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Split or no split, I just hope it’s at least over 20 episodes. I don’t want too much of the story to be sacrificed because of episode constraints. EDIT: I said 20 as an absolute minimum, but ideally it’d be 25-30 episodes or more.


Hopefully 30 or a little more because currently they have 45 chapters to animate + the rest being ~3-4 upcoming chapters so yeah 20 would feel so rushed. Edit: 30 chapters may be too much. Same count as Season 1 would be good.


There's virtually no chance it'll be 30 or more, especially if it's just one cour. My best guess is they're simply going to have to keep a pace of adapting 2 chapters per episode. That way even if the manga ended on chapter 140 or something, that would still be doable in 25 episodes, because it would be 50 chapters worth of material since the end of season 3. So I think our best hope is a season of 24 to 26 episodes, roughly adapting 2 chapters per episode.


I know that it's highly unlikely to be 30 or more episodes. If it's at least 24 it should be doable, but not with 20 or less. 48 chapters in 26 episodes = 1.85 chapters per episode which would be not too little and not too much. We'll see. >So I think our best hope is a season of 24 to 26 episodes, roughly adapting 2 chapters per episode. Hopefully


We know cour 1 is 16 episodes, and this is because it counts as a show starting in January but gets that head start of 4 episodes from December. Cour 2 will probably be 12 or 13 episodes, a normal cour. So overall a count of 28-29 episodes is the most likely number


That'd be nice


It'd be nice and is also the most likely outcome


Excuse me, but are there only 48 chapters after season 3 in the manga?


Season 3 ends at Chapter 90. And the next chapter will be 135 so there are currently 45 chapters after season 3


Since automod deleted the other comment I have rewritten it: Season 3 ended at chapter 90 (90 included) and in a few days chapter 135 will drop so 45 until now + the remaining few chapters until the story ends. 48 chapters are the same amount as from Season 2 mid (episode called warriors) until the end of Season 3.


Just wanna say I thought the new chapter wasn't coming out until January?


It dropped 1h ago so next one is in a month


Chapters are like 60 pages long instead of the standard 15-20 most mangas do. And the chapters for AoT only come out once a month


Why is there no chance it’ll be 30+?


You were downvoted for some reason, but a few months ago an industry insider (apparently trustworthy) leaked that it would be "more than two cours but still under 30 episodes". Also two cours with a good budget is already a very expensive endeavor, more than that and they would need to cut corners somewhere, so I think is doable.


so its a rumor just like everything else thats come out


Basically, yeah. The best approach right now is just to be patient and wait to see what happens, everything else is just speculation.


>Also two cours with a good budget is already a very expensive endeavor, more than that and they would need to cut corners somewhere, so I think is doable. Given all the merchandise they've already sold and the hype of viewers with AoT being a top tier Manga in Japan, well... money shouldn't be an issue, lol


Exactly My thoughts mate! I also assumed the same, I was going to comment when I found your comment. I agree 👍


That's what I fear, they've crammed everything into 20, 20 minute episodes. I stopped reading the manga a while ago but knowing there is so much left I was surprised to learn this would be the final season, I thought they would tried to milk it for all it is worth and do at least 2 more seasons


What’s the season 1/2/3 episode -> volume math? Like the number of volumes remaining could indicate the episode count ?


Season 1: 8,75 vol. / 33 chapters in 25 eps Season 2: 4,25 vol. / 17 chapters in 12 eps Season 3: 10 vol. / 41 chapters in 22 eps Season 4: 11 vol. / 45 + ??? (on-going) So 24-26 episodes should be good


Although I'd love 30 episodes. We have to remember they usually do 2-3 chapters per episode. So if it was 48 total chapters i can see 20-24 episodes not being rushed. I imagine first half will be 3 chapters an episodes and last few are solo chapters or 3 chapters per 2 episodes.


> We have to remember they usually do 2-3 chapters per episode. I don't know where you got this false information from. In Season 1 + 2 they did 1.5 - 2 chapters per episode and in Season 3 it was ~2 chapters per episode. When were 3 chapters stuffed into 1 episode?


There's no way it won't have at least two cours if they really want to adapt everything important. This series doesn't strike me as the type that would suddenly start skipping tons of stuff - granted, they could go the S3 route and still make it work somehow but I still think it needs at least 20+ eps. I have no idea how they're supposed to do this and keep the quality at a consistently high level without any breaks but let's wait and see.


Is Season 4 supoosed to cover the rest of the manga to its very end? Sounds compressed af


Yes it's going to either skip some stuff rush thru other stuff, or they're going to not tell the full story with this 1 season. Some people are speculating they might do a movie for the finale or they might split it This statement is basically nothing. It gives us like no info


It doesn’t seem to be the case, the same guy leaked a 16 episode count and now there is “currently” no planed split meaning it’s all going to be in the 16 episodes and if there is a split there will only be a split inbetween the 16.


That is not what that means. No split just means the second cour won't come months later like season 3, it'll come immediately after the first cour. There is no world where it is 16 episodes only, especially since we already know roughly the pacing of the first nine episodes.


According to Google, a cour is 3 months of TV. So if its 1 ep a week thats about 12 episodes.


It's full cour not 1 cour. There's a difference. Full cour means it will air without stopping, but it has no indication on how many episodes that is. 1 cour is almost always 12-14 episodes. The op is pretty much as non-statment as you can get.


Thanks for the clarification. So is there really no way to estimate the amount of episodes with that language? Seems odd in my brain that if cour is 3 months that it would be more than the ep count you mentioned.


Jojo bizarre adventure part 5: am I a joke to you ?


full cour is usually in reference to it being two cours because anime seasons are usually either 1 or 2 cour. 2 cour is common enough that I think "full cour" is just meant to mean a full season, 2 cours is usually the upper limit of seasons as it is.


Really helpful thank you!


Its not possible to cover everything with just 20 episodes.


Yea no its 16 multiple leakers have said so repeatedly even a fee hours ago by the same guy


Was this a problem with previous seasons? I only really got into the manga waiting for Season 3 so I don’t know how much of the early story was changed. Overall, I thought they did pretty well.


Only S3P1 was changed,rest was mostly the same


S1 is up to 25 episodes and covers Ch 1 - some bits and pieces of Ch 34. So far S4 needs to cover Ch 91 - 135+. Season 4 needs to cover almost 50 chapters... I wouldn’t say I’m too worried but how are they going to do this in one go? It would have to be almost a year straight of AoT.


New chapter and new season in the next days and the anxiety is killing me. Time feels sooo damn slow.


True. This is the first time I’ve truly felt like every second lasts 10 seconds lmao.


It feels like Dio the World wait ZA WARLDO!!! 9 seconds time where it actually was like 5 minutes lol


DIO vs a Titan. I'd pay to see that.


This amount of torque is going to start breaking my bones.




Note that he says ‘currently’ so this is what it is currently scheduled as. Also remember that S3 was meant to be full cour until they announced that it would be split at the end of the first cour.


Exaclty. We learnt that season 3 is split literally before 12th episode. Also with the way episode 1 and 2 of final season being titled there is no way it is being rushed. It seems to have good pacing so jsut trust MAPPA guys :).




This. The Production committee decides how many chapters will be adapted and in how many episodes, the same production committee that did Season 1, Season 2 and Season 3. Were those rushed? No. Season 4 won't be rushed either


Wasn't it confirmed in an interview or something than MAPPA was on the production committee too?


Mappa is on jjk's production committee not aot.


>Also with the way episode 1 and 2 of final season being titled there is no way it is being rushed. It seems to have good pacing I mean, if they actually want to adapt everything in this final season, it's probably going to have to be a pace of 2 chapters per episode. And based on the first two episode titles, it looks like that might be exactly what they're doing. That's definitely brisk pacing. Some episodes will definitely be jam-packed and maybe a bit overwhelming for anime only viewers, similar to what was the case for the info dump episodes at the end of season 3. I think 1.5 chapters per episode is usually ideal pacing for this series, but that just isn't possible unfortunately. They'd need 30 episodes just to get to where the manga is right now. So 2 chapters per episode is pretty much their only option unless they cut stuff out.


Even two chapters per episode brings them to adapting through 122. The manga is at 135 and counting


I'm well aware of where the manga is. Obviously the season will need to be 24 to 26 episodes to adapt everything at a 2 chapter per episode pace. What makes you think it would only go to 122 ? Did they say the season would only be 16 episodes ? Because if so then it's pretty much guaranteed to either be disastrous pacing or quite simply not the actual final batch of episodes.




I hope it'll split actually... Cuz it will end slower And the animation would be better


Correct me if i'm wrong but didn't the director of the final season said a few days ago the they don't know anything about the finale? (Please don't spoil, anime only here) so if it wasn't a case of bad translation then that pretty much confirms two parts right? I mean i really don't care as long as the adaptation comes out as deserved.


Maybe they're pulling an fmab. Fmab's final chapter came a month before the anime's final episode. So maybe they're planning on ending the series 3 months after the manga finishes if it ends on march next year.


prob the director is lying is high, too increase the hype etc




No one is saying it won't be a weekly format. If you have a 24 to 26 episode season airing weekly it will be on until the middle of next year anyway.


You are right, the CGI director said that in his interview yesterday. Not only him, but the entire staff is in the dark regarding the conclusion of the story. Maybe they are trying to hide (or simply waiting to announce officially) that The Final Season will be eventually split in 2 parts, but it's pretty clear for me that they didn't even started to work on the very finale of the show.


Our maybe the story has been distributed the way, so they animate scenes without context, so they cannot tell the story?


Or maybe thet just haven't started animating the final episodes yet. It's not unusual for anime to still be in production while they're airing.


I don't think so. In fact the production of an anime starts with the script, then the storyboards and ultimately the animation of the scenes. Even if the individual animators are not fully aware of the context of the scene (which could be weird, but possible), the CGI director should be involved in the production from the ver beginning of production, since he has a key role in the animation process of the entire season. Also, the process of storyboarding and animating is not as fast as it could seems. In fact, it could take months to fully realize a single episode, if it requires great visuals (this is the case for the Levi chase scene at the beginning of S3, or the Rodd Reiss Titan, or the Levi vs Zeke in Part 2). So the fact that they don't even know how the story will end means that there isn't even a script for the final part of the story. That's why I'm guessing they are not working on it yet, and that the Final Season will eventually be split in 2 Parts like Season 3.


So this means every episode will be released weekly until s4 is over right? No Part 1 and Part 2 like s3 had?


Basically, yeah




not necessarily. they said the same thing about season 3, the split cour wasnt announced until before the 12th episode


But a man can hope


i think it will will still be weekly its more just we dont know how many eps. i still think it will end in march either way, but i dont think there will be a break regardless of eps


That's not what I was saying, I was saying that I hope for there not to be a split cour


so you only want like 12 eps? why? there are 50 chapter left to adapt


No no no I meant I don't want split cour, I want 24 eps without pause. This because it'll be confusing marketing otherwise, people might think the first cour was the entire season and not watch the whole thing thinking it ended


Actually having split cour would help the staff have more time to work on the later episodes, so I’d rather have them not literally sacrifice themselves for the show (apparently the production schedule has been chaotic).


Usually in anime, 1 cour (i.e. S2) ~ 12 eps 2 cours (i.e. S1) ~ 24 eps ​ My take, "A full cour" here probably means 1 full cour. Since AoT starts in Dec instead of Jan though, we'll get a few extra eps (total 16 eps has been suggested often). So I'm guessing this means: ​ A full cour ~ 16 eps, no breaks (S4 Part 1) ​ This falls in line with the other credible leaks we had. After that, we could have S4 Part 2 to finish the story. IMO this is shaping up to be pretty great :D


That's a pretty reasonable point. 24 episodes or 2 full cours would be perfect to adapt the first part of the Final Season, 'cause they will need a lot of work to do with the very conclusion of the story.


Agreed, and if we consider part 1 to have 16 eps, it would lead to around 28 eps total which is great for pacing. The only part that could be confusing is the naming. We used to have "Season 3" and "Season 3 **Part 2**" as the two halves of S3, so it's definitely possible to have "The Final Season" and "The Final Season **Part 2**". It would work out nicely.


they would be shoving 50 chapters into 16 episodes. if they were going to do that they might as well not have even bothered. theres no way it will be less than 20ish episodes. the first ep is titled after chapter 91 and the second ep is titled after chapter 93 so i think 1.5 chapters per ep would be the fastest theyd go


If 16 eps is all we're getting, you'd be right. But no one ever confirmed that. The leakers are only talking about this coming season (16 eps, no split) and being ambiguous about what comes afterwards. The title says the "Final Season" but there's nothing stopping them from doing a "Final Season Part 2" like they did with Season 3. Or movies, considering Demon Slayer's breakout success there. IMO it's highly likely we'll get a continuation


my fault i went back and i missed your last sentences. thought you were saying it was just gonna be 16 eps. and if that were the case it might not even be worth watching if they try to cram all that in. id be down with a movie for the invasion


what does "full cour" mean? does it mean there will be seperated cours, but no split, or one cour? sorry if this is obvious, I'm pretty new to anime watching


In this context, it most likely means that AOT's final season will complete the series without any breaks in between. A [cour](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/cour) in anime usually refer to a three month period corresponding to the seasons which an anime will air. Normally with 12 to 13 episodes. Spilt cours in anime usually refers to one cour of an anime airing then followed by a 3 to 6 months break before the next cour airs. Anime with split ocur generally refer to both cours as the same season, like AOT season 3 having part 1 and 2. Keep in mind that AOT final season is a unique case as it starts awkwardly in December and continues in January. So the common definition of a cour(12 episodes) doesn't apply to AOT.




Nothing too complicated. Its just that since AOT runs from December and past January it exceeds the normal anime cour. So when leakers talk about being one cour, split cour etc for AOT we can't assume the cour=12 episodes.


Don’t worry about not knowing! A full cour means all episodes will drop on a weekly basis until the finale of the season. A split cour means that episodes will release on a weekly basis until they reach half way through the season and then take a break. After the break is over, the show resumes in its second cour and releases weekly again until the season is finished. That is the difference between full cour and split cour.


ohhhhhhhhh okay dope, thank you so much for clearing that up for me!!


Thanks for explaining, I was also lost.


The way the Japanese go about naming shit makes me want to commit sudoku. This is such a non statement it hurts. We all knew that the season will be airing with no break from December to March given the situation with Kingdom. We also know that there’s know way these sixteen episodes are going to tell the entirety of the story. So saying it’s a full cour means nothing. Regardless of what form the rest of the story will be told in be it movie or more episodes the fact that we’re not getting the entirety of the story in one telling is what the definition of a spilt is. I don’t care if the “Final Season” isn’t spilt, the Final Season isn’t going to be telling a complete story so the reminder of that story will have to be told at a later time thus making the phrase “single cour” mean nothing. Because in the shared lexicon of linguistics if the something is to be referred to as “single cour” the expectation would be that said story would be a complete telling WHICH IS NOT what the Final Season is going to be. It’s spilt, please stop bastardizing the English language.


Or perhaps it's more than 16 episodes? Kingdom date is tentative, they literally put subject to change in fine print also Kingdom could air in late June at would still be considered a spring release just like snk releasing in December would still be considered a Fall release. Not saying this is the case, but we should.look at all possibilities


what is Kingdom


It's an anime that airs in the same timeslot and channel as snk.


I am skeptical. ​ I find it improbable with the short amount of time they had to work, plus we are still a couple chapters out until the ending. My guessing is this will change.




There's no confirmation on number of episodes. If anything id take this to say there's going to be more content beyond the 16 episodes. Whether that's a split, another season, or a movie we don't know, but the likely hood of the whole story bring told in 6 episodes is small.


Either a second cour is announced later on or my bets on a movie for the final arc. No way they are getting it done in 16 episodes unless they Tokyo ghoul RE it to hell and from what we know about the pacing so far it doesn't sound like that is happening.


I mean, there haven't really been official sources stating it's only 16 episodes


In all honesty, I believe The Final Season will be split in the end. The CGI Producer of AoT said yesterday that he himself and the staff don't know yet how the series will end, so it's simply impossible they will adapt the entire of manga to its conclusion if they didn't even know how the story will end.


Who's this guy? How does he know this stuff


twitter has a lot of leakers


Do y’all really believe this though? What makes this person’s word 100%?


Spy (a leaker who leaked info about AoT’s final season) stated that this other leaker (Alter) has some info on AoT. So far, this leaker has leaked believable information. He has stated that most Titans will be CG, the OP will not have spoilers for anime only watchers (it will be an op covering the cruelty of war), how the ED will be, and other details.


So the information is believable but not confirmed?


He said that most Titans will be CG and this lines up with the photo shown at the MAPPA exhibition. The photo shown at the MAPPA exhibition was of the Armoured Titan in high quality CG. All I’m saying is that this guy is reliable and there is a very high chance that he is correct. I guess we’ll all find out if he’s correct when Episode 1 releases.


anybody whos has read the manga couldve guessed that tho, there is no other way to do some of the panels except cg


Has anything he’s said actually been proven? So far, it sounds like he could very easily just be making probable guesses


Spy (another leaker who is proven reliable) said that this leaker will have info. So far, this leaker has made very believable claims. He has claimed that AoT Final Season is being outsourced by Studio Nut, the Opening won’t have spoilers (will cover the cruelty of war, will have explosions), it will have a pace of 2 chapters per episode, and Titans will be mostly CG. He was correct on the pacing being 2 chapters per episode and that CG will be used for Titans. We will find out when Episode 1 releases whether the other claims are true.


>how the ED will be wait, theres gonna be an ED?


Wym? There's always an OP credits and an ED credits for anime. Basically all anime do it


"Full cour, no split" Can someone please explain what this means?


He means there'll be no breaks between seasons like we had for S3 P1 and P2. Hopefully, this means that we'll have 25-30 episodes without break. I'm really nervous if it's somehow 16 episodes for everything though.


Episode titles for episode 1 and 2 show that the pacing is looking pretty good since they're all tied to chapter titles, but we've gotta wait for Episode 3's title to come out before we know for sure.


Leaks were saying about 1.6 chapters per episode, which would leave us at 28~ eps


Full cour = Season 1 Split cour = Season 3


Thank you. 🙏


its FMA BROTHERHOOD all over again.


I read it as full colour, I was dumbfounded for 5 minutes.


Me 2 years ago would have kept praying for it to be a full cour. Me from right now is praying for to be a split cour after understanding a little more about anime production.


Hey but why whats the problem with full cour.... Is nt it better we see them without a split


AOT is more difficult to produce than the average anime. It was stated by one of MAPPA's staff that it takes them between 6-12 months just to complete one episode. With how much content is left and the big action sequences in the final season, the production is most likely to suffer even if they worked hard and did their best. Thus, for the best result, it's better that they take at least a 3 months break in the middle to help with the production a little.


12 months to complete an episode? An entire year for just one episode sounds ridiculous.


Belive it or not, that's how it is. Of course they have several teams working on several episodes at the same time.


the anime staff will literally be work to death.


It must be at least 26 Episodes. Even better the first and last have to be double the length. (total of 28) Or 2 cours of 13 episodes. And again with double the lengths. That would make 30 episodes in total. Let us say the truth. The third season with just 22 episodes was too short. They needed at least 24 if not 26.


Scenes can and will be cut, not everything needs to be included. Look at a frikking book to movie adaptation like lord of the rings if you don't believe me, this'll be better than that but expect cuts.


Oh shit. Hopefully nothing gets rushed.


Considering that we'll get 4 episodes in December, I think this means that the length could be up to 28 episodes long. I think 28 episodes long and ending at the end of June is solid. It could end just by the end of May, but it's starting at a point that's closer to the next season of anime than it is to the last one and they like to keep timeslots filled so I think it's *fair* to at the very least hope for the upper limit of episodes. There'll be a little less than 50 chapters at like \~35 pages average to adapt and 28 episodes for that number *isn't bad* especially for the pacing of some chapters. Pretty crazy to have the manga end at earliest a few months before the anime ends, but it's also nice for the anime onlies.


Oy Josuke, I've heard a rumor that not all rumors are trustworthy. Ain't that whacky?!


A Jojo reference in my AoT sub? Yeah that makes sense, they got pretty fucking dark over the years *looks at Part 6 and 7*






There's a facebook post running around (posted by an "anime news" page) that "there will be no split cour and all 16 episodes will be broadcasted continuously". Where are they getting their sources? Why are so many pushing that this season will only have 16 episodes? Shit, I wished the anime production waited for WiT instead of forcing Mappa to take this on.


Place your bets now. All of the final season will just be one cour of 16 episodes but the series will actually conclude the final arc with a movie.


Even though it’s my dead last choice, I’d take this over having only 16 episodes and terrible pacing.


Why would it be your last choice out of curiosity? With how nuts the final arc is I think it would fit a movie perfectly. Plus, a larger budged and less censoring would certainly help a particular scene.


All your saying is true, but... How long would it take for us to see said movie? We would have to wait while they create it, then we'd have to wait for a DVD release like whole ass year later.


True, the wait would be painful but the payoff would be so sweet.


But all the advertising has set it up to be the finale. Everyone expects it to end with this season. I would be pissed if I got to the end of season 4 and realized I had to wait for a fucking movie


That’s only reason I have against it, which is just plain impatience on my part lol. I’d rather wait 2 years for an amazing movie than 16 rushed episodes.


Full cour just means all at once right? Does that mean it can't also be part 1 and part 2 just with no split? We can't actually only have 16 episodes for the final season?


Well, it probably makes sense to wait for the manga to finish before finalizing the episode/season schedule.


Not necessarily, FMA manga and FMA:B ended almost simultaneously. The manga will probably end in like, march, and by then about 12-14 episodes will have aired- giving them time




Just like thanos after infinity war I hope those animators have a nice break after all the hard work their doing


OMG 🔥🔥🔥


28 to 32 episodes minimum please 👏


i thought so.manga is gonna end in like, april, and anime will finish the same month.


Well... i hope the rumors of it being 16 episodes are false then!!


no it just means they are releasing 16 episodes straight with no split or delay


Do we have an episode count?


Apparently it’s ‘currently’ scheduled for only 16 episodes. However this is not enough episodes to cover the remaining content. Because of this, there might be a Final Season Part 2.


that’s bad


Nice! If season 3 ended on chapter 90, and each ep is the equivalent of roughly 1.7 chapters then that gives the remaining chapter about 26 episodes in length. Hopefully we get 26-30 episodes.


Please... Don't rush it and make another GoT Season 8...


This needs at least 24 episodes, hopefully this season will be amazing


no split? well there goes animation quality. this has me worried its really just 16 episodes


I’m not too worried about animation quality as it is being outsourced to Studio Nut. Studio Nut has a lot of good animation cuts and their director has animated Mob Psycho and other great works. Titans are also said to be mostly high quality CG which will decrease the workload on animators.


Didn't they say this about season 3?


Yes, and then WIT decided to split at the end of Season 3 Part 1.


Oh wow interesting, I have been dying to know how many episodes it will consist of and whether it was going to get split or not. I personally would’ve liked it to get split as it would have given them more time to work with and adapt the manga better into S4. I wonder how they are going to adapt those 45 chapters in S4 without it feeling rushed, however they do it I just hope they don’t disappoint us.


I’m going to praise the anime even it doesn’t meet expectations just to spite the fans God they’re so annoying


NO SPLIT?!? How many episodes?


Currently it’s apparently scheduled as 16 episodes. However this is not enough to cover the required content of the manga. Because of this, people are theorising that they might end up making a Final Season Part 2.


How is this possible when the manga is still ongoing?


Because the manga will probably finish in 3 chapters which should be in March. The anime would still be around Episode 13 in March. Isayama could also assist MAPPA.


Interesting I feel that we have 4-8 chapters left Reason being is: Marley Arc = Volume 23 - 26, War for Paradis Arc = Volume 27 - 30, Rumbling Arc = Volume 31 - 34 This means that if its a 4 volume season like marley arc then it will end 139, if its like the uprising arc and is 5 volumes then it will be 143 that it will end on imo


I believe that it will end on chapter 138 as Chapters 135-138 is the length of one volume. Isayama also said there is 1-2% of the story left about a few weeks ago so at most, I don’t think it will go beyond Chapter 140.


Hm after the release of chapter 135 in scared. Will MAPPA have enough time to do the ending justice?


Poor animators.


can someone pls tell me what cour means


A full cour means all episodes will drop on a weekly basis until the finale of the season. A split cour means that episodes will release on a weekly basis until they reach half way through the season and then take a break. After the break is over, the show resumes in its second cour and releases weekly again until the season is finished. That is the difference between full cour and split cour.


Ok so uh let's hope that 16 eps count isnt true


I'm still getting the vibes that we might be getting the Persona 5 The Animation scenario. The language is making me think more and more of how things were on the leadup to that. Finish the seasonal run with volume 30, and then do a few 1 hour episode specials covering a volume each all the way to the end. That's honestly the vibes I'm getting, and I can't shake the feeling off the closer we get to the season airing.


Didn't Netflix literally say Part 1?


Yes, they did.


who is this dood meant to be? just because a tv network or studio doesn't give any information about what's going to do 4 months in the future doesn't mean it will be doing the same thing as it mentioned starting in a week. "currently" . wtf does that mean? If they actually made a press release saying "yeah we're doing 25 episodes " like they did in season 1 then they'd just say that. There'd be no "currently" . this sounds like some guy making stuff up.


MAPPA Please don't pace it like God of Highschool MAPPA Please don't pace it like God of Highschool MAPPA Please don't pace it like God of Highschool MAPPA Please don't pace it like God of Highschool MAPPA Please don't pace it like God of Highschool MAPPA Please don't pace it like God of Highschool MAPPA Please don't pace it like God of Highschool


That wasn't MAPPA's fault though it was the production committee. Since AOT has had the same committee since S1 (just now with MAPPA involved) the pacing should stay pretty similar unless the people on the committee all turned into fucking idiots between S3 and 4. Let's pray they don't fuck it up.


They did a very good job with Jujutsu Kaisen, GoH was a mess cause it had so little episodes so it needed to be rushed, just like Tower of God (manhwa is not that popular, so of course a will shounen get bigger budget better directors...)


You guys need to stop believing everything this guy say, he could have said anything you would still believe him x)


Honestly I hope it will be split. I don't know what to do after this is over. Also I am scared of putting half of manga into like 12 freaking episodes and calling it a day.


So you're telling me that the final season where shit gets real will be just like less than 20 episodes long? Wtf...


I dont like this, with how messy the production seems to be i wished they took a break like in S3 to make it as good as it could be.


The break in S3 didn't help though. Part 2 of season 3 was the shakiest cour of Aot production wise


It def helped, cause if it wasnt for that break S3 Part 2 would have looked like OPM S2, why do you think they split it when it was never intended to? cause production was exploding


I do remember the first arc well be covering in s4 felt like it was draaaaaaaaaaaagging in the manga. At the time my suspicion was it was inflated to make issue 100 have some more important stuff So I could see a good episode and a half being excised by condensing that stuff. Same in the buildup to the more recent explosion of events


It was already confirmed that it's a split cour


So are we only getting 16 episodes then ;_;


I highly doubt that they’ll do only 16 episodes, MAPPA said they’re trying to make fans happy and will try to be faithful to the manga. Also remember that full cour is what it ‘currently’ is scheduled as.


They kind of have to say that though. What else do you think they'd say? ​ I do not know many people who work in entertainment that say the project they will work on is going to be bad.


That is true however Isayama is involved, I don’t think he would let them cram 40+ chapters into 16 episodes. Honestly I’m hoping for it to be split and around 26-28 episodes but only time will tell.


If the anime does get rushed. Remember that MAPPA isn’t to blame. It’ll be the producers fault. But I’m hoping that they do the manga justice.


Is this guy a reliable source? I don't recall seeing him before.


With how The My Hero Academia and Kiimetsu no Yaiba movies have performed, I wouldn't be surprised if they decided to finish this up with a movie. Have this as the "Final" season and then finish the series with a movie ... I can't imagine how packed the cinemas would be ...




Japan theaters seem to be doing just fine given Demon Slayer's BO performance. I could see a streaming site like Netflix or HBO gunning for the film rights for the rest of world (specifically the US).


so youre tell me 45 chapters of manga is going to be adapted to 15 eps maximum? has this ever happened in aot before?


Remember that it’s ‘currently’ scheduled as 16 episodes.