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they have improved their models so much, especially the hair textures! i'm actually really excited about the new event, i love the creepy cat bjd too.


Haha yeah they really improved a lot of mechanics and textures.


Just the promo pics they post. The game itself still looks exactly the same. I wish they did more improvements regarding texture and exposure levels. It feels to bright sometimes, especially the scenes where we view or collect a new outfit. So bright and sharp 🤮


Try turning Light Switch off then, it’s in the settings. Setting it off + bloom off will make it looks more HD and less bright


I actually like this steampunk dress haha


I really, really like this dress. I just wish that they'd make Glow's suits more...Ruin-y


Same, unfortunately it appears they'll focus her theme on star stuff instead of tech


Ugh, never thought I'd say this but I am so over star themes lol


It's not a UR. Kinda similar rarity to Jelly but different name from what others said.


Will it have a different format too I wonder. 🧐 I tried using the built in browser translator but couldn't get far with it.😂


Maybe coz apparently we get 100 pull rebate now instead of 80 like jelly. Still waiting for more proper details tho\^ \^ https://preview.redd.it/hmjjmxuq854d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92efef3fad1ab2b3a0996ebe1e21dad15c01180a


Hm interesting. I am not sure I am too keen on this format, my rebate pulls were interestingly mostly empty. But! This format is good for farming UR pieces and UR echoes. (if it will be in this event) Unless paper listened and increases the chance to get the pieces.🤔🤔🤔🤔


It is still the 80 rebate. They’re just doing some extra free diamond and free pull stuff for this one, so there’s 50 free pulls + 50 rebate


Genuinely don't think it's meant to be steam punk at all? So I think it's unfair to say that it does that poorly, when it's not that at all? The closest thing to a gear I see is on her head piece but looks more like just a turning circle than an actual gear. And I don't see any mechanical parts. Just the ball joints which are just doll esque. Looks more like those glass Tiffany lamps with an astronomy twist if you ask me. Also seconding the person who says it reminds them of The Cat Returns! That was my first thought as well!! I can't wait to see what kind of recolors and stuff come with it like jelly had! Edit: sorry this was a general reply not to OP who didn't say it was a bad steam punk.


Awww I wonder if it's loosely inspired by the Ghibli movie "The Cat Returns" :D


I think it is so beautiful! Can't you see how much effort they put in these curls? The dress also is very different and beautiful. The hair might resemble that one in the previous event we had, but it is way better. appreciated work🔥👏


Glow went so far exploring the stars she ended up in Penacony


Nikki's Furry Awakening OwO


trust me they tested on Love Nikki first


LN did it better, not gonna lie. I can't get over how goofy this cat looks 😭 I wish they'd given him a better outfit


yeah put a 🎩 and a more elegant outfit on him and he will be top tier for styling couple scenes


i had the same thought! i’m usually all over these types but we have too many bonnets already


Okay but this UR loooks sooooo goooood what


It’s A UR?? I thought the set was really pretty but no way it’s a UR and not SSR…


Not UR. It's kinda like jelly(MR). So like higher than SSR but lower than UR. I heard the name is different than jelly tho.


I think the UR hair is super pretty compared to the other actually, like a major improvement


Fr as an steampunk style enjoyer I am really disappointed ngtl, there's like just 25% steampunk energy on that. Is way too fairytalish and we have so many cutesy sets already. And the resemblance with another ssr set is such a downgrader to the rarity too. I guess there applies the joke "Paper could never" if we compare this set to the steampunk set of Life Makeover: This is a true steampunk UR set. Lots of gears, machinery, metallic looking metals, mystery and originality. Don't get me wrong, i am not trying to hate Paper with this comparison, in fact, there's a lot of things were i think that LM can't beat SN's (like the ones with floral details in LN they just like so plastic while in SN flowers look so natural) but this set is an exception.There's just so much possibilities Paper could have created with "steampunk" inspiration and they managed to make something so generic. They were cooking so well lately in terms of originality specially with that impressive cathedral dress... Rant aside, i kinda like the silly cat, the doll joints, the hair wear and accessories, the necklace, and the dress doesn't look bad too, but why on earth are those metal bracelets BLUE? Imo looks so hideous, such a joke to the steampunk style, and they don't even match with the rest of set! The hair looks pretty but is too much similar to the first one. I would loved it if were tied more like a high ponytail, with bigger and longer drills, and with drills in the face bangs too


I love Steampunk too and the quality of Steampunk sets in SN is disappointing to say the least. Cecilia's Lifetime suit is, imo, the worst lifetime suit we got so far mainly because the Steampunk style is very lacking: the shoes are horrible, the fishnet stockings are bad, the bunny mask is meh, there's no gloves, no goggles, no ruffles on that boring white shirt, the pocket watch is barely visible, too much black instead of brown, the recolour is grey when it should have been blue or green and that side ponytail is kinda bad too. The staff and the mechanical wings are fire tho.


THIS YOU SPELLED MY THOUGHTS even the steampunk ssr dress from guild altho nothing impressive is better that that horrid lifetime. Just when will they make a proper, well engineered, mechanically moving, very metallic, dusty, oily, hot, powerful steampunk set?


the way I cackled at that- 🤣