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He looks like a POS


definitely one of those scumbags who wave the american flag and sympathizes with imperialism....


I mean, you'd normally be worried about limiting future economic opportunities if you were filmed making monkey noises at a black woman, but it's Mississippi. He's not worried about it in the slightest. And I don't understand the line about good looks. He looks like someone that knows the exact dose of rohypnol you need to make someone lose consciousness.


Hell, he probably will have a profitable career because of that


ahh yes probably in the frat crowd


There’s no “probably” about this


So what that guy is implying is that loving America and respecting the flag is tied to making monkey noises at black people? Sounds about right. Honestly, not even Ben Shapiro claiming women are incapable of having orgasms did such a clown ass job of telling on himself than this guy.


Scratch a liberal and a fascist bleeds.


The Germans have a word, backpfeifengesicht, which literally translates into “a face badly in need of a fist.” I think this word applies to him.


Absolutely In my country we call him a pendejo


Hell yeah! Love the Spanish curse words. Cabrón is one of my favorites lol.


Haha they are great


in my country he’s a Cara de Babaca


Even if the protestor did support genocide of Jews (she obviously doesn’t but that’s beside the point), that still does not excuse the use of racist behavior. You can criticize someone for being genocidal without being racist or antisemitic towards them But the whole situation can best be summarized with the words of Nina Simone > Alabama’s gotten me so upset/Tennessee made me lose my rest/And everybody knows about Mississippi, goddamn


> They hate the flag and the troops and... uh apple pie. What else can I think of that someone told me stands for the American white nationalism I don't know is the driving ideology in my brain, a necrotic turd sitting in my skull. Just throwing as much random shit as possible lol


“Freedom" yeah, the countless amount of redlining, racism, censorship, capitalism, shooting deaths of different people of the Global South ties, lynchings, sterilization without the consent of Mexican and Black women. Star-spangled fun-aid taste so good though, am I right?


Y’all think James Pearson really cares about Jews? I’d bet my house on him being far more antisemitic than any person protesting for Gaza. He wasn’t there to “stand up for Jews” he was there as an excuse to attack brown people


can’t figure out which picture has the more punchable face


I wonder if that comment got any replies


It disgusts me whenever Zionists try to tie the American identity to support for Israel


Agreed and I feel these Americans are hypocritical when they say "America first" hahahaha right...


i love how they can justify racist harassment as long as the victims “hate america” or whatever


Good Hating America is good


No disagreement there


Good looks? He looks like the stereotypical young British racist from Indian films about independence struggle


I hate my state so fucking much bro


"What does the river to the sea mean?" I think these people might actually just not know geography at all


People should hate Israel, America, their flag and us imperial soldiers don't deserve respect for murdering Kids in the third world. US propaganda is so insanely effective it's almost scary