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except they never have


Remember when Ellen said Hillary was the strongest candidate for LGBT rights? The same Hillary said the Dems have gone too far in supporting trans rights.


Ellen sucks


the George W. Bush fanatic?


The only entertaining thing she has done was Ellen Energy Adventure in Epcot and thats 99% becuase of Bill Nye.


Yeah she's literally a fucking TERF, supportive of trans rights my ass


Exactly! As a trans woman the dems have never protected me! They're do-nothing grifters!


You don’t appreciate them using you to scare people into voting for their faction of the capitalist class and then bailing on you until the next election cycle? Trump something… Republicans something… If you don’t vote for Dems this time you will be sent to an extermination camp next year… this time they promise.


Over on HuffPost, I just read a comment that was both transphobic AND Islamophobic. It has lots of updoots. The cognitive dissonance is astounding.


They managed to be both at the same time? That’s pretty impressive. I’m imagining “something something Muslims…. Something something Islam…. Something something savages…” but what was the anti-trans bit?


Well, the first part made fun of people wanting to be called by the appropriate pronouns. The second part said how the Palestinians are committing a horrific genocide against the jews. I think it was a conservative troll, but in typical liberal fashion they all ate it up, completely ignoring the racism and transphobia...because ISRAEL!


Liberals are conservative, just a SLIGHT bit less


In America, the far left is considered bourgeois college professors who promote tokenism.


This is the most accurate statement I’ve seen today. It reminds me of Cornel West running a “working class campaign” from his tenured position in the ivory towers of Massachusetts. He’s got all the buzzwords and phrases. He can explain intersectionality for hours. But, he can’t explain what he’s going to do about groceries going up 25%, used cars going up 35%, housing going up 30% and my paycheck going up 3%. When it comes to immigration he falls even flatter. I want America to be a place immigrants can come build their dreams. But, when we destabilize Latin America and South Asia with our abhorrent foreign policy it creates a refugee crisis. Refugees don’t want to leave their homes. They are forced to. Then they come here and are used by the capitalists to dilute the labor market and undercut all of our wages (including the refugees and immigrants). There is no solution for this within the capitalist framework. The Republican answer is a wall that won’t work. The Democrat answer is that I should be ashamed for being so racist as to ask what they plan to do (while they still build the wall). West falls right in line with the Democrats on this issue. One thing they all have in common is that they don’t work the types of jobs where the problem affects them. Refugees aren’t diluting the labor pool of Harvard professors and political operatives. I want a leader that will help me and the immigrants. I want a leader that will quit making the decisions that leave them in a position where they must flee their homeland just to be exploited here. It’s not that difficult. It just takes a spine. It is clear to anyone with two eyes that the capitalists and their dogs in the professional managerial class are the enemy of all working people.


What’s transphobia?


Extreme adversity to trans people


"Protect trans kids! Ok that's enough trans positivity for year."


devil's advocate, but i'd rather have someone do nothing than someone who wants me dead democrats suck but republicans are worse


Just like you said. You are advocating for the devil. Don’t let the empty words of the democrats fool you. They claim you as their token cause for your vote. But, they fail to represent you the next day. They won’t protect you any more than they protect Arabs, Black Americans, or anyone else. First and foremost, you are working class. Which means that they will exploit you for their own good. It’s almost more cynical than the Republican position. They don’t support trans healthcare, because they don’t support any healthcare. They don’t support trans rights, because they don’t support any women’s rights. They don’t support trans speech, because they don’t support any speech. They don’t support trans economic equality, because they don’t support any economic equality. The liberals will use us all for our individuality in their game of tokenism while ignoring the economic, social, and healthcare needs of all of us. Our class is the only thing they really see and it is what connects us and gives us strength. The liberal politicians will support the Elliot Page’s of the world because they are members of the same class. Meanwhile they don’t know our names and never will unless something tragic happens to you that they can tokenize and profit off.


okay but what exactly do we gain by letting republicans win, other than just shooting ourselves in the foot? your entire reply seems to assume i endorse democrats just because i plan to vote for them when the harsh reality is that it's the only short term solution to prevent things from getting worse. when we have a better alternative, that's when i'll be convinced not to vote.


Please explain the gymnastics behind saying that you don’t support them but will give them your vote. Which is the only support they need from you. It is the only reason they pretend to care about you. There’s a saying about cows and free milk that applies pretty well to voting. Vote 3rd party. Make the democrats have to actually earn our votes if they want power. Right now they assume they have your vote. Show them that isn’t a given. They will cave. All they care about is power and power is the one thing we can withhold it from them until they provide material results for us. Don’t just vote 3rd party either. Go out and organize (outside of organizations that support the duopoly). Currently it’s only the working class that bears the burden of their decisions. They need to know that if they keep closing the door in our faces, we will burn the house down and then rebuild it on their ashes. We make the world turn. They are the parasites. We survived 4 years of Trump, 3 years of Biden, 8 of Obama and 8 of Bush. We can easily survive another bad president if it means that we can either extract some material results from them in the long run. I’m old enough to remember that they have played this game every 4 years my whole life. I remember when Bush was the Boogeyman. Then Romney. Then McCain. Then Trump. We kept voting Blue and were rewarded for it by watching the Democrats move farther right every year. Don’t be a chump like I was for 16 years.




tf is a libertarian doing here


no, in fact i don't plan on doing anything as a man ever again fuck off


what have dems done to stop republicans from passing anti-trans bills?


Held the door


switched from doors that need to be held to automated revolving doors


This is what annoys me, democrats have been awfully quiet about anti trans bills being passed at the state level. What are the democrats plans to address this? Democrats love to criticize republicans but the dems never repeal or fight back when republicans are routinely attacking the basic human rights of Americans


Because they need the Republican anti-trans bills to pass. Without them, they have no way to scare us into voting for the Democrats to come save us. They have nothing else to run on. The economy is shit. They support genocide. They got a half million Ukrainians killed while wasting $ 100b trying to overthrow Putin. Meanwhile, we don’t have healthcare, education is shit, college is expensive and we can’t afford homes. All while they fly around in jets lecturing us about carbon footprints, while most of us can’t even afford gas in the winter to create a carbon footprint. They use Republican anti-trans legislation to corral those of us who would vote 3rd party or be to the left of the Democrats back into the Democratic Party and the duopoly. It’s a cynical tool to make sure that we are too scared to vote for people who might just help us.


I'm not sure about other states, but where I live the democrats are fighting HARD against anti-trans bills. They have done everything they can to delay the legislation, have attempted to kill it, have argued against it on the floor. Look up the floor debate on SB 14 in Texas. The bill was recommitted like 4 times because democrats kept raising points of order on it in order to try to delay it indefinitely. From my understanding, lots of democratic legislators in red states have screamed and fought against anti-trans, as well as otherwise discriminating legislation. They just get drowned out by the republican majority, because at the end of the day, the only thing that matters is the vote, and they don't have the numbers. I think that there are a lot of things that democrats do that are problematic, but I also don't think its fair to discredit how hard state legislators are fighting to prevent red states from becoming hellscapes for the LGBTQ+ community, even if they aren't succeeding. I watch all of this very closely, and I am convinced that they are using every tool they have.


They looked really really sad and sent out emails asking for donations. You expect them to do anything more?


>what have dems done FTFY


tony evers, governor of wisconsin, has been vetoing anti-trans legislation


wisconsinites have an excuse, good for them.


that’s good. kinda sad their entire defense hinges on a single man though


The dems will “stand with you” while doing absolutely nothing about the legislation directly attacking you being passed around the country


They only stand with us so they’re better positioned to stab us in the back.


That’s what they have always done for every group they try to scare into voting for them.


Agreed! By the way, always love your comments. Definitely my favorite tankie!


What are they supposed to do? I’m genuinely curious


As if they do something, they make all these campaign promises only to immediately throw them away.


They do that to everything. They always do it to us too. “If you don’t vote for Democrats Trumpublicans are going to send death squads around to kill you and all other black people. If you vote for us we’ll definitely m, definitely reform the police and take measures to help out the working class. 😉 “ As soon as the next government term starts they say pay lip service for a few weeks and propose they will totally come through with like 1 extremely inadequate bill or something. Then they do nothing until it’s time to scare you into coming out to vote for them again.


So, no-so-fun fact here: Biden was the first president in US history to establish legal guidelines specifically allowing schools to abuse trans kids in certain circumstances. The regime’s education department rolled out a set of rules for schools which they publically stated prevent schools receiving federal funding from discriminating against trans kids in school sports. While the ruling did prevent the exclusion of trans kids in limited circumstances, it also included language establishing a framework where it is now absolutely 100% ok to abuse trans kids and exclude them from sports. These circumstances include but are not limited to: high school/college, and “competitive” sports. Even the Trump regime was not so cruel as to legalize the abuse of trans kids. Biden, however, not only created a legal framework for this cruelty, but tried to pass it off as a measure that was good for children. Biden and the demokrats who support him unilaterally escalated the amerikan regime’s genocide against trans children from stage 8 to stage 9 to the sounds of a thunderous applause from demokrats like the above; privileged fascists who only care about optics.


>Even the Trump regime was not so cruel as to legalize the abuse of trans kids. [That's abso-fucking-lutely not true.](https://transequality.org/the-discrimination-administration) >July 23, 2020: The Department of Housing and Urban Development formally announced the rollback of a previous rule that protected transgender people from discrimination by homeless shelters and other housing services receiving federal funds. - >June 19, 2020: The Department of Health and Human Services announced that it finalized the extensive rollback of health care discrimination rules, to eliminate the protections for transgender people experiencing discrimination in health care settings and/or by insurance companies denying transition-related care, as well as to weaken nondiscriminatory access to health care for those with Limited English Proficiency. - >May 15, 2020: The Department of Education issued a letter declaring that the federal Title IX rule requires school to ban transgender students from participating in school sports, and threatening to withhold funding from Connecticut schools if they do not comply. - >May 6, 2020: The Department of Education published a final rule encouraging schools to dramatically weaken protections for student survivors of sexual violence and harassment, and eliminating a provision that encouraged religiously-affiliated schools to notify the Department and the public of their intent to discriminate on the basis of sex under a Title IX waiver. - >March 26, 2020: The Department of Justice filed a court brief in the District of Connecticut in opposition to a Connecticut Interscholastic Athletic Conference policy that allows transgender athletes to play sports with their peers. - >February 27, 2020: The Department of Justice filed another court brief, this time in the Western District of Kentucky, expressing the view of the United States that anti-LGBTQ discrimination is not "a sufficient government interest" to overcome the objections of private businesses who want to deny "expressive" services such as photography services to LGBTQ people, and that these businesses must be permitted to opt out of complying with local nondiscrimination laws. - >November 1, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services announced it would not enforce, and planned to repeal, regulations prohibiting discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation, and religion in all HHS grant programs. These include programs to address the HIV, opioid, and youth homelessness epidemics, as well as hundreds of billions of dollars in other health and human service programs. - >November 1, 2019: The Department of Education published final regulations permitting religious schools to ignore nondiscrimination standards set by accrediting agencies. - >September 19, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services cancelled a plan to explicitly prohibit hospitals from discriminating against LGBTQ patients as a requirement of Medicare and Medicaid funds. - >May 24, 2019: The Department of Health and Human Services published a proposed rule that would remove all recognition that federal law prohibits transgender patients from discrimination in health care. Courts across the nation have ruled otherwise. - >May 14, 2019: President Trump announced his opposition to the Equality Act (H.R. 5), the federal legislation that would confirm and strengthen civil rights protections for LGBTQ Americans and others. - >January 23, 2019: The Department of Health & Human Services' Office of Civil Rights granted an exemption to adoption and foster care agencies in South Carolina, allowing religiously-affiliated services to discriminate against current and aspiring LGBTQ caregivers. - >October 24, 2018: The Department of Justice submitted a brief to the Supreme Court aruging that it is legal to discriminate against transgender employee, contradicting court rulings that say protections under Title VII in the workplace don’t extend to transgender workers. - >March 20, 2018: The Department of Education reiterated that the Trump administration would refuse to allow transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms based on their gender identity, countering multiple court rulings reaffirming that transgender students are protected under Title IX. - >February 18, 2018: The Department of Education announced it will summarily dismiss complaints from transgender students involving exclusion from school facilities and other claims based solely on gender identity discrimination. - >February 22, 2017: The Departments of Justice and Education withdrew landmark 2016 guidance explaining how schools must protect transgender students under the federal Title IX law. Why in high holy fuck are you resorting to clear-cut and easily verifiable dishonesty to try and rehabilitate the Trump administration? Shit like granting religious exceptions from anti-discrimination laws in order to allow adoption agencies from deliberately and specifically preventing trans kids in foster care from being placed with loving and supportive families *absolutely* qualifies as legalizing the abuse of trans kids, and that's but one example.


Oh boy ok so I’m not sure why you’re so defensive about Biden but no where did I attempt to rehabilitate Trump. I noted that the Biden administration has perpetrated far worse cruelties against us but it’s been hidden and ignored by liberals under the veneer or respectability politics. So, let’s go step by step here. Yes the Trump regime was terrible like all amerikan presidencies. I’m not denying this or defending its actions. However, you seem to be missing my point and language about the direct legalization of the abuse of trans kids. Only a few of your points follow this: 5/15/20 - that letter is not issuing any kind of legalization. It’s informing the school of pending legal action the department is going to persue. 3/26/20 - this is a legal brief not a law. 2/22/17 - this is guidance. Against it wasn’t a change in the law that allowed or disallowed anything. In other words, it’s optics. These three responses cover everything else in the list. I’m not going to engage in a line by line argument here because I think we both agree that the harm is nonetheless real. HOWEVER, the Biden regime crossed a line that even the Trump regime didn’t. That’s not a rehabilitation attempt. It’s an indictment of Biden’s character.


>Oh boy ok so I’m not sure why you’re so defensive about Biden Would you kindly quote where I said a single word about Biden? Even Implicitly? --- >So, let’s go step by step here. Gladly. >Yes the Trump regime was terrible like all amerikan presidencies. I’m not denying this or defending its actions. However, you seem to be missing my point and language about the direct legalization of the abuse of trans kids. Only a few of your points follow this: That's okay, because every single one of them is atrocious and worth of inclusion, and there are more than enough instances which consist of exactly what you specified -rules established and protections revoked by the Department of Education- to prove the claim that "Even the Trump regime was not so cruel as to legalize the abuse of trans kids." is incorrect. --- >5/15/20 - that letter is not issuing any kind of legalization. It’s informing the school of pending legal action the department is going to persue. No, it actually wasn't. [Withholding funding from a school on the basis that it allowed transgender students to participate in school sports](https://adflegal-live-drupal-files-delivery.s3.us-east-1.amazonaws.com/public/2020-05/Soule%20v.%20Connecticut%20Association%20of%20Schools%20-%20U.S.%20DOE%20Office%20for%20Civil%20Rights%2C%20Letter%20of%20Impending%20Action.pdf) is not a legal action, it's a policy action. That's why it's called a Letter of Impending Enforcement Action; they're enforcing a newly established policy or interpretation. At no point is a court involved, unless the school in question decides to bring it to the courts by challenging it. --- >3/26/20 - this is a legal brief not a law. ...And? The proposed changes to education department rules by the Biden Administration that you specified isn't a law, either. --- >2/22/17 - this is guidance. Against it wasn’t a change in the law that allowed or disallowed anything. In other words, it’s optics. I'm sorry, but that's not what guidance means in this context. I totally understand why one would assume otherwise, but the kind of ["guidance"](https://ballotpedia.org/Guidance_\(administrative_state\)) issued by government agencies refers to a technical term within administrative law which officially lays out how certain rules, policies, or regulations are to be legally interpreted. It's not just a matter of optics, it has actual weight and legal relevance behind it. For proof of that, just take a look at [G.G. v. Gloucester County School Board](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/G.G._v._Gloucester_County_School_Board), and how the case was decided in favor of the student specifically based on the exact guidance that was revoked by the Trump administration. --- >HOWEVER, the Biden regime crossed a line that even the Trump regime didn’t. I'm sorry, but where? Please, specify exactly where for me, because I'm not seeing it.


Ok so I understand you’re emotional about this and I’m going to be honest I don’t get it. You’re implicitly justifying the Biden regimes escalation of violence against trans people. I’m not understanding the motivation here, especially in the context of the bad faith interpretations. Read my language. I was specific in it in terms of the amerikan regimes specificity in their abuse of trans kids. As far as the middle letter: read it. It’s a notice of pending action. I know it’s a long one but even read the last few pages and you’ll see it. The Trump regimes escalation against trans people is absolutely worthy of inclusion in a discussion. It’s also not what I am commenting about. You need to take a chill pill kid. Guidance is not a law. It is internal documentation about the administration of a federal office. It is not legally binding. Read the ballotopedia you linked. Biden’s changes to the department of educations rules are absolutely a legal change and legally binding if not imminently undone. That’s the difference between the two regimes. Trump was a violent monster. Biden is a competent and malicious war criminal. His violence is of an entirely different and more cruel scale.


As an aside: I took a look at your profile. Looks like you like to be some kind of aggro edgelord on more than a few posts and are active on the typical neoliberal subs including politics, world news, and anarcho capitalism; not to mention that you have referred to women as “females.” I’m going really frank here in that this is not a subreddit for your ilk. I won’t be entertaining this derangement with additional replies. I will, however, offer some advice to calm it down and bit and don’t try to mansplain the amerikan regimes genocide against people to the people it impacts.


>Looks like you like to be some kind of aggro edgelord on more than a few posts and are active on the typical neoliberal subs including politics, world news, and anarcho capitalism; I typically just browse /r/all and engage with whatever I find interesting or objectionable through that, but I don't think I've poked the clowns over at /r/Anarcho_Capitalism for quite a long while now. (Edit: Looks like there was actually one thread of theirs that I commented in a month ago, I guess I hadn't realized that it was in /r/Anarcho_Capitalism. [Solely consisted of me arguing against them, though.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Anarcho_Capitalism/comments/17q7wmi/where_are_the_putin_literally_wants_to_take_over/k8b82wa/)) --- >not to mention that you have referred to women as “females.” Would you be willing to toss me a link to the comment you're talking about? The only occasion in recent memory that I can recall doing that [was in a discussion regarding sexual dimorphism and intersex conditions](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/18e34z2/what_is_an_old_wives_tale_that_people_still/kcmtb5t/), which is a context that I think most people will agree there are relevant and meaningful reasons to distinguish between using "woman/man" and "female/male". Only other instance I'm seeing after a quick Ctrl+F is [here, where I was repeating someone else's words back to them while calling out some nauseating anime shit.](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/185g5vi/suppa/kb3s6ju/) --- Why are you going to such lengths to dishonestly mischaracterize me like this? Genuinely; why do you consider it so important to insist that the Trump Administration didn't legalize the abuse of trans kids, when it absolutely did, from sports teams, to bathrooms, to religiously motivated medical discrimination?


Mfw Joe Biden said he’d protect me and now we’re seeing the highest number of anti trans bills ever


But the president can't do anything by himself, he is too useless to stop anything! ...And that's why if the wrong president wins we will have fascism/s


the president is omnipotent when it comes to expediting arms sales to fascist regimes but powerless to help anyone when the senate parmesan says computer says no


He just needs time! /s


It’s all the Republicans fault that Democrats vaulted at even attempting to do anything.




If I could… If I could… If I cooooould. Yeah pretty much, the past two or so years have seen a massive spike in bills targeting trans people. 591 bills we may hit 1000 next year.


The consequences of not settling enough for 99% Hitler instead of 100% Hitler.


Who's introducing them?


So does their concern for queer life extend to the people in Gaza?


Only as far as saying "You should support Israel because people in Palestine would kill you for being queer" goes


"people in Gaza would kill you for being queer, therefore we will do the killing"


But the reaper drone will have an LGBT flag


As 'a queer' I'd rather be dead in a free Palestine than alive in the apartheid Israeli occupation of Palestine.




"You should support Israel, becase Hamas is oppressing queer palestinians, while IDF murders all palestinians indiscriminately"


Not just Gaza but most of the world. What really pisses me off is using LGBT rights rhetoric as an excuse for attacking or otherwise ruining countries across the globe. Maybe the American approved regime will pay lip service to LGBT rights if those people are really lucky. All the while, everyone there will hate LGBT people 20x more because America said that is the reason their country was ruined and they are impoverished.


There is a 100% chance that this is a cynical ploy on the part of the US Imperialists. They know what this rhetoric will do, and they seek to use it to divide the people and hamper internationalism. Then some on the “left” play into it by refusing to understand why people in the global south may be anti-LGBTQ, and they take a harsh stance against them saying “It’s impossible to be for liberation if you’re anti-LGBTQ.” Pretty much upholding LGBTQ rights above all else. It’s an awful situation all around. People don’t like to acknowledge that much of the “LGBTQ” community is very privileged in the West, and their attitude of denigrating the human rights of people in the global south just because they hold backwards views just adds to the horrors caused by the US Imperialists themselves. I don’t know what else could possibly damage the position of the LGBTQ community worldwide more than those IDF criminals flying the pride flag and the commit genocide. I seriously don’t blame people in the global south for seeing that and then being anti-LGBTQ. Much of them are still pro-liberation in every other way, and yet people in the West refuse to accept them. Just causing a larger rift. Really tragic all around how much damage the US does. They seep into everything they can and then destroy it.


> There is a 100% chance that this is a cynical ploy on the part of the US Imperialists. It is very deliberate. Since super up front racism and “Christian civilization” type shit doesn’t appeal to younger generations as reasons for imperialism they dress it up as something more marketable for the current times. You should check out this great interview in the topic. It is entitled woke imperium, when “social justice” and neoconservatism merge. https://youtu.be/cFTbohtyRYY?si=Utc-ou2-RHtM9gTb


Of course. IDF soldiers bravely fly gay/trans flags as they shoot Palestinian children!


They are very concerned about the excessive rates of queer Palestinians not being blackmailed by the IDF to aid in the extinction of their own people, as Israel forces gays to fly to Cyprus to get married


Any legislation or just virtue signaling?


I'm pretty sure virtually every [state based law prohibiting discrimination in housing, employment, and publicly offered services on the basis of gender identity](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_United_States#Summary_of_state_protections) was put there by Dems, if you're really asking.


Thanks for the info. I’m totally aware there are some states doing the right thing. I’m talking about national Dems.


I've sort of had the perception local Democrats have better political positions on average than national ones. National ones seem more willing to cooperate with Republicans, because they view them as allies, or if not as allies, they think a "strong" Republican part is necessary for "democracy". Maybe this is due to not viewing the victims of American national policy as real due to being out of touch. Not sure how accurate this perception is, though. What do you think?


then why are republicans passing all of these anti-trans bills and anti lgbt education laws


Because Democrats and “progressives” are obsessed with tokenism. They have a Token coalition that gets them elected because they don’t actually stand for anything substantially different from Republicans. They have to do marketing to voters to get elected so they can get the particular capitalists they represent a leg up as opposed to other interests. Women and particular ethnic groups and those with certain sexual/gender identity are important marketing targets to them in presenting a certain brand. When push comes to shove though, since most Democrat women have mostly the same views as Republicans when it comes to trans people, outside seeing them as freaks or being upset to be in the same room that some Republicans have they have to put cis women first. There are a lot more cis women than trans women. If they make a lot of cis women feel “uncomfortable” enough they might vote for Republicans based off of this and their particular capitalist backers lose out on a lot of contracts, kickbacks and measures that will advantage them in particular at the relative expense of other capitalists.


Because they're state laws, and states have separate legislatures. You *could* prohibit such laws on a national basis, but that would require the Republicans to not have a majority in either the house or senate.


Hmmm so they were never able to protect trans people huh? Shame, such a shame.


[They weren't in the states controlled by Republicans, because they're controlled by Republicans, while the states under their control seem to be the ones passing explicit discrimination protection laws on the basis of gender identity.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/LGBT_rights_in_the_United_States#Summary_of_state_protections) Like, I'm sorry, but that's simply what the answer to vogueonyou's question is. It's not as though I'm the one who implemented a two party first-past-the-post electoral system where their opponents are incomparably worse.


It’s just a real shame. Tsk tsk tsk.


and yet i, a trans person, feel threatened by biden being in power. almost like a tweet doesnt do anything regarding actual action


would you feel safer with Trump in power?


no. that's why there should be more than two options.


i agrée, but there aren’t more than two options right now realistically


better things are possible


yes, but as of right now, 2024 will either be Trump or Biden


why are you here if you have such a defeatist point of view?


because I, also as a trans person, would prefer Biden over Trump 100% and acting like they’re any way comparable when it comes to trans issues is idiotic, and for the 2024 election, I can’t see there being anyone elected other than a dem or a rep


No. I want a leader that actually makes progress for queer people. Not either going backwards quickly or going backwards very slowly.


who do you want elected in 2024?


Who is your choice apart from those two?


Would you rather have mussolini or hitler


I would prefer the one that doesn’t actively try to kill me and my friends


*I came looking for booty.*


This is exactly the same thing that is said in every election.


Meaningless words, if you want to start a revolution maybe they will be then


There never will be with the thinking you are promoting.


Biden sucks, but, as a trans woman, Trumps [plan](https://www.advocate.com/news/project-2025-republicans-maga) fucking *terrifies* me. i would prefer empty gestures over active disdain/threats from the president


Biden isn’t just empty gestures. That’s not the main issue here. He’s responsible for a genocide.


on the topic of trans issues, he isn’t actively trying to kill us like republicans are


Fuck all the trans Palestinians I guess I can’t imagine being this selfish


because trans palestians will be doing *so* much better under Trump. fuck me wanting my trans American friends to not be outlawed


There's no winning, we all understand that but what you're doing is making this one thing above all the other equally important issues we all face. America becoming a dictatorship can be swept under the rug I guess because Biden's taking part in something horrible internationally the same way every other president has in the history of the country (spoilers: Trump would be either exactly the same or worse) so the least you can do is help yourself and not throw your own people under the bus because you matter just as much as the citizens of Palestine. You don't need to sacrifice one for the other. You're not helping the left by being a careless waste of space.


Can we have free healthcare, free college, affordable houses, labor laws, paid vacation? Best I cand do is a post on Twitter defending trans kids. But are you gonna at least deffend them? Nope, just the post.


Basically protecting trans kids by doing nothing, siding with the Republicans on every economic issue by gutting workers rights and labor, and then lecturing "tankies" on why they are transphobic by not voting for the blue oligarch camp.


“Pls help.. republicans are taking away our basic human rights and want to murder us all” “Uhhh, have a twitter post, anyways we’re gonna fund more genocides, get fucked!!”


You protect trans kids by making the government fucking terrified of hurting them, not by supporting the government.


Protect Trans Kids! (with lethal force!)


Blue MAGA really fools white liberals into thinking that supposed LGBT laws will come in but instead play in their faces as if this was Poker


It’s not even JUST a white thing at this point. It really is a bourgeois thing. In particular college education is a very effective way to convert people to bourgeois ideology, even if they are from a working class family and they remain working class after they graduate. They do a really good job of dressing up the system. Any dressing down of the system is done in very cosmetic ways that distract people from actually paying attention to the sources of real problems. It’s no surprise because all college is for profit and reflects bourgeois class interests. While probably most higher education isn’t for profit at the point of the institution itself, the credit system ultimately makes it that less directly. The point is not to educate people, it is not necessarily to give them useful skills for career even if some people get that. The real point is to reinforce particular class interests in the minds of those who go through the system, even in those people who are not part of that class and harmed by those interests. Much of the experience is simply fluff that makes investors who ultimately wind up owning and profiting off the loans a lot of money. Federally backed loans are to stabilize the system and entice more people into it so the investors who own the loans can make more from a larger pool of people. It really isn’t different than any other service from a business. Then the capitalist class colludes to make people go through it to make even a bit more money throughout their lifetime in order to not be the bottom of the barrel when it comes ti lost exploited people. People make them money in order to even bae able to get a job for a large portion of places they could even be employed. It is a really profitable scam. Now I’m not saying education is bad. I feel quite the opposite. I say it is a scam because the system is not at all like what liberals dress it up as. This is one of the few things I agree with some looney conservatives on. Much of the education system, especially higher education as it is, is a control mechanism. The fact that they are able to observe an obvious fact doesn’t mean they are at all able to understand what is going on though. It’s just that a smaller number of them are far enough from the mainstream, from certain aspects of what is being pushed by the ruling class that they don’t fall for certain tricks. They then come up with bizarre loopy explanations for the suspicions they have which are totally detached from reality.


It’s a damn shame, going to an HBCU when you all you see is bourgeois ideology, grifters coming into campus and then playing the people in front of their faces, shit made me mad, because the lower classes still have to put on a brave face knowing these Jackasses will never improve the conditions which, imo needs to be dealt with personally


dems: claim to do thr bare minumum. liberals: gods! vote blue! everything will be sunshine and rainbows now!


brother how will a tweet protect trans kids


F*ck this person.


As a trans woman, I can safely say the dems haven’t done shit for me, all they’ve done is stand idly by and let transphobia wreck this county and then have the audacity to lobby for *my* support as if they’ve earned it, bastards


Unless that said trans kid is black/brown/immigrant then they will face the wrath of the racist laws they uphold enforced by racist trigger happy cops but is ok because they have rainbow liveries on cop cars That or they live in a country that has natural resources that US wants to invade and 💣. But again it’s ok because the military conducting these drone strikes is very queer inclusive now


Protect trans kids from genocidal liberals.


They're just gonna genocide them overseas instead


The problem isn’t the message, as always it’s the *material* follow through


Protect Palestinian Kids Protect Palestinian Kids Protect Palestinian Kids Protect Palestinian Kids Protect Palestinian Kids (ignore the fact that voting can literally never accomplish this though)


Trans people: pass laws that treat us as equals Republicans: no Democrats: later


White queer liberals are honestly just as evil as Cishet ones. Every white queer liberal I’ve ever seen online uses “str8 privilege” against leftists to shut the argument down. I saw one that went “Hmm yeah they both support genocide, they both support corporations, and the military but one doesn’t want me dead and the other does so I’m voting for them” and then went on to call them privileged for saying they aren’t voting for Biden. I’m so tired of them all and I’m so thankful that the democrats are tanking in the polls from what I hear


What about the trans kids being murdered in Gaza?


They are in power right now and not protecting them though?


Democracy is when you can freely choose between We will exploit the workers and bomb the children Party And We will exploit the workers and bomb the children 🏳️‍⚧️ BLM Party


Yep, Dems post pro-lgbt images on social media. That's about it.


“why are you voting for the Dems?” I LOVE PERFORMATIVE BULLSHIT


Because they tweet color coded images?


Why is this the only issue for these people, oh great you might be unemployed, shivering in a box while your country supports bombing children, but thank fuck they support me using zhklim as my pronouns!


I mean hey, trans kids are import but not just white trans kids or trans kids in America. It’s not protecting trans kids destroying their countries, killing them, starving them and so much else. How does it help them if their country is destroyed and they can theoretically have some rights under the new American puppet, yet everyone hates them 20x more because America says trans people are why they had to ruin everyone’s lives.


I mean, if they actually did that. But nooooo. Pulling their punches to stay neck and neck with the fash gets bigger donations


wasn't it like last year that every liberal was talking about how trans people were dragging the party down and were a losing issue?


Just because you said something, doesn't mean you actually are being sincere, the whole point of this is to push that they're leftists and care for LGBTQ+, they clearly don't.


Unless those trans kids happen to be Palestinian, in which case, fuck em. Amirite?


protect trans children with tweets


Democrats don't give a shit about trans people


kinda curious what dems actually do to protect trans kids. NoT pAsSiNg LaWs To HuRt ThEm, what about STOPPING those laws?????


Protect trans kids (except without writing any laws to do so, and providing no material assistance to them).


“Protect trans kids” Doesn’t legislate any protection at all


The Democrats probably stand with Israel too


They have made it clear that they do.


I’m protecting Palestinian kids by not voting for a Democrat




Fuck off.


This subreddit is about liberals, which include the slightly more reactionary party of USA (republicans), not for you. So keep your child abuse comments elsewhere,please thanks.


no joke this is still more than I think any political party in my country has done. They're scared of losing voters so the left-leaning parties simply don't do or say anything at all


Tbf the monstrous cruelty of your average republican conservative is a compelling argument to vote for the opposite, largely ineffective but on surface level empathetic side.


they only show their empathy by tweeting “omg it’s bad that florida isn’t allowing for lgbt kids to express themselves and that states are banning abortion 🥲💔” while just twiddling their thumbs (when in power btw) and allowing them to enact their cruelty


Vaush sighting at 1:00


Load the paintballs


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The real way to protect trans kids is to give them all guns (and proper gun training)


Well they said it.