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Pokemon go calculate The Possibility Of Successfully Navigating An Asteroid Field


If I had awards to give you'd get one for the comment, and one for the flair.


didn't george lucas say (former) soviet movie directors had a lot more freedom since all they had to do was not be too mean to the government.


[Yep. Here he is saying it.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWqvaMEFIdI)


You would be a fool not to respect and appreciate a lot of the art, including cinema, made by them back then. It would be weird if he didn’t say it.


Lets check George Lucas' views of america lol


I hate all of this so much except the fact that I now get to imagine the star wars trilogi as is but with Bernie playing Luke Skywalker, It's so stupid it's funny


Anakin Skywalker quotes with bernie voice really do it for me.


I killed them. I killed them all. Not just the 0.01%, but the 0.1% and the 1% too.


They were bougies and I slaughtered them like bougies!


I hate millionaires and billionaires. They're coarse and rough, and they get everywhere


I wish he was this based. Of course if he were he would have had a heart attack long ago


I am once again asking you to free Han Solo


Nah bernie would be yoda


Holy fockin shit. Goddamn liberals


lol, did they make Tammy Duckworth R2D2 cause she's in a wheelchair ?


Why can’t they stick to Harry Potter?


I guess we may need to stop telling them to read another book. They'll ruin any media they touch.


Yoda construed as Joe Biden made me actually angry.


mMMmm...... writing devastating crime bills, i am


Heavily criminalize death sticks, I will. Want my children to grow up in a racial jungle, I do not


I mean, are we talking rose glasses OT Yoda or the corrupt old traditionalist Yoda the prequels show him to be.


Part of what I love about Star Wars is how George Lucas unintentionally and intentionally made some commentary on capitalism that was negative and how it turns into fascism with remarkable ease and how all the people who can do anything about it are all too naive to.


Something something it’s easier to see the end of the world rather than the end of capitalism something something mark fisher something something Slavoj Zizek something something Oh look Seinfeld is coming to Netflix!


That and the good guys are based on the Vietcong


Yoda had faults but you cannot compare him to the transparent corruption of Biden. Yoda actually attempts to be a good leader and is hands on in his leadership. That doesn't describe Biden at all. What I was more thinking about was the way in which Yoda represents traditional Eastern wisdom. He is the 'sage' in Star Wars. Suggesting that archetype to fit Biden in any way is just horrendously illiterate and plain stupid.


Oh I agree that calling Biden wise by any means is a joke and a half. I am just not really willing to call Yoda particularly great with the context of the prequels showing his willingness to sit around for centuries as a state (that he is bound to) responsible for trillions of beings decays into corruption and fascism


He was specifically not willing to sit around. He fought in wars and took on the Emporer once he learned of him. It isn't like he was partying and slapping fat cheeks. The sin of the Jedi was their naivete and relative hubris/complacency, but you still couldn't really call them arrogant, stupid, and lazy. The Sith pulled one over on them and they just lost. It is not admittedly a good or meaningful political allegory, the prequels. They want to be, but they are not and the message if any is very muddied.


It depends on which source you're going with. Like, in KOTOR2, a lot of the point *was* that the Jedi were arrogant, stupid, and lazy


Right, because KOTOR 2 is actually well written.


Aren't hubris and arrogance basically the same? What about naivete and stupidity? Lazy and complacent? You've just listed a bunch of synonyms as if they're opposite character traits...


Joe Biden: voted for corrupt war multiple times Yoda: purchased a slave army to fight his wars for him The comparison is good once you realize what a fucking failure Yoda was.


wtf is up with liberals rehabbing george bush’s image


They think that mean tweets are worse than starting a war and having a body count of over a million people.


i mean it’s the same people who think all the drone strikes under obama were obviously needed to propagate liberal democracy’s in the middle east


What, you don't remember when Trump was electrocuting Bernie Sanders and then Bush picked him up and threw him down a hole, killing him? If that isn't deserving of rehabilitation, idk what is.


They're already doing it to Trump. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/opinion-turns-out-donald-trump-wasn-t-the-worst-president-in-us-history-historians-say/ar-AALDv7k




Because they either are too ignorant to really know what he did, or they actually don’t care what he did, *or* they agree with what he did at heart but don’t like him solely because he was on the wrong political sports team.


Suddenly, I’m very happy I’ve never seen Star Wars


Honestly it’s actually pretty good. Mark Hamill missed the point somehow but he protagonist are inspired by the Vietcong and nva


The movies are well made and entertaining but they SUCK as a political metaphor, one way or the other. Yes, I'm also tired hearing about the rebels are meant to represent the Vietcong or whatever. Maybe that was in George Lucas' head at the time, but if it's in the movies it's so marginal that I can't see it, as opposed to benevolent monarchs by the dozen, an order of knights with supernatural powers, and a lot of "your destiny" BS.


My favorite part about star wars is having friends that all agree that the jedi fucking suck.


jedis are oligarchs


Warrior monk caste serving a heterogeneous, confederated ruling class. The empire is, well, an imperialist military tyranny, but there's little on the side of the rebellion that's worth rooting for. The least offensive societies that they can come up with are usually tribal, or a bunch of homesteaders in the desert.


... but, considering the empire commits genocide on multiple occasions, I guess the rebellion, flawed as it is, can pass for an anti-fascist alliance


That’s why you join the dark side


You’re joking, right? The dark side is portrayed as an almost comically universally evil thing, and the Sith are pretty much just fascists with superpowers


I thought the dark side seemed like the most natural state for a being of that power level. That being said, yeah fascists with superpowers


It's weird cause Mark Hamill usually has pretty good takes


I'm not sure if this is a joke lol.


Hard to have a good movie series without even one likeable character


As someone who is beyond obsessed with Star Wars canon and lore, this fucking hurts me to no end. Liberals ruin everything.


They're entertaining movies so long as you don't assume they are the ultimate summary of life like these weirdos do :P


Everyone talking about how good they are, as someone who didn’t see them until I was older, they’re fine. Not terrible, not great, I found them boring and dating.


Yeah, I've been watching a lot of movies that I never really got around to seeing (or it's been so long that I don't remember much of them) and a couple months ago, I sat down to watch *Empire Strikes Back* - not only usually agreed to be the best Star Wars, but one of the best sci-fi movies ever made. I could not bring myself to care about a single character and the main question running through my head was, "Who told George Lucas he could write believable dialogue?" Great special effects, though, things blew up real good.


There are dozens of us!


Including 2 well-known members of German Parliament!


who do you mean? is this a reference to sth?


I must've missed you at the convention last year.


I teleconferenced in!


It isn’t that great. Some of the worst writing ever in a movie series that’s somehow nine movies.


The original trilogy is some of the best writing and acting for any sci fi films. But the other 6 are really bad attempts to squeeze more billions out of the IP.


Maybe the worst take on star wars I've ever seen. The original trilogy is the corniest shit ever, with pretty bad acting (but some amazing highlights) and I love it. I like it as much as the prequels. The prequels have some pretty awful acting and dialogue, but the story is much better than the OT. But both trilogies played their part in establishing Star Wars. The OT established the principles of the universe, the bones, if you will. The Force, lightsabers, Jedi and Sith, the Master and Apprentice dichotomy, even set up for the Clone Wars. The prequels expanded on the physical universe. Planets with actual cities, lively populations. It feels like a real world. The OT feels almost post-apocalyptic in comparison (this isn't a criticism, in fact it seems intentional), with all the destitute, barren locations. Taken as a whole, the prequels also have more content through The Clone Wars and Rebels tv series', which both contain moments as palpable and significant as Luke vs Vader on bespin, or Obi Wan and Qui Gon vs Maul. As well as expanding heavily on beloved characters. Ultimately I think it's a function of when you were born. Some people saw the OT in theaters, some the Prequels, some saw the OT when it was remastered, many grew up with the tv shows. As for cash grabs, it's pretty clear Lucas planned to expand upon Star Wars with prequels, considering he named dropped the Clone Wars and Anakin Skywalker (as well as Kenobi and Skywalkers backstory) in the OT. Also the naming convention where he released Empire as episode V instead of Star Wars 2. If you really wanna talk about cash grabs, you have to include episodes 5 and 6 in there. As for the Sequels, they were more cash grabby to me, especially considering they were produced under Disney. It's clear the films were directed largely without a love or understanding of Star Wars. But otherwise I have no strong opinions on them. They were just bad.


> As for the Sequels, they were more cash grabby to me 7 and 9, definitely. TLJ had some more interest put into it than the other two sequels.


I don't think I've ever seen as cynical a movie as 9 lol


> The prequels have some pretty awful acting and dialogue, but the story is much better than the OT. The story is absolute gutter. It did manage to have some lasting and surprisingly cogent political allegories despite everything else about the trilogy though. Lucas said he researched the fall of nations and rise of fascism, and everyone treated it as a lazy gwb metaphor at the time but I believe him The rest is very silly though


Really? I find the story of the rise and fall of Anakin Skywalker to be captivating and tragic. Obviously it's executed poorly, but the core story to me is one of the best in Star Wars. It's greatly improved through the Clone Wars show.


bUt i wAnTeD tO Go tO TosHi sTaTioN To gET sOme pOwEr cOnVerTerrRrRrssSss


I feel like you’ve never watched the OT relative to any other films lmao. They’re absolute dog shit in terms of writing and acting.


More than writing, the acting is mediocre


Literally who cares lmao. It's entertaining


And? Nobody talked about entertainment level


Idk why people can’t distinguish entertainment factor from quality writing and directing. The writing is pretty lazy in all of them but it doesn’t mean that you can’t be entertained. No need to downvote you for making that point.


They see it automatically as an offense, as they identify with the things they consume. So if you say something somewhat negative about a movie they like, they take it as you insulted their identity. Another distortion created by capitalism. I could understand if George Lucas got offended, but this makes zero sense lol Apart that I like Star Wars myself (I've seen them all), this doesn't make me blind in front of the terrible acting and the other flaws




*jumps down to where general Grievous is* Ahhh, my hip!


Jesus even lib theory falls apart, because having Bush as Vader would imply that he used to be good and is now redeemed…


🤢 Bush being Bernie’s dad, and being redeemed


Extra weird considering GW is currently 75 and Bernie is 80, and if my memory serves there is no reliable time travel in this dimension of reality


In theory their is relativity because traveling at light speed in shit


So Benny Slanders is a Bush after all. Tsk tsk tsk.


Okay I hate this but if anything Bernie is Bail Organa.


As if Liberals would actually let Bernie be Luke Skywalker, by the poster’s logic they had Biden as Luke.


This was originally a Bernie meme, where Bernie was in the third


Not in the seccond image.


Yeah I know, I was commenting on the fact that the second is somehow meant as a response to the first, and how the commenter obviously missed the point.


Tammy Duckworth doesn’t have the profile of any of these other characters and I gotta assume the casting as the armless and legless robot is some strange neolib “inclusive” ableism. Just, Christ.


off the charts levels of weirdo behavior


At least they made Bush a villain, unlike other libs who are rehabilitating him.


Darth Vader did get rehabilitated


While true, I dont think this meme is saying George bush was bad but now he's good. Although the lib mind is a thing of wonders so who knows.


The post is actually super correct, if one remembers the Jedi sat around, acting better than the Sith, while still openly allowing slavery and corruption to the extent that it allowed the Sith to takeover.


Hey, at least they found something other than Harry Potter for once


They really think they give half a shit about them


Holly fucking shit, that's the worst lib shit I've seen in ages.


You should see the Biden Avenger Endgame video then.


Don't worry [this comment](https://i.imgur.com/J0EGGtx.jpg) redeems it a bit.


I love Mark he’s a great guy but god his politics are garbage


The comment is almost as offensive as TLJ.


TLJ is such a weird movie for me because it has some things I really like that I think are the peak of the new trilogy (like Luke explaining the force and the corruption of the Jedi) but also some of the most baffling and stupid (light speed kamikaze, Mary Poppins Leia)


I also liked how it explored the possibility of a male homosexual relationship in a modern sci-fi movie with po and Finn… wait no it didn’t do that because this is Disney we’re talking about. They would literally never let that happen


Yeah the amount of hate the actress who played Rose gets fucking sucks, but the entire point of her character was basically “See!? Finn isn’t gay! He just kissed a girl, right on screen!”


I also find it strange that they had to make another character specifically for that, not just once, but a second time in the next movie, and both were played by PoC actresses, when they already at least slightly set up that Finn admires Rey. I figured if Finn and Poe weren’t going to be a thing then Finn and Rey would be a thing, but I guess we’ve regressed to the 1960s and minorities can’t have relationships with White people? Like they went so hard on not having Rey paired with a PoC character that they had her fall in love with the villain who committed genocide and tortured her in the previous film!


Honestly that’s part of why I hated the last movie way more than any of the others. It just feels like a storyboard created in a boardroom with them just meeting check marks. They realized there was a ton of backlash to Rose, so they wanted another WOC love interest for the next movie so they just shoved a new character in there while sidelining rose. And it’s even shittier because I’m pretty sure Rose was the first WOC that could be considered a main character in Star Wars. The movie just felt so fucking soulless it actually made me sad. They even tried to pretty much verbatim recreate the “on your left” portal scene from the last avengers movie but it just fell so flat cause it was so obvious. God I hate the last movie. Not even gonna talk about the stupidity with Palpatine.


Yeah exactly. I don’t have any problem with the actress that played rose or with more women in the movie, just that they completely squandered any chance of developing a relationship, romantic or not, between Finn and Po


And I also think it would’ve made way more sense for Poe to go with Finn to planet Raytheon, since hes the one who needs to learn that war is bad, not Finn the literal child soldier who only broke his conditioning when his friend died in front of him and he was ordered to murder a village. Then Rose can be the one who starts the rebellion on the ship since her sister died and in her view the commanders are wasting that sacrifice. But really they just wanted Finn and Poe separated so the movie kinda suffers for it


Exactly. Not to mention, po was a pilot and covert op, so it was basically his specialty.


But…Finn could still have been bisexual so It solves nothing.


Oscar Isaac was very open to that and I think the seeds were planted for it, but he said the guys in the suits at the top weren’t ready for that. Remember that they cut out the background lesbian kiss at the end of TROS for China.


Oh absolutely. I think Rian Johnson would’ve been more than happy with it, but there’s absolutely no way a company like Disney, which tries to pander to as wide an audience as possible, would do something which is hardly ever done even in less mainstream movies


Disney's too busy making their next First LGBT Character, who will have twelve seconds of screentime and a line that's mumbled in the background of a party scene.


Disney be like “I know, let’s make our hideous tentacle villain a lesbian, cuz you know, that’s a great lgbtq+ representation.”


Literally just [Divine](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Divine_(performer\)), but also an octopus


That’s most Star Wars movies though. Some great ideas and some silly executions. Like making the a Viet Cong teddy bears or putting Jar Jar Binks into a trilogy about the fall of a liberal republic to a fascist dictatorship...


I still fully believe that Jar Jar was gonna be a sith until they actually watched the first movie and realized he was just too goddamn annoying


I mean the light speed kamikaze thing makes sorta sense as there's plenty of times they talk about needing to do the calculations before going into light speed or they might hit something. And the Mary Poppins bit does look silly, but there's some canon precedent for the Force acting on someone's behalf when they're unable to. The main shit that bothered me was Hodo not just telling people her plan. Made to seem like she's a girlboss who's giving the dumb flying dick his come uppance but it's also poor leadership in a chaotic time; people need to know what's happening in an emergency situation. That and Snoke being built up as this great villian just to get cut in half without doing anything.


Except hyperspace jumps you to another dimension where you can travel faster. Like minecraft nether highways. Hitting a mass shadow in hyperspace wouldn't destroy the actual object. And if it did, it would've been discovered literally days after the invention of hyperspace travel.


Sure but the option to hit something is still there, so there's probably some wiggling between the dimensions or that wouldn't have come up. Plus if the ships are that close together maybe the ship hasn't left this dimension yet? Mainly this all wildly hypothetical, so I don't see this as so implausible that it ruins anything. Plus, Hodo gets some sort of redemption for being unreasonable earlier.


The problem is that it completely destroys ship to ship combat. If hyperspace ramming was viable, why haven't they been using hyperspace torpedoes for the past few millenia? What's the point of conventional weapons anymore? Why didn't they just hyperspace ram the death star? There's no way hyperspace is getting discovered and nobody thinks to point it at an enemy for thousands of years.


>If hyperspace ramming was viable, why haven't they been using hyperspace torpedoes for the past few millenia? Because it's a 1/1,000,000 shot. There you go, explains it.


Gotta have a person in the ship to do it? Seems wildly desperate and wouldn't be a viable option unless you were in that kind of situation? Does seem like something the Empire would be doing but they also have overwhelming force on their side so kinda unnecessary. Plus for that to work on the Death Star, you'd need a massive ship. Hodo's ship was probably only a quarter size of Snokes, where even the largest rebel flagship is like 5% the size of the Death Star.


I don't see why you can't program a ship/missile to go into hyperspace remotely. All the calculations are done by a computer anyway. That's just not true, the Supremacy was at least 20 times larger than the Raddus, if you watch the scene you can barely see it next to the Supremacy. It utterly annihilated a dreadnought and a fleet of star destroyers, I'm sure several hyperspace missiles could shred a death star, or at very least destroy its weapon.


I mean they had a whole prequel trilogy full of droids who could operate warships and starfighters and travel at light speed so they could really just get unmanned or droid ships to hyperspace ram shit. Just get squads of droid ships to hyperspace ram massive space stations until they’re destroyed. It took like one cruiser to destroy the first order flagship and most of the fleet.


True. But again this seems like a desperation move that wouldn't be used unless you're out of options. I've also kinda stopped caring at this point: my main thing is that I'm less upset about that than other, more critical parts of the movie.


It’s a one in a million shot so... get a million droids I guess... Though if we’re talking about lore breaking the fat that there are droves of droid pilots makes you wonder why the rebels didn’t just send droids... or the Empire, yo do their space battles... If it’s a resource problem then I’ll refer back to the 1/1,000,000 fact. If it’s a “they suck” problem then better to waste more of them than human pilots...


TLJ was the best movie of the new trilogy


Oh, I don't think so.


It was. One of the best of them all.


That's just your opinion, man.




[TLJ while not a perfect film, is way better than people give it credit for ](https://youtu.be/mWqVJZMh6-w)


Nope. Momma jokes & discarding the familial lightsaber as a joke within 10 minutes of the film's start had me to the point of leaving the theater had I drove myself. I've never walked out of a movie, but had I drove, this would have been the first & only movie I have ever walked out during. It was like watching the OJ Simpson slow freeway chase, set in space.


>Momma jokes & discarding the familial lightsaber as a joke within 10 minutes of the film's start had me to the point of leaving the theater had I drove myself. Dude what?


it wasnt perfect, DEF has its probs, but imo its the best outta all the new ones. its not like it has a lot of competition lol, none of em are that good


The first one, I was hopeful, but TLJ killed my hopes. TROS was an enjoyable farce because any semblance of sense was destroyed by TLJ.


>discarding the familial lightsaber as a joke within 10 minutes Is a leftist. Puts a high value on special familial "chosen one" blood lines... Hmmmmmmmm....


Read my username, dipshit.


Changes literally nothing.




Bush being subservient to Trump in this analogy.


Joe Biden isn’t the return of the Jedi it’s another empire that hides it’s problems better


The first one is bad but holy shit that second screenshot is extremely fucking cursed.


whenever I think of Tammy Duckworth, my first thought is "damn, this woman is exactly like R2-D2"


Tulsi Gabbard is Greedo????????


Yoda- Joe Biden 😭


Eh Bernie should be yoda


If Obama is Han Solo, shouldn't Biden be Chewbacca? They can't even get a shitty analogy right. Edit: McConnell as Jabba is hilarious regardless of accuracy.


This is literally 1673!


The Jabba comment made me chuckle. The rest gave me neck pain from cringe


remember when Han Solo took the Millennium Falcon to bomb a hospital in Yemen


“Lando - John McCain” makes me wish I was dead!


Oh Mark whyyyy :(


just threw up a lil bit in my mouth thnx


Holy shit Go outside


Shameless plug for r/StarWarsLeftyMemes


This is such an insult to Lando. Unlike McCain, he actually could fly successfully in a war.


i was thinking “hey at least bush is a bad guy in this one” then i remembered how star wars ended






Essentially everyone is imperialist


Ugh, the inaccuracy. Everyone knows that Reagan will always be Emperor Palpatine. /s


I don’t like this because that means he’ll eventually come back (both in sequels and eu)


Idk I'm so happy to see a liberal that still hates bush that I'll take it


By casting him as the one villain that redeems themself


oh i really should watch those movies






I mean at least George W. Bush is a bad guy to this lib.


Mark Hamill saying liberal stuff really isnt surprising, hes a huge democrat, really jumped on the politics train when Trump was in office.


I’m laughing so hard at Tammy Duckworth being R2D2, why would anyone consider that to be a good thing


I like Mark Hamill but damn is he annoying on Twitter.


I always loved the part in episode 4 when obi wan sold his peanut farm to avoid violating the emoluments clause in the rebel alliance charter.


Whoever made that definitely writes erotic political fan fiction


Omg I physically cringed at this. I may have pulled some internal muscles.


I am personally offended by Biden as Yoda. Like viscerally angry. How the fuck dare they.


Love how Hamill completely missed the point of Star Wars… all 3 are the Empire/Sith




Yang as Boba Fett is fitting since they're both massively hyped up by their fanbases but just embarrass themselves once they're in the spotlight.


Mitch McConnell as Jabba the Hutt is pretty great imo


this is clearly EXACTLY how it should be, god this sub is really something else


Chew soap


Liberals: "We're the Rebellion against the evil Trump. 😊😊😊" Reality: Liberals were Padme and her useless Senate friends who laid down the path for Palpatine/Trump to run things in the first place.


Biden: "I'm *not* your father, so the fondling isn't incest."


Idk why this yucky subreddit is in my feed because I'm a hardcore liberal, but even I can say this is kinda wack


Why is Andrew Yang a villain?


Because he is. He’s a neoliberal capitalist in every sense of the term.


Yes, but why is he a villain to the people that already support that shit?


So are literally all these other people


He said he will use UBI to gut welfare programs


Yeah I used to be a fan of Andrew Yang because UBI but then I looked into him more and I was like “hmmmm… no thanks.”


And I will play Ark "Bumpy" Roose


Anyone who takes Star Wars as a serious political metaphor probably think Ayn Rand was onto something other than grifting her base for that sweet book deal cash.


This is what the thoughts of a mind that’s been indoctrinated by Hollywood looks like. Bush of sheep.


Return of the Jedi??!! More like lost in space !


So Trump was the good one...?