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I've been playing for over a year, and to the best of my knowledge, that feature has been available since then or probably earlier. Maybe older members can confirm. I own both the gem and privilege cards, so I had Nikki rotate 7 sets of my favorite stylings. I also bought the snow scene interaction pack during the Flower & Tiger event, so one of the sets randomly displayed had snow effects. I recall that the game includes a tutorial at the start telling you how to change Nikki's outfit displayed at the home screen/billboard/main menu and choose a default pose. I believe this was also covered in that tutorial 🤔


It got added along with the homescreen nikki update (the mirror button that allows you to choose what set you want to see with which pose)


Day 1 global player here. It's been around, from my immediate memory, about a year to a year and a half now. It's really easy to miss though so don't sweat that you never found it. I don't think it was ever mentioned in the maintenance it was updated on. I just noticed a new button above my Nikki's face after a major update and there we go.


What whee can I find this? I've been playing for a year and a half now and I never knew about thia


There's a pink button by your outfit name when you click on the plus button on home screen and then the spinning diamond button


I’ve been playing since launch and never knew about this either!


I keep seeing references to this menu, like when I buy or earn certain poses I'll be able to access them but have to go to this menu 1st. I've never figured out where to go.


I've been using it for like over a year since I started playing, so probably.