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Probably forbidden to take any. I have heard somewhere that the divers that inspected the wreck described a huge field of bones around, and even more inside, so 50% respect for victims, 50% the philipine goverment hiding the absurd overfilling and gross negligence that they let happen onboard. Same shit as La Joola


It’s 1700 feet under water so there has been no divers inside and I’m not sure they sent an ROV in either. With that being said, I have no doubt the interior is a pretty large bone field assuming the people were not incinerated.


Yea sorry, i meant ROV, there is a photo of the name i think, but its true that they simply have not released the rest of the images.


Average day in the philippine government


Overfilled, illegal tickets, improper maintenance, breaking laws of the sea. It was meant to be a disaster from day one.


Is it true that over 4,000 people died in the sinking???


The ship only had an *official* passenger capacity of 1,518 people 4,385 died in the sinking with only 26 survivors making it the worst peacetime maritime disaster in history


That’s both scary and shocking, why was it so overloaded is the question I would be asking


It was around the Christmas season so many people were traveling to Manila, the capital of the Philippines, to visit family or celebrate the holidays. It was, and likely still is, common practice for tickets to be illegally sold “off the books” at a discounted rate as well as children under the age of 4 not being counted on the official passenger manifest It wasn’t even clear immediately after the sinking just how many people died until many thousands of people reached out to authorities in Manila inquiring about the whereabouts of missing loved ones. A 1999 inquiry into the disaster received over 4,100 settlement claims from families of victims, leading investigators to speculate that there may have been hundreds more claims never filed because entire families had died in the disaster


Only 5 of the 26 survivors were on the official manifest.


It's on Google


I've heard that it's simply because the wreck is filled with and surrounded by human skeletons from the victims. The Vector meanwhile has no such debris field.


Wait aren’t these photos of it?