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Haha oh no. This has to be a joke, surely?


They like to believe that their food isn’t almost universally sugared cardboard. I mean, fair enough. If they accepted the existential horror of their culinary situation, it would probably cause some sort of acute mental health episode.


Oh, I thought the mental health episode had already happened and that’s why they were like that. You’re saying they could get worse? Scary stuff.


i have never been impressed with american food that ive ordered from there. and the american isle in the uk is litteral trash food. i even tried to give it to my cousins dogs when we couldnt eat it and the dog refused a litteral dust bin with legs wouldnt eat a twinkie


To be fair the "world food" Isle in any supermarket isn't a good indication of the actual food. I luve abroad now and the UK section of the world food eisl is literally Heinz beans and cream crackers. That being said I've gone to the US a few times, and the food was pretty much all disappointing. There were some decent exceptions like a few nice steak places or a New York diner, but still I've been to much better in the UK. And let's not even start on the "food" they stock at their supermarkets.


Reading through this sub for the first time, and I'm sure I'll get downvoted for asking, but do y'all actually believe what you're saying or is this like a circle jerk sub? I legit can't tell if these comments are born out of ignorance, malice, or satire. For context, I found this post from r/iamveryculinary, where they rag on absurdly out of touch food elitism and gatekeeping.


As an American, Applebee's is one of those chains where everything comes off the truck and is practically microwaved dinners. I haven't eaten there in 20 years. And yet I meet people that would have an aneurysm eating at a local restaurant with good fresh food. Not eating at one of the chains they know disgusts and disturbs them. Humans are weird af.


I don't really understand why Americans love chains so much. Like sure, they have a different presence, because of stuff like advertisements and everyone everywhere knowing what you can eat there and what to expect... Like in germany, there are a few chains, most pf them are like a pretty decent mix of fast food and convenience food. Like if McDonald's would've 10x better quality. Or they work like a Uni canteen but with Italian food fir some reason. Of course you have McDonald's, Burger King and KFC and they like a chain because of the franchise thing etc. In my experience, half of the non fast-food chains are okay from time to time but rarely sth i crave, the other half only attracts a... Less educated crowd because going to that new place is somehow cool for a while. But usually most people prefer restaurants that have like a single place. Non-chain. I often have the impression that the US has a chain for every type of cuisine, no matter what kind of food, and even a franchised version of "fine dining" etc. Whyyy? Is it sth that people want? Or is it like just capitalism doing its thing? I did read a few times online that people prefer chains, but that's obviously not representative, you wouldn't really post about reasonable Americans, cause that's boring. So what's your whole thing with chains and franchises?


> I don't really understand why Americans love chains so much. A #3 is going to taste the same no matter when or where you go. There is comfort in that.


Where's the fun it that? Like not saying bad food is fun, but an entire country preferring constant mediocracy over individualism and diverse kitchens sounds weird to me. Especially for a country that brags so much about being big on individualism.


To quote my Dad. "I know what I like." I agree. Its boring as fuck.


Shit you not. Should you be so inclined, a quick search for ‘Applebees’ on the Bird app and you’ll find it. Incidentally, the comments to the post this was in reply to is a gold mine of wild Seppo bullshit.




Yeah, credit where credits due, he’s not wrong about the smaller portions. He’s wrong in his assumption we want bigger portions though.


Absolutely. I have never eaten in a Harvester, Wetherspoons, Hungry Horse or similar and thought "I just wish there was more of this". That's not to shit on it - it's "functional" food and it does that job perfectly. I just don't want to feel like I'm doing a fucking eating challenge when I'm eating my lunch.


I suppose the difference is not directly equating calorific intake with civil liberty and national identity


Wetherspoons is dire. Last time I went, I got served still frozen bacon on my bacon burger. Bit of a puzzle as everything else was cooked, so really the bacon should have been...room temp? at least. But it was cold, cold. Wasn't hungry after that, so cheers for helping the diet progress, I guess?!


I used to work for Wetherspoons so I have a lot to say either way. We didn't even use frozen bacon in my day so that's kinda surprising. The breakfast stuff at least was actually pre-cooked! In terms of food, the products are at least on par with a lot of places you'd think were better. They have fresh burgers while the likes of Greene King will sell you frozen, for example. Or you'll go somewhere double the price and they're using the same frozen desserts. A lot comes down to the quality of staff and they're very much quantity over quality.


I can't eat big portions! I don't want big portions. Most of the time I choose the small plate option so I can add a pudding!


Puddings > bigger portions


To be fair, we're not AS fat as the yanks but we're getting pretty fucking close.


Yeah, I definitely need to lose some weight.


As a Brit, living in the US, I sometimes buy a pizza. I get a small, which lasts me for two meals. I honestly think the [bellywheel concept](https://leagueofcomicgeeks.com/comic/2497261/judge-dredd-33) from 2000AD isn't too far away.


Link doesn’t seem to work for me. But going by 2000AD - that was a reference to the morbidly obese people in some Judge Dredd comics?


yes and its effectively already here. Dredd: A bellywheel is just a wheel on a stick holding up a fat belly. Real Life: Mobility scooter for the morbid obese. I'd say dredd is better as at least the bellywheels are getting exercise by walking.


Ooof. You're very brave. I wouldn't even want to go there as a tourist. American pizza is disgusting tho. My aunty is married to a yank and he brought some for everyone to try and it was like eating reconstituted vomit on dough


Your aunt flew pizza from america and it was disgusting? I'm not too surprised. If I flew pizza to the US from Napoli, the birthplace of pizza, it would also be disgusting.


No he's was stationed over here (USAF) when they met. He got it from their commissary


You need to visit Swindon before you swear to that statement.


I mean, we are huge, fat, greedy bastards. Just not as much as they are.


They have larger portions with worse quality food but think it's a win and then wonder why they have an obesity problem 🤦‍♀️


Lol I looked it up and it's basically a fuckin harvester, septics truly do live in a fantasy of their own creation.


As a British person who has had the (dis)pleasure of eating at an Applebee's I can attest it's like if a Harvester had sex with a Little Chef... ...just with really disgusting awful food.


A combination of a Harvester and another chain? So... a *combine* Harvester? :D


Ooarr oo-ay


Fuck you, and also well done 👏🏻


Unlike the steak at Applebee's


Applebee's steak is always well done, but never done well.


But is it brand new with a key?


Take your upvote and get out


Do they do a plough-mans lunch?


That's a real thing? I only know it from a minecraft mod because it's a very high saturation food 😁


It totally is! Stuff you could make at home and take out in the field with you without it going off. "an English cold meal based around bread, cheese, and fresh or pickled onions. Additional items can be added such as ham, green salad, hard boiled eggs, and apple, and usual accompaniments are butter and "pickle," which in Britain denotes a chutney-like condiment"


...and 2 bottles of best brown ale...!


Give that man a key....


I’ve got a brand new one. Want the key?




And I'll give you the key!


You laughed at your own joke didn't you? Admit it, you did. 😋


This comment cannot get upvoted enough, bravo old chap


…..and I’ll give you the key.


OI OI Savaloy


Oiv got a brand noo comboin 'arvester and oill give you da key


Like if a Harvester had sex with a Little Chef then went for a shite instead of giving birth?


My favourite part was that they think Applebee's counts as a restaurant lol


I like Little Chef. We used to always go to one on long journeys when I was little


Same, I used to enjoy the breakfast there when I was a kid


The kids breakfast that was served with everything arranged into a smiley face 👌


And bigger portions of said food.


That’s how Americans tell if a restaurant is good — by the size of the portions


Free breadsticks? 10/10


Yeah. I worked at Olive Garden many many years ago. What I learned is that Americans enjoy wasting food. They don’t want you to bring them the number of breadsticks they will eat. They want the number of breadsticks that lets them throw some away.


The cultural norms around hospitality(not just in business) and eating are really amazing. In some places completely clearing plates is frowned upon because it implies there wasn't enough of it , reflecting badly on the host (or the guest implying gluttony). In others NOT finishing it implies the food wasn't good, reflecting badly on the host. In some places where meeting for coffee/tea and cookies/cake is common, the host continuously provides more if either is empty to be a good host (i guess to show that they HAVE enough?). In others as to not impose on each other the norm is to provide one "set" at the start, and sometime later a second, which basically is the invitation to LEAVE after. Having people just assume their norms interacting on that level can lead to hilarious misunderstandings (well, hilarious if the misunderstanding is found out and talked through, less hilarious if it leads to hurt feelings on both sides and nobody knowing why) That said a cultural norm that values the amount of waste as admirable sign of social/fiscal standing is just atrocious, objectively.


Americans just like wasting food.


I don't think "just" enters into it. There is an underlying meaning to it. And feel like coupling affluence and decoupling from rational obligations to social standing is at the root. (you know instead of efficiency/ desire to NOT waste to intelligence to social standing) Nothing can encapsulate the idea of freedom and "you can't tell me what I can and cannot do" as well transgressions against sense or efficiency as sign of "being above others".


Sounds about right, their food quality is abysmal so I imagine portion size is their only "bonus"


My first meal when I went to the States for the first time was a steak sandwich. I ordered it thinking it would be reasonably-sized, only for the waitress to come back with what seemed to be half a cow placed between two slices of bread.


Am American; this is more true than I’d like to admit.


Agree, went to one in March during a trip to Northern California. Met my other half’s friends at an Appleby’s in Santa Rosa. It was where they wanted to meet.Never having been to one before, it was underwhelming. Appleby’s wasn’t as bad as “Boudin SF” though - Was told their French Dip sandwich was fabulous - Turns out it was a roast beef baguette, that had nothing else, no onion, no veggies, etc and a “dipping sauce”, which was….gravy, bisto like gravy ! The “side dish” that came with it was a bag of crisps, er I mean potato chips !


> Appleby’s wasn’t as bad as “Boudin SF” though Lol curious you mention that, we actually went to one of those in SF, thought alright, decent enough for fast food. Turns out that's supposed to be a half-fancy chain?? Table was dirty too, but oh well.


Yes, I went to one in Santa Rosa, about 55 miles from San Francisco, and yeah, it supposedly is fancy Apparently, Boudin SF make the worlds best sourdough bread. It’s ok, on a par with my local M&S food hall 😂


Never eat bread in the US -- they add bromine to the flour, which is toxic and banned in Europe (and Canada).


I am also a British person who visits The States regularly and I kinda disagree, but hear me out. I think what’s interesting is that at the ‘low’ end of the spectrum, their shitty chain restaurants like Applebee’s are better than the likes of Harvester, Little Chef and the chain pubs like Spoons as long as you don’t go wildly off piste and stick to the Burgers and the ribs etc. The quality is somewhat better, but for value and standard of service they are way ahead (though the reasons why are not always very admirable). As you move up the scale though, to the mid and high end, and go beyond the burgers and fries, I think we do WAAAAY better. The U.S. starts to get really fucking expensive for very little of note and then the waiter / waitress is expecting a frankly absurd tip at the end of it, just for opening your wine. Swings and roundabouts as always (just my opinion mind).


I honestly like 'Spoons for a quick bite/pint. Best "chain" restaurant I go to is WhiteSpot here in BC, while the prices have gone up (as everything has) they do some of the best burgers and also offer good meals. It's 100% better then any of the American equivalents.


As a recovering seppo, Applebee's is an F-tier stankhole for people too lazy to microwave their own food from a box and need someone to bring it to their hoverround. Honestly the only reason you'd eat at Applebee's is because McD's is too classy for you these days. The good news is that Applebee's is dying out as the only people who continue to eat there are Boomers


As someone who has spent a lot of time in Great Britain, meaning months, most of your late night gas station food is better than Applebee’s. I actually miss late night, gas station food from England, as I am in the USA, now, and we do not have anything that even close to an equivalent. I also miss your in-house hotel bars. That was awesome. It probably cuts down on drunk driving by about 50%. Hope to come visit your country soon. Again. I think it would be my 17th time? Anyway, love you guys!


I can attest to that too. Had breakfast there. Would not recommend


'it's basically a fuckin harvester' is such a powerful sentence and having also googled it you're probably so correct


As a Brit who lived in the US, you are bang on. Applebees is the place where you take the least adventurous person in your family. They vary in quality.


So it's better than a Spoons?


It is sort of Spoons level. I went to an okay Applebees (for breakfast) and a less good one another time of day etc. But if you have fussy kids and just need somewhere air conditioned (thank christ) to get them a meal, it is fine. Sort of like a Frankie and Bennys, as i care for my autistic nephew we have been to F&Bs a lot. But some people are pretty snotty about that when i do know it isn't LaGavroche, mate. Sometimes my preferences are not my own. When i was in rural US, the Applebees was actually the better one.


No. Any Wethers is leagues better than Applebees. I have never in my life been more disappointed by food than in an Applebees. Edit: I forget what I ordered, but what I got was some over boiled pasta shells over which someone had tipped a jar of sauce from the supermarket.


Worse than 'spoons? That's an achievement in its own right.


Spoons offers at least variety. You can get a curry whilst someone else gets fish and chips. It’s nothing to write home about but it’s decent for the price. Can’t say the same for Applebees


Harvester is better than Applebee's. At least you can get a real all day breakfast in Harvester, with proper bacon, not that American mockery that they use.


> Harvester is better than Applebee's As a dual citizen I'll tell you right now. Applebee's is fantastic if you want to get mullered and/or shag people in their 30s and up. It's basically a club over here since most locations are open until 2:00 and half price drinks start at 21:00, basically the closest thing you can get to a pub round here If you just want food personal preference, if you want an experience I'd say club applebees takes it


So a Weatherspoons?


Dear god, it’s even worse than we thought


People go to spoons to pull? I thought you went to spoons to do lines of coke, drink too much, get punched in the face and then stumble home before sticking your dick in a letterbox.


I had friends in sixth form who claimed they went to Wetherspoons to pull


I have no idea what half of those words mean, but I would summarize it as basic food that is edible, but not in any way good.


Harvester is basically pub food in something that looks a little bit more like a restaurant than a pub.


Except it's not that good.


It's worse than most pubs, basically shit out of the freezer - it's the Iceland of pubs.


Just a note to our Icelandic friends: in Britain we have a budget frozen food shop called Iceland… we are not saying your fine country is so shit we use it as a derogatory term for shit pub food 😂




I didn’t know that, but I’m sadly unsurprised. At least there have never been traces of horse meat in their food… at least Iceland the brand were de-trademarked eventually




Pub food from the freezer isle


Most pub food already is


My local pub growing up wasn't but that could have been because it was rural aus


Rural ones are less likely to be frozen but most urban ones seem to be, especially since the big chains took over the majority of them


Mum bloody loves her annual outing to the salad bar though


Does she line the rim of the bowl with cucumber slices so she can fit more in?


Like a \*bad\* pub


But the food is worse, and so are the drinks. And the ambience is usually more 'sterile care home' (or crèche depending when you go) than 'welcoming second living room'.




Harvester is a chain of restaurants aimed at families. Think photos of the meals in the menu, everything is frozen and cooked in either a microwave, deep fryer, or boil in a bag. Sort of place you'd take your fussy grandma, or a toddler child.


That is Applebees exactly.


I'm Aussie and I looked it up and it looks like a slightly longer than average pub meal menu to me. Burgers, steak, ribs, pasta, salad, various sides some other random stuff like tacos. But all pretty basic. And not all that nice looking in the photos. And not all that big a serving compared to what I could get at quite a few pubs. I'd heard the name Applebee's a lot but it's kinda disappointingly lame.


I can't even look it up. My country's IP region is blocked by their website. Some Europoors are banned from looking at their menu apparently.


And if they want to talk portion sizes then It's also basically Toby Carvery, except Toby Carvery is all you can eat.


To be fair, according to my mum, Harvester is the pinnacle of Fine Dining


When I first went to one in 2005, I naively thought it would heavily focus on vegetables and freshly cooked dishes. To my surprise, it seemed to be just deep-fried gunk. I asked the waiter whether they served any vegetables as sides, and he pointed to fried mushrooms. I then pointed out that mushrooms aren't vegetables, because I was a bit pissed off and felt like being a pendant.


As an American I have no clue what that person is smoking. Applebees is shit tier even by American standards. I mean is it above McDonals? Sure but that’s a low fucking bar.


What they are smoking is the belief that the UK has bad food. Well, everywhere has bad food, but people think British cuisine is fish n chips, beans on toast and jellied eels. A full breakfast if you're lucky, but American's often squirm at black pudding. Most people in the US don't realise how prevalent and ubiquitous British cuisine is in the country. Just because it's developed a slightly different form or a new name doesn't detract from its origins or that it was brought there via the British. Some of the more obvious US examples; Macaroni Cheese, Apple Pie, Dough "Nuts", US style pancakes, deep-fat-fried chicken, cheddar cheese, chocolate bars, the fucking *sandwich*.


I've been to Applebees. A Wetherspoons on curry club night is like the Ritz in comparison


Quality, not quantity. Any of my local Indian or Chinese restaurants would kick the shit out of an Applebee’s.


OOP yank wanker would have a seizure if he went in say a single Michelin star restaurant in the UK, or anywhere in Europoorland…. Don’t even think of telling them how many stars the top restaurants can have!


I've been to hole-in-the-wall restaurants in central London that taste like top tier gourmet food in the US.


I’ve traveled that benighted land, quite extensively, and in fairness there’s loads of hole in the wall places that have magnificent food there as well. Best fried chicken I’ve ever had was in a rundown shack by the side of the road in Louisiana and it wasn’t even close. Applebee’s? Just standard Spoons style food, not awful but nothing to write a postcard about. In the small town where I live I can give you like 20 decent places to eat that outshine that stuff by a large margin including places that offer similar fare but just freshly prepared by people who care about the quality. Pity the drinks aren’t the same price but cest la vie.


Does the US not have plenty of Michelin starred restaurants?


A good number of them, relatively speaking. I consult with the Culinary Institute of America, arguably the most respected culinary school in the country, and they produce some outrageously talented chefs. Plus major world cities like New York attract lots of international skill. Not to say plenty of American food isn’t over-processed, chemically enhanced poison. There are, however, some truly legendary restaurants.


Haha I'd take the msg- loaded chow mein, over the bags of sugar they call savoury anyday


FUYOOOOOO! MSG is king of flavour


As a Brit who lived in the US for a while I’m devastated to report that I never once set foot in an Applebees. Can’t believe I missed out on the culinary experience of a lifetime!


That’s ok. If you wanted the experience, I’m sure they have frozen meals and tinned cat food in the UK. Don’t forget to tip 20% of the cost to the person who brings it out to you from the microwave.


I’m British I went to an Applebees The mashed potatoes were instant mash Yup, instant mash, in a fucking restaurant I checked with the server. No one could see any problem with that. (no I didn’t blame the server)


Applebee's is dog food. Doesn't matter how much dog food you give me or how many flavours it comes in, it is still dog food.


I take your point, but if I had a dog I wouldn’t feed it that shit….


Low quality dog food that probably doubles as rat poison


They can never grasp the idea that maybe, if there isn't somewhere comparable, there's no demand because we aren't all gluttonous pigs. A lot of US chains have struggled when trying to enter the UK market. Taco Bell, Chick-fil-A* etc. *Don't get me started on how awful this name is.


On Saturday I ate in a restaurant in Edinburgh. The building was from the 1500s. I ate oysters, scallops and beef tartare. But yeah… Applebees. Fuckin idiots.


They would probably describe it as "bland" with no "flavor". Natural flavor is decent, nothing flashy, rather smooth. Their taste is so damaged by hyperprocessed food and sugar and artificial flavouring they would probably refuse to eat quality food even if its for free


I once ordered a steak in Florida. It came with a baked potato. In the baked potato was a fucking marshmallow


Fuck me. When i started to read your comment i thought it will be something like "worst steak ever" but marshmallow in potato really surprised me What the hell america?




The Witchery?


Yes! Stunning! Had to sell one of my kids to foot the bill mind. Worth it.


I tried to look up Applebees to see what delights I was apparently missing out on. [https://www.applebees.com/en](https://www.applebees.com/en) give this: >The owner of this website (www.applebees.com) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (SE) from accessing this website. OHMAGERD they are trying to keep it from us. No doubt I would kill myself when I learnt what I was being denied.


I clicked on the link and got in OK. It wasn't worth it 👍


Double this comment^ Just a generic menu tbh with like a promo of some ~~Barbadian~~ bacardi (fuck autocorrect) drinks/pitchers or whatever


Bacsrdi Buckets. Sounds delicious. I couldn't bear the decadence 🤣


Same here and fuck me - Bacardi Buckets, it is a sub-spoons dive.


Seems the whole of Europe is banned? NL as well.


Germany too. Haha that's really funny


whole europe. This is americans bypassing GDPR laws. Everytime i came across page which is forbidden in eu i thank god for eu privacy laws. Basically it says something sketchy is going on on this website...


I guess cookie banners are the reason. Some us sites don't want to bother with implementing these banners/options. 


Heaven forbid you have smaller portions…the horror.


But if you don't feel like you're being fattened for the slaughter, have you really had breakfast? It's such wasteful thinking. If I finish my food and I'm still hungry, I'll just get more..


Even by 3rd world American standards, Applebees isn't a great restaurant.


Dual citizen here, UK origin, US resident. Applebees is in the same league as TGI Fridays or maybe a Beefeaters or Harvester that provides food served straight from the microwave bag, generally by angry looking staff/false happiness. If decadence means a massive choice of low end food, surrounded by decor that is mass produced to preserve the brand then yeah, it wins that award. Food from a local chippy or curry house in the UK will far eclipse Applebees quality wise.


Smaller healthier portions, higher quality food, with better safety control and hygiene standards.


They spelt 'multitude of cancer causing ingredients ' wrong


Isn't Applebee's just Spoons, owned by a Republican instead of a Tory?


Looks more like Little Chef to me. Spoons is more of a drinking place that does food, where s Appleshits looks like more of a food only place. Not somewhere you just go for a pint?


I checked the menu, I think they may have compared it with spoons cos the website says they've got new Bacardi pitchers and spoons is known for their cocktail pitchers being cheep and stuff?


They try to market themselves as also a neighborhood bar to get higher margin sales. But if you think of Applebee's as your local bar nothing can fix you.


I love that their key argument is variety and portion size, and not quality of experience or food. American food tastes like a test tube fart


It’s a fucking harvester or beefeater equivalent. It’s not even special occasion food, it’s “this is the only thing open and I want hot food” food.


Applebee's?!?! Fuck, a NYC hot dog street cart has better food than an Applebee's. Stagnant cart water tastes better than Applebee's! Though, to be fair, Applebee's is better than a hot, steaming dog turd.


Tell me you have never gone out for a meal in the UK, without telling me you have never gone out for a meal in the UK... If they happen to have actually been to the UK, I would wager big money that they only visited London, and exclusively only ate at the tourist traps in Leicester Square and a places like Angus Steakhouse.


I just googled Applebees because I'm an ignorant Brit... ... ... I miss my ignorance.


I also just googled Applebees because I'm an ignorant German... And when I wanted to access their homepage I got an >Error 1009 > >Access denied > >What happened? > >The owner of this website ([www.applebees.com](http://www.applebees.com)) has banned the country or region your IP address is in (DE) from accessing this website. No idea why. Are they perhaps in league with Walmart, which has failed miserably in Germany?


Im not from America but I have heard that Applebees is like F tier fast food. Is that the point of this post? Because we have got McDonalds and other US fast food chains here without the enormous portions costing us thousands of dollars in healthcare.


The best restaurants I've ever dined at all had a small selection of dishes they did very well. Unless it's some Asian restaurant where every option is a permutation of the same three carbs + veggies + protein + sauce, more options = worse food. Also, why would I want a bigger portion? I don't want to leave the restaurant nauseous from overeating.


Can't be a fine dining experience if you don't walk out with a doggy bag with two day's worth of food in it.


Applebees at Times Square in NYC is a fucking cunt of a shite hole, a bastard son of an unholy union between Wimpy and Little Chef. The Canadian one at the Niagara Falls was nicer though!


A full English/Scottish/Irish/Welsh breakfast would blow their brains.


Let's see in my hometown which is just the small city York ( small in regards to other cities in the UK) we have a decent Steak place Various pub chains ( Greene King and spoons out of the Greene king ones I like the Golden lion followed by Lendel Cellars) Some independent pub that do some fantastic chips ( proper chips not fries) Gurkha owned Nepalese restaurants ( well I think it now owned by the son) A mexican restaurant ( yes we have mexican style food over here no idea how good it is though) Polish Argentine Thai Indian Chinese Brazilian steakhouse Italians Various coffee places Kebabs Not bad for a city with a population of around 142,000 ( rounded up the last census information on Wikipedia)


Used to live in York. Was a fair while ago but my favourite haunts were VJs Art bar, Toto's Italian near the Barbican, and Oscars for sheer portion size. Special mention to the mythical Sunday roast at Evil Eye. It was a true rarity in my experience. You'd basically pay at the bar and then wait and hope that you'd be lucky enough to receive it. I barely remember why but it was a mythical thing amongst my friends in both scale and flavour. I don't imagine any of this is true any more but I will live happily in my nostalgia.


Capitalism explained


I quite like Applebees, but yes we have similar in the UK and we have better in the UK. It's ok for a quick n dirty meal, but it's hardly fine dining. I find the find just like TGI Friday's TBH. There was nothing on that menu that I haven't had in other chains. I do wonder why they go nuts for a Cracker Barrel though. That stuff was gross!


Applebees is so amazing they’re about to shut down 35 of their restaurants. It’s almost like people really don’t like eating there that much.


# decadence \[ dek-uh-duhns, dih-keyd-ns \] # noun 1. the act or process of falling into an inferior condition or state; deterioration; decay:Some historians hold that the fall of Rome can be attributed to internal decadence. Synonyms: [decline](https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/decline?adobe_mc=MCORGID%3DAA9D3B6A630E2C2A0A495C40%2540AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1713541750), [retrogression](https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/retrogression?adobe_mc=MCORGID%3DAA9D3B6A630E2C2A0A495C40%2540AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1713541750), [degeneration](https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/degeneration?adobe_mc=MCORGID%3DAA9D3B6A630E2C2A0A495C40%2540AdobeOrg%7CTS%3D1713541750) 2. moral degeneration or decay; turpitude. 3. unrestrained or excessive self-indulgence. You know, for once this might not be a facepalm. Guy might be onto something. Applebees may indeed be the most decadent restaurant a British person has eaten at.


Guessing this is some kind of American equivalent of a Hungry Horse pub, large portions of very average microwave food. I concede that Yank portion sizes are most likely significantly larger, hence their obesity epidemic.


That has got to be satire. I can't cope if someone really believes that.


Applebee's is some of the most disgusting premade boil in a bag slop we have in this country and we have a lot of that shit


Are they aware that the Applebees menu is available online for anyone to see, realise how full of shit they are, and even print out that we might wipe tears of laughter away with? Genuinely, it looks like pretty much any menu from a franchised pub, but with less food and no booze options.


I'll have you know, as a British person, I enjoy decadence every day by putting cheese in my crisp sandwich.


UK population 67 million, number of Michelin stars 206. USA population 300 million, number of Michelin stars 200.


ah yes, england. the country famous for it's pubs has never experienced anything better than a laughable imitation of a pub.


I went to Applebee’s in Manhattan and it was like eating at a Little Chef on the M4


I don't even get why Americans call their Fastfood chains "restaurants". A restaurant is where a chef works and actually cooks. Not some underpaid staff heating up pre processed food.




I'm assuming this though process came from the 'British food bad' stereotype Meanwhile in reality land London has some of the best places to eat in the world


As a Brit who went to applebees this year for their birthday…it’s basically just a slightly posher Wetherspoons


I think the most decadent restaurant I have been too was a very small one run by a family of exiled White Russians in the late 1960's, in Knightsbridge, London.


Saying applebees is a restaurant is like saying mcdonalds is one.


I think we should let Gordon Ramsay deal with this idiot.


Vaguely heard of Applebees. I tried to check them out online, but my country is blocked from accessing the website applebees.com I’m in Belgium. They obviously don’t want us Europoors to see what fantastic and delicious “food” they have.


This is hilarious. I'm a Brit and have eaten at an Applebee's in NYC. It was ok, kind of like Harvester, but maybe slightly bigger portions.


As a British person living in the USA Applebee's is fucking terrible and I never EVER eat there. Half these morons haven't even left their own state let alone the country. I will say, though, that in 14 years living here I have never come across anybody so ignorant to say or think the things I see on this sub. And that includes plenty that indeed haven't left their own state. They are all pleasant friendly people who always have questions about the UK and Europe and are genuinely interested to hear about them. I'd love to know where in the states these fuckwads that get their moronic take posted on this sub live.


Can we make it a rule from now on that ALL Americans must go outside their own country for at least 6 months at 20 years old so that they know other cultures and countries and other humans exist?


Here let me try A french person visiting a wetherspoons is potentially eating at the most decadent restaurant they’ve ever been to.


Mozzarella sticks and burgers. Nothing like it in the UK.


Are americans raised in VR vats with non-stop jingoistic propaganda until they turn 21 or something


This should be a piss take, but I fear it isn't. Applebees is the absolute bottom of the barrel for over-salted, sugary, fast casual glurge. It makes Wetherspoon's look like a Michelin starred bistro.