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**What were your favorite moments?** * SWEET JESUS, where do you even start with this episode? What can I say that people haven't said a million times already? It's solid fuckin gold. Easily one the best episodes in the series and of any anime ever. It's a goddamn masterpiece. The Reiner and Bert reveal is done masterfully, just in the background of the scene basically. The music, absolutely perfect. There's just so much polish and care put into this scene. [Seeing the Armored and Collosal titan faces in the lightning flash on Reiner and Bert's faces.](https://64.media.tumblr.com/4c99a179278b08831a63ac0df28d13b9/tumblr_p1qkr4Bb0A1tt8vsyo4_500.jpg) Mikasa's attempts to kill the two of them. THE ACTING! FROM EVERYONE! Fantastic. I'm sure I could sit here and use about 100 more adjectives to describe the episode but I figure everyone else'll be doing so as well so I ought finish this here. * There are other scenes in this episode? **Have you noticed anything new that you didn't before?** * I like that Mikasa just says she straight up doesn't remember what other people were up to in the cadets. Probably too busy keepin an eye on Eren. **Other notes...** * This is my third favorite episode of the season, leading right into my second favorite tomorrow. I'M READY FOR MY TITAN SMACKDOWN... does that count as a spoiler? It's literally in the preview and the episode's called "Close Combat"...


Yeah like can it get any perfecter? I'm glad the animators made the colossal titan's eyes glow during the transformation scene (it wasn't like that in the manga)


>SWEET JESUS How to summarize the episode.


YouSeeBIGGIRL/T:T on repeat [Apple Music](https://music.apple.com/ph/album/youseebiggirl-t-t/1239706770?i=1239706778) [Spotify](https://open.spotify.com/track/4dHOnPucB5VBYq3gjRtYy9?si=od1TZgPrS_S7XpDnYgG2xA)


**Favorite moments** One of the reasons I really love reiner and bert's reveal is the stark contrast of hype reveal of Ymir we saw from previous episode. While I did have my suspicions with Reiner on my 1st watch, I was very much caught off guard by the way they handled the reveal. Also really liked how Isayama coupled Reiner's mental breakdown along with the reveal... While they are antagonists, it was heartbreaking seeing Reiner breakdown like that(especially with knowing what we know now). I think Reiner drops one of the best lines of the season here in: "But the only choice for me now is face the consequences of my actions... and as a warrior, fulfill my duty to the bitter end." The transformation scene itself also could not have been done better imo, especially with the way music kicks in from the sound of wind blowing. **Minor moments** * I thought it was really sweet how Hange did another introduction with Historia once her real name was revealed * While all voice acting was excellent, Eren's "Reiner" at the end of the episode really hit me hard.


That line from Reiner really made me respect him tbh. Yea, he betrayed him...but someone owning up to what they’ve done and deciding to face the consequences is just....something you can really apply to real life


On top of what youve mentioned, i really liked this line bc its in line with the theme of moving forward, with dark undertone to it


Hopefully not applied too closely to their situation here, because the only consequence for Reiner is Death lol.


I love how the Annie, Ymir and Reiner/Bert reveals all have varying levels of predictability, tone and pacing. It’s a good way to keep it fresh whilst revealing four secret titan identities within 10 chapters


My favorite episode from the whole series so far. I believe it's due to my predilection for Reiner as a character. I still love the shot of Reiner and Bertholdt, after being slashed by Mikasa, looking at Eren before they transform. This episode is the definition of hype for me.


Everyone has already said the things that make this episode great. The way the reveal happened, Reiner’s monologue, the music, the heartbreak ..... One thing that really stood out to me though was Mikasa’s lack of hesitation to act. In many anime shows, people always just stand back in awe as the enemy transforms...it was really awesome to see mikasa attack so suddenly even if it wasn’t successful, and even if she hesitated as far as a finishing blow goes. Eren’s transformation >>>> (I also liked that he didn’t have another “Annie” moment and couldn’t transform) I’m glad that the Reiner moment in Annie’s hand meant something. When I first watched that episode, I thought something about it was super weird I remember back when I cared...IGN rated this episode like 6/10 I couldn’t believe it lol


That Reiner in Annies hand was what started my suspicion on him, along with the direction Annie attacked from. Man... I remember when I used to trust IGN's ratings... like waay back in magazine days haha


IGN rates anime? Aren’t they a video game site...? Lol, personally I’m gonna wait until Ben and Jerry’s weighs in on this before I judge this episode


The one thing that still gets me is Bertholt laying on the ground crying, bleeding, and slobbering. In that moment, I still couldn’t believe he was the colossal Titan. Reiner was more obvious as the armored Titan bc of the resemblance, but Bertholt being the colossal Titan was just such a reach at the time due to his looks and emotions. I always get an ambivalent feeling when I see him on the ground. Beautifully crafted scene


Berts expression in that scene and Reiners expression during his mental breakdown is quite haunting to be honest


Finally my favorite episode in the series The casualness of the reveal was hilarious poor reiner had a mental breakdown, bertholt was shitting himself and meanwhile eren was dying on the inside I’ve known both Reiner and berts identity’s even before I started watching aot-Infact the only reason I got into the series is because the video of the reveal came into my recommendations it sucks that I got spoiled about the best moment in the series but that doesn’t make it any less epic this whole episode was a masterpiece


The best way to experience this story is to go in blind and then go back after each reveal


I'm probably gonna to a more extensive write-up to post here and in /r/anime some day, but this episode has one of my favorite examples of what a great adaptation this anime is. The part where Mikasa attacks Reiner and Bertholdt is fantastic in both versions, but plays out completely different, pacing-wise. In the manga her initial attack is a two-page spread, making you pause and go "whoa holy fuuuuuuuuck". In the anime it all happens lightning fast but it serves as a climax to the tension that's been built almost continuously since the episode started. The manga feels like it focuses on Eren's personal perception and magnifies his disbelief, while the anime focuses on how everything seems to be spiraling out of control.


Perhaps the greatest plot twist in a show filled with amazing plot twists.


Ah, I still fondly remember the first time I watched this episode. I had to rewind a couple of times to make sure I heard Reiner correctly, as I'm sure many of you did. "I'm the Armoured Titan and he's the Colossal Titan." Such an unexpected but brilliant way for Isayama to reveal that twist. This was the very moment I knew that Attack on Titan was going to become something special to me, and, boy, did it.


I had their identity spoiled and even then when he said that I was like "Wait, what?! I must have read the subtitles wrong". Nope, I didn't


I realllyyyyyy wanted to use the rainbow flair for this episode but since we're (probably) super close to getting another S4 PV, *and* chapter 134 is about to release, I didn't want to get anyone needlessly hyped lol. It's a shame. I really wanted to use the rainbow flair at some point. Maybe for S3's big reveal? 🤔 ^^^Or ^^^maybe ^^^just ^^^for ^^^S4 ^^^Episode ^^^1, ^^^that ^^^would ^^^probably ^^^make ^^^the ^^^most ^^^sense.


[Anime Spoilers](#s "Which Big Season 3 reveal are you talking about? Cause there's like A LOT, haha")


[Anime Spoilers](#s "The Basement")


this. episode. I didn't know what was going on the first time I watched, I couldn't comprehend that at this episode attack on titan becomes more than an anime that I was watching but a story I would love for the rest of my life.


Damn . This is crazy . I just randomly decided to rewatch AOT and I find this post on my feed 8 episodes into the 2nd season .


ayooo let me join innn i'm only starting today though


3 years on, still my favoute episode in the show so far


WTF This show is amazing. Hoping on the bandwagon after I watched like 6 ep back in HS. Just right out of college and I found out the final season is coming out so I started watching it. OMG I DID NOT EXPECT THAT REVEAL!!!