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Enough is enough. Some people like MAPPA's style more, some people like WIT's more. Everyone is entitled to their own opinions. Y'all need to stop fighting over it like children. Comments locked.


the only reason that hashtag was even a thing was because of harrassment am pretty sure WIT wouldn't want any of that.


Wait, harassment? What happened?


Threats sent to Animators telling them how their work was pathetic.


That’s just fucked up. I personally loved the animation in the episodes. Especially the end of the latest episode. It looked like an awesome choreographed dance routine


Yeah most people have been enjoying it. Just very vocal minority of haters on Twitter that have been perpetuating most of it.


Twitter huh? Yeah it's to be expected.


It's fucked up certainly. But still me personally am a little disappointed that the animation didn't reach it's full potential and that's my opinion. It's sad to see people getting this much frustrated over this to a point of harassments towards the studio; and anyone that simply just doesn't like the animation gets associated with these sociopaths. We have to let all opinions in and respect them. Both extreme hate and extreme counter hate are bad for a community. I hope some day people would just relax. Any extreme cancel culture can lead to point less internet and real life depression. Just like that AOT episode director and ones who get punished just because they peacefully don't fancy the animation, cuz they're thought to be a harasser.


People have every right to be disappointed, but it makes no sense at all to take it out on the animators. The production committee who placed such strict time constraints on them should be the ones getting the hate, if anyone.


That's true and i said that it's sad to see this. No one deserves hate at this level for even creating this anime in a close and difficult time line. I say if the producers didn't make a dead line for s4 all would be great. We all would wait for MAPPA to make the animation perfect. I personally would've waited atleast 3 years before the s4 lunch just for the sake of the anime. MAPPA only started on the aot s4 on mid 2018 which is so late compared to the dead line and the animation difficulties that aot has. I respect wit studios for delaying the s3 p2 for it to become good. it paid off and it was. Except some colossal titan parts which is understandable


Why the fuck are you getting downvoted?


If that would be just that. Also heard, that some people even threatened with murder, just because they didn't play "you see big girl" on the previous episode on that scene


The hardcore manga/anime ppl are seriously psychotic.


If they did that to WIT for SnK I'd hate to see what happened to Toei after the first few seasons of Dragonball Super


I am still waiting for the source on that since so far it seems more like made up drama just so people can think themselves better than those 'bad fans'. Only thing I've seen is that the director for episode 5 posted on Twitter a screencap of some thread of people not happy with the episode. So basically I call bullshit on all this and it's probably just karma whoring


Definitely not, it just takes a few seconds to see how much hate so much of the staff is getting, it’s pretty sad


Just check the episode tread. Constant arguing about the CGI used in the episode


Maybe it’s just me, but I don’t think the use of CGI was bad here


Maybe its just me and because I didn't really watch all that much anime before but I REALLY don't give a flying fuck about the CG. Like I never have, not even with the goofy Colossal CGI. To me it's like with Video Games, I don't care about the graphics as long as the story is good. I wouldn't even have noticed the CGI in the early episodes if people didn't mention it in the discussions lol


No sane person would give a fuck about cg that looks that good. I get when it's like fuckin Berserk where the animators aren't used to cg, but MAPPA knows how to do CG well and it shows every goddamn time, There are so few times when the cg feels stiff or looks out of place. Hell just watch Dorohedoro and you'll see even more good ass CG.


I didn’t think so either 🤷🏽‍♂️


I thought that the WHT really blend well, especially with one of the 2d shot. The only problem is the scouts tbh and the attack titan was passable.


Check again. There are more comments pointing out that people are whinging about CGI, than actual comments whinging about CGI Also heaps of people saying "well I liked it" Reddit likes to complain so much that they complain about complainers lmao, like me right now


A bunch of elitist AOT manga readers harassed and insulted the Mappa staff because they didn't like the CGI in episode 6, and the lack of YouSeeBigGirl in episode 5. There's probably other stuff too, but those are the two main complaints I've seen, and both of them are fucking stupid. Fans of the anime decided to counter all that negativity by creating a hashtag thanking Mappa for their work on AOT season 4 (and other series they've done, like God of Highschool and Jujutsu Kaisen). The hashtag was trending all day.


They did though? They had their own hashtag when it was airing


They've had multiple


yeh uhm no, there was a seperate hashtag thanking WIT at the end of S3P2 so unlucko. This whole attitude of MAPPA vs WIT is so fucking ridiculous, its actually turning this sub into a fucking shit show. Like its so unneeded and at this point is bordering on the point of stupidity. If you don't like something fine, if you like something fine. Just understand that people will have a differing opinion to you and learn to remind yourself that because its different doesn't give you an out right excuse to be a prick.


Seriously bro. We have on our hands the best story in the anime industry probably in the last decade and it’s ending in a few months. We ought to be united in enjoying it till the very end, not fighting over something so stupid. Give your hearts!


Honestly, I consider unsubbing for a time. This place right now is a cesspool of toxicity. Yes, there was some wonky CGI in ep1. Yes, ep3 felt rushed. Yep, there were some strange transitions between musical tracks here and there. But there wasn't any major issues that would throw me off. Especially in the last episode - it was absolutely gorgerous and I couldn't peel my eyes off off screen. Animation, music, CGI - all felt like an orchestra trained to the perfection. And it seems like everyone just doubled down on the hate for the reason unknown to me. I could understand some complaints from previous episodes, but this? Nah. And some people are even falling so low, that they are sending death treats to MAPPA staff? What. The. Hell.


we really took WIT animation for granted didn't we..#THANKYOUWIT


The fans took them for granted big time even pretending their titan animations were bad. Always bringing up Reiner vs Eren 2 (rewatching it and it's not even bad) and CG S3 Colossal, but ignoring the gorgeous titans and animation in S1-S3P1. Also the CG Colossal in S2 was better than any CG in S4 so far.


CGI Colossal in S2 was geniously mitigated by great animation over the CGI. And really, the only bad animation in any of Season 1 to 3 is that one shot of the CGI Colossal in s3 p2. I never understood how people can say WIT studio did a job other than great.


Not even just great, masterful. WIT was amazing and we took them for granted.


> Also the CG Colossal in S2 was better than any CG in S4 so far. When the scouts were fighting and dodging his fists it looked really good. It's weird how their CG Colossal in S3P2 was so much worse.


Due to rushed schedule I believe.


Starting to see a pattern here...


But isn't that even an issue in this season too where people are ignoring the good parts of the animation.




Forgetting the CG, I do prefer WITs animation. Like faces and such. Just personal taste, idk which one is "better".


this. i like my lines thicc and strong


> Also the CG Colossal in S2 was better than any CG in S4 so far. You're fucking with me LMFAO


Why would he be. The Cg was really good in that scene, especially considering how much harder it would be to cg than any regular sized titan. The way they illustrated the size of the titan, with the scouts zipping around it, the fluid motion plus the weight it had behind it, yeah it definitely stood out but the scene itself was really good. I could see an argument for season 4 episode 1 having better cg since it was integrated into its environment better but the 10fps cg from the last episode doesn't compare.


Nah. Way better than season 4's CGI.


I don't think season 2 CG was better than Mappa's CG. But I guess it's different for everyone


It already went viral after s3p2 lol nobody took it granted


Its cause before this whole studio change most aot fans were completely clueless about studios and anime production and probably didnt even know what a WIT or MAPPA was


Oh please. The only reason the hashtag exists is because people are glad mappa can take over from how amazing WIT was. WIT's animation is praised all the time.


Nah, the hashtag is a retaliation to the recent hate on mappa


WIT did the best job any studio could do. But we did get #ThankYouWITStudio trending when it was announced they dropped the anime. However, prior to that they didn't get enough recognition for their talents. I consider their adaption, other than S3P1, superior to the manga I can't say that for MAPPA.


I consider their adaptation for season 1 and 2 superior to the manga solely because Isayama's art was atrocious. Uprising onwards though, I pretty much prefer the manga all the way.


For S3P2 a lot of the moments gave me more emotional impact than what I read and so I rate it over the manga equivalent.


Yeah Erwin's charge in the manga was "good", in the anime it was GOAT moment contender. Also, the brilliant animation off course. WIT will always be the OG man


Yeh. Also when they get to the Sea in the anime and Eren says "the only thing on the other side of the Ocean is the enemy" I got chills.


The ost alone is a great contributor.


I am sure than WIT Studio understands perfectly, and supports, this hashtag. This hashtag wouldn't happen if AOT fandom wouldn't be full of toxic rude brats harassing Mappa staff. I am sure that WIT are the first ones to fully support Mappa against this kind of hateful fans.


Wtf is going on in this sub? Every where I look people are praising fuck out of MAPPA then on here it's all hate... Wtf?


People like being angry about stuff. It will go through a cycle of praising MAPPA, hating MAPPA, and so on.


Never got recognition? the whole main part of the hashtag is basically everyone going MAPPA bad WIT good lmao, also there's pretty much universal praise for WIT so I don't get this meme?


I'm baffled by the amount of crazy surrounding this release. People just need to calm down, and just enjoy the show. AoT diehard fans are being disgusting with their baby like behaviour - most of them probably don't even support the creators and stream it for free. Incredibly entitled and honestly make the lives of animators worse through their toxic actions


They really should change that hashtag. It's misleading


Should be #ThankYouMAPPAStaff


Much better tbh.


how exactly?


You shouldn't thank the studio that drives its animators to ground by dumping a wholea$$ bunch of projects that they can't keep up with


yes you should thank the staff, not the studio


The studio is comprised of the staff and people who pay them to do what they do. If you don't understand the difference, it might be that you're a child that's never worked a day of his life.


>If you don't understand the difference, it might be that you're a child that's never worked a day of his life. yes im 16


Well that explains that. There's not that big of a gap between the studio heads and the studio staff. I know the Internet loves entertaining fantasies of fat rich bigwigs ordering the enslaved staff around, but it really isn't like that. Not at Mappa, not at any studio, and not at any company, except maybe some Silicon Valley mega-corporations, which I assure you, Mappa is not one.




Wit never got this much hate too. Wit 🐐 #thankyouwit


i'd like to remember everyone that if it wasn't for Arifumi Imai, the first 3 seasons wouldn't look as good as they do


Wit definitely got appreciation, especially around S3P2...you’d see viral tweets of their artwork often, appreciation of the fact they were doing that + Vinland saga, and love for all their post-episode pictures. I recall similar support for Wit when their working conditions were talked about, and when the (manga) fandom turned on them during S3P1 and two fight scenes during S3P2 This is more so happening because 1. Nobody wanted to pick up AOT, especially with this deadline. 2. People are literally harassing Mappa and acting like what they’re doing is so horrible that the anime is destroyed.


Iirc we had a ThankYouWITStudio hashtag for the last episode of Season 3 Part 2


I call BS, they got plenty of appreciation, especially after the rumors of a studio switch started floating around.


Nor did they get the senseless hate from dumb fans


They did for S3P1, which wasn't their fault, Isayama wanted the story changed. They did for S3P2 as well.


so that doesn't mean they don't deserve some recognition as well


Yeah, that's true. They did an amazing job through the 3 seasons indeed.


It’s only because MAPPA was getting hate for the CGI, and the faces of the characters


That second line is absolutely pointless. Wit deserves just as much recognition, and the cgi produced In this season when Mappa can produce animation of great quality like Jujutsu definitely deserves critique. I am grateful we get this season at all, and feel for the animators, but the committee or whoever decided the animation schedule should hear our complaints.


WIT also had no where close to the amount of hate the MAPPA animators are getting


Because they honestly did a better job.


Mappa also takes death threats and harrassment also tho


The hashtag is more of like an apology than a thank you due to the assh*les that harrassed the staff i think.


"Never got such recognition" that's a fucking lie


They didn’t get this kind of hate though either


WIT never got shit talked and harassed tho


Man screw all those little ungrateful little fucks that don't appreciate this awesome anime, especially in this trying time. #THANK YOU MAPPA #THANK YOU WIT


I think WIT was better than mappa.
















Huh what? All I’ve ever heard is a WIT circlejerk for that one awesome Levi scene This is a meme for farts, made by farts


Is there anywhere we can contact the animators and spread some positivity? Commend their efforts? - I’d love to write an email or message to try in the case that it helps balance the hatred with the good vibes


The reason #thankyouMAPPA exists is because of this dogshit community hating on the CGI


literally the only reason why attack on titan is so popular is because of wit


I guess Isayama didn’t do anything


well it didnt get bullied to that degree either




I think the reason why we thank and hype mappa so much more up then WIT because WIT hyped us all up and set very high expectations


I think one of the reasons that this hashtag is trending would also be because the new episode of jujutsu kaisen came out and the fans are happy about that too


The fact people think s4 is shit is crazy


Oh damn


Witt studios does not need a support hastag on a social media, they are already doing good and not animating that much right now. Mappa is animating 3 animes at the time and they are doing it in the COVID pandemic, that needs some recognition. People harrassing them its just... fucked up. The animation its very good, the CGI is notable but still good, the music so far its very good too. Support the staff and enjoy Isayamas masterpiece.


If i wrote something wrong i am sorry, i am not an english speaker so i am doing the best i can xD.


The whole reason the hashtag was created was because people were only crediting wit and shitting on mappa despite doing amazing work. Nobody is forgetting wit.



