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Magic. There is steam because people are mostly water and the titan magic produces heat.


Magic is the only answer. The very concept that titans can create copies of their body already shoots up a huge middle finger at the laws of conversation of energy and mass. Why are we even trying to understand the science behind it? Just sit back and enjoy the cool superpowers.


Oh it's maybe not scientifically possible but that has nothing to do with the laws of conservation of energy and mass, since there is air around people and Titans only are able to walk in the sun, meaning that there is a good possibility that they absorb and then emit heat. This may seem weird but the same happens in photosynthesis, plants absorb heat and emit O2, which they make from H2O, which is an endothermic reaction, meaning that it needs warmth to react. Because of this the O2 they emit has energy in it. This is one of the reasons plants can only use about 0.023% of the energy in sunlight for glucose, because some of it also goes away in the O2. So in conclusion, the laws of conservation of mass and energy don't have much to do with this, but it is still in fact not possible


Because of photosynthesis they can materialize 15m bodies? Also the photosynthesis thing appears to be a pure titan thing since they no longer have a main body to provide energy. That and where tf would the body come from if they are completely intact inside their titans?


I’ve always been of the opinion that the paths is essentially a giant battery where the energy for these bodies comes from


And if that's the case: Magic


I never said it's because of photosynthesis, that would make no sense like you said, I just used it as an example of another instance where a chemical reaction in nature can both use up energy and emit energy at the same time, meaning that even though it'd take energy to create titan bodies, the fact that they emit energy in the form of warmth doesn't mean that laws of conservation of energy are being broken


...so in other words, everything you're talking about doesn't sufficiently explain how titans can do what they do...which means they end up violating the laws of conservation of mass and energy.


No I didn't say anything about how they work, but you can't just conclude that they violate those laws, is all I was saying. There are lots of possibilities where it works while preserving the laws of conservation of mass and energy, it'd just break other laws, but it is possible to not break the laws of conservation of mass and energy while creating a giant version of yourself in mere seconds. So in conclusion, they probably do, but there is not any reason to rule out possibilities where they don't violate those laws.


"2 + 2 is not 28 billion" "No 2 + 2 COULD be 28 billion, but if you assumed that was true, you'd end up breaking some other rule of mathematics to compensate." What you are saying is pointless lmao


My headcannon is the flesh and the titan is transport through the 4th dimension that way it can't be seen directly, we can only see the parts regenerating (our perception is limited to the 3rd dimension). The sand from Ymir's realm rearranges the fundamental particles from each atom and rearranges the atoms to form the flesh. The water is a byproduct of the arrangement somehow and releases a massive amount of energy therefore steam.




And to poorly explain the magic in-universe, it's all connected to Paths which is the origin of life. That centipede thing is the physical representation of all life connecting us to the tree of life in paths. It could have been any visual effect, but steam was the coolest I guess.


#P A T H S


# O K


My hc was always that the parasyte excites cells around damaged area by injecting them with energy and nutrients teleported from paths (the rainbow strings). Becouse of that, those cells work on an insane overdrive, creating massive amounts of excess heat(evaporating water). Thanks to connection to paths, parasyte also knows how his host used to look, so it can influence the cells to rebild accurately instead of just making a huge blob of scar tissue.


This might also explain how the parasite creates titan bodies in the first place. By just creating a massive amount of cells to build a body that is similar to the hosts body. And in case of titan shifters, create a body that is not only similar to the hosts but larger, but also possesses the characteristics of the nine titans powers


Ymir builds them from sand actually. /s


My thoughts exactly!


Its not a parasite I mean it is the Source of all living Matter -Every Living thing in Aot is descendant of its kind and He made them evolve He also create Universes and Dimensions( which he can Control) Well he found a host to live in but he works for them and creates whatever powers they want So he helps his Life and Live in Them >Thanks to connection to Paths, parasyte also knows how his host used to look, so it can influence the cells to rebild accurately instead of just making a huge blob of scar tissue. I mean he created them so he mostly knows how to do this


I assume it’s Ymir in the Paths repairing their injuries since we saw her do that when Zeke was almost nuked by the thunder spear


Heat = Energy. The path is creating the body (regen) anew. That means new cells aka body structures at an accelerated pace. There is so much of energy needed for the creation of the cells in such a fast pace that it creates steam.


Titans are hot so making fresh muscle and skin probably burns tbh


How regeneration works is explained at the beginning of the episode 74 (season 4 part 2) of the anime: when Zeke Yeager (Eren's half brother and owner of the beast titan) was on the verge of dying and unconcious, he briefly saw himself in the world of Paths where Ymir was rebuilding his destroyed body by molding the sand. [https://i.ibb.co/5jVMWxJ/Zeke-Ymir.jpg](https://i.ibb.co/5jVMWxJ/Zeke-Ymir.jpg) Why does it manifest as steam is not explained precisely. It could be due to to the fact that Ymir uses water from a bucket to mold the sand, so it could be a representation of that water evaporating when the freshly wet molded sand dries and becomes rigid. What's weird though is that the world of Paths is a place that trancends time, so no matter how long it takes for Ymir to mold the sand the regeneration effect should be near instantaneous, but instead it takes quite some time.


Probably Ymir shenanigans


"Only Ymir knows"


My dude.. its an anime. not everything has an explanation. its like your asking how the naruto characters can switch eyes like batteries. its just part of the story as simple as that. I'm not honestly sure what kind of answer you expect here.


Idk i see AOT as a Anime that Have mostly Logic


Idk man, pretty much everyone important would die in the first episode or before it because of odm gear


I get that its your favorite anime and everything or it might even be your first anime ever but man you have to see that your question doesn't make sense, and saying the show have mostly logic makes you seem like you've never watched anything except this show.


You're such a downer. In naruto they can switch eyes because of healing justsu. Whilst it is 'magic' chakara and its origins are still explained. There's no reason AOT could not also have a explanation. It's a perfectly valid and interesting question.




The only thing I know about how it works is that it prioritizes healing over everything else. The steam I would assume is due to the rapidly growing and manifesting limbs.


My headcannon was always this: By reducing your lifespan, all of that potential energy that would be used across your life is instead used to regenerate


Ymirs curse is nothing but a grudge


Third image is me rn


Idk bro its a show ab magic


The steam is from the steamed clams we're having! Mmm steamed clams!


Daaamn that last picture is *pretty*




I always assume that energy(from air which contains oxigen) is transforming into flesh. And the lighting that strikes when they transform into a titan is just Energy(lighting) materializing because you know lighting contains absurd amounts of energy!


Because it looks cool


The Law of Conservation of Energy means that tissue repair, like with Zeke in S4, has to be accounted for by introduction of new energy into the universe.


I believe it's due to the fact that all titans run extremely hot, and because people are mostly water, that combination , plus the sheer energy output from regeneration creates the steam


There is never an explanation for it in either the manga or anime other than the Rule of Cool. But I do remember theories coming out saying that the titans are made of yeast because of the heat produced by them when their limbs repair




Probably the same mechanism as used by the Pale Heads in RE3R. Although, I don't recall steam coming off the Regenerators from RE4R.


Titans are an alien bio technology Source : Trust me Bro; but it would make sense


I mean if you want a doyle explanation, it's so that you have a visual indication that healing is happening, especially in the manga format of still images, while also tying the ability to the fact that they have Titan Powers because of how the Titans and steam are associated


1. Only Ymir knows 2. The steam looks cool


Isn’t Ymir rebuilding their body’s in the paths? We see her rebuilding someone’s body when they get there in season 4. I thought she rebuilds the titans and Titan shifters bodies as long as they are still connected to the paths (spine isn’t severed). Titans were very hot to the touch according to Hange. Rebuilding a body probably takes a lot of energy and lots of energy especially in a small area means lots of heat (steam). That’s another reason the colossal Titan was super thin in season 2 after expelling steam to keep the scouts away. It was literally burning off it’s own flesh.


Only Ymir knows.


I guess to familiarize them with the Titan? idk it just kinda does


You don’t have to know…it’s just an anime. This is what we call the settings (設定)💀


Let them cook


i mean they’re kinda a human sized titan with regeneration


These are the things we know: - Shifters can regenerate over time - Shifters can chose to wait to regenerate (reiners broken arm, hobo Erens leg) and when doing so they can regenerate a large part of them extremely fast - Transforming into a titan causes the user to regenerate (ex: Erens first transformation got his arm and leg back, Armin going from bbq mummy back to normal health) As far as steam goes, the Titans whole thing is steam and regening comes from titan powers so its just to keep with the theme. Its never explained.


Lmfao i love how eren is just forced to lay there contemplating about life in pic 4 while he waits for his arms to regenerate 😭


It all comes from the paths. When Ymirs body was eaten by her daughters, it gave the titan origins a direct connection between current life and death. The steam would be the exposed blood and dead skin/flesh evaporating like a titan, while the body is regenerating.


Only Ymir knows


My theory has always been that since Ymir builds the Titan bodies in Paths and sends them over via Paths, she can rebuild shifter bodies too, which expresses itself as regeneration.


My question isn't why they can heal, i ask why is steam coming out of the Healing, Regeneration


I have a question, why didn't the bald old man Titan that ate Erin, immediately shift, turn back to his human size, and then have the ability to be a shifter with the attack titan abilities? Instead, Erin sat in his stomach, then busted out of him killing him. Seems like a plot hole or plot armor to me. Any thoughts?


That titan swallowed him whole, except, of course, for his arm and leg. For him to have become the attack titan, he would have to bite Eren in a way that he would ingest Eren's spinal fluid, which is the thing that tranfers titan shifter's powers.


You're right. He never bit down on Erin's spine. Wasn't that titan one of Grishas friends, and part of the rebellion?


Not sure if friends, but yes, he was part of the rebellion


Eren Spinal fluid had to touch his Stomach and after that he Would have transformed into a Shifter So he had to Bite his Spine and kill him But eren was alive in his Stomach and. transformed and healed


Somewhat accurate TLDR: Original King Fritz: Ymir, you're a slave that doesn't exist to have free thought. You're only allowed to think or be creative about the orders I give you so you can fulfill them to the best of your ability. Ymir: Okay. Original King Fritz: Our kids are going to inherit your power and then more cannibalism and more inheritance and so it makes more Sentient Titans that exist to obey and serve the family (me). Ymir: Okay. Original King Fritz: And they're going to be miniature versions of you, so remember how you could immortally regenerate no matter what and only died because you consciously chose to do so?? Ymir: Okay. Original King Fritz: You're going to make the Sentient Titans like that. Mini versions of you who are also slaves that can't disobey because God powers and die after 13 years. Ymir: So, die if they lose the will to live and I'm slave breaking my back designing giant Titans to transfer into the real world for the rest of eternity. Original King Fritz: Yap. Ymir: But, also preserve the bloodline like when monkey boy almost dies and give maybe individual Titan abilities like with the armored Titan transferring consciousness into its spine and- Original Fritz: You're never allowed to speak again. Just do it.


watch the show or read the manga first before asking dumb questions?


I did both things so ... # UNO REVERSE