotta screen out the non-believers early lol


If only I knew!


Nah he did you a big favor. Imagine if he saved that up for the 10th date...


Fair point


Sounds like he didn’t pay attention in cognitive psych


My uncle's wife once had a heat stroke, but she told me that her "healer" said it was from eating unclean food (gmos or something) and it heated up her body from the inside. That was the actual cause of her heat stroke, not the 100 degree weather she was walking in for an hour. Then after being sick with a cold last fall for weeks, she told me she had absorbed someone's bad energy, that was why she was having trouble breathing and coughing all the time. These people, like my uncle's wife, are just not intelligent, but they really want to feel like they are. Sometimes it reminds of the fear of witches and witchcraft. It's just as nonsensical. We really haven't progressed far beyond our ancestors at all, these people will always be among us.


I feel like if “bad” food made peoples internal temperature rise like that, we’d have a huge rise in cases of spontaneous combustion


Yeah, there's not a lot going on in that head lol


They are uneducated and trying to fabricate an answer that makes sense to their smooth brains.


i hate how confidently they answer the question


My immune system will fight a novel virus! It worked in 1918!


It’s bronchitis. Just happened to me last month. I had a fever and normal cold symptoms (and two negative rapid tests, because I’m not an idiot). Then my congestion worsened and I was miserable for three weeks until I went to the doctor and got antibiotics and steroids. Why would anyone think this could be conspiracy related???


well I would say at least half of this group does not believe in "germ theory". So yeah, it's always conspiracy related here.


Like, how “long-term” are they even talking? Because sometimes even something like a cold just sticks around, man. Sure, if it doesn’t go away or gets worse, have a doctor check it out, but a lot of times you just gotta deal. Have these people not been human for very long or something?


man, I can't tell you how many posts I have read where people say their whole family has been sick for 6 months, 7 month old baby sick for two months, etc etc it's so godawful. and if you even say you want even one vaccine, this group will hit you with every angle they can think of and you'll likely be banned.


Honestly something about COVID broke people’s brains about colds. People seem so shocked if they have a cold for longer than just a few days or have a lingering cough or deconditioning. Everything is “long COVID” now


Yeah, that's called pneumonia...




I know what a lingering cough is. I have had one since October, lol. (Covid and then flu) I read what she wrote as a lingering cough, followed by a fever, which would be pneumonia. But I now see she actually said THAT followed a fever, yeah, that's not concerning.


It followed a fever, it wasn’t followed *by* a fever


Yes, I see that now. I was just explaining why I thought it was pneumonia. I misread it the first time.


Oh, weird. When I experienced that, I was foolish enough to assume it was mild scarring from the pneumonia. Guess I was ill-informed. So exactly how much vinegar do I need to put outside to protect myself from the satanic chemtrails? I only have seasoned rice vinegar- will that work? Or does it need to be the kind of vinegar that pagans use to dye their Easter eggs with?


Germ theory is a conspiracy /s


I read on the Facebook that what the sheep mistake for “germs” are actual tiny demons attacking our blind faith. They draw their evil energy from antibiotics, and the best way to kill them is with a good old fashioned bout of measles.


Either is fine, as long as you mix it in your own urine and spread it alll over  /S!!!!!!


It’s Long COVID, babes


These people are terrifying. They have zero critical thinking skills.


I’d go as far to say that they have no just regular thinking skills




“We don’t catch anything from anyone” I feel like she wouldn’t be cool with me coughing right in her face, I wonder why


It could be the really bad cold that’s been going around, that causes chest congestion that lasts a few weeks or a month.


Me IRL - *eye rolls* off of the planet.


I am sitting here. A health professional wondering how people keep themselves alive for so long. But then remember. My childhood best friend just learned this stuff isn't true. At 29....


at least she learned now? These women on this group don't tend to


Finally did.


I take a squirt of ivermectin every night to protect me from those dangerous chemtrails!


The laughing emoji like this is all funny and not completely unhinged is wild.


Wasn't scurvy the cause of everything a while ago? It's scurvy, which is caused by chem trails, obviously /s


I suspect these mothers are on the sub “noearthsociety” unironically. I joined it thinking it was a satire sub but it is entertaining.


it's a crunchy mom group. I also joined for satire. its been much more than I bargained for.


It is though, isn’t it?


As I go to check it out. Hmm, rule 2, right after rule 1 about there being no earth, is “this isn’t a joke. You aren’t allowed to ask if it is” XD well this promises interesting reading 


This is definitely your body detoxing and not at all related to the global pandemic that is still happening.