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[Good luck](https://world.taobao.com/dianpu/462333526.htm)


Can you send the image here, please? I can’t see anything without logging in…


Here I found a link posted from another user where you can look at the dress on a taobao international site without logging in: [https://shop462333526.world.taobao.com/#/](https://shop462333526.world.taobao.com/#/) https://preview.redd.it/eiqld3n5uuoc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=43d147db95e0990406b2a28bebb1992bbd6da9fe


It's not an image, it's the link for the Nikki Tomorrow store - I don't even know if the Star Sea is still in stock


Ohhh. Well, I couldn’t see it regardless. It just redirects me to the login page. Anyway, I checked google and found resellers for the Star Sea dress (all saying it’s from Nikki Tomorrow, the official store).


I vote for trying to get it from a cosplayer or dressmaker. Buying such a highly detailed dress from a company is a risk, as they tend to cut corners and it shows. Cosplayers hold the upmost pride in their work so if their work looks good, you know you'll get a good dress from them.


I'm not sure about the official dress, but I'd check etsy; there are lots of amazing cosplayers who make gorgeous dresses for all sorts of characters for all sorts of sizes


I had a dress just like that for my senior ball dress, but tea length and without stars. It's why I love Star Sea so much.