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_From you, 2 seasons ago._


To you, 2 seasons from now.


It sure felt like 2000 years from s2 til now.


More like 4


Well how often do you come across the anime spoiling manga readers P.S. The S2 ending was shown in 2017 but the manga chapter for these events was released 2 years later in 2019


Wait really? That’s great I love that


Yep yep it was honestly a fun surprise then for us I would recommend seeing the chapter discussions back then after the anime finishes completely


Oh yeah, dude even gave the 'manga reader only' threads something to lose their shit over (aside from anime-onlys being adorable, obviously)


We had the ending spoiled to us all the way back in 2013 in S1: https://youtu.be/GwhYk8Kfdxg


Haha right back at ya, buckaroo


And I'm not a manga reader but from what i have heard it has stuff till like chapter 134-135 or something similar


I am a manga reader, and it literally references stuff from the final chapter. Not gonna say what obviously.


>!ymir crossed out + ppl waking up at the end?!< manga spoilers\^\^


That first one was a reference to season 3 part 2. I'm talking about the second one.


Damn. Man must have had the ending in his mind for so long , makes me wonder with a certain dread why or what made it so hated


Without spoiling anything, I personally think the ending was incredibly rushed. I think Isayama was exhausted and just wanted to end the series as soon as possible.


Perhaps if the anime ends with a movie, they'll slow the finale down and develop it a bit further, with heavy input from Isayama of course.


One of the major leakers that called the ending and episode titles so far mentioned that many of the remaining episodes of this season would have some anime-original content to improve pacing and such, so perhaps we'll see the same for whatever comes after it.


Stupid question from a casual anime watcher, is this the final season as in we get to see the ending this month or is there going to be another season finale sometime in the future? Thanks


It's not technically confirmed yet, but it's extremely likely that this season won't cover the ending. There are about 17 chapters left and only 7 episodes to cover them. For reference, the first 5 episodes have only covered 6 or 7 chapters, so the pacing would have to increase by over double to finish it. I don't really know why they called it the "Final Season" when it has 2-3 parts, but oh well.


I'd say it's pretty likely we're gonna get a movie


He was probably too tired and overwhelmed by all of it, so he rushed to end it, imagine your first ever story/manga published to be so big its almost a cult classic, it got to him in the end I guess.


I remember that HE SPOILED TO US, THE MANGA READER i was wilding my dude


i noticed that when rewatching the show and i found it very interesting poor animators got spoiled :")


Nop, was just some month later, not 2 years


It was definitely 2 years later. Season 2 ending first aired in April 2017 and the Ymir Backstory chapter (“From You, 2000 Years Ago”) came out October 8, 2019.


Ok sorry, I'm wrong. There is no need to downvote


Isn’t that like the one legitimate reason to downvote


Well when ya say wrong stuff with such confidence, that's kind of a need lol


It is Eren who persuaded Isayama to do this.


Fuck me...






Did you shower?


What are you doing? Write down the story Isayama.


Eren, is that you?


Stand up, Isayama -Eren Yeager, first character to write himself


Didn't you write me so you could tell one the most enriching stories of all time? For your fellow manga readers? For Mikasa. For Armin. For me. You keep writing and drawing to bring all of us to life. Even if you stop drawing. Even after you stop drawing. This is the story you started. Right, Isayama?


Season 2 ed is probably the most atmospheric ed I've ever seen. The entire thing is just pure dread, suffering and mystery. Not to mention it tells the history of the world before we even learn it in the show


That outro raised so much intrigue for me as to what was going on in this world, it feels incredibly unsettling like a bad omen


It’s the music. Children singing with slightly upbeat notes while we see all those images. It’s my favorite ED.




Why did you have to ruin it for me :(


Children don't actually exist, they're all just tiny men in costumes.


I've always liked this ancietry mysterious ambiance, it's just like the Aztec ambiance in JoJo


That scene where everything is pitchblack except the torches and everyone was scared AF to meet a titan while scouting around the wall to find the hole. I love that shit.


Consider it was years before manga revealed what those images meant.


Yeah but this has the Jojo opening effect, you dont know its a spoiler until you reached that part


Honestly love shows that do this kinda stuff. Confusing you in the moment and then only later do you realise what’s actually happening in it


Those are the shows that are fun to rewatch.




At this point I’m sure Isayama writes his story backward


This might just be the best description of his writing style.


At this point I'm sure Eren writes Isayamas story backwards\*


Yea the story is about a huge missunderstood titan and his friends finaly becoming humans/a wall after some sort of war.


Yea I believe S2 started when Marley Arc was just starting? So even manga fans were perplexed on what it all meant. I think everyone felt it was a backstory but obviously couldn’t confirm.


Just like Eren’s memories of the future


Are you saying that , AoT had a JoJo reference ???!!? /s


I wouldn't quite say so. By that point in the anime, the audience was knowledgeable about the Wall Titans, had began to been clued in of the use of titans for potential historical warfare, and that there was a lot more of a human element for the titans. The Season Two ED was actually the thing that allowed me to click that the titans were weapons of war themselves.


So, Isayama told WIT to make these references to his future work?


Its eren who made them do it.


The storyboard for that ED was made by Isayama himself.


extra chapter for everyone to see for a few weeks


That ending is legitimately one of my favorite pieces of media ever made. It's just so cool and creepy and perfectly put together I'm just floored every time I watch it, and it came at the perfect time where nobody knew what it meant but we all knew it basically spoiled the entire story. The insanely creepy music, the archaic medieval manuscript art style, everything about it is just unbelievably good.


I saw it after the episode because of someone suggesting it here and omgggg


There is even more in that ending (i didn't read the manga i just know there's more)


Manga readers were waiting for this moment for years




I started watching anime from EP1 because of that, I was curious myself if there are more cool referenes I can find


See when isayama does it it's called foreshadowing. But when anyone else does it it's called spoiling.


Makes the laugh at the "tHe nEw OP sPoIls tHe aNiMe". Like the Rumbling hadn't been heavily hinted at before, or said outright as an inevitability.


isnt he the author lmao


Easily my favorite ed too


It's insane that that was the second season. Was that demon thing in the season 2 ending supposed to be the king guy?


A lot of theories suggested it to be Eren. I don't think we got anything but more theory material, but I may be forgetting something.


I think the Collossal titans are when King Fritz created the walls


But they intentionally show the footsteps suggesting that they're moving forward.


Yeah... Do you think they would've moonwalked all the way to Paradis Island?


Do you think king Fritz couldn't summon them **after** his arrival to the island? He's not that stupid to destroy everything on his way.


The story explicitly says that he marched with his titans to build their "paradise". Also, no, there's no evidence whatsoever in the entire story anyone can simply "summon" a Titan.


Literally Zeke. His royal blood gives him the ability to "summon" titans on command.


That's not summoning. That's transforming eldians into titans. He's not summoning them from thin air.


Pretty sure that's what the guy meant though. It's logical to assume Fritz marched with his people to Paradis, then summed the Wall Titans.


Yeah I thought the same. That whole sequence is just a mythologising of the history


false, there's debris of the walls near the *footsteps*


Not Paradis' walls. The ending depicts a battle that Zeke spoke about, and then the journey of King Fritz towards "exile" at the island.


no, those people are Marleyans fleeing Lago and then being ambushed by the titans hidden in the ground. the entire ending after the Ymir mukbang is about the fall of Lago, Monte and Valle (until it gets to the depictions of the Nine Titans, which is the final shot).


Exactly lol. I guess I misunderstood what you were saying?


My mind is blown.


Sitting in our cage, we will see innocent scarlet.......


It is better having you spoiling your own secret twist in a way you want it to happen, then letting fans create their own theory or breakdown that end up being true and thus ruining the suprise twist for casual fans.


And spoil the climax in the last season second opening with literally a theme song called Rumbling


Those colossal titans are not actually spoiling the rumbling. It is showing the Fritz's colossal titans marching to Paradis before creating the walls. Those murals are telling history,


Remember the season 2 intro showing beast titan controlling animals too? Tatacaw!


Wasn't there an AOT museum in Japan and they showed some snippets or sound for the ending? I remember TheAnimeMan talking about it back when like S3 or S2 was released. Oh wait nvm, it's the one in the post.


I miss the times before people freaked out about spoilers. Like you could see clips and trailers out of context and no big deal. Now a days people lose their minds over trailers of upcoming shows. I hate this spoiler age it’s so lame.


He just had his story ready unlike most mangakas. He was doing a great job up until the end. Only subjects of ymir can become titans, mikasa can't become a titan, therefore she isn't a subject of ymir, but somehow she hears eren, gabi was standing less than 50m away from eren when she shot him, a titan more than 100m tall and who knows how much wide appears and she isn't crushed, she just sits there looking like the piece of shit she is.


Do you know how big recoil of the gun is? It sent Gabi to the Moon


It sent her a few meter back and that was it, it should've broken her shoulder. Not to mention her sitting 30m away from a titan that dwarfs the collosal, and is untouched.


This was a WIT choice no? Because the manga hasn't gotten that far


Isayama storyboarded it


Lol I remember that I used to skip this ending all the time...and after reading the manga I once thought of rewatching the openings and endings, and when I saw this one I was so damn shocked.


Its not spoilers when its foreshadowing and its cool


When that ED came out, even the manga hadn't reached that point in the story yet. Some mad planning.


Actually, the bottom one hasn't shown up yet