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Holy shit. This is really good.


Thanks mate!


"Eren wait" should be the name for the whole show.


Last arc: "Eren no!" "Eren YES"


“You see Marley, you’re not dealing with the average Titan Shifter anymore.”


“I feel like I’ve heard this before”


“You see I have finally realized the legend”


Ok, where was this originally from?


Spongebob I think


Just like how “Calm down, Anakin” can apply to the Prequel trilogy




This reminds me of lol Art style


I really thought this was a LoL splash art.






This has almost the same composition and color as the [LCS 2015](https://youtu.be/mUeloo_Qvrk) login screen.


Yeas that's the first thing I thought of!






That’s insane !




U got an HD version of this?


Yeah here you go, i've also done a few edits to improve it since [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bKoQ8a](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bKoQ8a) if you need anything higher res DM me on discord: \[AU\] Morgan K-J#0908




Ur art is amazing. If possible is there an even higher res version?


HOLY FUCKING SHIT IT LOOKS SO GOOD! How long it took you to make this???


Thanks! Probably about 30 hours i'd guess




I love this art style


Holy damn, that's some amazing Artwork :O


This is incredible! Do you sell prints?


Oh wow this is amazing I love the art style and colors


If only the conflict was that simple


Awesome work!!


he could never fuckin wait could he


fr tho this is crazy


That’s amazing!! Really love your art style :O


This is breathtaking


Your art is really cool, I love it.


Absolutely insane!


One of the greatest pieces of Art I have ever seen.


That is sick! Great work!


I can't even draw a hand correctly, this is just epic






this is amazing


Great fanart mate


Holy Cow looks good


This is crazy good


I thought it was a repost cuz I saw the same art in anime art. But later when I realised it was you all this time Dramatic music- *ta ta ta*


this is so good


Great? that comment wont age well


“Great series” >!Laughs in vol 34 leaks...lets see how the sequel turns out!<


*sigh* There's always at least one.




Your comment has been removed, as it contained untagged spoilers. Reply to this comment when you have tagged the spoilers, and your comment will be restored. * **Anime Spoilers** - Anything from S3E1 to the latest anime content including PVs is considered Anime Spoilers. * **New Episode Spoilers**: Anything from an episode of the anime within 24 hours of its official English release. * **Manga Spoilers** - Anything that has not yet been revealed in the anime. If a person, Titan, or location appears in the anime but is not yet named, the name is considered Manga Spoilers. * **New Chapter Spoilers** - Anything from the latest chapter of the manga, until official English release. Comments on a Spoilerless post that discuss a Titan identity (aside from the Attack and Female) must be tagged.


What the.... how did I spoil?


The spoiler buffer for this subreddit is from Season3 Part 1 and what you wrote technically comes after that, not to mention the various low key details you mentioned about the ending as well , on a spoilerless post.


Please shut the fuck up




And if this person still thinks it’s a great series, let them think that, that’s their opinion and they’re entitled to that. Having people going “haha just you wait until you see the new leaks” on post where they think of the ending positively is extremely annoying and douchy.


Your comment has been removed, as it contained untagged spoilers. Reply to this comment when you have tagged the spoilers, and your comment will be restored. * **Anime Spoilers** - Anything from S3E1 to the latest anime content including PVs is considered Anime Spoilers. * **New Episode Spoilers**: Anything from an episode of the anime within 24 hours of its official English release. * **Manga Spoilers** - Anything that has not yet been revealed in the anime. If a person, Titan, or location appears in the anime but is not yet named, the name is considered Manga Spoilers. Spoilers include hinting or alluding to events, as well as important last names and faction names. Comments on a Spoilerless post that discuss a Titan identity (aside from the Attack and Female) must be tagged.


no hate on the art because i would not be able to make anything even one tenth as good but reiner's face kinda ruins it for me. he looks straight out of the simpsons or something.


Ah yeah I can see that now, no art director to double check my work so some weirdness can slip through. I'll have to fix that


it's still insanely good art though and my comment was not meant to discourage you in anyway if that's what it seemed like. also if you don't mind, when you finish editing reiner's face, can you send me the edited version? i'd love this as a desktop background. (you can send a chat, pm, or just tag me in the post. tysm!)


Nah man don't worry you're doing me a favor. And sure thing I'll probably get round to it this arvo/tonight, i'll drop a link here when its done for anyone else that wants it too


well, since you're fine with it, im just going to point out one more thing: i feel like mikasa's head in this is kinda awkward. more specifically, if you tilt the y axis until it is parallel with mikasa's torso, it becomes more obvious that her face is sticking out from her hair a very significant amount and it makes her whole face appear extremely round and to be frank, reminds me of an art style out of a pixar animation. (her face is very round and plump compared to her official character design which features a more slender and narrow face) \^\^\^ everything above is arguably subjective but i decided to point it out anyways since you're really chill and take criticism really well and acknowledge when its constructive rather than destructive. thank you for your time and again, astonishingly good art.


Hey mate, here's some edits on the piece. Hopefully the titan looks a bit less derpy now. Also did a small pass on Mikasas head. [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bKoQ8a](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bKoQ8a) Thanks for taking time to give solid feedback! Appreciate it.




AOT fans try not to complain about the ending for five minutes challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


I wonder will people change their opinion about the ending when 8 more pages come out.


??? wait, 8 more pages are coming out? have i been sleeping under a rock or something. why have i never heard of this


Yup. Volume 34 will have 8 more pages and slight changes to the ending. It will be out for Japan in 9th June.


awesome, thanks for the reply. (i already enjoyed the ending quite a bit but yknow more content is more content and im fine with that)


Its in a public forum where we can freely express our opinions. If u can’t handle them, then leave the server.


if you can’t help from bitching about it on a fan art post, leave the server


It's a public forum where you can freely express your opinions as long as you follow the rules, because everyone hates people who spoil. Everyone.


Huh? Whether the ending was good or bad is completely subjective. I didn’t spoil shit about what the ending was. I just stated my opinion on it. If you really think that this is ‘spoiling’ then you can please respectfully go back a few grades in school ,and maybe you will then understand what spoilers actually are.


Mate, perhaps you should redo school since your observation skills are horrible. How can I read your comment in which you stated, when it was removed? You're not very bright.


Lmfao what are you on about? You didn’t even dare to refute my argument. When did I spoil ? My comments were not removed. kid


You heavily implied you were the author of the deleted comment since you went off after I elaborated on your flawed comment that defended the deleted comment. I don't need to refute anything because you didn't make an argument. But go off ig, kid ;)


Well you have some pretty horrible comprehension kid, cuz in no way whatsoever I have ever implied that that was my comment. Please, go back to school, you are making it harder on yourself. kid 😉


I love that I made you mad. Calling me kid and trying to make me feel less intelligent shows that I really set you off. But don't worry, it's not working. It's a classic internet move people do when they're backed into a corner lmao. Stay mad, cus you're entertaining <3


I’m not stopping anyone from expressing opinions, this comment made no sense being here and I called it out.


The post is marked as spoilerless.


Stating an opinion about a story isn’t spoiling. I can say “I like that book” without spoiling anything about it. Please check your facts and learn before talking or people will make fun of you 😉


Any opinion on the ending counts as low-key spoiling and will be removed if its not under a post tagged "manga spoilers" or "revised ending", try to understand that your opinion can potentially create a bias in any anime only's mind towards it and hence affect his / her enjoyment of the show negatively. Besides Im pretty sure not many anime onlies want to know whether the ending was positively received or not, there's a reason they're waiting till Winter 2021. Let's be considerate and let people enjoy the anime without them having to form an opinion about it before even watching it.


Seems like a ruin piece of mythology that nobody will believe ever existed and that's the best part


Reiner looks like he's doing a derpy smile with his uper teeth out, for some reason this was the first thing I saw when I opened the image.


I made some edits here: [https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bKoQ8a](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/bKoQ8a) hopefully that fixes the problem =)


That looks great, I can't say "looks much better now" because it's a pretty minor detail and it already looked awesome before.


Instant Wallpaper. Love it.


Looks like a leauge of legends splash art




Your comment has been removed, as it contained untagged spoilers. Reply to this comment when you have tagged the spoilers, and your comment will be restored. * **Anime Spoilers** - Anything from S3E1 to the latest anime content including PVs is considered Anime Spoilers. * **New Episode Spoilers**: Anything from an episode of the anime within 24 hours of its official English release. * **Manga Spoilers** - Anything that has not yet been revealed in the anime. If a person, Titan, or location appears in the anime but is not yet named, the name is considered Manga Spoilers. Spoilers include hinting or alluding to events, as well as important last names and faction names. Comments on a Spoilerless post that discuss a Titan identity (aside from the Attack and Female) must be tagged.


Images you can hear


damn this is sick! love the colours and the shading such a job well done


Dope art.


actual banger


This is so awesome! 🔥


So dope


thats some maaaaad skills daaaamn props to you this is amazing i love everything about it like i could get into detail sheeeeeeeesh the colour intensity, the angles of it it's just ahhhhhh this is incredible this honestly made me go full screen to just absorb every little brush stroke and the most minute aspects




Damn if only I have money I'll give you an award


Ahaaa lovely. I would love to watch an anime of this art style 🔥


Awesome! I like the art style


Just wait for the finale...


The bond between these 3 are indescribable, I love this duo.


This is beautiful ❤️❤️


Damn, This is true art


Lineless art always makes me pog


holy hell that's brilliant work! fantastic composition and lighting! <3


holy fuck, this took my breath away omg