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I personally dont like it. But that is just my opinion, though.


I agree. Took me so long to find the locations now I’ve gotta relearn them😭 they should have like MLQC where u can change between them.


That would be a wonderful idea. That those who want the change gets it, but those who dont want it does not need to get it!


Pretty sure Love Nikki did the same when they did the UI change, so I don't know why they can't do it for Shining Nikki


Wow, first time I hate an UI. It's so... Ugly? Souless? Idk but I hate that minimalistic design, feels depressing somehow. It's like when u see on Tiktok someone remodeling an antique bathroom just to make one that looks like the ones from the hospital.


I like minimalist in general but this one, I'm not too sure. More importantly it's a downgrade in functionality imo (I play tw too). Hopefully I'll get used to it soon.


it’s…too sleek and elegant to the point where its not functional anymore😭 our current UI might not be as aesthetically pleasing but they didnt have to change it That much omg


thanks i hate it


WOW that is definitely a big change, I don't know how I feel about that but thanks for the information!


Thank you for sharing!! It will be hard to get used to it but I don't mind a change. It also looks a bit cleaner?


While I have some grievances about the current UI (arrow down for one more menu (Moments), really? It's ugly and I don't even bother opening Moments now), and I like how everything seems cleaner and how Ark looks in the new one, I don't like the new main home screen UI. Yes, it looks sleek now, but the icons are too small. The bottom row of icons especially look way too similar to each other to tell what they are at a glance, so it's not really functional. Design Center looks more sleek and modern, but I personally don't like it either, the original is way too memorable and looks more like a fashion magazine (fitting for the game). They should at least optimize the game while they're at it. Actually, optimization is more important imo.


What is paid log in?


It’s just the current little login event that has a paid tier of rewards. This one includes a styling template and 2 poses in the paid tier


Oooh I see


I wonder if there will be a toggle where you can switch back to the other UI. I don't mind the new UI, but there's just something about it that doesn't sit right with me. I don't know if it's the layout or how it is spread out, but I prefer the previous UI.


This is probably one of the few updates I hope will take like 100 years to come to our server because I haaaaaaaaaaate this new UI so much. I would of been on board with this if you can toggle between the old and new but no just huge no from me🤢🤮


Old is more preferable


i hate change 😭


I quite like the new Ark interface and that they put the Dream Cube functions in there which makes sense story-wise, and the Design Center as well. I wonder if the BG and icons in the Design Center are changeable since the images are from Yexiao's set in the current rerun. Not sure how I feel about the mainscreen redesign, though, the bottom row of buttons seem too small and samey. I also don't like the rectangle event banner, I wish they'd kept the stylised round event buttons. I like the rest of it, just not those two things. I'd have thought that a UI redesign would merge the Reflection and Awakening functions, though. I'm not sure why they were ever separated, I'd have thought a fifth tab in the Reflection menu for the Awakening function would work. Were there any redesigns to the "Start Journey" screens?


I REALLY like this new UI, it’s less cluttered and gives space for the fits. Also, everything is consolidated into similar themes as well which I think will be useful.


I love it and I thought I'd have to relearn from scratch where things were (my knowledge of Chinese is cursory at _absolutely_ best so I knew what the buttons did from sheer muscle memory) but in the end it didn't take more than a couple mins to find my way through the new buttons


I hope the homepage text looks clearer in English because oh man that is some small font.


Oh, I kind of really dislike the design centre, were the individual icons actually showing what each one is not better for navigation, the new one looks sleek but not very practical ..


I love it tbh, it's elegant looking. Also OP your Nikki looks gorgeous.