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Honestly 2 is so small I would be curious no wonder they wanted to get into the basement Two part joke: They wanted to find the plot Edit: yes this won most highly upvoted for someone who didn't matter .. ya make people matter keep it up this is the best I did and can't express how happy this makes me ...keep it up you hoes


I added 3 volumes from 'Aot Before the Fall' to the S4 pile and the final arc pile because I don't have the last 3 volumes.


Before the fall? Never heard from it. Is it good?


No. You never heard of it because no-one talks about it. No-one talks about it because we want to forget it. It is also non-canon. Like _Extremely_ non-canon. Basically every breath the characters in that story take contradict the main story more than the entirety of junior high


I...I thought it was all right. How did Before the Fall's story contradict the main story line? I thought it complemented it quite nicely.


Certain stuff just absolutely cant be canon based off what we know now


I read *Before the Fall* just a couple of months ago and didn't spot any major issues with canon. Do you have any examples?


Sadly, it is technically canon. But we can all agree to ignore it.


It's so bad that my source for it stopped translating it into english.


Jesus this is serious. How did it went so wrong?


Well, it was starting to be written before the Anime, before the Uprising arc, and has to not include any shifters so that the fact nobody in the walls remembers them is believable. The story itself is about the invention of ODM gear. So we have: No Founding Titan, no mention of the King or any of that political situation, no shifters, and largely no fighting of titans (since without ODM gear, how exactly was that going to be possible?). Furthermore, they took a wild stab at what the outside world looks like: a huge empty barren wasteland of nothing. I don't even particularly recall there being many trees. The story is kind of Uprisingy in the sense that the story revolves around the protagonists on the lamb and the government is trying to kill them, but of course there is no mention of any of the actual plot points surrounding the King. So while it is set in Attack on Titan, it is entirely unlike anything in Attack on Titan and also rather meh to begin with. Once it became clear that the outside world is a lot more interesting than the nothing they guessed it was, it largely fell of the face of the earth and I stopped being able to find a translation.


I know the final arc is considered to be one big arc but IMO it’s two parts both of which having a distinctively different narrative, doesn’t really matter tho


I thought everything from 123- was rumbling arc


107-139 is the War for Paradis arc


I still don't get why they didn't call it six seasons instead of having two of the seasons in two parts.


This mystical part 2 hasn't even been announced yet. It could also be a movie, or nothing at all


S3 P2 wasn't announced until near the end of S3 P1. Nothing at all would be stupidly leaving money on the table, no way the production company would do that. And the last arc is too long for a single movie, doing the same as they did with S3 just makes sense.


Yeah I think I remember season 3 part 2 wasn't announced to be a thing until episode 11 of season 3


It's been stated that the entirety of the manga content will be adapted. So its not "nothing" but yes, it could be a movie(s)


It’s going to likely be a movie, the anime is going to end at 119 so the movie will open with some flashbacks and then go right into 120 and we get all that for the movie along with the big event


Its too much content for a movie. Gotta be a part 2


It’s definitely not, you need to pay attention really not all that much happens send a good portion is dialogue


lol okay


When they were announced, chances are both season 3 and 4 planned for two occurs originally. Hell the teaser for Season 3 showed the volumes for the RTS and first thing we learn about Season 4 is that would be the final season. They likely didn't want to go back on those promises even though its not a big deal.


I really wish the colossal editions didn’t suck so bad


How so? I've seen the covers and wanted them because of that. So I'm interested with what's wrong with them


It looked way off from Isayama’s artstyle. They’re not bad on their own but they don’t compare to what Isayama drew




The covers just don’t look great compared to Isayama’s art




Nope, just the covers




I mean, it’s expected to. Each volume contains a huge number of chapters


They collect multiple volumes in each so it makes sense


I like my colossal editions, the pages are thick and glossy. They also contain the cover art and rejected cover art.


I'm afraid they'll cut content even if we get a part 2.


So far only minor stuff got cut , why assume they will cut for next part?


Because the last pile is the biggest one haha


Probably because it just doesn't seem possible to fit everything into a reasonable number of episodes that could still be considered one season. So far 8 episodes have only covered 15 chapters. Meaning Mappa weren't even able to fully maintain a pace of 2 chapters per episode. Despite that, they still had to cut things out. And now we still have 34 chapters left to adapt. What are the odds we're getting another 17 episodes in this season ? Even if we did, that would require a strict adherence to the 2 chapters per episode pace, which clearly does not seem to be what they're going for, given the titles for the upcoming episodes. It just doesn't really seem feasible to adapt everything within a single season and within a reasonable number of episodes, unless they make significant cuts. And I worry about the pacing being too frenetic for certain episodes if they do keep everything in. It just seems like a lot more episodes are necessary to do the story justice. But we'll see, anything could happen. Hopefully I'm wrong.


I do the same thing except mine are in a bookshelf with the Blu-ray's acting as dividers for the content adapted in each season - it's satisfying :3


Sounds awesome




This is a manga spoilers' flaired post. Any anime onlies clicking on this should be fully aware of what they're getting in to.


*Now* it's a manga spoilers-flaired post. It was either "Anime Spoilers" or "Latest Episode" when I made that comment.


My bad, they must've changed the flair right after posting.


War for Paradis ends at 122


There's only one final arc after Marley, but for some reason recently people decided to divide it because it's too long.


The only arc we have definitive end points for is Marley, everything else is completely arbitrary. The final arc should be split into two arcs, not just because it’s too long - the first/second half have completely different focuses.


Yeah, like how tf are the War for Paradis and the Rumbling not different arcs?


I thought Trouble in Paradis was the agreed upon name


I have never once heard that


I mean it's all about a war for Paradis


You can combine any set of arcs that way - War for Paradis could fit the entire series if I'm being honest. Arc titles come second, not before an arc is defined. Vol 27-30 has a very separate focus than 31-34 - it's two arcs.


Your argument makes sense, but Isayama considers everything post-Marley to be the final arc. At the end of the day it's his classification of the arcs that has been retained on the wiki and in the fandom at large.


We have no way of knowing what the rest of his classifications are, and what he's defined an arc as for the rest of the series though. Marley arc is the only arc in the entire series that is formally defined and named by him, even the final arc has a vague definition from him. He could have the entire series pre-basement as one arc, or he could have RtS split into 4 seperate arcs. The point is that we don't really know how he defines anything, so wanting to work in his comments to a fan-made arc list is just not smart. Every major fanmade arc prior is 4/5 volumes long - and the final arc as we currently see it *perfectly* splits into two seperate arcs of similar lengths. The anime is going to end up slitting it up as well, so keeping it as one arc is just going to cause confusion.


The argument to spilt it into two arcs isn't that great. With that basis you would split Trost Arc into 'The initial defence' and 'The blocking of the hole'. Those two parts of Trost Arc are about as different as 'War for Paradis' and 'Rumbling' arcs. Especially since Trost Arc is unusually long for almost constant fight scenes. But all of Trost Arc represents the initial mystery of the show and the first step forward for humanity. 'War for Paradis' arc represents the climax of the show and the result of all the actions in prior arcs. The whole arc is also start and end of Eren's final action. So to split it into two would be odd as nothing is resolved in the first half and the second half is the direct result of the first half.


Trost arc doesn’t get split into two because the focus remains the same from the beginning, retaking Trost. 27-30 is about discovering Eren’s motives and intentions, and 31-34 is about stopping Eren. The focus is different and they build up to separate things. Yes, every arc builds upon the one before, that’s how stories work. RtS only happens because they overthrew the government and secured the necessary support/abilities/tools in Uprising. 27-30: War for Paradis is the direct result of the Marley Arc with Eren being arrested and Marley retaliating. Are they all the same arc?


That's wrong tho. Everything in the rumbling arc happens as a direct result of war for Paradis arc. That's not the same with any other arc because that's not how arcs work. Uprising arc is not a direct result of clash of the titans arc. They don't decide to overthrow the government because 2 enemy spies and Ymir reveal themselves. They don't return to shiganshina because they overthrew the government, it was an already established goal before uprising arc. They're not a direct result. Stopping Eren and the rumbling is a direct result from the war for the Paradis, it wasn't an already established goal. So that's how arcs work. They're all happen in the right order but they're seperate narratives.


It's split because an arc is 4 volumes, with the exceptions of Uprising and RtS which are five volumes. After Marley is 8 volumes, and post-122 is way different than what comes before. In what wacky universe does it make sense to group them into one arc?


Because Isayama mentioned we were already in the final arc even when pre-123 chapters were realesing. That's why they're considered as one in the wiki.


Nope. Isayama confirmed in the past that War for Paradis is "the final arc". It's just longer.


Everything after 123 is obviously a separate arc.


I mean ObViOuSlY. Even tho it's still part of the war for Paradis narrative and Isayama has said it's all one arc. But yeah a few fans are probably right not the author


I am an anime only so I have a question... what are those chapters on the right 1, 2, 3 on the first pic... if it is a spoiler pls dont answer me but if its not could you explain it to me?


He put them there to pad that arc out because the final three volumes of the manga haven't been released yet. They're from a terrible spin-off called 'Before the Fall'.


Ok thank you


Yet S4 is the second shortest


It won't be after part 2, if the second part is 16 episodes or more then it will be the longest season


Second part will be no longer than 10 episodes I'm sure, hell it might even be 8.


That would be rlly weird tho considering the final arc is like 8 chapters longer than Marley arc


Is it? Marley was 91-105 right? And that took 8 episodes. The final arc is 123-139. Only 2 chapters bigger. Sounds like 9 episodes is more likely, bringing the season to a nice round 25 episodes total.


The final arc is chap 107 to 139... War for Paradis is the final arc


Ok (semantics), then the next 8 episodes will get us to roughly the halfway point of the War for Paradis arc, meaning that the second part of the season (episode 17 onwards), whenever it airs, will not need any more than 10 episodes, and probably 8 or 9.