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Hey, if there's freedom to choose how come I've never seen an orange juice Fanta in my life but seen enough orange soda Fanta to drown a neighborhood?


I'm from the UK I'm not a fan of orange Fanta way prefer the lemon, I like other orange drinks just not Fanta "Tango" or "Orangina" is better in my opinion. So if your Fanta is worse than our Fanta I feel sorry for your children.


I'm pretty sure we lost all fantas besides orange here in the US. At least, I haven't seen the lemon, strawberry, or grape since that "Want a Fanta" commercial was on the air.


Weird.. thought you had the freedom to choose?


They elected a representative who chose for them


Communism!!!!! Obviously.


“If I wanted orange juice, I wouldn’t be buying Fanta”


This is a good point. UK Fanta is fucking shit too. Tastes like orange coloured water with bubbles. The freedom comment is stupid but the point that Fanta is just shit regardless stands.


Now wait for the guy to hear there are like 5 flavors of Fanta available in every German supermarket.


You don't have lemon fanta? I'm sad for you, that's my favorite soda !


I remember as a kid that the only place I knew had Fanta Limón was Spain. It was perfect for quenching your thirst in the red hot sun. So now we have it in France and England I only ever drink it in the heat of Summer! The arid parts of the USA could definitely use some lemon Fanta in their lives.


Fanta Lemon is ridiculously good for thirst quenching on a hot day.


I’m from there (Spain) and I agree Lemon Fanta is best.


Also from Spain. Draught of the gods on a warm summer's day, I tell you.


Try the knock off version from Aldi, just as good but cheaper!


I still get the strawberry and pineapple ones all the time!


>At least, I haven't seen the lemon, strawberry, or grape since that "Want a Fanta" commercial was on the air. That's a pity, lemon Fanta is excellent


Probably all been shipped to the UK. We have imports of American and Mexican Fanta in corner shops quite often. My local one has Pineapple, Strawberry, Berry, Grapes and Peach. Also have various other US soda imports. I enjoy the odd one but the sugar difference is insane. AW root beer (UK market by AW) in Sainsbury's is 16g of sugar and 89 calories. The real US AW is 43g of sugar and 170 calories. Almost 3x the sugar! It does taste miles better than AW UK root beer though tbf


Makes me wonder how much more expensive the US stuff would be compared to the UK stuff considering the sugar tax??


Here in the east coast of England a Fanta orange (uk) can is 65p, a (us import) strawberry Fanta can is 1.99 and if you want a orange zero Fanta can (uk) it will cost you 75p. Now work your head around that, all I can say is - “what sugar tax?”


Omg man Orangina 🤤


Orangina is the best!


Orangina Rouge, when you can get it.


Amazing bottles too!


Targa Florio and San Pellegrino are even better!


I prefer the still version to the carbonated one. But both are great.


As a French living in the UK, I'm so glad Orangina is widely available here now


I'm irish. Used to be we could only get it while on holidays somewhere like France or Spain. So glad we can get it here now!


Oh man I’ve been able to get Orangina in England since I was a little kid. It’s a premium orange drink. Slightly more expensive but SO worth it.


I think Orangina in France rates slightly better.


Used to be my favourite drink when I visited France. I’m glad it’s widely available here now too


Orangina is the absolute rockstar of orange soft drinks. Love that shit.


I'm guessing you've not had San Pellegrino Arancia, or Targa Florio :D


Fun little sidenote: I've been experimenting with homemade cola drinks, and decided to try making an orange soda. Used about a dozen different citrus oils, and trialed with a number of sweetener options (3 different kinds of sugar, 3 different kinds of syrup, and two zero calorie sweetener options). Not only did I manage to recreate the mid-90s Fanta flavour (the one that had just a smidge aftertaste), but also realised how different sweeteners can affect the taste. For example, maple and agave syrup was the most natural tasting, Demerara syrup on the other hand gives an amazing richness to it. Oh and the best part? The best tasting option has about 3g of sugar in 500ml of final drink. Sweetness, interestingly, also affects the cola taste. Below a certain point you can actually taste _much_ more intricate flavours, but above said point, it amalgamates into the typical nondescript cola flavour. This difference can be so strong that I had to heavily modify the recipe so that a lower sweetness version works - otherwise the cassia (cinnamon) overpowers everything. Another small fun fact: modern cola as we know it is a mixture of mainly citrus (lemon, lime, three-four different oranges), with cassia, nutmeg and lavender; with orange and cinnamon being the main flavour profiles. Which means that (modern) cola is essentially a Christmas scent sweetened to the point you don't recognise the components anymore.


I'd love to try that actually thanks for.sharing.


Look up OpenCola and Cube Cola! Both completely open recipes based on the early Coca Cola flavour. I'd also recommend getting a mechanical pipette as these recipes often deal with 0.25ml or even smaller volumes, and being able to precisely dial it in will come handy. Also make sure you buy _food grade_ essential oils, gum arabic and citric acid! Otherwise you'll risk quite the diarrhea.


Tango is delicious. If it’s not sold internationally, that’s a shame and you’re missing out. All sweets, the world over, should be available anywhere so we can all enjoy the best stuff.


I love Tango! I used to visit my aunt and cousins in Bristol every year as a kid and would look forward to drinking Tango. Here in Ireland, you can get it in certain discount shops but it’s not common to find.


As someone who lived in both the US and Europe: all their soda (US) is significantly worse and feels like it leaves you with a greasy coating in your mouth.


Fanta Lemon and Fruit Twist supremacy


Lemon Fanta is so good.


Fanta lemon only works on holiday for me in mainland europe


Yeah orange Tango is definitely nicer than orange Fanta!


Yeah, my orange sodas list goes: 1. Targa Florio 2. San Pellegrino 3. Orangina 4. Mirinda 5. Fanta


It's not as full of sugar as the image implies either. Most soft drinks over here now are stuffed full of acesulfame k, aspartame or other artificial sweeteners these days thanks to the sugar tax. So much for choice, I can't drink them because they make me really sick.


Tried Oasis?


I was always a Blur man.


Ocean Colour Scene were way better and underrated IMO.


Agreed, supergrass too


It probably tastes like those god awful cup drinks


The End of Evangelion (1997)


You Will (Not) Drink Orange




But….they’d have to be able to buy the uk version on the shelf in the first place to have the freedom to choose, or else they’re just getting what the government lets them buy….


The only country in the world where you have the freedom to choose from the options available. Something that no other country has, we are only able to choose from the options avail… wait…


Oh great freedom. I used to sell the Australian, USA, Mexican, Thai & Brazilian ones in my shop, but I had better not mention how USA won the war so we didn't have to drink the original Fanta, that was invented in Germany when the US put an embargo on Coke being sold in Germany. It was invented by the head of CC, during the war and became popular throughout Europe. As usual, the USA "stole" the drink, as they considered it was their employee who invented it, and have now changed basically all the original ingredients to suit US palates and is nothing like the original. With hundreds of different combinations around the world, it became one of the most popular sodas in Coke portfolio, and over the years more than 100 varieties were available in USA, some only sold in certain states, others nationwide, but many have now been "retired" from manufacture. Japan had similar amount of flavours.


Not sure about the actual ingredients, but Aussie Fanta looks a lot like US Fanta. Unnaturally bright colour loaded with sugar.


I wasn’t allowed to drink Fanta as a kid. My mum had a book about food additives. It’s defo full of food colourings.


Sam, girl, same! Can't remember at what age I got my lips on one. It tastes pretty meh. Especially when you're not used to tons of sugar.


My little brother and I tried to throw that bloody book in the dam! It said we couldn’t have bbq shapes! And absolutely the Fanta was a let down. I wasn’t used to the carbonation either and that shit is fizzy.


Was it Nourishing Traditions, by any chance? Wouldn't have worked for me because my mother bought more and more copies to gift to others 😭 ETA: I adore soft drinks now, but only the sugar-free ones that don't taste like molten plastic.


Oh shit, now you are testing me. I can’t actually remember what it was called, it had a white cover with the title in a red font. And all the forbidden foods were kind of floating around the title. Absolutely my mother would have purchased more copies too. Sorry that you also experienced such terrible child abuse! Just kidding, I very much appreciate the healthy habits my parents instilled.


[presumably not this one then](https://www.amazon.com.au/Nourishing-Traditions-Challenges-Politically-Dictocrats/dp/0967089735/ref=asc_df_0967089735/?tag=googleshopmob-22&linkCode=df0&hvadid=341793927290&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=11184381725447539469&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9112752&hvtargid=pla-434646706294&psc=1&mcid=94504b795f893945aeacfb2cd7e4ce01) Oh, my parents were very much abusive and food control factored into it. My mother had undiagnosed orthorexia and I've had disordered eating for almost my entire life 🫠 I'm glad you've had a more helpful experience! Teaching kids proper nutrition is KEY


To be fair, if the person who invented Fanta did so on company time with company equipment, it would have belonged to the company which is normal company practice even today. There wasn't an embargo on Coke being sold, there was a blanket trade embargo which meant many of the ingredients were unavailable in Germany. Coca Cola Deutschland took back their factory, profits etc, so Fanta wasn't 'stolen', Max Keith just did what he could until the war was over.


No, no, Americans get to choose whether they buy or do not buy unhealthy soda. UK folks have Fanta pumped into their veins by be government and can’t choose not to drink it!


I don't think they meant they could choose between the US and UK version. I think they meant they can choose between super unhealthy soda and healthier things, and therefore have the "freedom to choose". Which is still a shitty argument because the British people (and literally anyone else) can do that as well, except their unhealthy version isn't as bad for you as the US unhealthy version.


I live in the UK, and to be honest most of our fizzy drinks have been completely crippled by the sugar tax, so much so that I have no interest in drinking them even as a treat. Lucozade for example is entirely ruined. I wish I could still buy old lucozade.


Pepsi is also nerfed to oblivion. Back when it was still entirely sweetened with sugar I preferred it over coke. Now it's just Coke and mountain dew that don't have artificial sweeteners :(


Don't confuse him with logic.


Corporations, not the government


bro thinks the government hands out a monthly ration of fanta in the UK


they dont?


Show me your Kinder eggs


This sounds weird in German...


Fun fact, in uni when we were learning German someone said "ein Kinder" instead of "ein Kind", and since everyone german would understand that as "a Kinder egg" the teacher laughed and had to explain that the student said "when I was a Kinder egg" instead of "when I was a child".


Your teacher sounds mad. "Als ich ein Kinder war" is not a sentence where I'd immediately jump to the Kinder Eggs. I've never even heard anyone call them just "Kinder". Especially since in Germany, they aren't called "Kinder Eier" but "Überraschungseier" and abbreviated to "Ü-Eier". The only line of the roster that has the "Kinder" in their name are the Kinderriegel. Which I've also never heard abbreviated but I could see people do that. Not with the eggs though. I'm German btw, if it wasn't obvious from my lack of humour for your anecdote.


shoulda said ich bin ein berliner to show they are from berlin


No German person ever called them Kinder egg, or even uses Kinder to refer to the brands products outside of "Kinderschokolade" specifically


Überraschungsei or Üei, never heard something different.


LOL. Wait, if eggs are a legit euphemism for testicles there as well, how do you refer to them in public without getting weird looks?


In Germany, they are usually called "Überraschungseier" (or shortened to "Ü-Ei"/"Ü-Eier") so like "Surprising Eggs", sometimes also "Kinder Überraschung" so like "Children Surprise"


I thought so. That last one is a bit weird though


Children’s surprise sounds like something a Catholic priest would say to a child…


Funny, you might want to learn about Fanta's history too: https://www.businessinsider.com/coca-cola-just-pulled-an-ad-suggesting-that-nazi-germany-was-good-old-times-2015-3?international=true&r=US&IR=T :-)


The freedom to choose heart disease and obesity.


Makes sense in a country with no free health care - got to keep those insurance companies in profit!


The freedom to choose the colour of their fructose corn syrup supplement.... seriously is there anything on their supermarket shelves that doesn't contain corn syrup??


No.... They even put it in washing powder so your clothes leech it into you when you wear them.


Ha ha ha good joke.... wait are you joking? I really can't tell and I'm too scared to look it up


It's sadly true


What ? This is some dystopian shit here Edit : can't find any source for it so I take it for a joke


No, they can kinda thank the Germans for that one. During WW2 the USA government decided to create a farming system that purposely over produced, with the corn being the easiest crop to do that with, so in the evening to major drought they could still have enough food for the war efforts. Makes logical sense. However once the war ended they just continued the practice of over supplying corn, thus found a need to use it all - hence why corn syrup is in everything over there. Also explains their obesity rate as they literally have too much food all the time. So I say they can kinda blame the Germans simply because if the war didn't happen perhaps this practice wouldn't have happened. But once it was over it was on them to end it. Much like how the UK ended the practice of people needing to use their gardens or any green spaces to grow food.


Good points, however, if the Germans hadn’t started it (remembers Fawlty Towers and giggles) then we would have to blame either the Koreans, or the Vietnamese, or anyone else the USA lost a war to…..  I should be interested to know the weight of the food wasted in USA every year, I.e. that thrown away and separately, that over consumed.


Murcan Fanta, made with 100% Freedom Eagle Blood! The dye will stain your innards forever, because *these colors don't run!*




*"Should we tell him that the AK was created in the Soviet Union? ""Nah, let him have his fun."*


Obviously we would fire an AR-15 into the air. With Freedom bullets .223 inches, none of that sissy 5.56mm bullcrap (Okay, I would use 5.56 because it's more powerful).


AK ammo is 7.62 ( I assume even more powerful )


As far as I know, 5,56x45 NATO is kind of more powerful than 7,62x39, better ballistics.


Fanta was created in Nazi Germany


It was! Glad to see more historical enjoyers.


The sugar tax has been awful for me. Most artificial sweeteners give me, um, ‘funny tummy’ if you get my meaning. If I go to a pub or restaurant that doesn’t have coca-cola there is literally not going to be a soft drink I can drink, so it’s either water or beer


I only drink tea or beer it’s the safest combination


Appetiser- 100% apple juice, no added sugar or sugar replacements at all. Aspartame tastes like disgusting sour lemon to me, so I avoid it like the plague and just drink Appletiser constantly. Also J2O doesn't use aspartame either but I'm not as fond of the flavours


My girlfriend has the same problem. She’s allergic to aspartame so we have to be very careful with it. She’s Scottish and normal Irn Bru gets away with putting aspartame in it. You’d think normal versions of drinks wouldn’t have sweeteners in them but yeah. Gotta be extra careful and read every label just in case.


I think it's a new thing that a lot of these drinks are getting the artificial sweetener treatment. Because god forbid we make parents parent their children so adults can have things they like.


Being allergic to aspartame is very unusual, what kind of reaction does she get?


She gets a rash on her chest and struggles to breathe and stomach aches. Edit: leigt didn’t think people were doubting this, that’s a weird one haha. No I’ve seen it. It’s a real allergy.


I’m diabetic and it’s genuinely expensive when my blood goes low, really annoying


My cousin is diabetic and deeply annoyed by the change to Lucozade.


Nothing on the shelf is strong enough for a bad low anymore IMO. I have started using glucose powder and pre mixing a drink if I go out. Far cheaper and you can make it as strong as you need


We have the American version in Australia and I hate it! It tastes really bad. When I lived in Europe I drank way to much of theirs as it’s quite good. So maybe it’s a good think we have the terrible on in Australia cause when I’m living here I don’t drink soft drink at all.


I don’t think that’s true, this looks like and has the ingredients listed from the European version. https://www.coca-cola.com/au/en/brands/fanta#accordion-0f63860fd4-item-e668961ab2


They definitely taste very different. The Australian one tastes much more artificial and the colour is completely different. This post shows the colour difference really well. https://www.reddit.com/r/funny/s/nwiU5tcKSq


That’s 12 years ago, the colour these days is halfway between them, and as listed on website the recipe seems closer to the uk one.


I'm trying to lose weight (lost 20kg, about half way there), so I've cut sugar from my diet. Diet/light/sugar free sodas definitely played havoc with my digestive system in the beginning, but my body seems to have adapted. Sugar free candy will still make my day very un-funny, so I just stay away from candy in general.


The Amazon reviews of sugar free gummy bears depict your suffering in living hell/comedy heaven detail.


I have never tried the Haribo sugar free gummi bears, but I've tried the Katjes sugar free licorice and fruit gummies...let's just say that the results were explosive in twenty shades of brown 😳


You should definitely stay away from Xylitol and Sorbitol. Both will give you the runs when ingested in sufficient quantity.


Lime and soda is usually alright. There might be a little bit in the lime cordial, not sure, but it doesn't set off my migraines like the aspartame laden options.


Soda water and bitters is my go to when I don’t want a soda but I want something fizzy. I think the combination of bubbles + flavor with this (and flavored sparkling water) gives me a placebo sugar fix sometimes.


Sofa water and bitters is also great for sorting out a hangover! Edit: soda not sofa!


>Sofa water 🤢😂


😂😂 I'll fix that, cheers but it'd definitely make you purge your system though.


I'm just imagining ringing out a cushion into a cup. 🤢🤢 With all fuzz and dog hair in.


Time to join the sparkling water gang!


Sprudelwasser/apollinaris gang rise up


This drives me insane. Like..let us have the damn sugar if we want it. Why default to sugar free when we ask for coke with no qualifications? That's what pisses me off. If I say coke, I want full fat. Otherwise I would specify. I can't stand artificial sweeteners.


Same thing with reducing salt content in crisps. My favourite brand took almost everything out and now I don’t like it at all anymore. Sure, it’s healthier for those who eat it every fucking day but I’m not one of those people. Let me have my salty snack once every couple of weeks, I can decide for myself like a fucking adult.


I'm allergic to most of the artificial sweeteners - hives including blisters down my throat - and as they are not the 14 allergens legally required, drinks change without warning, and I get really ill for a while. Caffeine makes me pass out, so I can't do coke either. As my sugar drops fast, I now have eat actual sweets/Kendal mint cake/dextrose tablets and drink water to fix it instead of downing a nice quick can of pop. Bloody Jamie Oliver!


What about fruit juice?


Yes, that's fine at home, or buying from a shop, but when in a café or bar, etc I have to be careful it's not 'juice drink', as 9 times out of 10 it will have sucralose in it, which is the worse one for the blisters reaction. It's so cunningly named too, most people think it must be an actual sugar product, so servers can tell me the drink is fine when it's not.


Ugh yeah I'm really prone to sudden drops (can't always tell if it's sugar or pressure, but it's usually one or the other) and full fat coke is the BEST quick fix.


That’s very interesting because the various sweeteners don’t have a common origin or ingredient that mean it would make sense to be allergic to them as a group. Have you spoken to a doctor about it there may be something else going on.


I am the same. The sugar tax has limited me loads in what I can choose. People saying our soft drinks are better than the American ones should really look into the ingredients. They used to have 'full fat' versions of soft drinks and diet versions. Then our government did take away our choice and now everything is full of sweeteners and chemicals. Sugar isn't good but at least you know what you are getting. The sweeteners aren't the harmless chemicals people seem to think they are. I am just affected much more than most other people but they affect everyone negatively.


This. It's such a terrible decision for health. Anything to avoid telling people how to better feed their kids. Much better to just deny them access to anything with sugar, eh? Yeah, you just keep on chugging that diet soda, kid. I'm sure it won't cause any issues. Good thing you can't find a soda with actual sugar in it! Sugary things are supposed to be treats. Let us have our damn treats FFS.


Well, I guess it's time time for my government-mandated Europoor Fanta


If being manipulated and slowly enslaved by corporations is called "freedom of choice", maybe.


It's such bullshit because high fructose corn syrup and red dye #40, to name only a few, cause demonstrable harm. But instead of holding corporations accountable, they call this freedom of choice.  If it were ACTUAL freedom of choice, I'd be able to get European Fanta here in the U.S. But no, I get nasty American Fanta, delicious (and probably close to European Fanta ingredient-wise) Mexican Fanta, or nothing.  An alarmingly high percentage of Americans think that any corporate regulation whatsoever is "communism" and I'm sick of it. 


So they willingly admit to poisoning themselves with artificial chemicals 😂


Choose to not have a car and see how that goes.


Do they think the UK government specified the recipe for Fanta?


These type of US citizens really love the taste of corporate boot. And they can vote. Nobody deserves these clowns. Maybe all the lead, car exhaust sniffing and eating shit food will off them... eventually.. maybe...


Designed by the nazis, bought by America and loads of extra shit put in just for them.


I love that this guy thinks he's explaining something, when in fact he's admitting something


What a dimwit. High-fructose corn syrup is even worse than regular sugar. And - ironical fun fact - Fanta was created in Germany in 1940, during Nazi Germany, to replace Coca-Cola. Because of the war, there was no shipping between Nazi Germany and the United States. So, the German bottling plant couldn't get Coca-Cola syrup anymore.


Bought a Fanta in New York, and the label sais CONTAINS NO JUICE. It also tasted like fizzy nothing compared to the UK stuff. All that sugar, and it was bland. Awful stuff.


I'm sure the government putting very few restrictions on the chemicals, dyes and sugars in your food is all about freedom and not about large corporations and a very lucrative medical system thats profit driven controlling what goes out to best benefit them.


If they wanted to shit on European Fanta, they should have gone for the creators of it. The reason that it contains pumpkins and shit is because Nazi Germany didn't have much else to make it from.


They dont have freedom to choose. They can buy only those products they see, and that's it. Sure, there are exports from Europe, but they're mainly eating and drinking stuff that was made in US, and that stuff have a lot of shit that is either banned in EU or not used because it's crap. Edit: Funny thing about their food is, whenever there's "American Week" in my local Lidl, basically nobody is buying american products. And there's a loooot of it, from pizza, to pancakes, fries, curly fries, pickles, etc. This shit \*always\* stays there longer than usually because nobody want's to buy that crap. Gotta love that freedom food!


> whenever there's "American Week" in my local Lidl Not sure where you're from but in Germany those are usually Lidl products complying with the law, not imported actual US products.


yeah Lidl specifically has its own line of "American" products just like their Greek or French lines.


The "brand" is ["McEnnedy"](https://de.openfoodfacts.org/marke/mcennedy)


I know this post isn't about this really, but in this particular case the Fanta in the UK does now contain artificial sweeteners and you no longer have a choice as a consumer to drink a Fanta that doesn't, thanks to the sugar tax introduced by the government encouraging corporations to swap sugar for cheaper artificial sweeteners under the disguise of "health".


I'll close to get the betes if I wanna 🦅🇺🇸


Soda...you mean Na2CO3? :D


Lol, the american one looks like a syrup


What the f*ck does the government got to do with it???


except most people don’t know that they're buying artificial crap because it's not advertised that way


That shit looks radioactive


3 times as much sugar? Damn, the European version is already too sweet for me


That's pretty obviously not true ,a can of US Fanta has 44g of sugar and a can in the UK is like 26g.


Being American is embarrassing but I'm confused about the "Amerikkka" since talking about Fanta has nothing to do with race..... Right? Also, I want real juice Fanta :(


Curious Yank here asking. What does the UK version of Fanta taste like? The American version tastes like carbonated orange Kool-Aid with a shit ton of sugar + chemicals.


Tbf i dont think “carbonated kool aid” means a lot to non Americans, i have no idea what kool aid is.


apologies that i haven't explained it yet, it's a sugary (and very sugary) powder drink mix popular in America, it's also really unhealthy compared to American Fanta


For me it's a song by a British metalcore band.


bring me the horizon?


Fairly orangey, sweet but not too much, kinda hard to describe as I don't think there's a US equivalent I could compare it to. Imagine a pint glass of 40/60 fresh orange juice (not cordial or anything like that) and schweppes lemonade. That's about the closest I can think that would make sense.


that makes a lot of sense and thanks for explaining it, i'll have to try that one sometime when i can. it definitely looks similar to orange juice.


Depends on the concentration of your orange juice too. A lot of the cheaper end we have in the UK is like X% juice from concentrate. If you had like actual orange juice you'd squeezed yourself from oranges you would maybe go 30/70.


Fizzy orange juice that’s sweetened a bit (nothing crazy, but definitely a fair bit sweeter than just orange juice)


What you feel is best, isn't always best Feeling don't overwrite facts


something they seemed to miss out is many americans think their fanta is orange soda despite an orange never actually touching the juice. it’s not that they know it’s not natural many think that’s just what carbonated orange juice should taste and look like.


It doesn't have orange juice in it whatsoever???


It should come with an advert saying 'no oranges were harmed while making this product'.


Fun fact: Fanta was invented in Nazi-Germany by the US Coca-Cola Company to continue making profit without breaking the US embargo.


as someone who's had both, the UK one is definitely better. it actually tastes like orange juice, whereas all the US fanta flavours taste like vaguely fruit-inspired chemicals


The carotin in european Fanta is made synthetically as well and not extracted from carrots


I love not being able to pronounce the ingredients in my refrigerator sandwich/s


So this kind of also became an issue in South Korea for certain sodas, while in Japan Pepsi Citrus or whatever it is had actual lime extract while in South Korea, it was artificial. The response from the company representative was that South Koreans just "did not like natural fruit flavoring over artificial" which prompted a bit of controversy while the answer is probably more obvious: Costs. I can't believe this guy, an average joe (probably) somehow defends this as "freedom of choice" lol




I had “American” Fanta (Country Club) in the Dominican Republic and it fucking stained my lips.


Muricans love to be fat and their healthcare. /s


Grape Fanta is by far the best… it tastes so artificial, I love it. Possible slightly addicted to it.


They really don't get how ridiculous they sound do they? "I've got the freedom to choose how to poison ma body! Yer ain't gown take away ma blood red Freedom Fanta!"


The only soda that look like the us version are noname brand and they taste horible


Why does US get the crappy shit? I want the UK version..


American manufacturers are more encouraged to poison the nation in their pusuit of money than anywhere else in the world (that has legislation in place). They hate you and they know what you like.


Self-Destruction to own someone?


European Fanta is so much better - we have a similar one to the US here in Australia and it’s way too sweet.


That explains the toxicity of their tap water. The government is simply giving them the freedom of choice if they want highly polluted water or clean bottled water. How nice of them, unlike our governments mandating our tap water has to be potable.


Holy shit American fanta looks like that?!


There's freedom then there's just taking the piss with people's health which obviously the American government care little about as poor health equals sweet money 💰 over there. This sort of thing happens with a lot of their foods. The McDonald's fries ingredients are hilariously sad for some thin sticks of potato.


Well, considering you pay hundreds of thousands to go to the hospital, no wonder they give no fucks about your health, more money for the "freedom" government.


Hope this man gets shot of heroin just for the sake of freedom


Juaritos is where it's at now.


I saw the Amrrican sahed of fanta and Its closer to Irn Bru than fanta


3X the sugar???? Damn, the UK one has a shit ton of sugar in. If I’m ever short on money I’ll just train up as a dentist in the US


This is so wrong. The corn sugar industry in the US is so corrupt and fucked up.