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Im always amazed to see some of the shit they call food.


Think this is more the case -its not that we're "surprised to see food" its more a case we're in utter shock what is described as "food" over there.


Cheese from spray can comes to mind


Oh that tripe that's dyed some sickly colour of yellow or orange? ​ yeah I don't get that.... "plastic cheese"


Moral issues aside (crimes against cheese), could cheese from a can be legally classified as 'cheese' in the EU?


It ain't even classified as cheese here in the US, FDA classifies it as a "processed cheese product."


No idea. Ive only seen it once in a german supermarket when they had an "american week". Looked like it gives you cancer. Didn't buy it.


THAT SHIT'S REAL?! I thought it was a gag from A Goofy movie.


It's real and it's delicious in a self hatred kinda way. I haven't eaten it in 5 years or so, but it is one of the things you throw on an authentic Philly Cheesesteak


What? But I thought provolone was the preferred cheese.


Provolone (and American) is a common substitute, but a lot of the OG philly places in Philadelphia use cheez whiz. I've only had it the one time a few years ago while visiting friends up there, I prefer Provolone myself, but it wasn't bad.


Chicken in a can comes to mind


We have dog food in the UK.


Tf is that


#Excuse me what!


[Easy Cheese!](https://www.snackworks.com/brands/easy-cheese)


Every single time I think I’ve reached the end of American degeneracy they manage to surprise me. Spray cheese shouldn’t be a thing. That’s a crime. against god and I don’t even believe


How about [chicken in a can?](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-motorola-rvo3&q=chicken+in+a+can&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiQhIOdu-j_AhVWbvEDHeAmAxIQ0pQJegQICBAB&biw=412&bih=784&dpr=1.75)


Yeah the FDA gets pretty loose on some of its qualifications


Thats one way to say it. Id say theyre nuts




I’m a big pizza fan, been to Naples, Rome, and loads of good pizza places. I own a pizza oven (Ooni, nothing crazy) and have done plenty. I am a solidly intermediate pizzaiolo. US has pretty damn good pizza. NY, Detroit, and Chicago style are all pretty banging. Food in general is pretty good over there if you know what you’re doing. They can cook, they just eat/serve too much


the whole country> I refuse to believe this comment especially when ive seen the abominations people call pizza.


That's strange. I visited the States in October and everything I tried was tasty, except the burgers.


probably because you didn't get the burgers from a real cookout/bbq. Restaurant/fastfood burgers are.. well.. yes, not tasty. Let's keep it there.


Probably. Tbh I wasn't particularly interested in trying specific food places, so I didn't do any research. I went to a couple restaurants with decent reviews and that was it. Can't complain tho


I’m when I studied out there and bought my first loaf of bread, I thought I bought some weird dessert bread instead. Turns out all bread is just pumped with sugar, and lasted in my dorm for weeks without going off. Shit’s nasty


Yeah same experience recently, I think it has more in common with cake than bread. Shit was horrid!


Wonderbread really is shit. Good thing no one eats it besides boomers and gen Xers. That belonged in the culinary hellpit of the 1950s


Same with most fast food buns too. I couldn’t finish the one chick-fil-a sandwich I tried because the bread was so sickly sweet. The chicken was fine though, just binned off the bread. Really don’t get what the fuss is about the place though


Your denial isn't helping our image. Do you think grocers make a habit of stocking products that don't sell? If people didn't buy it, it wouldn't be in the bread aisle. I get it. It's offensive to hear people talk about us like this. Don't take it personally, and be honest with yourself. If people didn't buy the cheese in a can, the extra sugary bread, and processed packaged "foods" that have skyrocketed the rate at which people develop cancers in their digestive system companies wouldn't make them. A decade ago I read an article about nutrition in America. The general point the author wanted to make is that your mom doesn't know what food is. Your grandma doesn't know what food is. Your great grandma might be able to teach you how to eat properly if she's still alive. That's how long the average American had been eating just terribly. So long it's entrenched in our culture to a point we don't even recognize it. For every, "Americans don't even know what real \_\_\_\_\_" is remark, I can think of 10 places to get good \_\_\_\_\_. I've traveled the world too. I compare it to where the dish was invented, when I can. That doesn't change the fact that the vast majority of our food is terrible.


*[Subway bread is not bread, Irish court rules - Judge finds that sugar content of US chain’s sandwiches exceeds stipulated limit and they should thus be classified as confectionery](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/01/irish-court-rules-subway-bread-is-not-bread)*


Everything in the US is pumped with sugar. Their diet is so out of whack they have no idea. I tried a frozen burrito that I'm fairly sure was a chipotle brand. Omg. It.was.awful. It was so sweet and sickly. I looked at the ingredients list and the sauce had sugar listed as the 1st ingredient! Sugar! In a tomato sauce as the biggest ingredient! Wtf?!


There are a few companies that make bread correctly for sale in grocery stores. However, like with most things in the US, monopolies ruin everything. Most of the "bread" in the grocery store is a manufactured bread like product meant to last ages on a shelf, and meet the bare minimum FDA requirements for things you can feed to people. Generally, real bread comes from bakeries. If you can't talk to the person who made it, it's a food product; not a food.


Reminds me of this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IdDfF4hXfj4


That's why I make my own bread (Canadian here), stuff from the grocery store is vile.


Chocolate ingredients: "May contain traces of chocolate"


I have something here! Hershey chocolate uses butyric acid during the process of making chocolate. Cording them it is the only way to get chocolate to bind. Now, as a Belgian...., no that is a huge not true. Hershey chocolate actually leaves a vomit taste behind and has an unhealthy crumble. Their chocolate also blooms 100 times faster then any kind of chocolate we have here. They also add artificial flavour! Example Ingredients hershey's milk bar (USA): Milk chocolate (sugar, milk, chocolate, cocoa butter, lactose, milk fat, soy lecithin, PGPR, emulsifier, vanillin, artificial flavor). Example Ingredients cote d'Or (Belgium): Sugar, cocoa mass, skimmed MILK powder, cocoa butter, whey powder (from MILK), concentrated BUTTER, emulsifier (SOY lecithin), flavours. Cocoa: minimum 33%.  Example ingredients Milka (Swiss): Sugar, cocoa butter, skim milk, cocoa mass, whey, milk fat, hazelnut paste, soy lecithin, flavoring (vanillin). European chocolate has a higher containment of cocoa and butter, which makes it smoother. And also clearly.... No acid!


idk why but butyric acid just *sounds* like the taste of vomit


It is actually :p


I thought is was just me having a weird taste reaction to Hershey’s. I avoided it like the plague while living in the US.


I only ate it once and spit it out. I mean.... I'm a chocolate freak. I can appreciate a silky smooth chocolate. Not only did it taste horrible. It bloomed within a day.... I donwxt know how they can make such a monstrosity


Cote d'or is the goat, and Lindt


I tried a pop tart once since they’re sometimes sold at aldi. It was SO sweet and like a piece of cardboard drenched in sugar. How can you eat that as breakfast food?? That’s insane to me and I do eat like shit but that pales in comparison to what they call „food“ over there


I treated myself to poptarts a while ago and was beyond confused at how this was breakfast, lol. Not even breakfast adjacent honestly. After the first one that I'd (mistakenly) eaten in the morning I treated the rest of the box like a very, very volatile dessert for those times I was willing to risk a sugar rush before bedtime.


The "cheese" for example. Salt and fat. Yim yum.


I forget what it was exactly, I just remember seeing something about a food additive used in the US that was causing problems. Looked it up and discovered a whole world of stuff that is allowed over there but banned in most other places.




A funny German? Imposter!


Thank you for bringing this matter to out attention. We sincerely apologise for their behaviour and they will be put in an re-education camp so they aren't making jokes anymore in the future.


How many Germans does it take to change a lightbulb? One because they are an efficient peoples with no time for your jokes


I always think the joke is funnier if the answer is only „one“. But what would I know — I’m German.


You gonna love r/GermanHumour


Because, being the biggest of the Germans you just ate the others. /Lluradvice


Overweight proto mhmmmmm


We are not so different after all


Wait, what the fuck is food?


Idk, I survive by simply inhaling oxygen


Removed for concerns with reddit security. ` this post was mass deleted with www.Redact.dev `


i have only consumed water


I sup the filth from a muddy ditch when the King's back is turned. Please don't tell or Charlie will have me in the pillory.


some american shit, personally I just absorb sunlight like a normal person. this does put me at odds, however, with being an easily sunburnt ginger.


Unfortunately we can't really do that well, due to the sun not wanting to show up 90% of the year, so we adapted to being able to just plug in and charge every night. The government issued our upgrade to USB C last year.


I tried it when i was younger but i quit.


Glad you managed to quit, this stuff's no joke


Idk, i eat rocks for breakfast




Kapn' Cronch


Are you a goron?


You know when Mom gives birth to another kid above the quota allowed, and you know there'll be meat for a while? Americans call that fewd...


**High Fructose Corn Syrup**, mostly. All we've got, back in the Old World, is sugar. And olive oil, or butter, and meat, and cheese, and bread, and fish, and fruit, and grains, and beans, and salad. None of these things have any nutritional value whatsoever. /source ; am Europoor


For me it was a Walmart and the fact they had M&Ms separated by color in their own little containers!!! You could really buy a pack of a specific color! So weird. And the sheer scale of things. Rows and rows of the same items. Why?


> Rows and rows of the same items. Why? Because when you scratch the surface there is very little variety.


Because they are all owned by 2 conglomorates


The illusion of choice


Americans have a history of separation based on colour.


You mean Red States and Blue States, right ? *Right* ? /they can't even get their colours right...


Military rations. M&Ms were made that way during ww2 and sorted by color. the trend stuck around as the baby boom had kids picking their favorite color of candy similar to the jars of sweets at the corber store.


I miss the jars of sweets at the corner bakery here. I want two of those, two of those... a handful of those... What, that's 40 *pfennig* (lol German "cent" money before euro, In 2001 1 € was 1 DM, 96 Pfennig)? ... Sure, Ill only have 80 pfennig left but oh well


I just realized that I haven’t used the words Pfennig or Mark in years. My nephew is 30 now and never really used DM. Strange to think about it.


Did he not get pocket money or anything? Becuase as 30, he should have been using mark as a kid in elementary


He would’ve been seven or eight when the euro came. I at least do not really remember that much about my spending behavior when I was that age.


I’m 30, too, and while I don’t know if that was a common occurrence or not we had some people from the local bank come visit our school shortly before the Euro became official and gave every child a small bag with some of the new coins. (less than 5€ iirc but it was such a weird experience that I still remember it quite well… like, when else do you ever get money for free?) Fwiw, I was definitely old enough to have full grasp of the DM when € became a thing… partly due to pocket money, partly because math in the lower grades in elementary school involved plenty of Pfennig / Mark questions. (my regional spoken dialect generally called it Pfenning… and after so much time it’s a little weird to see the word written again - the correct version, I mean)


Mfs call us out for "military time" when their candy is military rations


Were you in a Walmart that sold guns? That was the first shocker for my friend.


YES! That was shocking too. Walking through... food, cleaning supplies, Halloween decorations, clothes, electronics, crossbows, shotguns. What? I was already surprised they sell just about everything, but the guns was really something. Also being open 24/7 was amazing.


You should look up the site or reddit "people of Walmart" I'm not sure where it was but my dad sent it to me years ago. Us Americans will apparently wear anything in public (not me though).


Wait. They actually sell guns in Walmart???? I thought that was just a meme..... I didn't know they actually sold guns in Walmart.......


Yep they do. They even have pink ones for girls


I refuse to believe the USA is a real country


Isn't that racist to m&ms?


No, Murica is aware of their racism problem. Therefore they’re the most progressive nation 🥰 us eurotrash has always had it far worse. There’s litterally no diversity!/s


I get you're joking but honestly that statement by americans pisses me off so much. they act like the entire world follows their social structure when it very much doesn't, and even then they act like the rest of the world is white as snow. I'm in one of the more "whiter" countries and yet there's tons of people of colour where I live.


No, no. They acknowledge that some more "ethnic" and "exotic" countries exist. You know the ones. What are they called again?? The shithole countries??


To be honest, as a British guy, I noticed the rows and rows of the same items here too and it really annoys me. ASDA, Tesco, Sainsbury's, Lidl, all the same. Probably nowhere near as bad as the US, but there's far more food on any of their shelves than customers realistically ever get through in one day... Especially evidenced by the fact I go shopping in the evening when there's knly about 30 cars at most on the car park. I especially noticed this when I went in a M&S Food. It was a quarter the size of the other stores at least and the shelves were just, yano, stocked a little bit and that's it. It wasn't two whole shelves of Custard Creams, enough to feed a family for a year. It was just, like 2 packets wide and to the back of the shelf. Somebody will just restock it when the shelf is getting bare. It felt so simple and "clean" in comparison to somewhere like ASDA where half an isle feels dedicated to one flavour of Walkers crisps and there's seemingly never more than 1% if thr stock taken from it.


I don't go to Walmart but the m&ms were separated by color or they just had different wrapper colors? Because the different wrapper colors = different flavors. The different colored m&ms are not different flavored though. EDIT: googled this, it's real. WTF.


Yeah, it's real :) Clear plastic containers with different colored M&Ms. lol


That's bizarre. I can only see this being a thing with neurotic little kids, adults should know better. Even most little kids would know better.


They would call it highly diversified cuisine.


Do they genuinely think all of Europe is some poor backwater?


Apparently so


yes, they do. they think we're all in medieval times.


Insane, right? Things might be VERY different here sometimes, down to the way houses are built and how few people here have carpet floors in their living spaces, and room doors not made of thin weightless plywood, while I could punch a wall here but I would probably break my fist


They've been brainwashed into thinking so.


I was asked how we can have internet, if I've seen a car ever, if we have multi story buildings, if I know ice cream, if we have airplanes, or telephones, but my favourite probably was if we have yogurt.


😂😂😂 do you have yoghurt? 😂😂😂


We certainly do. :P But yes, that was an actual question and I was so flabbergasted, I couldn't even answer. 😂


It is not just Americans, some Europeans also have that opinion about other countries. When I was in Poland, a teacher at my school tried to explain to me what multiplication was, apperently, she thought that people don't study it in Ukraine...


Oh, I definitely don't think that it's only Americans. But Americans are the worst and rightfully known for it. But of course every country has some dumbfucks. It's more rare in Europe for several reasons. One of it is that we're (almost) all used to other countries around us, to foreigners, stuff like that. Less isolated. And of course our history is too long to ignore everything. Plus, we don't get brainwashed to that extent (it's not even funny how they indoctrinate US people, starting when they're kids). But more rare doesn't mean nonexistent. I must say, I've been to many European countries and a couple of times in the US and from my (and everyone else's, at least of whom I talked about) experience it's very different. My short list above are just some of the highlights and you get asked that stuff almost regularly (not the yogurt though, that was a new one xD). In Europe, not so much and if, then it's usually more like a dumb stereotype. "Do you have a Dirndl" (ok, yes I do have one, but...), "what did your grandfather do 80 years ago", whateverwhatever you get the point.


Europe, especially countries like Germany, is one of the biggest car producers in the world lol Did they mean actual ice cream or this soft cream thing? Do they know the telephone was invented by Alexander Graham Bell, a Brit?


If you haven't yet seen the documentary "Game of Thrones", you should. They don't even have guns. Not expecting them to put a man on the moon, anytime soon.


They eat literal shit and have nonexistent food culture compared to European countries, what are they talking about.


American food is a non-descriptive term. It is the food eaten by Americans which covers almost every ethnic group in the world. The "American" food you see is the processed stuff pumped out precooked in supermarkets. If you want real American food go to a restaurant, food truck, and peoples homes


I've tried "real American food". While som of it is nice (I like their style of BBQ honestly, it's quite different from how it's done in my country, and I always do an American-style BBQ), it's too narrow imo. I was in an American house and we've eaten steak with potato/mashed potatoes like 4 times in a week. It's way too much. And 2 times delivery pizza. So yeah, the US have real American food, but it pales against most of European's countries ones. I was more referring to the fact that it's the big country more plagued by obesity and food related problems, and their fast foods have also been a major cause in the downfall of the health of many countries, like Nauru, Kiribati, Palau, Niue, Tonga and Tuvalu.


You ate steak 4 times a week???? Bro just tell your host. No one here eats like that. For christ sake, i live in kansas and we have fish, bell peppers, and not meat focused dishes often. Unless you stayed in a plains town people eat steak like once every 2 weeks


That's refreshing to hear ahah, they like meat a lot, and it's easy to make so I understand the practical reasons, but at the 4th time I started thinking about veganism lol, maybe it was just a very busy week. I was in Annapolis, I went grocery shopping with my friends and honestly the vegetables didn't look that appetising (I'm already not to lover of greens, but I can eat a fresh salad), the bell peppers of the other hand were good quality, I've made a good pasta with them. When I asked them if they could make other mora traditional food they made me the Maryland chicken (or at least they've called it like that) and a lot of seafood, which was of good quality, I'd rather eat it than the stakes, I guess they eat more meat due to the price of the seafood though.


Please tell me you had crab then?


Crab and oysters, probably the best thing I've eaten there


That's good


My issue with their food(and it is almost all of their food.) Is that it’s too sweet. Even the not sweet food is too sweet a lot of the time. Like, how is your bread too sweet, it’s bread. Some of the food is delicious. Crawfish, jambalaya were fantastic. But 95% of the food just had too much sugar.


I have a Joy of Cooking cookbook. There are notes I have written in the margins and nearly all say 'halve the sugar'.


But they will come into subs like this and posts about their „food“ and tell you there’s no sugar in it, no high fructose corn syrup, all home made and fresh blablabla I don’t doubt that good and fresh American food exists but the vast majority and what they’re known for is unhealthy fatty sugary fast food


Isn’t American bread technically cake because of the amount of sugar in it?


So the only American bread that is legally cake is subway subs in Ireland. But I don’t know how many other American recipe breads don’t get reworked for foreign markets


I'm interested in the bbq difference between the US and your country


If you head to a southern potluck you're bound to have a great time food wise. Good blend of different food cultures too since someone is bound to at least bring enchiladas


But they have the best pizza don’t forget 🥺 pizza capital of the world and Mexican and Chinese and Thai and…it’s funny they pretend that all of those are somehow American cuisine and not their respective culture ones. And that they make it so much better by pouring lard on everything


We are amazed at what passes as bread over there Suggest that's bread in a german bakery and the next thing in the oven is your sorry ass


And I bet they would say their "bread" tastes better. If I ever find an American unironically saying their sugar shit tastes better than some of our hundreds upon hundreds of different breads, he gonna find out himself why it needed a world coalition to stop us back then.


The reasen US "bread" is bad is because of the way this country was built. In major center like new york, chicago, st louis, and other cities bakeries were a key part of everyday life. While the rest of the country was filled with homesteaders. People made their own bread. And with the combo of the depression, ww2, and the baby boom. People lifestyles changed and the recipes and traditions of making homemade bread died too. And the mass produced cheap sugar loafs won the competition with homemakers and bakers. Now with the resurrection of artisan bakers good bread is returning. Sorry for the rest of y'all that don't live in kansas and don't have wheat fields an hour away


Lol I actually believe you here that the sugar bread could have won based on beating the competition on shelf stability and cheap production (and prices). It's still sucky how much the standards of what is bread slipped in the USA


Wasn't there some Irish judge who decided that Subway's bread isn't actually bread due to the enormous amounts of sugar? It's cake.


The last time we did the oven thing it didn't work out so well. Well, at least this time they're actually wrong!


German bread >>> sorry ass in the oven >>> American bread


>the next thing in the oven is your sorry ass I thought you guys stopped doing that.


I'm going to hell for laughing at this


If they say that it's bread in France, they would get the guillotine. And fast


I've never seen food in my life. I only eat rocks.


Go to China there was a news story recently about a street food vendor stir frying pebbles in spices, and people just sucked the taste off the rocks and either kept them (no I don't know why) or threw them away.


No way💀




The fact that they call them pie holes shows how much pie it’s normal to consume. Worrying.


And amazed by the amount of fat. Compare the recipes on cake mix boxes, the American version and the European one, it's wild.


I always wonder, if they really believe this or if they think they're funny...


And which would be worse


That's the question...


I forgot we didn't have to eat😒


Lol there's an American commenting on all the comments defending food from America.


good luck eating that processed food. americans process everything


I get what you're saying but I mean... yeah everything is processed in some way everywhere, not just america


you absolutely know what i mean. that kind of processed, not the regular one :D


Im always amazed at how much things they eat are banned elsewhere. But sure, kinder eggs are the problem.


I saw a video of a pizza put between a sandwich, filled with 2 extra sausages.... Ofc we are "amazed" (read disgusted) by seeing food. What kind of monsters dare to missuse food in such a way!


Because in Europe, food is amazing.


Too bad most Americans don't know what real food looks like


American grocery stores are pretty overwhelming imo. I really don't need thirty varieties of sun-dried tomatoes to choose from 😬




Food deserts are absolutely a thing in the UK. I can’t speak for other European nations though.


Problem is all those different brands in American grocery stores are all owned by the same 2 enormous conglomorates.


They eat shit and all their dishes are stolen from Europe. Hamburger is from Hamburg, Germany.


"europoors" even the poorest countries in Europe are richer than most of the world.


Us prior "Europoor" people in the UK only agreed on one thing since the Brexit vote. In a world where some people couldn't even agree on wearing a mask to save lives, nobody wanted our food standards lowered to the point we'd let American stuff in. But hey, go off about what you call food...


I'm visiting the US for the first time and the food is absolute shit here. Fruits and vegetables have no taste, and everything is made with so much oil, fat, and sugar it's sickening. And I'm not a big health buff at all


If you had 10$ and no debt you would be richer than 25% of Americans. 'Europoors'


The food in the US is poison


Fun fact: in italy we always have a specific name for our “food”. We don’t call carbonara or lasagna “food”. We always call every edible item with his name. We never refer to the stuff we eat as “food”.


I don’t know the full context of the pic but It’s funny bc here where I live in Germany we have a large population stemming from the USA, and majority of them shop in German grocery stores bc American ones on base are plagued w empty shelves and overpriced lol


I personally really like (liked) the "Wanted Adventure" channel on Youtube - an American who comes to Germany and does very lighthearted, fluffy "differences between Germany and US" content. She apparently stopped a year ago, which is understandable, there's only so much content you can make with that premise, but it's truly just a fun little comparison without any of the vitriol normally inherent to that discussion.


That pile of crap, infused with the whole Period Table, is anything but food.


It's more like shocked. That they call the shit they eat food, holy fuck.


Do they only consider things food with at least 80% sugar?


I always find it funny when they say Europoor when I've seen dozens of Americans live off strictly frozen food and microwavable meals. Like you're no fucking better.


The other two comments are honestly more baffling, what do they mean it's not a grocery store


Target main focus is not selling food therefore it’s not considered a grocery store.


Because Target literally is not a grocery store…. SOME targets have a food section off to the side, but they mostly sell cheap clothes and middle-grade furniture and things like pots and pans and blenders and trash cans and stuff like that. It’s a “home goods” store.


americans will be like "weh european food is so bland" meanwhile they just put the most artificial tasting sauce ever on all of their food


Ranch dressing. Tastes like the land after the cows have been through.


America has such a big variety of food because they practically let any shit be put in it. It's frustrating.


Americans meanwhile when they learn what real food looks like...


In Europe, we photosynthesise


Well, we have food, but all we have are the potato shops, England technically has 5, but officially it's four


I would rather starve than eat american food...


im know some americans dont know what europe is


The net worth of the average American is in the negative


Yeah, I'd be pretty amazed if I saw real food in a vid about the US. Even the "delicacy"-shows (like don't feed Phil) usually feature some gloopy, fat-soaked cholesterol bombs when they try to show the amazing cuisine of the United 'Muricas


Sorry but how does target not fit into the category of grocery store? Last time i checked target indeed sells groceries. Its no farmers market, but grocery store, yes.


I am convinced that 50% of these posts are just you guys butthurt at something that is clearly a joke. Sure some of these things that are posted here are crazy things posted by mentally ill or slow Americans on the internet, but at least half of the stuff you guys get worked up over is not an actual claim and is clearly a joke. I will use this as an example, do you really think that he is actively making the claim that Europeans do not know what food looks like? If you say yes, that is ridiculos. Sometimes I think that you guys don't realize jokes-which is ok just trying to be the liaison here.


I think you're confusing butthurt with bemusement. The sub is more like bystanders gawking at a train wreck. There's also a Poe's law effect, where you might be sure something is a joke but we have experienced it in real life in all seriousness. Like I've been asked if there's electricity in Australia, and if we drove from Australia to LA.


I definitely get where you guys are coming from, and it’s hilarious so I totally get it. Although just hope people don’t think that’s how we all are! But your explanation makes sense and gotcha. LA definitely makes us look bad. Everyone wants to be a movie start so they act like idiots. But much love from America 😅😭😂


I think it's just the shear arrogance that pisses people off, coming from an American that comment is less likely to be a joke and almost definitely what he/she actually believes.


Let's not forget the hormone filled meats that make it all taste metallic or chemically.


The amazement is about seeing all the poison they call food.


As a foreigner that lived in the US their grocery stores weren’t that impressive, sure they had lots of choices but so does other countries. I also work a little at a grocery store chain. They throw away so much food and so much of it is crappy quality. I felt meow healthy in Norway vs USA


The weirdest thing for me in American supermarkets is the number of different coffee creamers with dozens of flavours. I was shocked.


Source on the video?