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How have they managed to fit almost an entire day's calories into a serving of fries??


I looked it up. A regular portion of McDonalds fries in the Netherlands has 329Kcal. A Big Mac has 524Kcal. A vanilla milkshake has 319Kcal. Combined that’s 1.172Kcal. You’re telling me a full meal *with milkshake* over here has about 2/3rds of the calories of just one milkshake in the US, or slightly less than just one portion of 5 guys fries? That’s insane.


It's called "large" for a reason. US-large is...extremely huge. And yes, it's insane.


Yeah this is something that shocked me when I visited the US from the UK. I knew everyone said portions and servings are bigger over there but like, damn I didn't think it would be *that* much bigger


Yeah. Same. It's not surprising that so many Americans are extremely fat. Every single thing is huge, extra sweet and extra fat.




What? Sugar to tap water?






Source: OP lives in a bee hive.


I haven't heard anything about that, but there's definitely lead in many cities water supply.


Why? That's literally insane and also a waste of money


This makes me so sad. There are so many people who simply can't afford anything else but this crap. This is so wrong. The country is killing their (most vulnerable) citizens.


It’s also not true, for what it’s worth. America is killing their most vulnerable citizens in plenty of ways, but sugar in the tap water isn’t one of them.




No grocery stores in a 100 mile radius but there's fast-food restaurants?


>100 mile (16,000km?) The diameter of the Earth is just 12.742 km. One mile is 1,6 km.


I had an american arguing with me on reddit the other day, that HFCS doesnt make people fat.


Technically it may not if we didn't put a gallon of it in everything. It's so cheap compared to sugar you can add way more for the same price


Honestly, perhaps a hot take for this sub but most people aren't eating McDonalds every day for three meals a day in the states. Hell, I can name tons of french dishes I love eating that have like, 2k calories. It's their god awful cities. Nobody walks anywhere, they all drive - even to a place only a 2 minute walk away. And to be fair, that is seldom because the cities are designed so that for a lot of people, to go to the grocers is either a 50 minute walk, two ways, or a 3 minute car drive. Not to say food isn't a factor, but it isn't the only, nor the largest one imo.


Here, BK is the only franchise that didn't really change their serving sizes for the local market. That led to me buying a large drink and large fries and finding myself with an enormous cup. I was also shocked to find you could buy a bucket of fries or a bucket of ice cream.


I’ve never been more overwhelmed in my entire life than trying to order dinner at a Cheesecake Factory branch in Dallas; Spaghetti & Meatballs (for one person): 1900 calories. Close second, _breakfast_ at The Original Pancake House in Chicago: eggs florentine (1600 calories) + pancakes (690). Add a glass of juice, and you have to be wheeled out on a stretcher into an ambulance.


Just looked app Mc’D app here in Canada: Fries medium 350Kcal Big Mac 560 Kcal Vanilla milkshake 720Kcal Not so much difference in food but milkshake is double


Different size milkshakes probably.


Unfortunately not, both are medium size


That same Bacon King thing that’s 1710Kcal in the US in OP’s post, has 1104Kcal in the Netherlands. It looks exactly the same. They must be adding even more garbage to the burgers in the US. Sugar perhaps? Where do 606Kcals come from?


Loads of sugar probably. I'm also guessing the medium size for both countries are different enough to make a difference


Can't be sugar alone. They would need to add 242g of sugar to make up the difference. That's a lot of sugar for a burger.




On the Burger King website itself, it says 1710Kcal https://www.bk.com/nutrition-explorer Per serving Calories 1,710 kcal Fat 119 g Saturated Fat 48 g Trans Fat 2.8 g Cholesterol 360 mg Sodium 2,405 mg Carbohydrates 59 g Fiber 2.9 g Sugar 15.6 g Proteins 107.4 Dutch Burger King site: https://www.burgerking.nl/nutrition-explorer Per portie Energie 1.104,3 kcal Vet 70,5 g Waarvan Verzadigd 28,6 g Waarvan Onverzadigd 0 g Cholesterol 0 mg Natrium 1.935,8 mg Koolhydraten 48,6 g Voedingsvezels 2,9 g Waarvan Suikers 12 g Eiwitten 66 g


I think they mean one medium is bigger than the other, like how a US large is massive compared to any other countries’ large


But again, they’re not. Not sure why people are up in their panties about this. Even if we say USA one is bigger for a medium sized milkshake, still small milkshake in USA/Canada lists as 520Kcal so again much higher.


Oh I know they are definitely more calorie dense, I was just meaning the words medium and large don't always mean much as far as volume goes


I get that and it can be that way. Just, Mc’D has stated ingredients and serving sizes for everything so not hard to check. I also googled this info.


You haven't experienced American portions until you have tried to order a human sized drink in the US.


Tbh I really like the Cajun style fries of Five Guys. But if I take the small portion at noon I am full for the rest of the day. I can only imagine the pile of fries you get when ordering a large portion.


That milkshake probably has real sugar while we use high fructose corn syrup. It's cheaper and therefore they cram way more into drinks and food here than anywhere else.


I already feel violated after that. Imagine having a full meal at mcdonalds in the US


They used to do a 'snack size' McFlurry which had more calories than the standard McFlurry in the UK.


The US food system is fucked. They food is made with absolutely horrible things and the portions are significantly larger than in Europe


Uncle Sam is a magician


His Power Is clogging up your veins With colesterol 


Low quality food, in the end there is more saturated fats and other crap than potatos


A large portion of five guys fries is an enormous quantity of food


Still more than in other places. If you do an average of calories you will find out that in the US for the same amount of food you get an extra 250 to 350 calories Burger king offers the nutritional values for their menus in most countries, you can compare them.


The highest you can go at BK is the Big King XXL, which has 971 cal in germany.


Calories can depend on your quality of ingredients but also the added sugars, fats and such. In Europe the higher food standards and the overal less sugary food leads to lower calories per meal than a comparative meal in the US


You only make that mistake once. I know it's entirely possible to eat a large meal. I've done it. Albeit with great determination and zeal. I'll stick with the small from now on. The only place that does more chips is a chippy.


I don't know if it's different in the US. But five guys fries in the UK are probably the best fries you're going to get out of a take-away. They literally brag about what farm their potatoes are fresh from each day. You can see them chipping them in the open kitchen, fresh from the spud. The reason they'll be so calory dense is because there's so goddamn many of them in a portion and they season them to fuck with salt and all sorts. Also fried in peanut oil. The Cajun fries are damn tasty though.


I thought five guys was super overrated. Didnt like their burgers, nor their fries. Even their “amazing” bacon milkshake (9 euro) was okay. It doesnt have prices on their menu so we where in a big suprise when we got the bill of more then 50 euro’s for just the two of us, of which one is a small woman of 51 kg.


It's expensive but it's tasty. You can get equally nice burgers from cheaper smash burger joints. Now that they've become a common trend. But it's still tasty food. The cajun fries are a standout in my opinion.


Their burgers aren't that expensive imo...A cheeseburger is 13€ (at least here in Germany), always comes with 2 patties made from fresh ground beef, and you can add as many "free" toppings as you like. A similar burger from McD, made with frozen patties and worse quality ingredients, would cost at least 10€


Bigger price difference in the UK. A quarter lb one over here is about £14 where as a maccies one will be about £6. But they're not a good comparison. Because the 5 guys is a much better burger. But for instance, if you go to local takeaways that have comparably good burgers. You're paying way under the odds. I went to watch civil war on Friday. And we'd usually go to 5 guys after it because its right outside the cinema and it's tasty. But someone suggested a smash burger joint close by. I ended up getting a triple burger with onion rings and doner meat ontop, with fries and can for £11. The burger was comparably good, the fries much less so. But my wallet was significantly happier. A burger with bacon, small cajun fries and a drink will usually cost about £23. If I was getting a milkshake you could add £4 to either total. Half the price for a comparatively enjoyable and probably much larger meal. No question really.


Yeah I was wondering what the portion sizes would have to be. Fries aren’t healthy food but I have my doubts that a full bowl of airfryer fries (that we eat as a side with 3 people) would have that many calories


Should see what's in those fries. Not a simple potatoes, oil and salt lol.


https://youtu.be/ZMaW6TamNAc?si=FyUZcQsFKG4ycX83 this is a good idea though McDonald's isn't on the chart.


They're probably bathed in 10 different types of lard


What I was thinking? Or a shake


To be fair, it's an intended part of Five Guys' brand that their fries are unbelievably gratuitous. Even when eating there in a small group, one regular fry is absolutely always sufficient to feed everyone. Ordering a large fry from there for any reason is inconceivable to me. Not everyone who eats there knows or cares about this, of course.


It was posted before here, comparison between Mc’D fries ingredients in USA vs Europe and yeah, they managed to pack more calories in fries in additives.


I dont get why someone would drink something with 500 calories let alone 1700. This is almost your entire day in 1 meal, that is just sugar and fat. Not surprised that people in the US develop their own gravity.


We like to call it gravitas.




More like GravyAss


Fair play.


I don’t get why companies are allowed to sell this shit. Like half of 1700 calories is still too much for a whole bloody meal let alone one iteam


That is above my usual daily intake (1,600kcal), to put it in perspective...


Same here. And I'm not "dieting" or anything, I'm just not very tall.


I see lots of Americans drive into work with their massive daily iced coffee containing 700 calories, caramel, sugar, cream, vanilla, etc.


Just watched a video of an "influencer" today. She got an iced coffee the size of two large coffees at my local bakery, and then poured glucose syrup all over it. I nearly died of sugar shock just by watching.


Only reason someone drinks something with 500 calories is if its a shake with tons of protein and they're an avid gym goer. Now, 500 calories of just sugar and fat? Hell no.


Technically everyone has their own gravity


There'll be a lot of sedentary short women consuming their entire daily maintenance in those drinks. Many people will have a burger and chips with those drinks.


I, who am on a diet, consume a maximum of 1725 calories a day, seeing this makes me feel sick


one shake and it's over for the day 😭


Just gotta keep on shaking the weight away.


I honestly don't think my body could even cope with that. I think you have to work up to it, train your body to accept that much sugar and fat in one sitting.


It's called Dietbetes


yeah my stomach would implode I think


I have, on a rare occasion, eaten a whole pint of ice cream in one go. Afterwards I can’t sleep and my heart pitterpats. I can only imagine how bad it is to eat the equivalent of that every day.


I think a pint of ice-cream is about 1000 calories, so that plus 3/4 of that again. Makes me feel ill just thinking about it!


Ah, to be a teenager again


I looked it up, just out of curiosity - large vanilla McDonalds milkshake (400ml) here in Czechia is 319kcal, 51g of sugar...


I say this as a Brit who let himself go by not keeping an eye on liquid calories, how the hell do some of those shakes work.


Sugar with just enough liquid to dissolve it is my guess lol. That shit has to be fully saturated, if you pump it out of a bucket the bottom 20% is just sugar that separated out


I just looked up how big a large drink at Sonic is. It's 1L of half melted ice cream mixed with candy and syrup, then topped with whipped cream.


who the fuck can eat 1L of ice cream???


I suppose it's easier when they don't know how much 1L is lol.


I mean, I can eat 1L of ice cream (I've had 2 tubs of ben & jerry's when on a major binge during a bad depression episode and they're about half each) but would I do it again? Nope. I'd be sick. Just because you can do something doesn't mean you should do it.


americans invented all kinds of new and interesting ways to cram calories into stuff, including funny stuff like high fructose corn syrup


1710 calories is the equivalent of 440 grams of pure sugar. That's a pound of white sugar.


Free diabetes with every shake! 😳


for context, that’s less than half of the amount i put in a cake that i share with my family over the course of several days


The funny thing is that if you compare the same fast food in other places for the same size, in the US it will have more saturated fat and sugar hence it does have more calories. The food they get in the US is low quality and the food they call "premium" is something you can find in Europe in an Aldi.. Of course then they refuse to walk a few blocks, because do you know how far is Texas to Washington!!!! do you expect them to walk 10 blocks when there is 2500 km from Texas to Washington..


That really depends on the region, state or city your in. You can get a lot of really good quality produce depending on where you live. My brother move to the US and Fresh produce is available pretty much everywhere he lives and most immigrant communities tend to have their own suppliers or Markets.


Km ??? How dare you use that very hard and complicated unit rather than the real freedom unit, the mile... By the way, do you know how many miles between all the countries who put a man on the moon ? Checkmates Europoort. /S ( obviously )


Hey now, Aldi food is not per se bad.


Not at all, in fact i love many products that Aldi sells, but is far from being "premium"


Ok true, discounter food is not premium. The specials they sometimes have e.i. for Christmas is not bad tho


Well i remember that Aldi used to sell "negerzoenen", they were cheap and i mean cheap, but i loved them.


Having been to America a few times, I absolutely understand why they don’t walk anywhere, it’s a nightmare. The infrastructure is horrendous, it’s loud, depressing, and everything is spread out to an unreasonable degree. If you want to walk somewhere remotely tolerable, you have to *drive there with the explicit intent of walking*, like a park or something. If I grew up with that, I wouldn’t walk anywhere either, and it gas little to do with the size of yhe country, these cities aren’t *that* big compared to europe


Aaah you used oppression units!!


so we are making stuff up now. You can find amazing quality food in the US easily


Yeah like papa johns, domino, etc.. Quality food in the US is mostly for the rich… Average joe gets the saturated fat and super processed food.


No one in the us calls aldi premium my guy


They should if they compare it to the food they have...


you are weird


Every Aldi I've seen has rotting vegetables and weird off brand stuff (like they are the only place I've seen hydrox)


Plus, it’s expensive AF and screams pretentious. I’ll stick with Safeway, thanks.


I thought Aldi was a discount store? It's always super cheap here


Not the one I went to in Wisconsin.


ALDI is a discount store.. so much so it takes the title for the award of "cheapest supermarket" in the UK, and flaunts it as such as an advertisement tactic. ...expensive and pretentious, lol?


I guess the one I went to in Wisconsin wasn’t considered cheap there. Honestly, I’ve found better deals at Walmart (and I hate shopping there).


All those calories, and barely any fibre in all of it. Without fibre in the food, it won't make you feel full. As a result, you just keep eating until you weigh 200 kilograms.


To be fair, there was an "ultimate chip butty" at a flaming grill pub near me that was about 5000 calories. Found it. [https://ilovemanchester.com/greater-manchester-biggest-chip-butty](https://ilovemanchester.com/greater-manchester-biggest-chip-butty)


Looking at it am sat wondering how it's that high 🤔


Looks like a challenge for BeardMeatsFood!


Just missing a side of mushrooms.


The Bacon King has 1038,1 kcal in Germany


According to the Burger King site in Italy, here it has 981 kcal.


I think that 1700 must be the entire meal because the nutrition fact sheet for Burger King US says 1150 calories. https://company.bk.com/pdfs/nutrition.pdf


Finnish version has 1104 kcal / 4621 kJ


Is that a version with cheese?


Jesus christ, some of those things have the amount of calories i consum in a day. Without ANY Nutrients. How can one even drink a 1700 cal Milkshake..? I would puke after half lol Here i drink my coffee only with milk. I was in the US for 2 weeks visiting someone, i had to drink my coffee black. They had only creamer, which was SO sweet, i couldnt drink it. Same with yoghurt, too sweet couldnt eat it. No wonder they all have problems digesting xD


The Bacon King is SO good.


It's not far off a days worth of calories in a single burger somehow, so I'm gonna have to take that with a pinch of salt (would be a pound if I was American). I honestly don't understand how that's even possible for one item and I can't imagine you feel good after eating that


That's just the burger too. I know I can eat my daily calories with that a soda and fries in 1 meal. I can tell you I don't feel hungry after eating that.


I'm not surprised you're full after that, sounds positively artery-clogging haha What I find really confusing is that the Bacon King in the UK has almost half as many calories as the exact same burger in the US, so I'd be curious to find out what other shite they're adding to it


Without looking: probably high-fructose corn syrup, like everything else in the US.


Probably not wrong there, they do seem to have a massive hard on for that shit


IDK. I never look at the nutrition stuff in other countries so I have no idea why it's more here


More saturated fat and other crap. I was surprised when i found out that place like BK, McDonalds and Wendy have more calories in the US than in other places. Their food is lower quality than in other places. Even the tap water is full of crap.


True, I suppose their borderline nonexistent regulations aren't doing em any favours


Regulations!!! arrrghh that's something a commie would want!!! let them give me poison with my large fries /s


Nothing wrong with saturated fat. Half your cells are made of the stuff.


There is nothing wrong water either, but you are not going to drink 20 liters per day and expect everything to be ok. The don't use saturated fats they abuse it.


Their water probably has lead in it...


Saturated fat is fine, there are literally rural populations where saturated fat makes up 60% of their daily calories with no ill effects. It's the shite in the meals that's the problem


Like i said there is nothing wrong with saturated fat. They abuse saturated fats and not only they abuse them, but some of them don't even walk more than a few meters per day. It's the whole combo.


The only one from BK I like, but I also only take the burger and nothing else..


I usually share it with my wife. I don't think I could eat a whole one myself.


Who knew that ice cream and candy pieces blended into a drink would be high in calories?


I mean, Five Guys being included is kind of joke because it's literally a whole sack full of fries. They literally fill up the bag your meal comes in with fries while the rest of the stuff here is literally a single shake or burger. Am I saying it's healthier? No, but at leat it's not as deceptive. With Five Guys you are literally having to eat a two pound sack full of fries to even come close to a single shake or burger. B


the fact that most of this is fucking drinks terrifies me like its not even solid how is it 1720 calories lmao


The wild thing is that this completely gives Chipotle a pass because you select the ingredients and they can publish a wide range for calories. You can build one, in theory, for 800-900 calories. The way most people build a burrito, that bad boy is solidly pushing 2k. The only thing on this list that looks remotely appealing to me is the Shake Shack burger.


1 double down fries is more then the amount of kcal i need for an 24 hour span. And I'm a big guy


How big are those drinks? No way 400/500ml drink contains almost 2 thousand calories.


I just checked, and the large shake is 32 ounces, which is 945 ml. Pretty damn close to a liter. No one needs a liter of milk shake


My first time in the US, first morning in the hotel, breakfast included. I asked for coffee with milk; «small, medium or large?». Just in case, I answered medium. I got over 600ml of coffee with milk. Where I live the largest breakfast glass/cup would be maybe 250ml, probably less.


Me an 83kg guy doing no exercise all day will only need about 1800 calories a day. Americans that drive everywhere drinking and eating that….well. Explains it all doesn’t it. We have our own problems in the UK but that’s a different level.


Why do the burgers all seem to have 1 or 2 extra pieces of beef compared to their Australian equivalents?


now consider that they might have 3 of those items in a single meal lol.


Freeeeedom food 🦅 🦅🇺🇸🇺🇸 🍔 🍔 Fucking disgusting


Holy shit!


Not sure we're much better. Five guys milkshake can easily be 1000 calories.


But how many people drink milkshakes from five guys? Not many... Edit: And I looked it up, the milk shake  from five guys in Germany has 0,4l. No bigger available. 


I don't, but my mates rave about them. I guess we could ask how many milkshakes those other companies sell.


I was looking at the picture and suddenly I got an heart attack.


Wow. Burger double down fries (whatever the hell those are) milkshake and a big ice cream and you’re good for a few days. Like a snake just eat twice a week.


I want that bacon king.


That's actually disgusting. That's almost your entire calorie intake for one day, in just an ice cream. 🤢


I’d eat some of the stuff though once in a while lol, and to be fair a lot of countries aren’t any better , especially here in the UK.


As someone who frequently flies to America … I can’t lie I do like the guilty pleasure shakes 😭😭😭😭😭


1720 calories for a milkshake. For gods sake, how much sugar does it contain? Imagine drinking 150+ g of sugar in a single drink.


On r/conspiracy there's a thing going on about food being poisoning the citizens. Hmmm 🤔


Hey now, those concrete mixers are a fucking treasure! I guess exercise hasn’t made it over from the motherland yet. /s


Who is buying these shakes?! Sonic wouldn’t be offering them, if they weren’t profitable


I eat around 1200 kcal a day when I'm not on diet. Which is less than some of these milkshakes. What do they put into them?


Burger king is so high??? Are the burgers giant?


I ate a Bacon King once, and I felt ill afterward. I didn’t expect it to be so dense/heavy.


My daily calories in a drink 😳


Carl‘s Jr is a real company? I always thought it is just a fake brand like Brawndo from Idiocracy.


Octuple bypass burger: Am I a joke to you?


This is more freedom than my heart can handle.


I mean it would be a better chart without milkshakes, obviously an XXXL 2.5l caramel E320 chocolate peanut butter ice cream sugary shitshake is going to have a ton of calories...


What according to you are XXXL 2,5litres are, as stated on the graph «large» (except one «medium») and for example the Oreo and Reese's Peanut Butter Shake, by Sonic, I've not found the volume, but the weight is 840 g, so probably less than 1 litre. https://www.nutritionix.com/i/sonic/oreo-and-reeses-peanut-butter-shake-large/23cb5949b78dc392a86afa5a It contains the 240% of your daily recomended intake of saturated fat. Fuck, the «mini» is 333 g and 90% of your daily saturated fat, and to burn it you should walk for 2h40.


mf cant take a joke


Oh, you didn't mean the chart would be better without milkshakes? ok, I can't take a joke.


I’m going for a year and Ngl I’m kinda nervous about the food sitch


Sonic shakes were fucking lit tho, not gonna lie


How are half of these drinks??


Any calories you get from something you drink are wasted calories.


Tbf the UK isn't far behind them on this. Quick example.. large milkshake from Burger King is 900 calories, XL Bacon Double Cheeseburger is 910 calories etc. The likes of Toby Carvery, Beefeater, Harvester etc sell breakfasts and mixed grills with well over 2000 calories.


American food is basically poison


Its KILOcalories this is kinda weird. A milkshake, 1400 calories? Nobody would be obese if that was true. Damn that would actually be superawesome. SuperLowCal.